
What do you think about beastiality

  • It's wrong and immoral.

    Votes: 120 75.9%
  • Fine by me.

    Votes: 38 24.1%

  • Total voters
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Sulkdodds said:
Have you never experienced a small child just "wandering off"?
They have a reason to. Toddlers don't have an instinct to "escape" or "get away" like animals do. The toddlers you would see wandering off are following something or looking for something they desire. It's very simple.
This might sound amateur, but we did a lot on toddler behavior in my psychology class in highschool.
If you're asking me, I don't really think animals have the ability to give 'consent'. If a dog sees that he's running straight at a wall of moving razors, he's probably going to not want to run headlong into it, but I dont think a puppy realises that its never going to see its mom again when a little girl buys him.
Ikerous said:
So would you agree or disagree that in almost all facets of society we don't give animals the right of consent?
Your pretty much right there.
We could also say the same of children, we train them into what we want them to be. Abuse vicitims often abuse their own children ect. Children arn't given consent becuase we know best. But thats a tangent.
I don't know, frankly. Let me think about it, lol.

However, it may well be that it is perfectly okay not to rely on consent - because, like children or crazy people, we judge them incapable of deciding for themselves. In this case there would be no moral hypocrisy in deciding that we can't rape them? Bah, I dunno. I'm worn out, I had my history exam.

what I was going to write said:
I guess I am arguing:
- Meat is a moot point. We need it to survive? It's natural? Does 'natural' make right? Maybe?
- In all other cases we afford animals the right of consent at the level at which they are capable of giving consent.

But let's say I agree we don't give most animals the right of consent.
Thus, we can effectively let people rape animals - if it would not cause substantial discomfort.
However, the only animal whose defence rests only on consent so far is the cow.
However, cows are one of the animals that consent to everything we do (bar killing them). They consent to running around in fields eating, shitting and sleeping, and by being fed by us they consent to earning their keep by being milked. So you can't rape them! Ha!

Maybe I am speaking bullshit?
btw, solaris, I just read "The Assassin". Not bad at all. Very descriptive and all that. Hats off.
Or perhaps they can earn their keep by being screwed? Considering they'd feel about the same towards both
I think that this might actually be another valid point...

And it'd be wrong to screw a baby because it'd cause awful amounts of pain and it'd grow up to have emotional pain. Also the parents say what does or doesn't happen to the kid, and no sane parent would allow that. Not to mention people in general are just treated differently than animals. Which i guess is where my owning them and eating them argument came in a while back XD Yay for cicles

But honestly, all arguments aside, can you really disagree with what I've been saying? Doesn't it just seem to make sense?

You know what, i have no problem with homosexuality. At least it is between consenting people, which i got nothing against.

However a line has got to be drawn somewhere for the sake of being able to function as a society. There are certain types of behavior that should very much remain taboo or illegal. Do you really want humanity to decend into an ever deepening spiral of decay and decadence?
No matter what It'll remain disgusting and therefore a taboo
If you strongly believed it was okay to **** cows, would you go out and do it?
And I think as long as everything is society is based on a do no harm policy.. I don't really mind
Flyingdebris said:

You know what, i have no problem with homosexuality. At least it is between consenting people, which i got nothing against.

However a line has got to be drawn somewhere for the sake of being able to function as a society. There are certain types of behavior that should very much remain taboo or illegal. Do you really want humanity to decend into an ever deepening spiral of decay and decadence?
Why would beastiality lead to the downfall of civilisation exactly?
In my mind, it wouldnt technically be civilizations downfall, but the quality of the civilizations downfall. To tell you the truth, I definitely do not want my kids to grow up in a world where it is accepted to have sex with animals. Im kinda sad that there is a need to even debate it.
Same thing was said about gays and interracial marriages :/
Its not the boning animals itself is the downfall, its the fact that people end up considering it perfectly normal. And if boning animals is okay, well damn walking around as an adult baby shitting myself must be okay too. And well if thats okay why don't i just walk around waving around my vertically bisected penis etc etc

This sort of stuff happens now, but at least we sweep it under the rug. I fear for the time that society becomes so used to this that every day life looks like some SM freakshow nightmare
I don't think we'd ever be able to consider banging animals normal...
Although that fails to address the actual question of if its right or not
At the risk of sounding like the damnable Nat Turner, there is no real right or wrong, only what we percieve to be right or wrong. And what we allow to be considered the norm and acceptable within our own organizations.
Somehow i can't help but think that rape and murder are real wrongs... in any organized group of people
But by that are you saying theres no logical reason to be opposed to cow screwing?
Cuz that's really all I'm trying to show
I've been humping cows ever since I could reach, and I haven't had a complaint yet.
Everyone has been humping cows and other mammals. No fish? No seriously, that kind of relationship is bound to fail. Think of the children.
Ikerous said:
And logic has nothing to do with it?

Would you agree "right and wrong" is justifyed within a person by using logic?
I think the expression here goes like: Only in America..

But then again they have a Pedophile political party in the Netherlands so it's not surprise.
What kind of a question is this anyhow? It's been wrong since the beginning of civilization.
Qonfused said:
Would you agree "right and wrong" is justifyed within a person by using logic?
No, i think right and wrong are justified by logic
Gut instincts are often just societal norms
I think to find out the truth you have to use logic
CookieCuttah said:
What kind of a question is this anyhow? It's been wrong since the beginning of civilization.
It's a fairly decent question, in my opinion
Can you tell me any logical reason to be against it?

And homosexuality has been wrong for most of civilization, but that doesn't mean it is
Ikerous said:
I think to find out the truth you have to use logic

Taken from

The study of the principles of reasoning, especially of the structure of propositions as distinguished from their content and of method and validity in deductive reasoning.


To use the faculty of reason; think logically.

A declaration made to explain or justify action, decision, or conviction.

A system of ideas of right and wrong conduct.

So, logic, right and wrong and morality is all from the person's ideas and opinions on whatever subject is at hand. One person may think one way but that doesn't make it right in the eyes of another who would have a different opinion based on his or her own morality.
Qonfused said:
So, logic, right and wrong and morality is all from the person's ideas and opinions on whatever subject is at hand.
Hence the need for conversation
If we talk about the subject and we all put in our opinions and see what holds up and what doesn't, we can come much closer to finding out whats really true and what isn't
Ikerous said:
Hence the need for conversation
If we talk about the subject and we all put in our opinions and see what holds up and what doesn't, we can come much closer to finding out whats really true and what isn't

A belief or conclusion held with confidence but not substantiated by positive knowledge or proof.

To find out what is "true" then we need to turn to morality and reasoning within ourselves. There is no set answer. It would all be your own exclusive opinion.
That definition of opinion refers to things like "Fat chicks are hawt" Thats just your opinion...

And there is no set answer. But there is a logical answer. And a lot of the time logical conclusions can't be self justified. It's only when you get the logical opinions of many other people who might see something about the issue that you don't and see what floats that you can get the best possible answer. Sure it's not definative, but it's bound to be better than just going off of what you thought of on your own.

If what you're saying is true then there no need to debate anything at all and whatever anyone believes to be true is true
Ikerous said:
It's only when you get the logical opinions of many other people who might see something about the issue that you don't and see what floats that you can get the best possible answer.

This has already been established as law and in your own poll.
Qonfused said:
This has already been established as law and your own poll.
But when you read the actually debate... the most logical conclusion seems to be that theres nothing wrong with it

Get it? I'm not looking for any answer thats internal. I just want a logical reason to be against it. If you think theres some other merit for determining something is wrong or not, don't argue it here. That's not the point of this thread. I only created this thread to find logical reasons to be opposed to screwing cows. And it seems that you don't have any. So why are you argueing?
Yes, I understand but logic is all inside one's self. It's not a widespread theory. A group of people may have the same opinion by using the same logic, sure, but logic is all madeup within someone due to previous experience or general knowledge. So our viewpoints will differ. Whether or not you see my logic or not is up to you.
Qonfused said:
Taken from

The study of the principles of reasoning, especially of the structure of propositions as distinguished from their content and of method and validity in deductive reasoning.

To use the faculty of reason; think logically.

A declaration made to explain or justify action, decision, or conviction.

A system of ideas of right and wrong conduct.

So, logic, right and wrong and morality is all from the person's ideas and opinions on whatever subject is at hand.
I can see how you link logic and reason there, but where did you get morality from? How does that connect with the other definitions? Where is morality mentioned in those other definitions?

Logic and reasoning do not differ from person to person. If it does, someone has false logic.
sometimes when a male dog is excited he will pump on people's legs. is it then ok to have sex with such dog?
secret friend said:
sometimes when a male dog is excited he will pump on people's legs. is it then ok to have sex with such dog?
I have no problem with you screwing your dog as long as it isn't painful for the dog.
Ikerous, if every human being on the planet screwed ONLY animals then the human race would cease to exist. That's why we shouldn't have sex with animals.
secret friend said:
Ikerous, if every human being on the planet screwed ONLY animals then the human race would cease to exist. That's why we shouldn't have sex with animals.
If every human being on earth was a doctor, no one would be farmers and the human race would cease to exist.
That why we shouldn't be doctors.
Ikerous said:
If every human being on earth was a doctor, no one would be farmers and the human race would cease to exist.
That why we shouldn't be doctors.

not everyone on earth has the mental capacity to become a doctor.

And who said you can't be a farmer and a doctor?
secret friend said:
not everyone on earth has the mental capacity to become a doctor.

And who said you can't be a farmer and a doctor?
Who said you can't **** cows and people?

My point? That logic obviously sucks.

If every human being only masturbated, then the human race would cease to exist.
Thats why you shouldn't masturbate.

If every human being was gay, then the human race would cease to exist.
Thats why its wrong to be gay.

Etc etc
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