
What do you think about beastiality

  • It's wrong and immoral.

    Votes: 120 75.9%
  • Fine by me.

    Votes: 38 24.1%

  • Total voters
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secret friend said:
Here's another story: there was this guy who worked at a farm. He'd **** the cows all the time. When he told his friends about it, they humiliated him so much and he felt so guilty about it that he grabbed a knife and cut his own dick off. Some people ridiculed him for doing this, and questioned his sanity, but many more praised him for his courage.
What the f*ck are you talking about, seriously? :|
Sulkdodds said:
The question is whether we can live the lives we do while condemning bestiliaty so strongly.
I think thats a pretty fair conclusion
DreadLord1337 said:
How does a beatiality thread reach 9 pages?

<3 Iky
^-^ <3
secret friend said:
let's see, how many animals are rapable?

1. dogs
2. horses
3. chickens
4. sheeps
5. goats
6. monkeys
7. dolphins

what else?
That's not really relevant to the conversation.

secret friend said:
Here's another story: there was this guy who worked at a farm. He'd **** the cows all the time. When he told his friends about it, they humiliated him so much and he felt so guilty about it that he grabbed a knife and cut his own dick off. Some people ridiculed him for doing this, and questioned his sanity, but many more praised him for his courage.
Blatant work of fiction, nobody would praise anybody for cutting their own dick off.
I whould. To a pedo or rapist. Or maybe i whould just help him out. Sin city stile.
Mr-Fusion said:
That's not really relevant to the conversation.

Blatant work of fiction, nobody would praise anybody for cutting their own dick off.

Cept' KngHenry.

Infern0 said:
I think most of you have googled for zoophillic pornography before.

secret friend said:
let's see, how many animals are rapable?
7. dolphins

what else?

secret friend said:
some people cut the chickens' heads off and bang them in there.
Ikerous said:
Oh.. uh.. i guess thats okay then...

Ikerous said:
That definition of opinion refers to things like "Fat chicks are hawt" Thats just your opinion...
XD qonfused's fetish revealed

secret friend said:
sometimes when a male dog is excited he will pump on people's legs. is it then ok to have sex with such dog?
It's not okay to do animals, simply because the majority of society says it's not acceptable to do so. I mean, it's wrong to kill somebody who steals some candy from you.. but in other countries it's okay. We all have different views and values. But, in here in various places we have some values and views that we kinda have to accept and follow.

If societies did not have a basic set of 'right or wrong' guidelines, it'd be chaos. Societies rely heavily on order.. if not they'd be broken down. Beastiality is just one of those things western civilization is willing not to accept(by majority). Most of us don't want to see, hear or think about a dood ****ing his new horse or vice versa.
ailevation said:
It's not okay to do animals, simply because the majority of society says it's not acceptable to do so. I mean, it's wrong to kill somebody who steals some candy from you.. but in other countries it's okay. We all have different views and values. But, in here in various places we have some values and views that we kinda have to accept and follow.
Except I'm asking for a logical reason to be against it...
Popular opinion is by no means a logical reason to be against anything
ailevation said:
If societies did not have a basic set of 'right or wrong' guidelines, it'd be chaos. Societies rely heavily on order.. if not they'd be broken down. Beastiality is just one of those things western civilization is willing not to accept(by majority). Most of us don't want to see, hear or think about a dood ****ing his new horse or vice versa.
How does allowing bestiality remove all right and wrong? There still all the logic that dicatates those other things are wrong. And I dont wanna hear or think about some guy ****ing another guy in the ass. Doesn't make it wrong or bad for society
I think we can all agree those fat acne-filled little tubby men that collect stamps and are bald should have the right to shag animals, if only because they probably won't ever have the chance to shag a human.
What draws the line between popular opinion and logical reasoning?

Is it logical that 1+1 = 2 or is it just our popular opinion?

If you really want to get deep with it... there really is no right or wrong. This type of topic just leads to the infamous question of morality. "What's really right and what's really wrong?"

I am just saying, to keep society abroad... we need to have sets of what's right and what is wrong. In our society beastiality is just not accepted. Your topic is valid only because there's no substantial proof, proving the actual wrong in beastiality, only that one would say, "that it's so ****ing gross" making it wrong or something like that. I guess that's why we accept 1+1=2 because there's "substantial" proof, proving it right. But, if you give it more deep thought, what is "substantial proof"?

beastiality = bad. Immoral. Not acceptable. Taboo.

End game. Close.
ailevation said:
1+1=2 based on the definitions of the symbols.. how logical..

And if you're going to removes someones rights you can't just do it because you think it's gross. There has to be a reason behind it.

My point is, the person in my example wasn't diong anything wrong. Gross, but not wrong. If you can condem someone for that you can condem someone for being gay, into fat chicks or watching porn
I didn't state anything about removing anybody's rights.

What I meant was that in our society it's such a taboo because for some reason the majority of us agree that beastiality is just wrong, for whatever reason being.
Popular Opinion? Or Logical Reasoning by...<insert reason here>? It could be any... i'm just saying all this bs is just a state of mind.
Ikerous said:
1+1=2 based on the definitions of the symbols.. how logical..

And if you're going to removes someones rights you can't just do it because you think it's gross. There has to be a reason behind it.

My point is, the person in my example wasn't diong anything wrong. Gross, but not wrong. If you can condem someone for that you can condem someone for being gay, into fat chicks or watching porn

Actually, that was wrong.
ailevation said:
I didn't state anything about removing anybody's rights.

What I meant was that in our society it's such a taboo because for some reason the majority of us agree that beastiality is just wrong, for whatever reason being.
Popular Opinion? Or Logical Reasoning by...<insert reason here>? It could be any... i'm just saying all this bs is just a state of mind.
Okay.. but are you against it? If so, why are you against it? Only because everyone else is gainst it?
To be honest, I always thought it was nasty, could be by societies anti-beastiality conditioning. But as I think about the topic more at hand.. i'm starting to understand both sides equally.

But as of right now... I guess i've no say.
Gargantou said:
I think we can all agree those fat acne-filled little tubby men that collect stamps and are bald should have the right to shag animals, if only because they probably won't ever have the chance to shag a human.

Discriminate more.
Why do people have so much trouble separating the words "gross" and "wrong"?
99.vikram said:
Why do people have so much trouble separating the words "gross" and "wrong"?

I don't know who you're talking to, but I don't think its wrong because its gross... I think its wrong because it's not in the animals best interests.
Raziaar said:
I don't know who you're talking to, but I don't think its wrong because its gross... I think its wrong because it's not in the animals best interests.

Chill, I wasn't talking about you. :) I meant that "disgusting" is a product of social conditioning, while wrong is what your reasoning tells you. They are separate.

The case Ikerous brought up involves no harm to the animal
Even if it doesn't cause physical harm, why is that the reason it should be fine?
Raziaar said:
Even if it doesn't cause physical harm, why is that the reason it should be fine?

It's not fine, but it's not wrong either (by your argument).
99.vikram said:
It's not fine, but it's not wrong either (by your argument).

I think its wrong. I think of it as in the animals best interests. We can't stop animals from being killed for our food(but if we were still wild, that'd still be the case, just on a lesser scale), but we can at least keep them from being abused as our own personal toys at every turn. We have a responsibility and capability as a dominant intelligent species to protect the others from needless abuse. If we never took that stance... we wouldn't care about animals being poached or hunted for certain commodities, etc.
So your argument is based on physical/emotional harm to the animal?

Iv'e already said physical harm isn't an issue, no more than during artificial insemnation. And the animal doesn't realise what you gain from it, so emotional harm is not an issue either.

99.vikram said:
Iv'e already said physical harm isn't an issue
On cows, sure. But kittens? Cute, fluffy wittle kittens?

There's also consent. Like I said, it can't really be argued that bestiality is not immoral/wrong - the question is, do we have the right to condemn it universally when we consider the way we treat animals?

It should be also noted that the reaction 'ew, it's gross' is probably not just societal conditioning - it's likely some deep-rooted behavioural thing designed to stop us from boning animals, which isn't very productive from an evolutionary standpoint and, indeed, before comdoms would be pretty unhyginic thus undesirable behaviour for the species to exhibit.
ailevation said:
I guess that's why we accept 1+1=2 because there's "substantial" proof, proving it right. But, if you give it more deep thought, what is "substantial proof"?

I take one apple, i take another apple, I now have two apples.

Congratulations on making my brain shortcuircuit there, I sure had to think really hard about that tidbit of philosophy.

Beastiality: Cows don't feel pain, the pervert enjoys it, no harm's done: there's nothing wrong with beastiality.

It doesnt take 50 pages of quantum math to derive that its okay to **** a cow.
Its not beastiality in and of itself that'd be wrong, its disgusting and nasty yes. but people do that now. The real danger, the real wrong, would be the society that simply comes to terms with it and finds it ok.

There's got to be some standards somewhere people.
Flyingdebris said:
Its not beastiality in and of itself that'd be wrong, its disgusting and nasty yes. but people do that now. The real danger, the real wrong, would be the society that simply comes to terms with it and finds it ok.

There's got to be some standards somewhere people.
If theres nothing wrong with it, why shouldn't we accept it?
I don't think there is a logical argument against beastiality. But I think the reason we think it is wrong or gross has to do with more than social conditioning. It would makes sense for us to not want to have sex with animals, in nature it would have been a dangerous and unproductive trait. I think it is more likely that the urge some people get to have sex with animals is an unwanted product of social conditioning.
Ikerous said:
If theres nothing wrong with it, why shouldn't we accept it?

Because there is no rule that says we have to accept everything. Besides if we accept everything society crumbles under its own weight. What some of you fail to grasp is that yes, while we need freedoms, lots of freedoms, to enjoy life, at the same time we need to set limits too. Otherwise everything spirals out of control into a self destructive orgy of indulgence.
Flyingdebris said:
Because there is no rule that says we have to accept everything.

Who said anything about "everything?" We're talking about beastiality here, focus.

Besides if we accept everything society crumbles under its own weight. What some of you fail to grasp is that yes, while we need freedoms, lots of freedoms, to enjoy life, at the same time we need to set limits too. Otherwise everything spirals out of control into a self destructive orgy of indulgence.

For one that's a slippery slope argument. This sort of "reasoning" is fallacious because there is no reason to believe that one event must inevitably follow from another without an argument for such a claim.

For two, why does beastiality have to be one of those limits particularely?
Ikerous said:
If theres nothing wrong with it, why shouldn't we accept it?

Okay... humanity says its wrong... the majority. You base that off of cultural conditioning. So what is to stop you from thinking all the other things that we are culturally conditioned against is right? Our 'human rights'... that's cultural conditioning. Our views against human on human murder... that's cultural conditioning. Everything you can think of, is cultural conditioning with us... so why do you selectively ignore one of them, and use that as your argument, that it's not wrong simply because it is our conditioning?
Raziaar said:
Okay... humanity says its wrong... the majority. You base that off of cultural conditioning. So what is to stop you from thinking all the other things that we are culturally conditioned against is right? Our 'human rights'... that's cultural conditioning. Our views against human on human murder... that's cultural conditioning. Everything you can think of, is cultural conditioning with us... so why do you selectively ignore one of them, and use that as your argument, that it's not wrong simply because it is our conditioning?

not feeling sexually attracted to an animal doesn't have anything to do with cultural conditioning.
secret friend said:
not feeling sexually attracted to an animal doesn't have anything to do with cultural conditioning.

Reread what I said. It has nothing to do with being sexually attracted to an animal.
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