BF2 Thread

bobthecombineguy said:
Eh, I'm probably too late, but I'd love to join a crew with you guys. My rig is in my sig, and I will have cable connection in a in a week. Oh, and I'm on the east US coast.

You Lucky ****
hey are mu specs ok?

P42.4 @2.88Ghz
1gig of ram
380HD space
bobthecombineguy said:
I had better be, for the crapload of money it cost. :p So, is that a yes?

Edit: oh, Like Shakermaker, my comp gets here in about a week or so.

How much it cost? Who paid?
My video cards is minimum (9800 Pro 128 DDR) and my memory is minimum (512) :(. The only thing I have more than enough is processor speed (2.8 P4)

Meh, Ambience + Immersion + fun > HQ textures & models. I'll just crank everything down.
Nabobalis said:
How much it cost? Who paid?

3,600 for the comp, monitor, keyboard, mouse, speakers, and other stuff. I'm only 14 so my dad paid and now I'm a slave till I work off half the money. I'm not complaining. :thumbs:
bobthecombineguy said:
3,600 for the comp, monitor, keyboard, mouse, speakers, and other stuff. I'm only 14 so my dad paid and now I'm a slave till I work off half the money. I'm not complaining. :thumbs:

Where from? And once again you lucky ****
Also will you tell us what fps you get with BF2 maxed out?
bobthecombineguy said:
I'm in virginia, in the US. And as to the fps, at the risk of sounding retarded, how can I find out?

I meant who is making the computer or where you brought it from(local company?), also you will need BF2 first to find out your fps
ah, well, alienware. I know you probably think i'm a chump for buying from them but, I looked around and they gave a nice deal. as for the FPS, I don't know, because its not here yet. just a week till or so till its here.
Man BOB's got one hell of a PC and he's 14 years old LUCKY YOU and I thought i had a nice setup WOW just WOW but i dont believe it for some reason.
I love alienware. Only becuase I can go on to the site and I can change a computer to what I wish I had. Sad I know
I know just what you mean, thats why I bought from them. I have waited a looong time for this! And Freeman, why not? :D :D
bobthecombineguy said:
I know just what you mean, thats why I bought from them. I have waited a ooong time for this! And Freeman, why not? :D :D

Becuase that setup could be a waste of money and a major over kill also that any other dad would not spend 3600 on a computer. Well my dad wouldn't
well, I do have to do a buttload of work till kingdom come, but thats not bad. The better the system you buy now the longer it lasts. I've always had generus parents, even tho we aren't rich by any means(military family). Sooooooo, can I join?
bobthecombineguy said:
well, I do have to do a buttload of work till kingdom come, but thats not bad. The better the system you buy now the longer it lasts. I've always had generus parents, even tho we aren't rich by any means(military family). Sooooooo, can I join?

Nice computer dude! I'm saving my money so that I can get something like that or better at the end of the year. I'd love to have that AMD FX-55 processor! You'll be able to play everything with maximum settings for a long time. Congrats. :thumbs:
Im more hyped right now then I was for Half-Life 2 In November for this demo. Alan what website you go to for bf2 news? and Alan- it said 10 days for demo in your profile for like 6 days
Pauly said:
Im more hyped right now then I was for Half-Life 2 In November for this demo. Alan what website you go to for bf2 news? and Alan- it said 10 days for demo in your profile for like 6 days
Yeah i am more hyped about this game more than i was for hl2 . From the looks of it there could be a demo really soon maybe next week.
J_Tweedy said:
Here are my lowly specs- how can i follow an act like that?
Sorry i dont have anymore ram to give away:(

Freeman, why not?

I believe you :P It just doesnt sound right 14 year old + Alienware
Sorry for interrupt the "My E-Penis is bigger then your E-Penis"discusssion but isnt this thread for BF2 news? :|
CTTcrew_MrBlue said:
Sorry for interrupt the "My E-Penis is bigger then your E-Penis"discusssion but isnt this thread for BF2 news? :|
No, it is a BF2 thread. Sounds like someone is a little jealous.
Foxtrot said:
No, it is a BF2 thread.

Plus, there hasn't been much for news in the past day, so we need to do something for entertainment. And I did not mean to come across as arrogant, if I did. I won't deny I'm happy my "e-penis" is as big as it is. :P Edit: oh, Sach939, thanks for the compliment, I hope you get the rig you wan't.
Hmmmm, Alas, if only I spoke german. ;( Edit: Aha! I found it! Who would have expected it to be in the open like that? :P I'm soooo tired. haven't slept in a full day. :sleep:
There is no way in hell I'm going to read through this thread, I'd pass out after awhile.

But anyway, I got a preorder box from the store I work at. Cant wait! I'll be blowing up insurgents with my homies veerrryyy soon now.
bobthecombineguy said:
ah, well, alienware. I know you probably think i'm a chump for buying from them but, I looked around and they gave a nice deal. as for the FPS, I don't know, because its not here yet. just a week till or so till its here.
Alienware sucks hard... all their comps are over priced... if you want a good comp build your own...
TrippyG said:
Alienware sucks hard... all their comps are over priced... if you want a good comp build your own...
Some people are willing to spend the money for the assurance they are getting exactly what they want with a warranty. Alienware makes some of the best computers around, dont be mad because you are poor :p. I built mine because I am too, but I dont hold it against anybody who does... reeks of jealousy.
TrippyG said:
Alienware sucks hard... all their comps are over priced... if you want a good comp build your own...

From what I've experienced and seen, they assemble very high quality computers. Yeah, they're over priced but if you have the money and no knowledge of assembling your own computer, then they're the ones to go with. :thumbs:
satch919 said:
From what I've experienced and seen, they assemble very high quality computers. Yeah, they're over priced but if you have the money and no knowledge of assembling your own computer, then they're the ones to go with. :thumbs:
Hey satch919 Awsome PC you got :D do you have 2 X 512 or 2 X 1024 sticks of ram.
gh0st said:
Some people are willing to spend the money for the assurance they are getting exactly what they want with a warranty. Alienware makes some of the best computers around, dont be mad because you are poor :p. I built mine because I am too, but I dont hold it against anybody who does... reeks of jealousy.
I'm not poor :naughty: and what makes alienware better than self build?!?
It's just plain stupid to pay for nothing special... :)
it's good to use some common sence ;) imho
TrippyG said:
Alienware sucks hard... all their comps are over priced... if you want a good comp build your own...

I don't give a crap what you could have built with the money that was spent on it. I got the friggin' awesome PC, monitor, ect. that I wanted, and I can't build a PC on my own and I don't want to. thats what they get paid for.
It's just like buying one of those ready made posh curry meals- you know its gonna be awesome, you dont have to worry about burning your hand off, or generally f**king it up, but you pay over twice as much as the ingredients are worth. Go for it i say- i love heat-and-eat!