BF2 Thread

TrippyG said:
I'm not poor :naughty: and what makes alienware better than self build?!?
It's just plain stupid to pay for nothing special... :)
it's good to use some common sence ;) imho
I never said it was better. Some people dont want to build their computer, and like the security of knowing that a respectable company is building their computer. If you have the $$ why the hell not.
gh0st said:
I never said it was better. Some people dont want to build their computer, and like the security of knowing that a respectable company is building their computer. If you have the $$ why the hell not.
I agree, I was just telling my opinion :)
EDIT: this topic is starting to be little offtopic :D
TrippyG said:
EDIT: this topic is starting to be little offtopic :D

How bout that Middle Eastern Coalition huh? :P Bunch of crazy guys there!
From what ive seen of bf2, the vehicle explosions kinda suck. Hope they tweak those. Also i saw a guy get hit from behind by his teammates in a humvee, only to clip right through it- some form of non teamkill? Kinda stink also.
Your thoughts? (trying to get the thread back on track)
J_Tweedy said:
From what ive seen of bf2, the vehicle explosions kinda suck. Hope they tweak those. Also i saw a guy get hit from behind by his teammates in a humvee, only to clip right through it- some form of non teamkill? Kinda stink also.
Your thoughts? (trying to get the thread back on track)
bf2 team has still some polishing and tweaking to do :)
im thinking of completely risking my pc next week... so ill be away for 2 weeks.. im gonna have to wipe my pc (cos its so laggy and full, lol ), then i got to put new parts in my pc myself..

could be a big mistake but meh... :)
KoreBolteR said:
im thinking of completely risking my pc next week... so ill be away for 2 weeks.. im gonna have to wipe my pc (cos its so laggy and full, lol ), then i got to put new parts in my pc myself..

could be a big mistake but meh... :)

Make sure your destaticed(is that a word?)
J_Tweedy said:
From what ive seen of bf2, the vehicle explosions kinda suck. Hope they tweak those. Also i saw a guy get hit from behind by his teammates in a humvee, only to clip right through it- some form of non teamkill? Kinda stink also.
Your thoughts? (trying to get the thread back on track)

thet vid is 2 months old, so it has been fixed by now.

i am building my pc for bf2 week before demo :cheese:

yey 700 :smoking:
nice find Tiimmyy :D:D. hope its true.. even if the date is a bit late.. but heck, who cares :D.

i also wanted to ask everyone if they have XFire.

if you have add me, my username is korebolter. :)
PS: tell me who you are aswell :P
KoreBolteR said:
nice find Tiimmyy :D:D. hope its true.. even if the date is a bit late.. but heck, who cares :D.

i also wanted to ask everyone if they have XFire.

if you have add me, my username is korebolter. :)
PS: tell me who you are aswell :P
I'll get XFire again, I assume they've had enough time since I last used it to fix the glaring problem that blocked web browsing while it was installed.
Axyon said:
I'll get XFire again, I assume they've had enough time since I last used it to fix the glaring problem that blocked web browsing while it was installed.

jus installed it, and everything is all good so far :)
check above the red mark i made in paint ... its a bug :D

"You have applied to be commander, you will be receive a response shortly" ?! wtf


  • BF2.JPG
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Nabobalis said:
What issue of PCzone is that? I have a june 2005 one. And that is not in there but I dont know if the new one is out

Edit: It does say a huge hands on preview of BF2

The issue with the demo should be out on the 23rd I think.
The issue with the demo should be out on the 23rd I think.

Well, the official demo from EA might already be out by that time. Plus, BF2 will be close to release by the 23rd. :)
The issue with the demo should be out on the 23rd I think.

I kind of meant the issue that has the same last page as that one in that picture on that site.
BF2 Will be released by the time the magazine comes around.
Battlefield 2 Interview

Can bots utilize the Commander mode? Can they lead or join a squad, follow squad orders?

Bots in Battlefield 2 can do all three of these things, actually. As a squad leader, they will generally keep their guys moving towards control points and respond to Commander orders. As a squad member they will follow their squad leader's prompts. Though, bots will not actually fill the Commander slot (so that the player always has easy access to this role) the AI will deploy artillery strikes, uav missions and supplies as requested by the player. The AI will also give Squad Leaders orders as if there was a Commander on the team and protect threatened control points with artillery strikes as well (or drop artillery on pesky campers, as needed).
Its getting close guys , and korebolter be carefull with your PC. In other words DONT DO IT!!!!!:)
Alan Freeman said:
Its getting close guys , and korebolter be carefull with your PC. In other words DONT DO IT!!!!!:)
Not close enough :( I have nothing to do until this game comes out.
Foxtrot said:
Not close enough :( I have nothing to do until this game comes out.
Sure you do ,keep posting here. My 2 week vacation is over i have to go back to work so its going to go by very quickly for me :) Thanks the lord for my job.
Alan Freeman said:
Sure you do ,keep posting here. My 2 week vacation is over i have to go back to work so its going to go by very quickly for me :) Thanks the lord for my job.
I just graduated from high school, I have the whole summer off and nothing to do :bounce:
Foxtrot said:
I just graduated from high school, I have the whole summer off and nothing to do :bounce:
RARRR like 15 days left! :angry:
If you want, you can PM me and I'll gladly put your Xfire username in my sig. I'd love to have a game with some of you when BF2 comes out. Don't have to be in the clan or whatever, just if you feel like a bit of fun every now and then.
I hope the bots are good this time. The first BF bots where a joke, very poor...
Apparently they've improved quite a bit, but I'd really rather see what the reviewers have to say, or judge for myself. Not that it'll really matter while I'm playing online.
Does anyone care about how good the bots are?
I know I don't becuase I will be playing with real people because it's more fun and you can have a conversation with humns but not bots
Nabobalis said:
Does anyone care about how good the bots are?
I know I don't becuase I will be playing with real people because it's more fun and you can have a conversation with humns but not bots

Yup, the game isnt supposed to be a singleplayer experience, it's meant to be an online game.

Im really looking forward to trying out the planes and thier animated HUDs with lock on, flares, afterburners etc. Apparantly if theres a missle chasing you, you can deploy flares and will go after those instead. If that doesnt work, there are oil fires that will distract the missle too :D
I don't care about the bots at all. I'll prolly only use singleplayer to get a feel for the game. I can't wait to play online! Besides, SP will be training-only. That was stated in an interview on PlanetBattlefield mentioned in this thread a couple of pages ago. So I'm expecting something á la JointOps: simple missions that teach you how to use weapons, drive vehicles, use the commander interface, etc.
I saw a video of some E3 bf2 footage where the bots looked utterly retarded (getting stuck in the flag, not attacking a player that was inches away, generally ignoring the player etc) so the proof of the pudding will have to be in the eating.

although as others have said, why buy a BF game for the SP? hehe, although it is nice to have a coop game once in a while (heard they took that out in BF2 though)