BF2 Thread

sorry mod, for posting again those links, just to make it easy for him.
and i will remove big sig tomorow.

The 29min video kicked arse :) They had such cool accents :p
This is looking great. Alan I love your enthusiasm lol. I can tell your really looking forward to this man. I am too, i just cant wait. 9 days for me since its the 1st over here :-(. Its ok though.

Can I have a X800 card so I can play on good settings please? :naughty:
OMFG I just finished that 29 minute video and that guy is the biggest effing moron, ever. Zuep zee HAH ****EN! vrrrooom (as he runs [RUNS!!] down a hill) zee ****EN taking zee fire! **** **** shit shit shit ahhh. What a ****ing n00b
OMG the 29 minute video is amazing! I never saw that awesome AK reload animation. That is actually really ****ing cool. There is one conitnuity error in it. He keeps flipping the same mag over and over again. Wouldnt he have to take out a new one after using all the ammo in 2? But i dont care if you cant do that without getting rid of the anim, keep the anim **** continuity its awesome.
MilkMan12 said:
OMG the 29 minute video is amazing! I never saw that awesome AK reload animation. That is actually really ****ing cool. There is one conitnuity error in it. He keeps flipping the same mag over and over again. Wouldnt he have to take out a new one after using all the ammo in 2? But i dont care if you cant do that without getting rid of the anim, keep the anim **** continuity its awesome.
That is what I saw too, oh well.
MilkMan12 said:
This is looking great. Alan I love your enthusiasm lol. I can tell your really looking forward to this man. I am too, i just cant wait. 9 days for me since its the 1st over here :-(. Its ok though.

Can I have a X800 card so I can play on good settings please? :naughty:
I'm fresh out :) lol , but yeah i think i over did my self on the OMG BF 2 is gold!!!! i should have checked the other posts like Axyon said.

Sorry Axyon :)
Just thought I'd put in my 2 cents and say "Woot, gold!" :)

Heh alan were you really giving out X800's? o.O (once again, I have mid-discussion-entrance syndrome)
I'm not really too psyched about the game...
But it looks pretty fun, and it's a sequel to the best multiplayer game ever.
So, I'll definitely be trying out the demo next Friday...hoping it'll run on my FX5200.
Foxtrot said:
Battlefield 2 is gold, the demo is coming out on the 10th (confirmed) and the game is coming out on the 21st (confirmed).

Hey Fox, where did you read that the demo is coming out on the 10th?
Iced_Eagle said:
Just thought I'd put in my 2 cents and say "Woot, gold!" :)

Heh alan were you really giving out X800's? o.O (once again, I have mid-discussion-entrance syndrome)
Im not that rich :laugh:

EDIT: how do i multi Quote people?
woohoo GOLD. That demo is very close to the full release date- i thought the demo would have been sooner- like tomorrow *cries*
It is only a matter of time before the demo is released. And then shall the floodgates be opened.
Foxtrot said:
Some EA guy said it, but I can't find where I got it it

Sweet. A few new tidbits of info for me at least were:

-Spec Ops being invis to commander's screen sweeps (UAV and full?)
-C4 being the only thing able to destroy commander assets
-Pilots being vulnerable to gunfire inside the cockpit - I look forward to sniping pilots out of their seat :)

It does have me a bit worried at how easy the guy made it sound to snipe in the game now though with very little scope sway and no leading to speak of. Hopefully it's quite balanced though :thumbs:
AmishSlayer said:
It does have me a bit worried at how easy the guy made it sound to snipe in the game now though with very little scope sway and no leading to speak of. Hopefully it's quite balanced though :thumbs:

If there is something wrong with it in terms of balance, they could do what they've done with countless other EA titles. Patch the mofo 5-20 times. :D
There has been months of play testing judging from the countless videos out atm. I have no worries that bf2 will be fairly well balanced- these things will have been ironed out through the testing.
wow now im really afraid my rig wont cut it for BF2

XP Pro
P4 3.2 ghz
1gig of ram
Radeon 9800XT 256mb

Not to show off but after the game could barely run on all medium with same specs but an X800 im afraid. Man I wish I waited 2 weeks to buy my comp and I would have that card. ALAN I NEED YOUR X800 MY CARD ABSOLUTELY SUCKS...I KNOW IT SEEMS GOOD BUT I HAVE A FEELING MINE IS DEFECTIVE OR SOMETHING I NEED IT NOW!!
jk...but do u think the game will run good on 1024x the normal # i forget, and on all high settings? Seriously guys no showing off, its a dell, so seriously I dont think my comp will handle it even on medium now. But high is what Im most worried about.
MilkMan12 said:
wow now im really afraid my rig wont cut it for BF2

XP Pro
P4 3.2 ghz
1gig of ram
Radeon 9800XT 256mb

Not to show off but after the game could barely run on all medium with same specs but an X800 im afraid. Man I wish I waited 2 weeks to buy my comp and I would have that card. ALAN I NEED YOUR X800 MY CARD ABSOLUTELY SUCKS...I KNOW IT SEEMS GOOD BUT I HAVE A FEELING MINE IS DEFECTIVE OR SOMETHING I NEED IT NOW!!
jk...but do u think the game will run good on 1024x the normal # i forget, and on all high settings? Seriously guys no showing off, its a dell, so seriously I dont think my comp will handle it even on medium now. But high is what Im most worried about.

The build that EA guy was testing was 4-5 months old at least so hopefully with that rig you'd be able to squeeze more than medium out of it.
Foxtrot said:
Some EA guy said it, but I can't find where I got it it

Thanks for the link. Great news however, is it only me that is worried by this detail?
"lack of scope-sway and no real bullet-lead required"

Also can we keep the BF2 gold sigs?

Edit:"I played a newer build (it was the latest build at the time I played (1 month ago)) and it played pretty good at 1024x768 with ALL video options maxed to the highest settings, using a vanilla 6800 vid card."
I'm also a bit worried about the sniper-class. Bear in mind tho that the guy in the preview was playing a build that was 4 to 5 months old, ie a build before all the playtesting took place.

EDIT Two new previews:
I am a tad worried about these snipers. The new noob-cannon? Crap.
Should be bother choosing what classes to be now? As we will probably change class when needed. Like more enemy vehicles appear so some people change to anti-tank class etc
I hope they fixed the super-jumping...and they add scope sway.
That's the one thing that blew about BF:V and scope sway for snipers.
wel those one of those two previews Shakermaker posted says no sway. so make of that what you will.
10th of june eh for the demo, thats the day gta:sa comes out, eek :eek: .
wonder what setup those guys had in the 29min vid, loadtimes were long.

2 days after school gets out, and the day after I get all 4 of my wisdom teeth out, so I can sit in pain and play BF2, WOOT!
jimbo118 said:
wonder what setup those guys had in the 29min vid, loadtimes were long.

I think they were running the rec specs (A63 3200+, gig, x800pro) but you can expect the load times to be long- these maps are huge, with what looks like heaps of detail.
I see in one of the previews the x800pro was running at medium settings, because high would be too slow, said an EA Games guy (sorry, my reference sourcing ability corresponds with my energy level, which is pretty low right now:)) but even so, at medium spec, the reviewer said it looks better than ANY other game out so far (yes including HL2). I guess it's a sort of futureproofing- it'l still look good in a year.
Just watched the vid, no defibrilator :(

Game looks coold though :D
and here you go 1000 replys in this tread, yes this is reson for my post :P
NikolaX said:
and here you go 1000 replys in this tread, yes this is reson for my post :P

hehehe, congrats guys. I bet you this thread will have doubled in size before the month is over.