BF2 Thread

AmishSlayer said:
Ok, now the question the difference between the BFG 6800GT and the Leadtek 6800GT big enough to merit an extra $40?

EDIT: It seems that the Leadtek is the choice to make if I would OC it... Is it easy to OC a gfx card? I don't know how, so I wouldn't wanna risk it without consulting lots 'o help first. I'll have extra case fans on my comp to help with cooling and circulation...if that means anything.

I know (because i have one) that the leadtek can be overclocked to ultra speeds with the stock heatsink and fan with no troubles whatsoever. All i have is a pci slot vantec fan underneath it, helping with airflow around my crappy raidmax case.
J_Tweedy said:
I know (because i have one) that the leadtek can be overclocked to ultra speeds with the stock heatsink and fan with no troubles whatsoever. All i have is a pci slot vantec fan underneath it, helping with airflow around my crappy raidmax case.

How exactly do I go about OC'ing it? I've read in newegg reviews that people set the auto clocker and it does it automatically? Is it something as simple as going into the Geforce display settings or something?
you can download programs (such as powerstrip, rivatuner, coolbits) then just crank up your frequency settings simply by click and drag- very painless procedure.
Now, I was just thinking, instead of people saying what direct class they will be, why not say what type of member you will be, for instance, will you be a flag capper, a support class, pilot/tank commander (us people without joysticks will have a hard time with planes and such) and other varios forms of team tactics.
Dalamari said:
Now, I was just thinking, instead of people saying what direct class they will be, why not say what type of member you will be, for instance, will you be a flag capper, a support class, pilot/tank commander (us people without joysticks will have a hard time with planes and such) and other varios forms of team tactics.
flag capper as a special forces... its one of my few talents in these types of games because im willing to go reeeallyyy slow when i need to. mostly i can stay hidden when i want to. this game seems more like it will take a coordinated effort to attack flags, so we might have to reconsider that. I'm really good at mouse+keyboard helo flying too... DC was my proving ground.
I dunno what Ill be. I hated 1942 and all I ever had fun doing was manning the big AA gun that blew up in a big puff of blackness. That was all I had fun doing.

So when I get the demo Im gonna be playin bots for a long time figuring out what class I like and what kind of tactics I will like. I really cant say for now...they all look like so much fun I might just be an all around guy. We shall see. I will definately be middle east just because the reload anims for their AK is so ****ing cool.
MilkMan12 said:
I dunno what Ill be. I hated 1942 and all I ever had fun doing was manning the big AA gun that blew up in a big puff of blackness. That was all I had fun doing.

So when I get the demo Im gonna be playin bots for a long time figuring out what class I like and what kind of tactics I will like. I really cant say for now...they all look like so much fun I might just be an all around guy. We shall see. I will definately be middle east just because the reload anims for their AK is so ****ing cool.
Don't play bots for tactics, people play a lot different than bots.
Foxtrot said:
Don't play bots for tactics, people play a lot different than bots.

No Im going to do it just to see what I enjoy doing the most..***shing, hiding, supporting. All that stuff. Im going to test out every class and gun to death before taking it online. I want to know what I will enjoy using and do well with and what I wont.
MilkMan12 said:
No Im going to do it just to see what I enjoy doing the most..***shing, hiding, supporting. All that stuff. Im going to test out every class and gun to death before taking it online. I want to know what I will enjoy using and do well with and what I wont.
Ah, I count off line time as wasted time. IMO you don't get better unless you are playing other players. Once I get the maps down I can start to try other stuff.
To be honest I probably wont do what I say I will because I will be so excited. I wont even get used to the maps, Ill jump right it and just kill people. The first gun I will use will either be shotgun or m249. We shall see...
MilkMan12 said:
To be honest I probably wont do what I say I will because I will be so excited. I wont even get used to the maps, Ill jump right it and just kill people. The first gun I will use will either be shotgun or m249. We shall see...
Heh, yup, I don't care what I do when I first get the game as long as I have it.
I was really looking forward to BF2 but that 29 min video is putting me off. The tank turrets turn way too fast. The thing that pissed me off most about BF1942 was how utterly pointless it was to attempt anything other that getting in a tank (or a plane when you’ve had enough bombing practice). It was just so annoyingly unbalanced; not enough, heh well no cover to speak of and picking the anti tank class left you completely vulnerable to the guy just getting out and spraying you.
PickledGecko said:
I was really looking forward to BF2 but that 29 min video is putting me off. The tank turrets turn way too fast. The thing that pissed me off most about BF1942 was how utterly pointless it was to attempt anything other that getting in a tank (or a plane when you’ve had enough bombing practice). It was just so annoyingly unbalanced; not enough, heh well no cover to speak of and picking the anti tank class left you completely vulnerable to the guy just getting out and spraying you.
The guy playing was a complete nub, and if the tank turrets didn't turn fast they would be uselss. What you have to do in that game is move from cover to cover, and you always need team mates with you. What I did in Desert Combat whenever I heard a helicopter I would run to the nearest building, wait for him to turn away from me and then shoot him, and then hide again, same with tanks. That is how it works. Planes will often be busy fighting other planes, or killing helicopters, and helicopters will be busy dodging AA and planes and taking out tanks/AA. It is will balanced.
Foxtrot said:
The guy playing was a complete nub, and if the tank turrets didn't turn fast they would be uselss. What you have to do in that game is move from cover to cover, and you always need team mates with you. What I did in Desert Combat whenever I heard a helicopter I would run to the nearest building, wait for him to turn away from me and then shoot him, and then hide again, same with tanks. That is how it works. Planes will often be busy fighting other planes, or killing helicopters, and helicopters will be busy dodging AA and planes and taking out tanks/AA. It is will balanced.

Exactly. I was able to take out tanks on foot with grenades and other explosive weapons in BF1942. While its not easy, it surely not impossible either. Or another tactic that I would use was just to fire on the tank from a hidden position to get them looking around and call for some anti-tank support. Usually someone would show up to help me out. Now with more emphasis placed on teamwork this time around, you'll more than likely have someone in your squad with an anti-tank weapon. :)
Reading this thread is torture. :(
Stupid slow computer, stupid high requirement BF2... I'm angry at everything. :angry: :(
I guess I'll try playing the demo at the risk of having a computer meltdown. If the demo plays at a decent framerate, I will buy the game.
If I buy the game, can I join the clan? I'm an experienced 1942 player. :thumbs: :E
In the mean time I'll just keep whining in this thread about how much my computer sucks. :thumbs:
^^Go out and get a summer job to pay for a computer upgrade or if you're not old enough to hold a job, beg your parents to no end until they finally submit to your demands. :thumbs:
satch919 said:
^^Go out and get a summer job to pay for a computer upgrade or if you're not old enough to hold a job, beg your parents to no end until they finally submit to your demands. :thumbs:
Do you know what the sad thing is? About four months ago I spent $500 upgrading my computer so It would be sufficient to run HL2... now it's already considered out of date. :P
Also, I really hate getting games a while after they are released, because by that time all you guys will be masters and I'll still be a newb.
Oh, and who is the leader of the BF2 clan? I want to reserve my spot, just incase. :)
CPU: P4 3.2Ghz
RAM: 1Gb
HDD speed: 7200RPM
Video: ATI Radeon X800 Pro 256Mb
Sound: (soz, didn’t take this down)
O/S: Win XP SP2

These are the exact same specs as my PC hmmm i hope ill be able to play at high settings come demo day. YES!!!! i am off that day lucky me.

I am seriously thinking about buying an X850 XT what do you guys think .

EDIT: 12 NEW videos at :thumbs:
I dont mean this offensively but it seems like you have money to spend...and an X850 seems like a good buy or a good use of that extra cash. But I suggest getting something that you dont have...I mean how much better is the X850 from the it worth another 600 bucks or whatever it costs?

Maybe you want a new tv, speakers, monitor, guitar, or who knows what else...I dunno what you like but if its just PC then yah what the hell go for it. Or save it until your card isnt next gen anymore, to get a new gen card. Like next year.
MilkMan12 said:
I dont mean this offensively but it seems like you have money to spend...and an X850 seems like a good buy or a good use of that extra cash. But I suggest getting something that you dont have...I mean how much better is the it worth another 600 bucks or whatever it costs?
well my friend just got one and he runs hl2 1200X1600 res with everything maxed out AA and AF maxed and still gets 150+ fps ingame. when i tried that it slowed down my system so much. Image playing BF2 with those settings WOW :eek: i'll see how the demo plays and i'll go from there :) I dont feel like spending $400 dollars on another card , UNLESS i can sell my X800 pro for $200 to someone.

Going to bed goodnight :sleep:
Alan, there's almost no difference between x800xt and x850xt... the only difference is that x800xt is pci card and x850xt is agp :)

  • Bus Type: PCI Express x16
  • Memory Amount (MB): 256
  • Memory Clock Speed (MHz): 500
  • Engine Clock Speed (MHz): 500
  • Pixel Fillrate: 8 Gpixels
  • Geometry Rate: 750 MTriangles

  • Bus Type: AGP 4X, 8X
  • Memory Amount (MB): 256
  • Memory Clock Speed (MHz): 540
  • Engine Clock Speed (MHz): 520
  • Pixel Fillrate: 8.32 Gpixels
  • Geometry Rate: 780 MTriangles

My 9800XT
  • Bus Type: AGP 4X, 8X
  • Memory Amount (MB): 256
  • Memory Clock Speed (MHz): 770
  • Engine Clock Speed (MHz): 437
  • Pixel Fillrate: 3.3 Gpixels/sec
  • Geometry Rate: 412 MTriangles
TrippG, you must get your facts right.

1. he has x800pro (only 12 pipes)
2. x800xt and x850xt are same only 850 has bigger clock rate on core end mem.
3. x800xt and x850xt - there is AGP and PCI-Express versions to buy.
I have already posted this, but to reiterate, it looks like an X800pro will only run bf2 at MEDIUM settings (apparently still looks amazing tho). An upgrade would be a good idea if you can afford it.
That sounds pretty weird imo, BF2 doesn't look that good if I'd compare to FEAR, and don't say you can't compare'em(graphics-wise), they're both FPSes, and in the FEAR(Unoptimized ontop of that, atleast it seemed like that) beta I could get a stable 40 FPS with everything maxed at a res of 800x600 on my piece-of-shit comp I think someone with such a "top of the line"(almost atleast) should be able to atleast achieve high in BF2.:p

I guess we'll have to wait for the demo/full version benchmarks.
Meh, If I can run BF2 on low...I'm set.
It is an mp game after all...need all the FPS I can get.
NikolaX said:
TrippG, you must get your facts right.

1. he has x800pro (only 12 pipes)
2. x800xt and x850xt are same only 850 has bigger clock rate on core end mem.
3. x800xt and x850xt - there is AGP and PCI-Express versions to buy.
thx for correcting :)
xlucidx said:
Meh, If I can run BF2 on low...I'm set.
It is an mp game after all...need all the FPS I can get.

you're not wrong there. I have a 6800gt, but ill settle for medium settings to get a good frame rate if i have to (which i hope i wont) :)
Guess its time for me to post my specs.

Athlon xp 2200
Radeon 9800 128m
1gig ram

Basicly it (Without going to stupidly high detail) Should I able to run BF2? Im to lazy to go find out myself.. one of you nerds will know.
Axyon said:
This nerd's going to put a few bullets in you come demo time :)

A few bullets? How about a few clips, run him over several times and then a place a few satchel charges and watch him fly.
On a 6800GT with beta drivers provided on the disk (73.00 I think, but don't quote me), 1GB of 3200 RAM and a 3.0GHz P4, I was running with all in-game settings on full at 1280x960 and 4xAA, and it was pretty smooth. There was some ground texture flashing with the latest official drivers, but I assume that will be cleaned up for the final retail build. That's the rig I took the movies on, BTW
thats the system the guy was playing on in the new ign movies. :)
jimbo118 said:
thats the system the guy was playing on in the new ign movies. :)

thanx for this info Jimbo. then i will get a 6800GT right now. :)
NikolaX said:
thanx for this info Jimbo. then i will get a 6800GT right now. :)
yeah im pretty pysched now as peeps were fearing if the game would run well but 4aa and max details, awesome, the only slowdown he got was with the big explosions. The sounds were awesome, come on demo!! :D
Excellent, those are my system specs except for an x800 Pro, which is pretty much parallel to a 6800GT. I shall have my AA!
Axyon said:
Excellent, those are my system specs except for an x800 Pro, which is pretty much parallel to a 6800GT. I shall have my AA!
lol *rubs my x800xt* :cheers:

wonder if he had af on too? :hmph: