Crysis news/info thread

One abbreviation: N D A. You can get in serious trouble for breaking it.
Played the Beta, found that anything Medium and below graphic settings looks terrible. The gameplay is dull too, I don't get multiplayer, it's no fun attacking and defending 8+ points, there are no choke points or anything. :(
The gameplay is dull too, I don't get multiplayer, it's no fun attacking and defending 8+ points, there are no choke points or anything. :(

The openness of the game, makes the nanosuit actually useful...especially the cloaking. I mean, imagine if CS snipers could wouldn't even matter because you always know where they are. But in crysis the sniper could literally be anywhere since there really is no choke point or "sniper spot".

But it also slows it down since people aren't forced into confrontations, also like in CS.
Haha yeah, but I mean it's not just crysis, it's AoC which I really want to play in all its' glory. Crysis just confirmed my fears that the 8800 gts is not up to par.
my 8800 GTS is doing just fine in Crysis
My definition of doing fine is > 60fps on high.

Why? Your eyes can't pick up differences beyond about 25 fps. With proper motion blur (which it appears we're starting to get) you shouldn't really be able to tell the difference. In fact, once motion blur is really simulated based upon shutter speed and realtime movement, it would be ideal to lock it at 24 fps.
Why? Your eyes can't pick up differences beyond about 25 fps. With proper motion blur (which it appears we're starting to get) you shouldn't really be able to tell the difference. In fact, once motion blur is really simulated based upon shutter speed and realtime movement, it would be ideal to lock it at 24 fps.

Well my eys can tell the difference between 25 fps and 60 fps and 100fps there all different i asure you.

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Why? Your eyes can't pick up differences beyond about 25 fps.

I'm afraid you are completely wrong in this. Do a quick google.

I can easily spot the difference between 30 and 60fps. Infact, I have trouble playing online shooters in the 40s and 50s.
Yeah I just the videos of the new maps, and I must say, Crytek have excelled in terms of attention to detail, the new Carrier deatmatch arena looks ace.

The only Critique I have is that it looks like the more important buildings in Power Struggle (Prototype, Vehicle Fab etc) will be prefabricated on all those maps.
I'm afraid you are completely wrong in this. Do a quick google.

I can easily spot the difference between 30 and 60fps. Infact, I have trouble playing online shooters in the 40s and 50s.

Yep. I used to be able to play with 30ish fps when I started cs seven years ago but nowadays I'm used to a minimum of 60.
I think the point at which the eye can't tell the difference is 72 fps. 60 fps is all good.
I think you would be able to tell with a 24fps cap. User input would have a lot to do with it. The "delayed" reaction would be strange.
It's not so much the difference between 24fps and 60fps but the consistency.

If you're getting 60fps and it quickly drops to 30fps, you'll defiantly notice it. One reason why games are capped, to stop FPS surges which makes the game look like it is "lagging".

the performance is shit on my system, graphics, fPS, .....ETC Sucks!!!

Getting new system in few weeks.
Gorgon downloads warez graphic cards from torrent sites.

:LOL: I download shitty games which scores less than 9.0 @ gamespot.

well, I do know for a fact this game will score no less than 9.5. I already added it in my shopping list 1.7 years ago.

My shopping list:

2-Call of duty 4
5-Gears Of War
6-Assassin's Creed (maybe this one, maybe I WILL just get it from p2p)depends on some factors. :cool:

you see I am not a bad pirate after all. :D

Bring it On!!!.
I'm afraid you are completely wrong in this. Do a quick google.

I can easily spot the difference between 30 and 60fps. Infact, I have trouble playing online shooters in the 40s and 50s.

Wow, you and everyone else claiming to be able to see 50 - 100 fps need to report to a secret government lab or something because that's like claiming that you can fly.

You can notice a difference because like someone said, there's still pops and clicks here and there. I haven't seen the best of of Crysis' motion blur so I don't know how in depth it really goes. But if it were even close to accurate, it would look better on lower framerates. Why? Well it should be ridiculously obvious.

What do you geniuses think the framerate is for the average feature film? Hm? Why do you think it is that way?
Saw a Crysis preview on 1Up last night. Other than the huge maps/more than one approach ability for some maps, looks just like your typical shooter. I personally was not impressed. But I'll save the final verdict for when I actually play it, if and when that time comes around.
Wow, you and everyone else claiming to be able to see 50 - 100 fps need to report to a secret government lab or something because that's like claiming that you can fly.

You can notice a difference because like someone said, there's still pops and clicks here and there. I haven't seen the best of of Crysis' motion blur so I don't know how in depth it really goes. But if it were even close to accurate, it would look better on lower framerates. Why? Well it should be ridiculously obvious.

What do you geniuses think the framerate is for the average feature film? Hm? Why do you think it is that way?

I think most people can quite easily notice the difference between 30fps and 60fps on your average game on a monitor (Though it probably varies with different games). Televisions apparently work differently. - 'bout half way down does a little explaining, and there's a couple of articles linked there too -

I can't imagine the motion blur of newer games making any real difference, but I guess we'll see. Seriously though, I reckon nearly any fast-paced FPS would be nearly unplayable, or at least pretty horrid to play at 24fps.
What do you geniuses think the framerate is for the average feature film? Hm? Why do you think it is that way?

I've had this 'debate' over and over with film student at uni.

Have a read -

Why do you think developers cut all kinds of corners to maintain a constant 60fps? (Ninja Gaiden being a good example). Why do the best home displays refresh movies in multiples of 24hz, rather than settle for the 24 you can get away with at the cinema?. But most of all - I can cap fps at a constant 30fps and easily see the difference between it being capped at 60fps. I'm not making this up, infact i've spent 1000's of pounds over the years upgrading components to play games at a rate that didn't look overly jerky. Not only does it look superior - i'd rather have 60 fps on a lower res/details than 30fps completely maxed - it improves your game. Not something that matters a great deal in single player, but online (especially in clans at a high level) you will be at a disadvantage with a rate less than 60 as you can be damn sure everyone elses game will be flying with pinpoint accuracy.

I do understand the effect that motion blur has with film, btw, yet am still waiting for a game to get slightly close with its implementation. Perhaps one day, but so far every game in existence looks and plays better at a higher frame rate than 24.
Low framerates are also more noticeable because of the latency of hand movement when controlling the game.
Saw a Crysis preview on 1Up last night. Other than the huge maps/more than one approach ability for some maps, looks just like your typical shooter. I personally was not impressed. But I'll save the final verdict for when I actually play it, if and when that time comes around.

I was rather impressed by the videos of the Aircraft Carrier deathmatch (You can find some on, they went to great length to make the carrier look authentic, detailed and correct. That is commitment that most technical minded developers tend to lack.
I was rather impressed by the videos of the Aircraft Carrier deathmatch (You can find some on, they went to great length to make the carrier look authentic, detailed and correct. That is commitment that most technical minded developers tend to lack.

Yeah the carrier Looks amazing and the lighting is also amazing. The amont off maps that people are going to make is going to be insane for multiplayer. I wanna see what people come up with. :) Demo in 18 days people 18 days!!!!!
I will praise the person who will make a Tower Defence mod for this game. Imagine upgrading the standard defences already present in Power Struggle?
Well, now I know my comp will run it for sure, but not at maximum settings (especially with no DX10).
Unless they fix a lot of performance issues, it'll still lag like hell. Even for me even though I have a slightly better setup than you.
Uh oh.

Yeah, I haven't even played the beta.

The beta is so sweet ! And it doesnt even have all the graphics and phics implemented .. can you beleive that! When the demo comes out we will all be BLOWN AWAY!!! ;(