Day 4: The Spy Update...yes really!

Hectic Glenn

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Staff member
Aug 8, 2004
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Gentlemen...please! Yes the spy update will be coming along with the sniper update and it looks brilliant. The update shows a catalogue of gadgets from which the spy is selecting, many of which are junk but he has settled on two items to be unlocks for the spy.
  • The "Dead Ringer" Spy Watch - Upon being hit, your body will ragdoll to the ground, however the real you will cloak for 8 seconds tricking the attacker thinking you have died
  • The "Cloak and Dagger" Spy Watch - Permanent invisibility when you stand still, movement will drain its power.
[br]We will be getting both the sniper and spy update. Although the update page shows many other possible unlocks (Crab walking kit) the spy seems nonplussed by these, so the third unlock remains unknown! See the update page for the spy here.
Valve, raping brains since '98.
Wow, Valve got us there again. n1 pld

Btw, update is now scheduled for may 21, instead of 19. Says so on the front page of the blog.
They both get one more unlock though right, they're still both on two.
And what d'you think the watch will replace, I'm guessing sapper.
Totally, like, wasn't expecting that

I do like the sound of the Hypnopen, and the ski mask grappling hook
What? Two updates at once? GTFO!
Valve, i wanna make love to you!

lol The Steam forums have come to a crawl.

This weekend and the following week are filled with awesome sauce. That's right! Awesome Sauce!

Killing Floor, Call of Duty 5 weekend deal and now this. Awe-some SAUCE! *starts dancing in a frantic manner
The new spy shit sounds really nifty. I want.

And needless to say, I'm stoked about 2 updates in one package.
anyone notice that the tf2 blog originally said this:

Day 4 of the Sniper update brings us… hold on, that’s not…

Holy hell. All those conspiracy theorists on the TF forum couldn’t have been right all along, could they? When the Pyro hears about this she’ll be inconsolable.

It was like that for about 5min for me then it changed to what it is now. It happened to one other friend but no one else noticed. It's prolly just a joke or something to get the forums going but either way it makes me love the tf2 team even more.
Yes the spies gun looks different, there is a certain bronze look to it, also his cigarette is different in the image.

Note the order form on the catalogue as 4 spaces. I'm seriously thinking there may be 4 unlocks for the spy. The revolver and cigarette case replacements. Especially considering the new watch won't replace any weapons, it's just a part of the spy.
There's two watches that both work with the same goal; avoiding detection. However, they work in a mutually exclusive manner.
I'd say that you can use either watch, but you can't use both at the same time. There's another two unlocks to come.

What's next is anyone's guess- this blows everything out of the water.

Edit: the other two are going to be the revolver and the knife. Check the Spy loadout screen. Either of the new watches will replace the existing watch.
So that is confirmed then, definitely 2 more unlocks for the spy.
The cool stuff I could do with a hypnopen and a school of sharks.
these will definitely be replacing the default watch.
So is the sniper update not real or are they going to do both at the same time?
Valve have said this will be "the biggest TF2 update yet", so yes...we will get both.
I thought those other gadgets could be for real. Until I saw the Baccarat Detector.
Funny stuff anyway.
So are these watches replacements for the one we already have? So we'd have 3 choices of watches for that one slot?
Dohohoho, they changed the pyro's gender back to genderless. The "she" is no longer there.
Oh dear I read the crab-walk bit I and did lol.
Well played valve,well played.

The nice thing about 2 class updates in one is it lessens the spamming effect of having servers full of all scouts or medics or heavies, like previous updates.
Oh - and did y'all notice the tag line at the bottom of the catalog page? "MANN CO - We sell products and get in fights". heheheh...

Dead ringer might still be useless against pyros but.