Deus Ex: Invisible War Demo on the 20th

Originally posted by marksmanHL2 :)

1024mb DDRram
128 9800 Radeon Pro
it runs fine looks like shite, I have the same as you except I got 2gb DDram

I max everything out, and enable 16x AF, and 6AA (in the ed options for my radeon) and it runs fine...
its just not impressive
it will stutter (my definition of stutter is you can see a loss of frames, so like going from 100 - 80, or 60-55 thats irritating)
lol, until recently I had a TNT2 graphics 1.3ghz 640mb ram system

So I think I should be happy with whatever I get.

Right, Off to play it now,

I will be bk with my verdict soonish :)
Actually, I really liked it. The atmosphere is good, and once I got control of the inventory I was fine.
The physics are exellent, much better implemented than MP2, imo.

Some of the textures ARE los res.... that could use work... conbat confused me, as did the ammo, but I have the figured out now.
Crouching puts your face about a foot above the floor..... confusing.... otherwise, very good demo imo.
right click on "my computer", select properties, go to the advanced tab, and one of the choices should say something about virtual memory. go inside, and change it so that the max and min amount are the same: 700mb (i think it's a good choice). If you don't get it still, post again, and I'll elaborate more, but be quick about it, since I'm headding for a party in 10 minutes. I'm already tipsy, and it's getting worse by the minute (I'm sure you know the feeling).
great, another reason to wish XBOX was never made. Thers always stalker/farcry/doom3/hl2/

......but i really wanted this to own. I mean on a personal level, since i regard dx1 as the best game ever made next to chrono-trigger. Oh well there is still hope, i havn't even played dx2 yet lol
Bottom line for me is, this looks like a console game, plays like one. Some fun stuff in it, but for the most part I hate it. The interface is terrible (no 'drop' key? now that is just stupid), HUD is terrible, movement is silly (I jump twenty feet & float to the ground, but boxes/etc fly around like crazy and fall to earth as you would expect?), NO LEANING?? but stealth doesn't matter because all enemies see me coming a mile away no matter what....meh that's enough.

After playing it I have a few points to make.

1. With my ATI card there are artifacts everywhere and also with my whole new top of the line system It runs slow on 1280 x 1024 with everything else topped.

2. I dont like the way there are no longer head shots or other locational damage.

3. I dont like the way sometimes the characters you talk to don't face you when you talk to them!!! weird that....

4. I dont like the way combat works really. too arcade style for me generally speaking. And NO leaning/reloading/individual ammo

5. I Dont like the way the demo just puts you in an unknow situation with ittle guidance.

6. I don't like the way if your carrying a weapon there is a red cross hair all the time when placed over another character. ( Made me shoot a guy for no reason )

7. I dont like the way enemies fight and react to shots fired.

I also really miss large outdoor spaces :(

Now for the good things

8. I like the way you can still sneak arround and not hurt to many people until you have to. :)

9. I like the way the phyics works (but I really think they could have used it in gameplay more)

10. I like the lighting effects. allthough some are weird (Broke)

11. I love the augmentations.

12. I can deal with location damage gone and the ammo system is OK.

14. Still generally speaking plays like deus ex.

Right I have to go so I will sum up without listing everything above.

I liked it!
But only because I see potential
If I had no idea what deus ex was I probably wouldent look twice at something as shoddy as this.
But I can see that the story is most likely gona be its saviour.
I just wish they would correct the problems and not make it play like an arcade game. Because thats not how its suppost to play. :(

The original demo had me playing again and again. Even when It was an old game when i got it.

However I dont feel motivated enough to reload it in order to complete the objectives as I wish I had done the first/second time.

This is quite obviously a very bad sign. I just hope they make some changes fast (Or made them). :)
to get rid of the artifacts on your card (and mine) I had to turn of AA in my 3d options tab.
:( I hate turning of AA

one thing I cant stand is when you throw something at someone, it doesnt effect them.

in other words I threw a barrel up into the air (really high) and it came crashing down on some fool, smack dab on the head, and he just said "you better stop it" no damage done.

in fact you can keep hurling things at people, they spout off some menacing lines threatening to hurt you if you do it again... but thats it.. no effect, if you talk to them they dont recognize you spent the last 30 mins chucking things against their noggin, they dont take damage, and they dont do anything about it no matter how much you throw at them.

that sucks.

whats worse is it doesnt feel... epic/powerul

like in the developer interview he said "you can run 40mph or big up a car and throw it... I dont see that working in the engine.
the lighting is gimmicky and reminds me of Blade of Darkness.
bah Im doubly as dissapointed being a Deus ex fan... :(

ok, I just recently downloaded the Deus Ex1 demo and I must say that I was a little dissapointed compared to what I expected.(just started playing System Shock2, and felt I needed more of that genre...but IMO SS2 is actually better) now I downloaded this demo and...I'm even more dissapointed, it seems that whatever good was in the first one has been removed and all the annoying shit has been doubled.

here's a quick rundown of pros and cons:


-stability(no crashes during game or installation)

-open ended gameplay, multiple ways of solving problems.

-light and shadow, and graphics to an extend.


-control reset bug. sooo ****ing annoying!

- physics, somehow they managed to screw up the physics. when you shoot a corpse it goes nuts. and for other material it just doesn't behave as you would expect.(not to mention six-sided "barrels")

-combat. one word "boring".

-headshots make no difference.(as far as I can tell)

-Enemy AI blows. they just stand still and shoot, when they move there's not much logic behind it.

-sound. not really bad, but definitly not amazing. all guns sounds weak.

-no leaning.

-movement. movement is odd especially concerning duck and jumping.

-some weird graphics artifacts(but that might be my settings, though I doubt it, haven't seen it in any other games)

-the most annoying inventory system ever.(didn't like the one in DEus Ex either, and this one is even more frustrating.)

-hacking is downright boring, compared to System Shock2 and even the first deus ex.

-don't know if it's just for the demo, but the skill system seems to have been removed, which really make character management less attractive...or should I say non-existant?

-the different info screens and tabs that were present in the previous game is gone. such as the health screen. and the interface as a whole is pretty boring. also I didn't recieve a single note, and the objectives are a little to giving. meaning that although you have different ways of solving the objective and achieving the sollutions you're given the options from the start(meaning less creative thinking), unlike the first game we're the main objectives were much broader and hints as to how achiving the goals in different ways was given as notes instead as mission objectives.

I could probably find more that annoys me in this demo, but I can't be bothered right now. all in all this demo is very dissapointing and as far as I can tell the title has been overhyped. I think it's even off my christmas wishing list, I'm definitly not going to spend money on this title. but lets hope that the full game is better...and if not...I sure as hell hope they haven't messed ThiefIII up like this!
Originally posted by marksmanHL2 :)
bad for student gamers :(
Good call! The temptation to fully blow an entire term's worth of my student loan on upgrading my PC (Mostly for HL2. Mostly.) was FAR too much...

Instead I spent it on booze... Huzzah!
<Passes out in gutter>
has anyone else noticed that some of the sounds being used are akin to the ones that come from DAGGERFALL? I shit you not, take a listen Daggerfall fans, you tell me.

knife swinging, some footsteps, picking up inventory items - a couple dead obvious ones.
You know what the worst thing is.

I was trying to be nice about the game in my last post!

I have been thinking.

I though:

That game is actually a crapy console conversion from hell with no replayability and no style. I hate playing it, it actually makes me want to watch the HL2 videos again to convince me there are good games out there and all is not lost.
It also makes me wonder why on earth I got such a expensive computer if games I look forward to are going to be so badly enginiered that they run like shit!
I also thought why did they change things that work


For gods sake. This is just about the MOST disapointing thing yet!
Hmm, it's not working for me. I start it and I hear some error noise and the screen is black and I hit alt-tab and I see the error down on the bottom but it won't let me read what is on it cause of they lame black bkground so I don't know wtf is wrong with it, hooray, Eidos are shitters.

edit- and their forums are slow as shit too
Hi. Can any of you please help me out? I really want to play this demo, yet whenever i click on new game, no matter what resolution I have it on, it crashes in the middle of loading. I've left it alone for up to 15 minutes with no changes except going to a black screen and staying there. My system specs, in case you need them, are:
Pentium 4 2.4
512 MB Ram
Geforce 4 Ti 4200
Also, i noticed that whenever it crashes, i have this on my clipboard.

*** Win32 Runtime Fault : ACCESS_VIOLATION
*** Build Nov 14 2003 19:12:56
*** Thread Id : 0000090Ch

Location : IP=0059684D SP=0012B010 BP=00000000

I would really appreciate any help you guys can give me. Thanks a lot.
Originally posted by marksmanHL2 :)
It also makes me wonder why on earth I got such a expensive computer if games I look forward to are going to be so badly enginiered that they run like shit!

:( I know, I got my rig back in may, and Im still playing HL1 and its mods.....
BF1942 is nice, but it ran perfectly before I upgraded (same with hl1 of course)

please please please FAR-CRY be good :(
Thats another thing:


It wasnt hardware either. Some sounds sounded good. like the convosations.

But just drop a cardbored box down a flight of steps.
Is that not THE MOST annoying sound effect EVER!!!

I keep thinking of more things to put against this game. And nothing to help it!!!

Sorry about my posts.

They must be depressing as hell :(

But you can obviously tell how upset I am.

Look At the official Eidos Forums. People are horrified. And these are the true Fanboys. They have lost all their supporters.

Why did this have to happen. I really wanted to play a orriginal intelectual game.
Instead I get this. :(
I do have to say that I really wanted this to be great, and it really looked like it was going to be. But it sucks, I mean, it really sucks. It's obvious to see that Deus Ex 2 was created for the console first. Where the hell is all the stuff we were hearing about? Great A.I.? I wouldn't even call the A.I. good, it's trash. Guys get caught in doors, and corners. You can shoot them and run away and after a few seconds (they don't even bother to search really) they go back to whatever they were doing. Revolutionary physics? No, these aren't revolutionary physics. Let me explain, I can walk into a barrel and it will shoot across the room, but I can't pick it up. The ragdolls are terrible, throw a body and it acts like it's having a seizure, kill a guy and he falls into the most twisted, pathetic excuse for a realistic ragdoll I've ever seen. The lighting is nice, but the textures are pretty low res (I'm guessing it's because they wanted demo sizes down or they made it primarily for the X-Box which displays at a low res anyway). I don't know what people mean by a lack of bump mapping. There is quite alot of it, although due to the low res textures it doesn't look so great. The interface is bad, really bad. It's clunky, very, very obtrusive, just awful. Then there are the graphical artifacts (turned off AA to no avail), the stutter on my machine (3.0 GHz, 1GB DDR400 RAM, 9700 Pro). Im so dissapointed, I wouldn't be if is this demo had been released a month ago or so, but here we are less than two weeks from release, and the demo is crap. God help Thief III!!!
I think this is one of the only times I will say something like this but:

I only hope to god they delay this game and fix it quick!!!!!!
The core game is flawed, it needs to be totally redesigned from the ground up to be any good.
well i hope stalker turns out more than sure it will. Does it have inventory and rpg elements? maybe it'll replace this disaster.

(oh yah marksman how much did you get your pc for?)
£1700 quid ish

But my mum payed so I didn't bother lookin arround tooooooo much. :)

I might have got it quite a bit cheaper had I built it myself. But I didn't so meh

BTW: I have just found something silly in the Deus ex 2 demos content folder.
A file Named: LipsyncData.
I mean come on. I didnt notice anything even slightly resembly that!!!
erm pound but I dont know why I put it in as well as the £ lol.

Just ignor it.

£1700 approximatly
Originally posted by qckbeam
God help Thief III!!!


they better not have messed up Thief or I will get seriously pissed...fortunately I didn't care much for Deus Ex2 but I'm still dissapointed.

if Thief3 turns out to be similar crappy(or worse than Thief 1/2) I'm gonna be pissed.
Well... I'm absolutely appalled. I was shocked at how horrible this demo was.


-RT lighting is cool
-Fun to pick up things and throw them
-Nifty gadgets


-Enemies take about 5 million shots to kill
-HUD from Hell makes you feel like you're driving a submarine
-Movement feels all wrong
-Crouching is more like going prone
-Bad A.I. (Instead of going around corners they run against the wall)
-Physics are all screwy + cruddy sound effects when things fall
-Jerky animation
-Worst inventory system ever
-Config reset bug
-Runs poorly on my fairly decent system
-Ugly graphics

I'm the kind of guy who likes practically much any game I try (I liked Enter the Matrix for God's sake!) but this one was just simply unplayable. What a shame.
Originally posted by marksmanHL2 :)
£1700 quid ish

BTW: I have just found something silly in the Deus ex 2 demos content folder.
A file Named: LipsyncData.
I mean come on. I didnt notice anything even slightly resembly that!!!

they opened their moth when speaking...that gotta count for lipsynch right? right!?

just like standing still and shooting should count for revolutionary AI right?

or how break-dancing corpses count for realistic physiscs right?


*insert sarcastic comment about almost any aspect of this game*

I have yet to see one person on more than 4 games forums (Inculding Official Forums) who is now going to buy Deus Ex 2.
Some have allready cancelled their subscriptions.

This is a sad day for gaming. :'(
man I wonder how the developers feel after this sort response....

how the **** could they not see how crappy it was?(hopefully the full game is THAT much better...but I seriously doubt it)
yeah, generally I hold back from insulting games on their own forums lol. I have alot of respect for games designers.
But honestly, I have gone crazzy at this. Its shocking!!
I was just reading the forums, and it appears that any card which doesn't have pixel shader hardware (GF4 MX, GF2 downwards) disables the game from being played at all. So maybe my download messing up wasn't such a disaster after all.....
Originally posted by Murray_H
I was just reading the forums, and it appears that any card which doesn't have pixel shader hardware (GF4 MX, GF2 downwards) disables the game from being played at all. So maybe my download messing up wasn't such a disaster after all.....

Even if you can get it to work, it's not worth playing.
DX2 is deeply compromised by it's development for the X Box in it's interface, it's gameplay and it's appearance. I'm sure the actual story line is top notch, but the entire experience is an unpleasant one and certainly has put me off buying it.

I wanted to scream when I saw how big the text was, even at 1280. It just has console written all over it.
I agree, the text is really really annoying.
But thats not even the beggining really now is it........

I hate consoles. Look what they have done to a great game!!!
i dont care WHAT warren spector sais,.....the more complext the f'ing better. Simplification never will help. Smaller levels never will help.

I wouldn't care if there was 100 ammo types per gun,....more the merrier. Shit make the inventory tetris make it like 10 boxes just gimme da complex stuff, cause thats were the fun is at.