Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

As opposed to the genius and well thought out sidequests in Oblivion(aside from the Dark Brotherhood) and Fallout 3? :laugh:
Almost every single one.

EDIT: Oh yes, looking for vegetables in a field for a farmer, IIRC.

How exactly is that silly? You offer to help him and he asks you to bring 10 grain plants iirc. Standard side quest.

Risen featured a bunch of those but to say most of them are silly is just not right, as it features several interesting ones such as having to collect money from people and investigation quests (having to interrogate victims of burglaries to get to the source) and having to force people to pay money that they owe to your boss.
Almost every single one.

EDIT: Oh yes, looking for vegetables in a field for a farmer, IIRC.

Would you prefer every farmer and their mum sent you to find an age-old forgotten artifact thingamajig?
Would you prefer every farmer and their mum sent you to find an age-old forgotten artifact thingamajig?
Hahaha! That reminds me of that lunch all the coppers go to in Hot Fuzz when Sgt. Nicholarse Angel first arrives. Good times.
I just tried reading that article and didn't understand shit, not sure why.

But anyway, I quite like small side quests like the example given from Risen, I find that it can be a nice break of pace and in a way it also feels realistic in the sense that there might be people in the world that only needs help with small things.

I really don't see the issue with them, especially when they are side-quests that aren't mandatory for story progression.
Oblivion: “Go to Chorroll and talk to the blacksmith”
/open map and see marker where blacksmith is standing at that very second.

Morrowind: “Talk to the blacksmith. His hutt is located outside of town go down the road a ways then turn left at 12th tree. Cross the meadow and head south after you see a rock. Follow the river a bit then head east .”
/40 minutes of wandering around with vague directions and 5 cliffracers stuck in trees later find the blacksmith

Here’s to a happy medium in Skyrim.
game looks nice, can't wait! Another 150 hrs of my life will go bye bye
Whoever was asking questions sounded like he was stoned.
Looks pretty, despite some obvious technical limitations (yeah, talk up the details, your plants look like shit bro). The plains area seriously wowed me, and I like the way combat seems to work.

Anyone else notice that the giant looked kind of small when it was right up in his face?
Well, I wasn't playing complete attention. But, supposedly there's only three "main" guilds? I'm wondering if there'll be smaller, less-important factions available to join, such as the dark brotherhood.
The dual wielding is pretty cool, the game is looking very pretty.
Deus Ex 3 + Skyrim. 2011 is going to be a very good year.
Looking nice although the skill level up seems a bit obtrusive.
13 Minutes of gameplay! I'm lusting hard after this game. The more I see the more I want!

My heart just got stomped on:

Bethesda: Consoles will be the lead platform for Skyrim

Hooray for clunky menus and the continuation of a poorly optimized engine. I also hope that this doesn't lead to a departure from being really accessible to modders. They're the only ones that will be able to save a console-centric UI.
Bethesda has already joined my "not to buy from" list after their latest bug fest aka Brink. They can feel free to suck circumcised cock while Activision and Ubisoft cup my balls.
Bethesda has already joined my "not to buy from" list after their latest bug fest aka Brink. They can feel free to suck circumcised cock while Activision and Ubisoft cup my balls.

Bethesda didn't develop Brink, they published it.

Its lame that its console primary, but as long as its moddable, I'll still get it. The first thing I did with both Oblivion and Morrowind was get menu and UI mods. Bethesda isn't great at making PC UIs anyways. That said, the new menu system seems like it will work fine on both PC and console. Hopefully someone will mod the PC one to allow for multiple columns of items though, to reduce scrolling.
Bethesda has already joined my "not to buy from" list after their latest bug fest aka Brink. They can feel free to suck circumcised cock while Activision and Ubisoft cup my balls.

The game looks awesome, but seconded. Bethesda shat on The Elder Scrolls (notwithstanding the fact that Skyrim look good overall), punched Fallout in the throat, and killed Brink in the womb. And now Skyrim still doesn't have a diagonal walk animation.

[edit] Krynn, Bethesda published Brink, but they also forced Splash Damage to push the release forward due to competition. If they had given the game an extra week instead of one week less, the launch would have been far more successful, especially considering that Brink's demographic didn't overlap any other competitors at the time.
13 Minutes of gameplay! I'm lusting hard after this game. The more I see the more I want!

I was so hoping at that moment in time that the guy grinding the axe blade didn't realise he was grinding his finger down to the nub

I like the fact that this is a longer video, I could only find the shortened down version on several sites

it hurts me when they say things like "really accessible" and "easy"

mods could save this game on PC... let's hope they're supporting it that way
Bethesda didn't develop Brink, they published it.

They rush their releases regardless of who is developing. Look at their track record. You have to rely on the modding community to fix their games.
I thought it's not totally honest of them to be saying this game has a new Creation engine, when it's an improved Gamebryo, but after seeing a comparison pic I've got to admit the visual improvement is bigger than I thought.

The use of left/right use was kinda a dead give away. Using the left mouse button to use the right hand doesn't make any sense
My heart just got stomped on:

Bethesda: Consoles will be the lead platform for Skyrim

Hooray for clunky menus and the continuation of a poorly optimized engine. I also hope that this doesn't lead to a departure from being really accessible to modders. They're the only ones that will be able to save a console-centric UI.

As if Fallout 3 and Oblivion didn't have clunky menus. I'd have been surprised if Skyrimjob was any different.
I played oblivion on 360 and had a good time so whatever
As if Fallout 3 and Oblivion didn't have clunky menus. I'd have been surprised if Skyrimjob was any different.

Hell, even Morrowind had clunky, garbage menus. Bethesda doesn't need to develop for consoles for their games to have bad interfaces. They just suck at it.

Wait... what? Has there actually been suggestions of this?

I don't think so. I haven't heard anything of the sort. Everything Bethesda has actually said about Skyrim modding seems to indicate it not being very different from the way it's been with all of their other games.
I can't believe they got rid of class limitations....****ing Todd man.
I'm glad they got rid of them. Go Todd man!