Films: Rate and Discuss

i love how this forum explodes with praise whenever moon or sam rockwell are mentioned :)

And yes I ****ing LOVE moon!! :D

Avatar got all the oscar nods and this was ignored. ****ing sad :(
I've never gotten why people think Samon hates everything. I mean, there are many posts in which he clearly talks about things he likes. He just happens to hate you and everything you like and hold dear.
Once I actually got a compliment out of him. It was a beautiful day and one that I won't easily forget.
I read that article earlier today. One of the funniest reviews I've ever seen. Shame about the film. I love the series, but I doubt I'll be seeing Shyamalan's 3-D butchery of it.
Heh, I was just gonna post this. I almost want to watch it now just to see how much I hate it, but that would involve paying the people responsible, so I'll just wait and rent it.

Total Recall (again) - 6/10

This bugged me a lot more than the first time(s) I watched it, namely because I never noticed just how many plot holes there are. Why did Quaid go to Recall if everyone the Agency planted was telling him not to, despite it being integral to their plans? Why did they give him that holographic watch thing if it not only worked against them in the end, but they didn't even seem to know about it? Why does Cohagen pull a Bond villain and leave Quaid and Melina in the room to be erased, and then in the very next scene he's telling Richter to go kill him like he already knew he'd escape? Why does it take ancient alien technology to create air by essentially just melting ice with hot metal rods, and how the **** does this entirely terraform the planet in 2 minutes flat? IN WHAT UNIVERSE IS ARNIE BELIEVABLE AS A ****ING SUPER SPY?!

(Oh wait, True Lies :cool:)

Anyway, despite all that, it's still really enjoyable. The practical effects have held up well in some cases (the bullet wounds look just as good as any action movie in recent memory), and in others are hilariously dated (basically anything involving Arnie's face). The one liners are pure indulgence (SEE YOU AT DA PAHTY RICHTAH). The acting is deliciously shlocky, and yet many of the characters still manage to come off as sympathetic. Also, three titted hooker. Nuff said.
Heh, I was just gonna post this. I almost want to watch it now just to see how much I hate it, but that would involve paying the people responsible, so I'll just wait and rent it.

Total Recall (again) - 6/10

This bugged me a lot more than the first time(s) I watched it, namely because I never noticed just how many plot holes there are. Why did Quaid go to Recall if everyone the Agency planted was telling him not to, despite it being integral to their plans? Why did they give him that holographic watch thing if it not only worked against them in the end, but they didn't even seem to know about it? Why does Cohagen pull a Bond villain and leave Quaid and Melina in the room to be erased, and then in the very next scene he's telling Richter to go kill him like he already knew he'd escape? Why does it take ancient alien technology to create air by essentially just melting ice with hot metal rods, and how the **** does this entirely terraform the planet in 2 minutes flat? IN WHAT UNIVERSE IS ARNIE BELIEVABLE AS A ****ING SUPER SPY?!

A very easy explanation is that he's still trapped in his own mind in Recall. Actually, I thought that was what the ending tried to imply.
The problem I have with that is how easy it is to substitute the word "explanation" for "excuse." ;)
It is a pretty tidy explanation, mind you. "Arnie's dumb therefore so is the plot." I'd buy it. :P
Heh, I was just gonna post this. I almost want to watch it now just to see how much I hate it, but that would involve paying the people responsible, so I'll just wait and rent it.

Total Recall (again) - 6/10

This bugged me a lot more than the first time(s) I watched it, namely because I never noticed just how many plot holes there are. Why did Quaid go to Recall if everyone the Agency planted was telling him not to, despite it being integral to their plans? Why did they give him that holographic watch thing if it not only worked against them in the end, but they didn't even seem to know about it? Why does Cohagen pull a Bond villain and leave Quaid and Melina in the room to be erased, and then in the very next scene he's telling Richter to go kill him like he already knew he'd escape? Why does it take ancient alien technology to create air by essentially just melting ice with hot metal rods, and how the **** does this entirely terraform the planet in 2 minutes flat? IN WHAT UNIVERSE IS ARNIE BELIEVABLE AS A ****ING SUPER SPY?!

(Oh wait, True Lies :cool:)

Anyway, despite all that, it's still really enjoyable. The practical effects have held up well in some cases (the bullet wounds look just as good as any action movie in recent memory), and in others are hilariously dated (basically anything involving Arnie's face). The one liners are pure indulgence (SEE YOU AT DA PAHTY RICHTAH). The acting is deliciously shlocky, and yet many of the characters still manage to come off as sympathetic. Also, three titted hooker. Nuff said.

Things you did wrong:
1. Took Total Recall seriously
2. Cared about plot holes in Total Recall
3. Did not enjoy Total Recall
4. Understood the point of Total Recall
You realize where you are dont you?

Theres the internet, and then theres
So I'll be expecting the payment for your bill any time now, right Dynasty?
You know what, I'm not ****ing scoring my reviews any more, okay? And let that be the end of (some of) these pointless debates.

Princess and the Frog - S'okay

Grabbed this to see if Disney still had it, and... well, all the rudimentary elements are still there. It's lively, it's colourful, it definitely plays to your senses, and the characters are endearing enough. I especially liked the prince, who comes into the movie looking like any other vapid, soulless Disney prince (save for like, Beast and Aladdin, neither of whom were really princes), but comes out like one of the more charming Dreamworks protagonists (pretty sure he even does the face a few times :P). The 'princess' (role reversal... in a Disney film?! :o) is equally well characterised, but I feel like she's at odds with the setting a bit. She's your typical modern, independent Disney woman (even moreso than usual), but she has something that few of them really had - ambition. This is nice in principle, but I really didn't like how it panned out, since ultimately it seems to go counterpoint to the moral of the story, making it a bit more cloudy than it had to be. There's a lot of things that made me feel that way, actually - the plot and characters often seem to be heading one way, but then the movie will suddenly remember it's taking place in a Disney fairytale universe and it'll pull a 180 just to satisfy the unbreakable rules of that world. Still, if you look at it through the eyes of it's intended audience, there's not really anything here that makes it bad, it's just a collection of little things than hinder it from truly living up to it's heritage.

Oh also, loved Keith David. I could listen to that voice all day. :3

Daybreakers - Yeah nah

Solid concept, but I think they took it a bit too far. If anything it's refreshing to see a vampire film that is actually a vampire film, I just wish the plot had lived up to it's clever premise. That aside, a pretty enjoyable action horror, not to mention fairly well acted. I don't usually like Hawke very much but he plays his role well here. Sam Neill fits into the skin of an evil corporate vampire a little too well. Dafoe is good, but kind of wasted on an uninteresting character. Also OBLIGATORY MAORI ACTOR seriously what is up with this, Hollywood? That character didn't even need to be in the film, are you just trying to fill a quota? :P
Get him to the Greek - 8/10

I've never really taken the time to watch Russell Brand whenever he's been on T.V, so I was a bit skeptical when the missus said she wanted to go and see this (I wanted to go and watch 'The Collector', purely for the gore, but meh!). Anyway, was extremely impressed with it overall in the end. Had me in stitches throughout most of it and thought Jonah Hill was brilliant. Definitely worth a watch and I certainly will be taking the time to watch more Russell Brand now!
Princess and the Frog - S'okay

Grabbed this to see if Disney still had it, and... well, all the rudimentary elements are still there. It's lively, it's colourful, it definitely plays to your senses, and the characters are endearing enough. I especially liked the prince, who comes into the movie looking like any other vapid, soulless Disney prince (save for like, Beast and Aladdin, neither of whom were really princes), but comes out like one of the more charming Dreamworks protagonists (pretty sure he even does the face a few times :P). The 'princess' (role reversal... in a Disney film?! :o) is equally well characterised, but I feel like she's at odds with the setting a bit. She's your typical modern, independent Disney woman (even moreso than usual), but she has something that few of them really had - ambition. This is nice in principle, but I really didn't like how it panned out, since ultimately it seems to go counterpoint to the moral of the story, making it a bit more cloudy than it had to be. There's a lot of things that made me feel that way, actually - the plot and characters often seem to be heading one way, but then the movie will suddenly remember it's taking place in a Disney fairytale universe and it'll pull a 180 just to satisfy the unbreakable rules of that world. Still, if you look at it through the eyes of it's intended audience, there's not really anything here that makes it bad, it's just a collection of little things than hinder it from truly living up to it's heritage.

Oh also, loved Keith David. I could listen to that voice all day. :3

Daybreakers - Yeah nah

Solid concept, but I think they took it a bit too far. If anything it's refreshing to see a vampire film that is actually a vampire film, I just wish the plot had lived up to it's clever premise. That aside, a pretty enjoyable action horror, not to mention fairly well acted. I don't usually like Hawke very much but he plays his role well here. Sam Neill fits into the skin of an evil corporate vampire a little too well. Dafoe is good, but kind of wasted on an uninteresting character. Also OBLIGATORY MAORI ACTOR seriously what is up with this, Hollywood? That character didn't even need to be in the film, are you just trying to fill a quota? :P would you score them, overall?
I liked Daybreakers. It seemed like a decent enough movie, albeit with some stupid things, but then again, what movies don't have stupid things? The concept was original, at least.

Also, I'm not going to give a score, because you guys would all attack me for giving too much or giving too less.
Daybreakers was pretty rubbish, but that's okay - I paid my admission fee on the grounds that I'd get to see Sam Neill lapping it up as a villainous corporate honcho. It delivered.
That it did, I suppose. But the idea was more intriguing and enjoyable than the actual movie, although I'm not saying anything bad about it.

Also, just watched Sin City. It was awesome. The end. 9/10. -1/2 for being over-the-top, but then again, it was awesome. -1/2 for the ending. It's not an ending that really makes you feel good inside. This is one movie though that I wouldn't mind seeing a sequel of. Of course, I'm not saying that its necessarily a bad thing, and it goes with the whole atmosphere of Sin City, but er..... I dunno, I guess I just hoped for something to feel good about after all the dying and torture and rape. I wasn't really satisfied at the deaths of the bad guys, including the child molester guy, since you know, people dying is still people dying.

Sin City - the city itself is still an administrative nightmare. I really should get whatever its based out of. It'd be interesting to see more to it.

The ending implies that Becky gets killed in that elevator by the creep robber guy, right?
Law Abiding Citizen 7/10

It promised satisfaction and then it ended up being just a tease. I feel cheated.
I think that was meant to be an emoticon or something.
Twin Peaks

I absolutely adored this show pretty much start to finish, and was also my introduction to the world of david lynch actually :P

The characters are brilliant and have such charm (Dale Cooper kicks ass! :D) and I have a strange urge to drink black coffee now :P

Seriously though i loved it start to finish apart from a slow patch in the middle of season 2 after the murder was solved but the only reason something like that stuck out so much for me was cos the rest of it was so good. This is at least one of the best tv shows i've ever seen

and yet....that ending is so underwhelming. Whenever i think of twin peaks now I will always feel a tinge of sadness and regret that it was cancelled leaving a show unfinished ;(;(;(;(

SO many plot threads unresolved, the fates of pretty much every character left unknown and our hero is...well...i don't even really know what happened to him! Why does stuff like this get cancelled but total dross can thrive and flourish ;(

PS: damn lynch can be scary! That is how you freak people out and i don't scare easily but damn! Doppelganger demon screaming Laura Palmer is going to give me nightmares for the rest of the week ;(

PPS: i dont know who plays him but the actor for windom earle would actually be a pretty good joker imo O_O
Sin City.
The ending can't really be called such if you go by the source material - the comics are all self-contained stories, although they overlap at times and share common characters. Which isn't to say the movie shouldn't be judged on it's own merits, but if you enjoyed it that much you really owe it to yourself to check out the comics, if only for the sake of context. That said, the movie does a pretty good job of capturing their style and tone, so don't expect anything more upbeat. :P
Avatar: The Last Airbender 7/10

Almost true to its form for one thing, the characters seemed a lot duller. There was plenty of action and really decent CGI but for the most part the cartoon is loads better. Its still nice to see it adapted to the big screen but seriously could have been funnier. The show had a laugh a minute, this was like a laugh every 5 mins
Avatar: The Last Airbender 7/10

Almost true to its form for one thing, the characters seemed a lot duller. There was plenty of action and really decent CGI but for the most part the cartoon is loads better. Its still nice to see it adapted to the big screen but seriously could have been funnier. The show had a laugh a minute, this was like a laugh every 5 mins

You may be the only person on this plane of existence that enjoyed, even for a second, this abomination of filmmaking and humanity itself.
Avatar: The Last Airbender 7/10

Almost true to its form for one thing, the characters seemed a lot duller. There was plenty of action and really decent CGI but for the most part the cartoon is loads better. Its still nice to see it adapted to the big screen but seriously could have been funnier. The show had a laugh a minute, this was like a laugh every 5 mins
What are you trying to say with that?
That he should care about what other people think?
Maybe he should care about what he thinks.

"Almost true to form."

"Dull characters."

"Cartoon is loads better."

"Could have been funnier."

I don't give a shit what half the world thinks, otherwise you could call me a clone. I can name 10 movies off the top of my head that should have rated far worse than Avatar: The Last Airbender in my head, and some would include The Assassination of Jesse James, Repo The Genetic Opera, There Will Be Blood, Babylon A.D., Year One, etc....but its a shame this movie got such bad reviews. It really wasn't bad as people are bitching about. More like that summertime dud that everyone jumps at because its easy to make fun of not knowing anything about the show