Gordon Freeman is a bumbling idiot

Yeah its like i say damn it. Hes a bad mother f**ker.
And hell how much stuffs in RTB?
As much as you want there to be.;)
Seriously, though, several short stories, written by Marc Laidlaw, really add a lot to the plot. I can see why they were cut but many of them fleshed out the characters more.
The one I quoted was an extended intro with the G-man. It does alot to explain what exactly happened to Gordon and what the G-man plans for him.

Originally there was a train sequence as well, reminiscent of the tram ride from Half-Life. While I wasn't a big fan of the tram sequence the view of the wasteland described in the scene is something I would have really liked to see.

A scene with Eli Vance is also in RtB that explains for Gordon (and the player) just what happened after Half-Life. This, I think, they should have left in the game. Mostly because the "Portal storms" aren't very well explained in the game, and it is vague to the point that you really have to find out what happened through other sources (internet and what not.) This is what I think is the only weakness in the plot and it bugs me tremendously.

Overall much of the story that was originally described very specificly in the game was left to the players own interpretation, which I think was a change mostly for the better.
But I'm rambling, Raising the Bar is great. The End.
Samon said:
Gman very clearly did not send Gordon to kill Breen.

Okay, you mean Breen was not a target at all? How is it very clear?. I'm in the dark (as usual). I mean to topple the Combine you would have to topple the administration, and you can't have Breen alive (or at his seat of power). Maybe not kill, but kicked off his throne. Or why would he NOT send him to kill/terminate Breen's position?.
Because the G-man's a GENIUS!!!!!
But yeah, he clearly sent you to kill Breen. Infact, if Breen isn't dead I'm sure Gordon is going to get quite a talking to.
esplin said:
Because the G-man's a GENIUS!!!!!
But yeah, he clearly sent you to kill Breen. Infact, if Breen isn't dead I'm sure Gordon is going to get quite a talking to.

I thought it was clear, but some opinions seem to say otherwise. As for Breen being dead, all gman cares about is Breen's position as administrator is disposed of. The manhunt can begin later, and I suspect, span several episodes but that goes off topic.
I honestly don't think Breen is significant in Gmans eyes. The Combine don't even care that much about Breen, they've just manipulated him into being hell bent on gaining access to Eli's portal technology.

Gman doesn't want Breen dead, he's insignificant. He, or whoever contracted Gordon to do so, wanted the reactor destroyed. It’s the tunnelling entanglement system, and in destroying it you cut the Combines connection with earth. That’s what mattered. Gman didn't extract you when Breens vital signs hit rock bottom, because Breen was still standing. Gman extracted you the moment that fusion reactor exploded.

Marc Laidlaw said once, that he thought the ending was great because it showed Gordons role in the universe. Of course it does, it shows Gordon is powerless, but a tool, and that once his assignment is completed its extraction time.
But that is based on the fact that the Combine only put ONE teleport device on the ENTIRE PLANET???
Unless i'm not understanding the theory, as long as the Combine had more than one device they wouldnt need them all operational
Llama said:
But that is based on the fact that the Combine only put ONE teleport device on the ENTIRE PLANET???
Unless i'm not understanding the theory, as long as the Combine had more than one device they wouldnt need them all operational

Well, it's their new entanglement device according to alyx. Which leads me to think there was only one at the time. But I also think that Breen (although an insignificant pawn of the Combine) was meant to be indirectly knocked off his perch of power. How else would Gordon get to the reactor?.

"Gman extracted you the moment that fusion reactor exploded"

True, but remember we are going back to C17 in AM. "We'll see about THAT(Breen still being alive)!" Without a leader, the Combine's forces are far less powerful, but Breen isn't dead yet. And that could be significant motivation for AM.
I really, really doubt Gman is referring to Breen when he says, "We'll see about THAT." It’s totally off.

Alyx at no point says it’s new. "Oh my god...this is the Citadel's dark fusion reactor, it powers their tunnelling entanglement device."
And besides, Gordon didn't have to topple Breen to get to the reactor. He could have easily bypassed Breen’s office, its just how events rolled. What’s Breen going to do really? With the Citadel in meltdown, he's got no basis of power to control them. Without the Combines direction, he's lost and so are the Overwatch forces.
Llama said:
But that is based on the fact that the Combine only put ONE teleport device on the ENTIRE PLANET???
Unless i'm not understanding the theory, as long as the Combine had more than one device they wouldnt need them all operational

I found this confusing myself tbh. I know we shouldn't take the cut bits of RtB as canon, but according to that, and the fact that there would appear to be a lot of other Combine controlled cities - and also the fact that it would be weird for the Combine to invade earth just through some obscure eastern European town - it seems there might be more than one citadel (presumably each with its own reactor).

Maybe Gman just required the opening which would be created by the Combine losing control of one city.
She doesn't?, hmm I'll have to check up on that. If she didn't, then there is no reason to believe there is only one, right?. Unless you consider entanglement is a new technology (from what I gathered at Bm East), and Breen would only have time to install it at his own Citadel (which would be more of and advantage for him, although that was proved wrong) before Gordon showed up.

And I guess Gordon could have bypassed (easily is a different matter, he had no knowledge of the Citadel) Breen's office. Although, with the reactor in meltdown, Breen is powerless as you said. A pleasant side-effect, I don't think gman would have disapproved, it seems to be aligned with his employer's goals. It might not have been the primary goal, but the secondary and it more than likely was expected by gman, and maybe he isn't referring to Breen by saying "We'll see about THAT!." Who knows?
Well one thing botherd me when Gordon got to the office. It realy was newbie. Jumping on one of those "whatever-you.call-it"? Being transported up to breens office? thats just stupid. He had a bad as gravity gun that could probably rip open the doore to his office. That whould have been a cool alt.Ending. And there it is. Gordon is a fool. And a cold killa!

If Breens dead or alive is not important at the moment Valve probably left that open... So they could have him as a joker. Or as a suprise in half life 3, If they felt like it. The chanses are that we´ll nerver see him again. or maybe just his bodey?
Can't the Combine send stuff without a teleporter on the other end? Isn't that how they got the citadels here in the first place?
UltimaApocalyspe said:
Can't the Combine send stuff without a teleporter on the other end? Isn't that how they got the citadels here in the first place?

Yep. From what I understand from RtB, they teleport in a whole citadel all at once (presumably with all their forces inside it, at battle stations, waiting to emerge).

You could theorise that the portal on top of the citadel(s?) makes it possible to send in smaller amounts of troops as needed, or that it makes it possible to send troops back on the return journey to other parts of the Combine empire *shrug*

Mossman says the Combine can't teleport locally, but they can probably at least teleport from citadel to citadel on earth, since at the utmost all that would entail would be to send something 'home' and then back to earth again at a different citadel. It probably isn't even as awkward as that.
UltimaApocalyspe said:
Imagine....thet teleport a whole new citadel where the one in meltdown is :)

LOL, the Combine have a 'dustbin' planet for this very eventuality. Just before the citadel blows they port it out onto their barren rubbish planet, and warp in a fresh new one. But this one has a big sign on top saying 'C0MBWN3d'.
I had a theory a while back that they used Xen as a kind of fallback point, so they built the Citadels there and teleported them in. I also thought that you were seeing Xen at the end of Half Life 2, and you go there first assuming Xen was a gateway to many other dimensions. Either that or the Combine were on Xen :p
Hmmm. Perhaps there's something on Earth that the Gman doesn't want the Combine to get...
Max35 said:
She doesn't?, hmm I'll have to check up on that. If she didn't, then there is no reason to believe there is only one, right?. Unless you consider entanglement is a new technology (from what I gathered at Bm East), and Breen would only have time to install it at his own Citadel (which would be more of and advantage for him, although that was proved wrong) before Gordon showed up.

No, because thats what the Combine have always used, to get from universe to universe.
Jintor said:
Hmmm. Perhaps there's something on Earth that the Gman doesn't want the Combine to get...

Yeah like all its recources.
As I understand it, the dark fusion reactors of the combine are used to teleport from their universe to ours, it consumes a lot of energy. The teleporter technology being developed by the resistance uses Xen as a relay for local teleportation - between locations on earth - which uses very little energy. The combine want local teleportation because it's far more efficient for deploying troops than a bit dark fusion portal, or transporting troops in dropships or whatever. Plus, the way that the Xen relay teleport works could possibly be engineered to transport from the combine world, through Xen, to earth or wherever, much more easily and efficiently than the dark fusion tunnelling thingie.
Samon said:
No, because thats what the Combine have always used, to get from universe to universe.

right, don't know what I was thinking. So, Eli and Mossman were just modifying entanglemant with the Xen relay, correct?. So, I guess it is entirely possible for the Combine to have other entanglement devices within the other Citadels. There is nothing ruling it out, as far as I can tell.
So what you think, is that the combine is gathering somthing else the g-man dont want the them to get? Like what?
Well he must have some intresst in it. cuz if it wasent for him, earth whoud have been breens world. Or something like that.
Maybe just lucky coinsident for humans?
Someone hired Gordon through the Gman to help liberate Earth, or at least for him to destroy the tunnelling entanglement device and cut the Combines connection. Quite obviously imo, its the resistance.
Samon said:
Someone hired Gordon through the Gman to help liberate Earth, or at least for him to destroy the tunnelling entanglement device and cut the Combines connection. Quite obviously imo, its the resistance.

I dont realy think so... Becouse that kinda mean that the resistance could offer gman somthing. And what do they get? teleportation tec? A naked planet? Or else the resistance whould have som kinde of leader that could have come in contact with gman. Who? Eli? Klainer? whouldent thet have mentioned it?

And Breen saying "did you know your contract was open to the highest bidder?" Well, could the resistance realy outbid the combine in anyway possible? dont think so. I guess that breen was unawere of gordons contract in the begining, but he got intell from someone... maybe that wormy thing.
And he could probably get him before the resistance.
So i guess Someone else. Or that gman wasnt intressted in whatever price was givin, and just went with the resistance.
Who was the most obvious to gain something?, the resistance.

Who was expecting him when he showed up (to a degree)?, the resistance. Kleiner said "I expected more warning", instead of "Freeman, you're alive, huh?" They knew he was alive, not many did, and knew he was coming soon enough.

I suppose it is possible that an alien force contracted Freeman's services, but I doubt it. It is a planet drained of resources. The humans want it back, not so much for the resources, but because there is no other environment they can possibly live in.

EDIT: "I don't think there is anything on Earth Gman wants."

The people (Eli, as a researcher, Freeman as a fighter), seem to be a more potent resource than Earth itself. It's humanity he's after. While the masses offer very little, the occasional, random configuration of genetics can create something with alot of potential, as well as the circumstances.
Yeah... But i still think someone else hired him. Too bad Gordon dosent stop a bit and ask: How the **** did i get here?
Rizzo89 said:
Yeah... But i still think someone else hired him. Too bad Gordon dosent stop a bit and ask: How the **** did i get here?

Any evidence to the contrary of the resistance hiring him?. Gman *appears* human after all, he might be more inclined to do business with his own species.
Rizzo89 said:
I dont realy think so... Becouse that kinda mean that the resistance could offer gman somthing. And what do they get? teleportation tec? A naked planet? Or else the resistance whould have som kinde of leader that could have come in contact with gman. Who? Eli? Klainer? whouldent thet have mentioned it?

And Breen saying "did you know your contract was open to the highest bidder?" Well, could the resistance realy outbid the combine in anyway possible? dont think so. I guess that breen was unawere of gordons contract in the begining, but he got intell from someone... maybe that wormy thing.
And he could probably get him before the resistance.
So i guess Someone else. Or that gman wasnt intressted in whatever price was givin, and just went with the resistance.

Nobody said the Combine put in an offer. Breen was merely teasing Gordon, joking and mocking him - at the fact that the people Gordon considers his friends, have sold him out. Why else does Eli and Alyx shout "No!" "Don't listen to him Gordon."

Wormy thing is the actual Combine, its the only Combine you see in the entire game.
Yes, the Combine (or more accurately, Breen's trans-human overwatch forces) probably felt very secure in their massive fortress, throwing infinite waves of cannon-fodder and gradually more difficult units at a single man. And some antlions, and some rebels. A lot of rebels.

That's not sarcasm, they probably did feel secure.

But another thing here is... what did the resistance offer Gman? A new tie? A better briefcase? Alyx's firstborn son?
Gman has needs to. They probably gave him energon cubes or free passes to Busch Garden's or something.
i say who gives a shit if hes a bummbeling idiot or not.. he saves the day regardless. ahaha my kinda heroe


If for nothing else, I believe the G-man worked with the resistance to save humanity itself. I don't believe the G-man does everything just for his own gain; while that definately is a part of it, I think he has humanity's best interests at heart (which is kind of funny if you think about it, because Breen seems to think he is also working in humanity's best interest).
Darkside55 said:
I think he has humanity's best interests at heart (which is kind of funny if you think about it, because Breen seems to think he is also working in humanity's best interest).

Ho ho, I wouldn't say that. Quite honestly it looks as though he doesn't give two shits. His wicked smiles, his cryptic comments...he's merely hiring you off to somebody who does have a care for Earth.
To me he seems apologetic and uncaring at the same time. "I do apolgize for what must seem to you and arbituary inposition".
Samon said:
Ho ho, I wouldn't say that. Quite honestly it looks as though he doesn't give two shits. His wicked smiles, his cryptic comments...he's merely hiring you off to somebody who does have a care for Earth.
Looks can be deceiving. If he didn't care, it's a wonder why he keeps you at all, especially YOU, Gordon Freeman, someone who DOES act with humanity's best interests at heart. Someone who remembers the way the air tastes.

A lot of people say that the only reason he hired Gordon out to the resistance is because they had more to offer the G-man, but I can't see it. Considering what the resistance has versus what the universal union has, it's a clear choice who would have been the highest bidder for Gordon's services.

"But, the humans have local teleportation," you say. But does it look like the G-man needs that? His teleportation abilities are FAR beyond what Eli and Isaac have cooked up in their hideouts. In addition, the Combine had a working local teleporter as well (albeit a slow teleporter).

The G-man doesn't need our technology, and the Earth's resources are gone. We don't even have the borderworld any more. The Combine are catching up on our only bargaining chip. What could the G-man possibly want from us? Human potential? We had nothing to barter with against the Combine. The only two possibilities I can see are that either the Combine didn't make an offer for Gordon Freeman, or the G-man wanted to liberate Earth and/or put a dent in the Combine. Or all three of those things. Despite all the things on the surface (those smirks and speeches), despite the fact that he is a manipulator, he's doing it for Earth. And wasn't it said somewhere that he's the "misrepresented servant of the people?"