Gordon Freeman is a bumbling idiot

I know that Gman have more advanced teleportation tec... I onely meant it as a; why the f***k whould he care?
But maybee he dont want the combine to get it.
Rizzo89 said:
I know that Gman have more advanced teleportation tec... I onely meant it as a; why the f***k whould he care?
But maybee he dont want the combine to get it.
That too.
Darkside55 said:
Looks can be deceiving. If he didn't care, it's a wonder why he keeps you at all, especially YOU, Gordon Freeman, someone who DOES act with humanity's best interests at heart. Someone who remembers the way the air tastes.

A lot of people say that the only reason he hired Gordon out to the resistance is because they had more to offer the G-man, but I can't see it. Considering what the resistance has versus what the universal union has, it's a clear choice who would have been the highest bidder for Gordon's services.

"But, the humans have local teleportation," you say. But does it look like the G-man needs that? His teleportation abilities are FAR beyond what Eli and Isaac have cooked up in their hideouts. In addition, the Combine had a working local teleporter as well (albeit a slow teleporter).

The G-man doesn't need our technology, and the Earth's resources are gone. We don't even have the borderworld any more. The Combine are catching up on our only bargaining chip. What could the G-man possibly want from us? Human potential? We had nothing to barter with against the Combine. The only two possibilities I can see are that either the Combine didn't make an offer for Gordon Freeman, or the G-man wanted to liberate Earth and/or put a dent in the Combine. Or all three of those things. Despite all the things on the surface (those smirks and speeches), despite the fact that he is a manipulator, he's doing it for Earth. And wasn't it said somewhere that he's the "misrepresented servant of the people?"

I'm certain there is something we have to offer him. Its clearly not the local teleportation - thats what the Combine so desperately want, as there only prototype one was destroyed.
Gordon is used because he is unstoppable. Nothing stops him, and the Gman has him at his finger tips.
Samon said:
I'm certain there is something we have to offer him. Its clearly not the local teleportation - thats what the Combine so desperately want, as there only prototype one was destroyed.
Gordon is used because he is unstoppable. Nothing stops him, and the Gman has him at his finger tips.
If there is something, aside from human potential, I can't think of it. I don't get why he'd offer to help the rebels when they have nothing...substantial...to offer him. And also, why would he have any need to feed Freeman some spiel about the Earth and why the Combine are bad, etc.? I realize it was cut and so he really never said that, leading to a much more cryptic speech (and thus his intentions), but it seems like the original opening scene gives away a bit more about him than he lets on.
Jintor said:
But another thing here is... what did the resistance offer Gman? Alyx's firstborn son?
Hey you might have something there if the father of her first born son is freeman I bet he'd take the child after all maybe that is what the g-man deals in people, not ordinary people but people who have the potential to change the outcome of almost any event, people like freeman. Think about it if the G-man runs out of people what good are his "services" he doesn't do anything him self he just waits for the perfect moment and lets lose one of what I assume are his many Freeman's.
lastHOPE_lambda said:
Hey you might have something there if the father of her first born son is freeman I bet he'd take the child after all maybe that is what the g-man deals in people, not ordinary people but people who have the potential to change the outcome of almost any event, people like freeman. Think about it if the G-man runs out of people what good are his "services" he doesn't do anything him self he just waits for the perfect moment and lets lose one of what I assume are his many Freeman's.

Dreadful theory. Thats not gonna happend. If it does, valve will truely have lost all of their imagination.
Somthing like Gordon whould wake up from a nightmare or somethin.
lol I know but seriously the G-man dosen't ever do anything for himself hes always using people I'm just trying to make sence of why some guy with frickin outter dimensional powers would even need the help of a human. I mean it seems like the G-man could do anything he wants and yet he holds off on this and uses a human. there must be a reason. and also in the first halflife G-man is invulnerable why dosen't he just pick up a gun and storm the citadel himself what does he have to fear.
Well maybee the last game valve makes is Half life 3: Xen agent. When you play as Gman and teleport around, hire people and meet his employes.
I'd buy it! Instead of weapons, you'd have different cryptic speech options and clues, and your mission objectives would be to show up, be seen, and then disappear again before people could reach you!

:dozey: Aw, come on, it would be fun! Hey, where are you all going? Come back!
I agree. It'd be like office simulator 2, but with teleporters and aliens that want to kill you.
lastHOPE_lambda said:
...in the first halflife G-man is invulnerable...
He's only invulnerable because you weren't supposed to be able to kill him. He's not actually impervious to bullets...I hope.

And I'd play a "Sim G-man" game, if it was like what Talyn described. I'd pay good money for that. Although, I'd rather play a game where we get to see what the G-man's capable of, power-wise. I like to imagine that, bullet-proof or not, he could've easily stormed the citadel himself, if he had the authority to from his employers. Taking that pistol out of his briefcase and gunning down combine soldiers, and smashing their faces in with his briefcase, then teleporting away to the next area.
Darkside55 said:
He's only invulnerable because you weren't supposed to be able to kill him. He's not actually impervious to bullets...I hope.

And I'd play a "Sim G-man" game, if it was like what Talyn described. I'd pay good money for that. Although, I'd rather play a game where we get to see what the G-man's capable of, power-wise. I like to imagine that, bullet-proof or not, he could've easily stormed the citadel himself, if he had the authority to from his employers. Taking that pistol out of his briefcase and gunning down combine soldiers, and smashing their faces in with his briefcase, then teleporting away to the next area.

Nah, he'd just calmly teleport in to Breen's office, adjust his tie and go "sso... Dr.Breen. We meet at lassst...."

At least that's what he'd do in my book :smoking:
...but THEN what? You know he'd totally leap over Breen's desk and smash his face in with his briefcase.
Darkside55 said:
...but THEN what? You know he'd totally leap over Breen's desk and smash his face in with his briefcase.

Loved to see that. Oh wait... My link shows that! :D
Rizzo89 said:
Loved to see that. Oh wait... My link shows that! :D
LMAO THAT IS SO AWSOME BEST THING I'VE EVER SEEN! So has anyone tried to use noclip in HL2 to follow G-man and shoot him up to see if hes still impervious? G-man=Power so why does some one so powerful use a human, because there must be something special about said human. Hence Gordon=Power. Power+Power=Unstopable, but before Gordon become truly powerful he must know what his power is and how to use it. The is why I like the G-man is training Gordon theory. Because before the RC Gordon was just a scientist and he always would have been a scientist if not for the RC. So either G-man caused the RC to train Gordon or Breen caused it and G-man took advantage of the situation to train gordon. So G-man is both training Gordon and using him to accomplish his own ends at the same time. Smart lil' Devil :devil:
Well Gordon most have had some sort of training. Becouse theres no way that someone with no training and aiming skill to take down 5 soldiers at once.
Maybe he went hunting with his dad or somthing, maybe he served in the military?
Gordon had just recently finished getting his doctorate at MIT when he was deep-selected to go work for Dr. Kleiner and Breen at the Black Mesa research facility. It doesn't mention anywhere in his background or curriculum vitae any military training.

That being said, Gordon was supposedly the Black Mesa Hazard Course champion, which implies not only a high level of physical fitness but also an excellent familiarity with the pistol, the submachinegun, and grenades. Most likely, Gordon had simply trained on the Hazard Course, which is why he knew how to effectively use all of those weapons. The rest he just sort of learned "on the job," if you will.

On a side note, did anyone else think it was a very clever bit of foreshadowing to have the science facility hazard course (which was designed to familiarize the exploratory science team with the HEV suit, if you remember) include weapons training, including grenades? Whatever the heck those scientists were exploring, they were exploring it HEAVILY armed. Where they were exploring, of course, turned out to be Xen, a "hostile environment" if ever I've heard of one.
I think Gordo is a hardcore gamer.

He learned to kill monsters playing Doom.
Maybe he trained playing Half-Life. And he survived because the game showed him exactly what was going to happen, where everything was ect.
He survived by playing a game based on his trek though Black Mesa before it happened... o_O
A single run through a hazard course wouldn't give Gordon the abilities he has. His prowess with weaponry is either a natural talent, or the HEV suit compensating for his aim. Or possibly a combination of both.

Personally I think it's just superior skill, but the suit can aim for him, if enabled to do so. When he extends his arm, it locks his muscles in order to steady the gun, and can adjust his shoulder to line up the gun to a victim's weakpoint (i.e., the head on a marine). Whether Gordon uses it or not...

I always thought it would've been a funny scene if Barney had shot a headcrab and says, "Did you see that shot?" and then Gordon shoots another, further away, and Barney remarks, "Auto-aim, Gordon? That's cheating."
Darkside55 said:
I always thought it would've been a funny scene if Barney had shot a headcrab and says, "Did you see that shot?" and then Gordon shoots another, further away, and Barney remarks, "Auto-aim, Gordon? That's cheating."

Hehe :D
i always knew gordon had personality! the doctors said it was hyper-activity, but i knew better!
The autoaim sucks by the way.

I may confuse hl2 with some other game, but doesn't the HEV enable Gordon to run faster for a couple of seconds, draining the 'battery' of the suit? That made me laugh - Gordon needs a suit to run because he isn't too fit, being only a scientist who usually works in a lab all day.

Which reminds me of another matter: it's ridiculous how Gordon can't fit through some reasonably wide holes or gaps.... or maybe it's just the HEV again, otherwise Gordon should be quite fat.
frindly fire disabled actually sucks more, i loved it when i choped the marines in HL1... and what do i get when i hit combine soldiers with the crowbar in HL2? Dancing bitches...
Hullu said:
The autoaim sucks by the way.

I may confuse hl2 with some other game, but doesn't the HEV enable Gordon to run faster for a couple of seconds, draining the 'battery' of the suit? That made me laugh - Gordon needs a suit to run because he isn't too fit, being only a scientist who usually works in a lab all day.

Which reminds me of another matter: it's ridiculous how Gordon can't fit through some reasonably wide holes or gaps.... or maybe it's just the HEV again, otherwise Gordon should be quite fat.

What I find funny is that the amount of light you output is related to the distance you can run. And I'm not sure but I thought that was his first day on the job.
Hullu said:
The autoaim sucks by the way.

I may confuse hl2 with some other game, but doesn't the HEV enable Gordon to run faster for a couple of seconds, draining the 'battery' of the suit? That made me laugh - Gordon needs a suit to run because he isn't too fit, being only a scientist who usually works in a lab all day.

Which reminds me of another matter: it's ridiculous how Gordon can't fit through some reasonably wide holes or gaps.... or maybe it's just the HEV again, otherwise Gordon should be quite fat.
Yes, the auto-aim DOES suck. Especially when you aren't aware you started a game with it on, and suddenly the crosshair's moving against you when you try to aim.

The HEV suit's slightly bigger than a medium-sized human frame, and is bulky and rigid, so it doesn't allow for a person to squeeze through certain openings. Especially the shoulderpads on the thing; that's the widest part of the suit.

Also, it's not that Gordon isn't fit, it's the suit's problem again. As I said, it's bulky, and the fact that it's carrying weaponry, ammo, and medical supplies only add to that weight. In order to run, the user NEEDS the suit's assistance, otherwise they can only go so fast.

But to slam on Gordon some more, you could say that the suit is doing all the work for him.
Hell he jogs around all the time... the suit onely helps him sprint.
Hullu said:
I may confuse hl2 with some other game, but doesn't the HEV enable Gordon to run faster for a couple of seconds, draining the 'battery' of the suit? That made me laugh - Gordon needs a suit to run because he isn't too fit, being only a scientist who usually works in a lab all day.

I'd bet that you're thinking of Deus Ex, that'd be the Speed Enhancement augmentation (and it rocks). Though this is not a 'suit' :borg:

\/\/\/\/ yes, though its the kind of battery i'd love for my mouse.
auxin said:
I'd bet that you're thinking of Deus Ex, that'd be the Speed Enhancement augmentation (and it rocks). Though this is not a 'suit' :borg:
No, he's thinking of the right game. Sprinting with the HEV drains its battery, the same as breathing underwater and using the flashlight.
Freeman is just misunderstood. His father beat, his mother watched and laugh, since he's a nerd it's more then likely he was bullied in school. He probably got his MIT through some online course or from pitty. It's why he is only pushing carts and flipping switches...
We know his his father beat him, look at the way he is pwns creatures and boxes with that crowbar! Not to mention his trigger finger ways, no wonder the military wanted him! And throwing nades at people like Laszlo!!
We can assume his mother laughed, Freeman obviously doesn't care about anyone else, if he did he might've talked to people instead of just listening to them and spoke.
Finally, we know he was bullied because of his submissive nature with the G-Man...
Freeman just needs someone to talk to.
And he was living in Austria, that's got to mess you up :p
Well it's kind of hard to tell a decent story when the main character never speaks, and it's an FPS.
MysticalMrBob said:
Well it's kind of hard to tell a decent story when the main character never speaks, and it's an FPS.

You bash the story, i bash your skull in lol :smoking:
The story is flawless(No one correct me, i wish to believe this)

Halo does it. Other FPS's have done it, HL won't because they want you to feel like you are Gordon.
I love the idea that Megalomaniac suggested. I can't relate to a heroic persona, but a nerdy, pitiful, insecure character with a messed up mind really appeals to me.

Maybe he even works out, how else could he carry all that weaponry around...
You gotta love games where they have the character carry everything from pistols to fusion rocket launchers. :p They've got mighty big pockets!

And I'd love to see how those med kits actually work - one or two can heal deadly wounds! Maybe they're steroids, they seemed to work for Predator...
I forgot about his morphine addiction! It must be from the times his father beat him so badly...