Grand Unified HL2 Theory (the end of all Questions)

Esquire said:
I agree Damage.

I still think that the Combine soldiers aren't fully human (human like Barney, Dr. Kliener and etc.). I can't help but think there must be something shocking behind those masks. Something that sets the Combine soldiers apart (Biologically) from the everyday C17 civilian.

Since the first time i saw one of the combine cops or soldiers i've thought there's something strange about them.. it could just be the name, 'combine'. yeah, come to think of it, if they really are the military or police force of C17, why do they have such a mysteriously unusual name? I think it's to draw in our interest, make us intrigued, to make us suspicious of them... "what are they hiding?". They wouldn't be very interesting if they were just run-of-the-mill humans now would they. o wait i've said this before actually.
sure ,they just pull over some gasmasks to hide their freaky faces ,sure,sure !
man those gasmasks belong to their standart equipment, they have to wear them wether they are needed or not !

the combinesoldiers are called combinesoldiers cos they are combinesoldiers ! did you get that ? they dont want to make you think that theres something strange about them,they just gave them a cool name.
Hmmm... lets think about the name given to the COMBINE...
Main Entry: com·bine
Pronunciation: k&m-'bIn
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): com·bined; com·bin·ing
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French combiner, from Late Latin combinare, from Latin com- + bini two by two -- more at BIN-
transitive senses
1 a : to bring into such close relationship as to obscure individual characters : MERGE b : to cause to unite into a chemical compound c : to unite into a single number or expression <combine fractions and simplify>
3 : to possess in combination
intransitive senses
1 a : to become one b : to unite to form a chemical compound
2 : to act together


Now dont you think that the combine arent human but rather a COMBINation of two different species??? :eek: D*** THAT FELT GOOD!!!
eber said:
bbahahaa !! hmm "the Striders and other large machines" are pure mechanic, and they have nothing to do with organic lifeforms. well . . . .

I disagree... I have strong reason to believe that the combine soldiers are mechanically enchanced humanoids, and that the striders/flying bug things are the same.

For supporting evidence you can look through certain files from the leak, but to say specifically would be a TOS violation, me thinks.
First off i have to say that i've enjoyed reading this thread, i read all the pages from this thread i've come up with my own speculation that no one else has looked here goes.

1. i think the combine (most of them) are human.

2. what if the combine really are protecting humans...but humans outside of C17, or in other cities. maybe something happened to these people that didn't happen to the others, maybe thats why people are "selected" to come to C17. these could be all the people that knew about BMRF and what happened there, or victums of something else.

3. the Xen creatures or other "races", what if they have to some thing to do with the memory lose of all the people. when they invaded did they some how take control over the minds of the people in some way. maybe the humans that weren't under the alien control found a way to bring them back to there old state of mind, but at the same time don't really trust them and thats why there put into these cities or in C17. and these people think that the combine are the bad guys because of the way there being oppressed and don't know the whole truth?

let me know what ya'll think.
The actual shape of the Combine gasmasks is not human. Also, their voices sound quite distorted. I don't just mean the static of their radio chatter. They have an unusual deep pitch. But they speak English, not just to the civilians, but to each other. And the humanoid figure... I don't think their alien. I would think it quite cheap if Valve pulled a Star Trek on us and had aliens that look completely human besides a couple of bumps in their head.

Also, judging from the running theme of their striders, air units, and the Citadel; the organic nature of mechanical entities; I'm willing to bet that they're a biomechanical force derived from humans.

How? Why? Well, I hope Valve can explain it adequately enough.
Absinthe said:
The actual shape of the Combine gasmasks is not human. Also, their voices sound quite distorted. I don't just mean the static of their radio chatter. They have an unusual deep pitch. But they speak English, not just to the civilians, but to each other. And the humanoid figure... I don't think their alien. I would think it quite cheap if Valve pulled a Star Trek on us and had aliens that look completely human besides a couple of bumps in their head.

Also, judging from the running theme of their striders, air units, and the Citadel; the organic nature of mechanical entities; I'm willing to bet that they're a biomechanical force derived from humans.

How? Why? Well, I hope Valve can explain it adequately enough.
Id have to agree with you on that one... :cheers:
Just replying to a post several back, one that had the dictionary definition of "combine"-- the suggestion being that the are a cyborg-like confaltion of human/alien/mechanical parts, or something.

Just my thoughts-- another definition, this time two nouns instead of just the verb. "A combine" is also:

1. A harvesting machine (Combines harvest ppl to make more combines)

2. An association of persons or groups united for commercial or political interests. (Perhaps the bad guys, I guess)

Valve is smart enough for such ambiguity, I think; so I don't count out the second and third definitions, and think them accurate as well. :)
I'm pretty sure there is some sort of Alien-Human alliance, as demonstrated by the Striders and the Gunships (which are impossible to make by "assimilating" Earth organic species).

And the Combine troopers also try not to feel totally dependent on them, as demonstrated by the heavy armor and the choppers, which further develops a possible alliance, but not with total replacement (because if they have Gunships why would they need choppers, same thing with Striders and tanks)
if they had choppers and tanks ,why should they abadon them ???
i got one thought:

someone said that one or many species came to earth after fall of earth arny on xen borderworld... all aliens that we saw in hl2 (so far) are simmilar to hl1. but Hydra?!
WTF? What's that! Completley different species from anything that we saw... it seems organic (at least to me), but from what hole in univere did that thing came to here?

(just to say.. this thread is awesome...)
DieH@rd said:
i got one thought:

someone said that one or many species came to earth after fall of earth arny on xen borderworld... all aliens that we saw in hl2 (so far) are simmilar to hl1. but Hydra?!
WTF? What's that! Completley different species from anything that we saw... it seems organic (at least to me), but from what hole in univere did that thing came to here?

The Hydra is an interesting piece to speculate on.

As I've said in the 2nd revision of the Grand Unified Theory, after the Nihilant Fall Xen may have gone into anarchy, with several species from several places of the Universe/Galaxy coming and going and fighting for supremacy.

Therefore, the Hydra could've passed thru Xen just trying to expand.

DieH@rd said:
(just to say.. this thread is awesome...)

I'ts even on Wikipedia :D
DieH@rd said:
someone said that one or many species came to earth after fall of earth arny on xen borderworld... all aliens that we saw in hl2 (so far) are simmilar to hl1. but Hydra?!
The only aliens I've seen so far are the ant lions (not HL1-like), the hydra (not HL1-like), the headcrab/zombie (HL1-like), and the fast zombie (debatable). If you count the alien gunship and striders as biomechs then that makes more not HL1-like ones. What other HL1 aliens have you seen? Granted, I've only seen the two E3 movies and Tunnels, but in one interview someone (Gabe?) said that they were purposely avoiding putting in HL1 aliens just to be quiet about certain aspects of the plot.

It's prolly just that your similar is different than my similar. Honestly, the hydra does make me think of that huge alien you kill in the rocket chamber. The one that's attracted to noise.

And this is thread is pretty cool.
Do you think Dr. Breen is collaborating with the xen aliens, like negotiating with the controllers and at the same time pretending to be the saviour of humanity by keeping people safe within the cities...since the world has been over - run by aliens?

or is it that he is trying to help humanity...but has his own idea's on how to handle current events...
I think that he was trying to take over, using G-man. Once he used you to take the being controlling xen out, he thought he would be able to easily control xen, and therefore earth.

However, he miscalculated, forgeting about other species connected to xen also.

BTW, the g-mans suitcase is some sort of teleporter thing.

And, also, they somehow know the past and the future, as the G-man is everywhere all the time. Its like he running around, changing what happens, so you live and are able to continue doing your quest. That he choses.

Ooooooh, scary.
when did the g-man change what happened ,and when did he help gordon to continue his journey ?????????? sorry but this doesnt make any sense !
I thought the G-Man's suitcase held a gun and a small computer, or something...
Samon said:
G - man and breen are enemies, thats why g - man sends in gordon
aah thx for assuring us that ur 100% sure of it !
Brian Damage said:
I thought the G-Man's suitcase held a gun and a small computer, or something...
sure thats why he carries a briefcase with him :x
i thought it was kinda obvious that they are enemies....they arnt likley to be best friends are they?
why was it obvious ? i never saw them together or talking about each other with bad words .
G - man has clearly sent gordon into city 17 for an as of yet unknown purpose, you can see gordon is fighting combine soldiers who are quite obviously sided with Dr. Breen. therefore g - man does not agree with whatever breen is doing and is sending in freeman to do whatever that has to be done
lol in hl1 the marines were allied with the g-man but u had to kill 'em!
what do you say now ? :bounce:
Think of the possibilities!

I'm so very bored right now. Sorry.
I've always assumed that the G-man was not a human-- he's just an imposter; he's the alien masquerading as a human government official who caused the experiment to go wrong, for some unknown reason. However, since he arrives at BM the same time that you do in HL1, that he's called "G" man, that he has green eyes, and seems to like watching Gordon run around the first game, all makes the "Gordon is G-man from the future" still compelling, to me at least.

I also thought that the G-Man was the 'Administrator' who just happened to bring to the human sceintists the unusually pure sample that causes the RC.

Why he would want to do this is the real question, if what I just said is correct; if he can go back and forth at will, why does he do what he does at all?

I'm in the dark about Breen, as I don't remember him at all from the first HL.

Oh, just a thought I had while writing this:

Oh, maybe G-Man is an evil Gordon from the future; a Gordon from another...oh I don't know the name for it-- another 'timeline'; maybe G-man is a Gordon who made evil decisions, who himself wanted to take over the world, merged himself with alien technology so he would get old but not die-- making him Gordon Freeman and not Gordon Freeman, at the same time. Hmn. The good Gordon dies in HL3 after killing his evil self from a paralell dimension embodied in the G-Man, and that's why the good gordon doesn't exist to come back to affect stuff in HL1/2. Problems solved =p

edit: I like this theory, but I'm too tired to work out all the paradoxes of paralell universes and time travel. :rolling:
Rhalle said:
I've always assumed that the G-man was not a human-- he's just an imposter; he's the alien masquerading as a human government official who caused the experiment to go wrong, for some unknown reason. However, since he arrives at BM the same time that you do in HL1, that he's called "G" man, that he has green eyes, and seems to like watching Gordon run around the first game, all makes the "Gordon is G-man from the future" still compelling, to me at least.

I also thought that the G-Man was the 'Administrator' who just happened to bring to the human sceintists the unusually pure sample that causes the RC.

Why he would want to do this is the real question, if what I just said is correct; if he can go back and forth at will, why does he do what he does at all?

I'm in the dark about Breen, as I don't remember him at all from the first HL.

Oh, just a thought I had while writing this:

Oh, maybe G-Man is an evil Gordon from the future; a Gordon from another...oh I don't know the name for it-- another 'timeline'; maybe G-man is a Gordon who made evil decisions, who himself wanted to take over the world, merged himself with alien technology so he would get old but not die-- making him Gordon Freeman and not Gordon Freeman, at the same time. Hmn. The good Gordon dies in HL3 after killing his evil self from a paralell dimension embodied in the G-Man, and that's why the good gordon doesn't exist to come back to affect stuff in HL1/2. Problems solved =p

edit: I like this theory, but I'm too tired to work out all the paradoxes of paralell universes and time travel. :rolling:
go home dude :|
ah and please spare us with your dumb theories ! (sry but i had to say this)
we had all of this above more than a hundred times, its all wrong so please stop that !
quit it with the gordon is g- man crap, its a load of rubbish and would be an appaling plot twist. Why do people rant on about g - man still bieng the administrator when its been confirmed that that is breen.
Please, everyone add eber to your ignore list. His posts are pure BS
Samon said:
quit it with the gordon is g- man crap, its a load of rubbish and would be an appaling plot twist. Why do people rant on about g - man still bieng the administrator when its been confirmed that that is breen.
Sprafa said:
Please, everyone add eber to your ignore list. His posts are pure BS
Samon said:
done and dusted, hey you dont see his posts anymore
most people are like dogs they do what dumb persons tell them to do :bonce:
aah ya and Sprafa ,it seems like you care about my posts . . u put me on ignore list but still read my comments hahaha! :rolleyes:
Putting him on the I-List sure makes him make a lot of posts... invisible posts...
I logged out to see what the post after mine said, you know eber am not just following what sparfa putting you down because your annoying.

lets get back on topic people
And eber, I still read your comments simply because I have hope.... hope that seems not to be corresponded.