Half-Life 2 : Substance mod

halo1873 said:
how do u install the 1.1 patch?
Unpack the files to the directory where you have a Substance installed and overwrite the files..
djcasey: but,if you zoom out in 1.1 does the grid remain? It is supposed to come and to go once you've zoomed out
this piece of crap mod screwed up my entire half life 2 directory
after installing it all of the essential files from hl2 went missing

when trying to start the mod i kept crashing and getting "model/weapon/w.bullet.mdl not found" error
TwwIX: where did u install the mod?
and alot of people are getting that error.
xdiesp is working on it.
EDIT: if u wanna chat, come to the chat room
better talking in that place then here
henkjan: don't you remember the guest of yesterday that had this same problem?

TWWIX: you have cracked HL2,that is what happens when you try using the mod with the illegal/nosteam version. Don't even try,there's no way it can work without a legit Steam Account
cool mod, not all that fun longerterm because it seems the map's arnt designed to handle that much stuff going on for performance reasons, and that spoils it.

still if youve got a beast of a machine im sure its more fun.
I agree. It's like my computer's saying; "Dude. This is crazy! You expect me to run this?! Your damn lucky you where able to run the game without any mods on me!"

Still crashing when I use the Flare Gun. I think it's the Close Captions.

Some parts of the game, it moves almost as smooth as butter, but in other parts, it's so laggy to the point it's unplayable.

And it's ruined a few important cues in the plot. The part where Father Gregory tells you to seek the church, and when he shoots a Zombie and hits you by mistake, in Ravenholm.
And the first part in Nova Prospekt, where you got to setup turrets while waiting for Alyx to come and locate Dr. Mossman.
I never got to disable the forcefield to setup the turrets. So I had to fight. Fortunally I had God mode enabled (at ALL times).

The 2nd part of the turret thing (not the Combine Portal area), the AI humans where being attacked by the turrets. I had to grab all 3 of them and put them back for the Combine Soldiers and Manhacks to even show up.

These cues probally aren't that important to continued gameplay. Because I had to noclip to excape Ravenholm and into the mines from an INSANE battle with Zombies of all kinds. AND having to watch my fire to not hit Father Gregory. And I was able to.

The only thing I like about the Mod, is the New Kick-Ass Weaponry, and the new HEV Forms. :) Big Boss is my favorite, because of the AWM/P. :sniper:
What is wrong with the weapons menu? (In Game)

I just installed Substance 1.0x and the in-game weapon menu is off the screen. I can cycle melee weapons, and pistols, but after that it's off the screen to the right. I have change resolutions, monitor settings, and nothing works. Does anyone have this problem? Is it a bug?
zamardii12 said:
I just installed Substance 1.0x and the in-game weapon menu is off the screen. I can cycle melee weapons, and pistols, but after that it's off the screen to the right. I have change resolutions, monitor settings, and nothing works. Does anyone have this problem? Is it a bug?

I just ran into another problem. When I right click with the sniper rifle out, the entire map has blue squares on all the walls. Before there isn't. Just as quickly as I click, the map gets blue squares everywhere. I guess this, and the one above are potential bugs. And, I posted this on the www.hlfallout.net forum, and other people are having this problem too.
Ohh yeah. Here's a bug for you. On Highway 17, after you pass by the bridge, and go up and into the tunnel where the Zombies are, and the Map finishes loading, you got yourself a Drivable Airboat (I mean you can get out and drive the Airboat instead).

I tried that secondary fire and it took me awhile until I realised their heat-seeking rockets.
I drove out of the tunnel in the airboat, saw 2 Striders and tried to lob a few rockets at them. The rockets, instead of hitting the Striders, went in a 360. And kept doing it, even when I took down the Striders.
There wasn't no targets. They where just going around in circles. So that's a bug.
BeaverMon said:
Ohh yeah. Here's a bug for you. On Highway 17, after you pass by the bridge, and go up and into the tunnel where the Zombies are, and the Map finishes loading, you got yourself a Drivable Airboat (I mean you can get out and drive the Airboat instead).

I tried that secondary fire and it took me awhile until I realised their heat-seeking rockets.
I drove out of the tunnel in the airboat, saw 2 Striders and tried to lob a few rockets at them. The rockets, instead of hitting the Striders, went in a 360. And kept doing it, even when I took down the Striders.
There wasn't no targets. They where just going around in circles. So that's a bug.

That happens in the regular game too. That's not a serious bug like the ones i've described above.
the blue squares are a "targeting grid"..its supposed to happen..also install the latest version of Substance to fix the HUD menu being off center..

and so you get to drive the airboat in places you couldn't in the "vanilla" HL2....you're complaining about this?

when I saw the airboat available on the coast I decided to take it as far as I could!!:D

I agree that Substance has some rough edges but overall its the most fun I have had playing HL2 since I beat it
T.H.C.138 said:
and so you get to drive the airboat in places you couldn't in the "vanilla" HL2....your complaining about this?

when I saw the airboat available on the coast I decided to take it as far as I could!!:D
No, I'm not complaining about that. I'm just saying about the Airboat's new Secondary Fire. The Heat-Seeking Targeting System can go crazy in places, resulting in looping rockets.

Plus you can only see them in the "Substance" HL2 (the Airboats on the coast road).
Near the end of sandtraps, when the vortagont is about to give you the bugbait he just goes outside and stands there. At the time there were two ant lion guards dead there so I think that's what confused the game as to which one was supposed to be used to get the bugbait. In short I couldn't continue in the end of sandtraps casue the vortagont was frozen. For reference's sake I ahve the new 1.1
Ok, I have a question. How can I remove that "What a dirty, filthy mind you got!" sound everytime the impulse101 cheat is used? It's getting annoying.

But not annoying to stop cheating. :p I just want it gone.
BeaverMon said:
I agree. It's like my computer's saying; "Dude. This is crazy! You expect me to run this?! Your damn lucky you where able to run the game without any mods on me!"

Still crashing when I use the Flare Gun. I think it's the Close Captions.

Some parts of the game, it moves almost as smooth as butter, but in other parts, it's so laggy to the point it's unplayable.

And it's ruined a few important cues in the plot. The part where Father Gregory tells you to seek the church, and when he shoots a Zombie and hits you by mistake, in Ravenholm.
And the first part in Nova Prospekt, where you got to setup turrets while waiting for Alyx to come and locate Dr. Mossman.
I never got to disable the forcefield to setup the turrets. So I had to fight. Fortunally I had God mode enabled (at ALL times).

The 2nd part of the turret thing (not the Combine Portal area), the AI humans where being attacked by the turrets. I had to grab all 3 of them and put them back for the Combine Soldiers and Manhacks to even show up.

These cues probally aren't that important to continued gameplay. Because I had to noclip to excape Ravenholm and into the mines from an INSANE battle with Zombies of all kinds. AND having to watch my fire to not hit Father Gregory. And I was able to.

The only thing I like about the Mod, is the New Kick-Ass Weaponry, and the new HEV Forms. :) Big Boss is my favorite, because of the AWM/P. :sniper:
xdiesp made it like that so it would be harder...
and about the lkag, how good is your computer?
i got 1 gig of ram and a Gforce 4
it runs good
beavermon: i dont know, maybe xdiesp will come back shortly
Zamardii12: does blue sparks are to arm better...
i didnt make it but it helps alot with aiming, cause u can see your enemie in all the dark places
I have seen the secondary fire for the airboat make rings of smoke after a misfire..thought it was pretty cool,but get a few of them going like that and laaaag sets in..

maybe I have just been lucky and haven't had to deal with the "noclip to get out of level" problem..

also I have witnessed the turret problems for myself and the first one can be done..if you reload the level!

the turrets attacking allies as well Combine I have seen it,but I don't know how to fix that..

and try turning off the closed captions if you haven't already,might help with that particular problem...might not though
in substance you are not ment to use the turrets... xdiesp disabled the first time you can normaly use them...
to make it harder
clarky003: I worked hard to increase the performance,everybody that have followed the mod from 0.26 to 1.1 can testify the performance boost has happened. Sometimes very hard for me,because as you've guessed it's the levels themselves that aren't made to suffer all this labor: I pushed things very far from them and this has become a mod for high end computers or people ready to lower the settings as they aren't prepared to. I have a 2.4,512ram and geforce5600xt 256: I couldn't play this at more than 800x600,everything on low,or I would get crashes - even if the gameplay is smooth but in the bigger battles (or you would call them,bigger crashes!). Let's say that if you can run HL2S without problems,even The Lost Coast will

zamardii12: install the 1.1 patch from my site and try again if get those errors,the patch is where bugs are solved. But the grid is meant to be in zoom in mode (not out)

Beavermon: that's a Humphrey Bogart line there to ashame cheaters :D just rename or delete its Impulse101.wav file fom hl2substace\sound. The first turrets are locked: you have friends,mines and vortigaunt to stop the intruders and that's pretty fun and a change. Turrets attacking allies is an old mostly unsolvable issue (well,I'll try again),just leave them out of their way (should come to logic when you play). The story cues have been sometimes removed to have stronger action: in the part when Grigori tells you you're in the wrong part of town,you normally see him at the end of the stage. Now he's there all the time to protect you if you decide to stay where you encounter the 2 Black Mesa Est fugitives under the attack of the zombie tide (and the combines on the other side of the road): intense but a hit on performance,sometimes

the hotdog man: did you disintegrate the antlionguard with the sniper rifle? that's the real bug,the vortigaunt can't extract anything anywhere. use the bugfix button
T.H.C.138 said:
I have seen the secondary fire for the airboat make rings of smoke after a misfire..thought it was pretty cool,but get a few of them going like that and laaaag sets in..

if the misfired rockets are causing problems, you can just shoot them down with the primary fire, theres no need to get all laggy over it :)
My system is this;
CPU: Pentium 4, 1.6 GHz
OS: Windows XP Home Edition, SP 1 (SP 2 refuses to install correctly)
Video: nVidia GeForce FX 5200 (latest drivers. It seems to have cut the Loading Time in half in some parts of the game due to updating the drivers)
RAM: 512MB

This is all I was able to afford. :( The game, unmodded, runs as smooth as melted butter, with some rough edges here and there.
i have the same mb and video card on my other pc, and it works smooth, maybe some lag on some places, but i can do everything
Beavermon: no surprise it goes slow,the cpu is a bottleneck (even if the gfx is not enough either)
uh, i removed those 2 lines in the autoexec, and it didn't change anything...my load times still take about 10 minutes, vs the normal load times of 30 seconds (the cache is copied into the correct folder in hl2substance)
10 minutes?!?!?! :eek: And here I was complaining about mine lasting around 2-4 minutes.
If it took 10 minutes, I couldn't handle it. :p
I have a new problem...
I installed 1.0X, and was at follow freeman. I don't know how, but all of the sudden, my game got screwed up so only normal and solid snake modes work. Now it's like that for every level. I tried rebinding F2 and F4, but it made no difference, and they still don't work properly. Obviously, I'll reinstall Substance, but I was wondering if you've seen this before? (or anyone else)
quadomatic: it's absurd,there must have been something wrong with the copy cache. Normally the mod loadings are longer because you have to load first the level and then the savegame,but it's like a +10%,not a +10 minutes!!! How much does your maps folder weight in megs?

JNightshade. absolutely not,but you can help me. Listen to how the hev forms activate:

gordon freeman: if you don't own weapon_citizensuitcase and weapon_citizenpackage,then you have this on. When you lose enough health or push the F1 button,those weapons are removed from you if you already had them: so the form activates

liquid snake: you need both weapon_citizensuitcase and weapon_citizenpackage to have this on. F2 gives you both: so if you're in gordon,2 weapons are added,and if you're in the other 2 forms (that only need 1 of them) the other is added

solid snake:needs weapon_citizenpackage and not weapon_citizensuitcase. F3 gives you the first,if you don't already had it from liquid snake,and deletes the other

big boss: needs weapon_citizensuitcase and not weapon_citizenpackage. F4 gives you the first,if you don't already had it from liquid snake,and deletes the other

generally,there should be no problem at all passing from a form to another: the only requirement is the minimum health to 60. If the situation should get messy for unknown reasons,hitting F1 and then another form should do the trick. Can you guess what's the problem for you now?
yeah I discovered shooting them down about 20 minutes after my last post here...thanks for looking out though!

cool, I turned all the settings down, and got some good FPS boost at the expense of purdyness obviously , Its far more enjoyable.. the character reskin's are freaky cool, the combine especially. and the new death sounds are a cool twist for the soldier. The silenced MP7 seems a bit inaffective.. but the pistol is ace. It's all about the headshot's.. but it's satisfying coming out of a really difficult bit alive after some frantic battling.

what can I say other than great work.. I know how tough it all is to do.. and I appreciate that the levels dont add to the ease in performance balancing when your aiming for intense action, considering that though , awsome job.
you mean with the HEV forms in deathmatch? personally i think it wouldnt work - the differant forms are good for single player but would be horribly unbalanced for multiplayer, and bullet time would be unworkable (this makes me sad. solid snake using bullet time ftw)
also how do you swich between easy medium hard and italain extreme modes
clarky003: it's very hard to find players like you,skilled enough to test balancements: everybody usually asks changes that would ultimately change anything in a uber unbeatable weapon or in an impossible sniper-level made of deadly infinite trial and errors

so_wot: coop is off limits until someone is able to load the same savegame on 2 computers at the same time (to have coop on our maps). To have coop on the same old maps,that shouldn't be so problematic but I've never investigated. We'd need someone to work on it,maybe I should call that Tim that does the Tim Co-op maps. Difficulty can be changed with the buttons you customize in options->keyboard

Suffering Rebel: I'm thinking about that,we would have our mapper's maps to use. Many things would need changes anyway,but this is the right place to think of something so you're free to talk and suggest me. One issue is the forms,another is their powers and then there's BT itself. About BT,it may be done if we made ALL of the weapons' bullet visible and decrease their speed for many of them: namely SLOT 3 machineguns and SLOT 4 shotguns because it's them that's overpowered. Not something like Matrix,just slow enough for you to avoid them if they're shot from far: at close range there's not so much you can do to escape. BT then would make you run faster and shoot immediately hitting bullets. I don't understand a thing about multiplayer for the very reason I've never played it in any game but diablo 2. I just believe that if you have to copy CS to have a better game,then just tell your players to go and play CS that anyway will always be better than yours. So I'd go for very basic DM with the forms that can only be choosen once per fight. Snake invisibility is doable,if you have ever seen Substance Assassins: just more invisible.

try reading the HEV Forms page and find what could be portable and what not,unfortunately I've not so much time to edit or plan now
Only time I've had too much difficulty playing through Substance is when I turned the Italian Extreme thingy on.
I don't see why people would be complaining about difficulty.
Then again, these people are probably people who havn't had lots of practice in multiplayer.
Multiplayer pushes your skill at the game, so that would make sense..
Yeah, that must be it.
Flib: imho practice makes perfect,there are some NES or arcade games like Ghouls & Goblins I played when I was little,and now appear to me as requiring a monstrous level of skill...because I've lost the practice
xdiesp said:
quadomatic: it's absurd,there must have been something wrong with the copy cache. Normally the mod loadings are longer because you have to load first the level and then the savegame,but it's like a +10%,not a +10 minutes!!! How much does your maps folder weight in megs?

my maps folder in the substance directory is 199MB.....i dont know if this is relevant, but, when i opened hl2substance in steam the first time, even though the cache was in the maps folder at the time, it said "Creating Sound Cache"....i believe this is what i did when installing substance:

1. Installed the mod with copy cache checked
2. i checked the maps folder and it was 7 mb, so i copied the maps folder from hl2 to substance
3.ran the game, it loaded too slow
4. installed 1.1 patch
5. played it again, it was loading too slow
6. removed those 2 lines in the autoexec in the substance folder
7. tried it again, still loaded too slow
quadomatic: the only relevant action was 2. Anyway that's still not enough,when I completed HL2 for the first time,my cache was at least 400 megs. Now it's 1.5G... What you are seeing with the long loading times,now,is the sound cache being rebuilt: something illogic,since you already copied it manually...