Headcrab Plush Toy Kit

my power has been out for a few hours. I'll make a smaller one next year, right now, i have lots to do.
the snarknest looks so easy, but i have missed sewed so many times. Mark every peice with numbers to help remember were peices go.
gweedodogg69 said:
Isn't Valve making their own headcrab plush toy thing??

i think that post was a fake.

If they do then that just means we have to stop making them.
Holy fux!
That's so cool!

Valve made headcrab plushys a long time ago in like 1999.
But they never sold :(
Flib>Noone said:
Valve made headcrab plushys a long time ago in like 1999.
But they never sold :(

If they were smart, they would advertise to the right people.

An example would be adding a link in Steam to go to a Valve-owned HL Store or something like that. The HL Store would have crap-loads of merchandise and other shwag.

I think that would be advertising to the right people -- the fans who actually play the game. Not little kids in Toys-R-Us.
There are plenty of online hobby sites to guide you in making a better model. I'm no seamstress, but I do know that stuffed dolls are sewn together inside-out; that way, when they are turned right side-out, the stitching doesn't show.

A stuffed headcrab hat would be a nice money-making endeavor for you, if you were so inclined. Plenty of fans to market to.

Speaking of which, where are the Half-Life action figures?
cleckmoon said:
The vision of boys sewing... It gives me joygasm.


Sewing normally gives me a sweargasm. And allways a diet coke bingegasm.
SHIPPI said:
Haha, I just can't figure out the instructions (yeah I'm stupid :p )

I'd buy one.. but £50 is a bit too steep for me!

i know its a bit steep, but i'm really lazy, and that money would go towards me managing to persuade my girlfriend to make it, and from what i gathered, she didn't enjoy the whole experiance too much (lots of swearing and frustration).

i think i am gonna make a miniature headcrab and hang it from my car mirror. ooo, maybe a crowbar.
Mad-Larkin said:
i know its a bit steep, but i'm really lazy, and that money would go towards me managing to persuade my girlfriend to make it, and from what i gathered, she didn't enjoy the whole experiance too much (lots of swearing and frustration).

i think i am gonna make a miniature headcrab and hang it from my car mirror. ooo, maybe a crowbar.

give me a day or two and i'm going to simplyfy the first one a lot. It will be easier to make, less peices.

Sometime next year i need to do a web broadcast of making a headcrab, 1/4 part series.
thehunter1320 said:
your first gray heady is still the cutest :)

I know, And i have evolved the first model into a sleek version. Around 8 peices now. And lots of details that were lost in the trasnlation to fabric have been removed. I still need more time to retrace the pattern and double check the angles.
I love these things.

I think the first was is still the best. The greater number of peices allowed much more definition of form. In the new ones the shape of the dome and the haunches isn't quite right.

Now what I really want to see is one that actually fits over someone's head. In order to do this you'll probably need to put a wire or other support around the entrance of the "mouth".

i like simple things :)

it turned out to be for the best that my mom couldn't help a couple weeks ago, I waited and a really easy pattern appeared!

You know, you should look into "kits" for these. Precut fabric, instructions, needles, thread, stuffing, etc. would be great. I know I'd pay $10-$15 for that to save the hassle. However, it looks like I'm gonna be cutting fabric myself. :sleep:
luketabor said:

i like simple things :)

it turned out to be for the best that my mom couldn't help a couple weeks ago, I waited and a really easy pattern appeared!

You know, you should look into "kits" for these. Precut fabric, instructions, needles, thread, stuffing, etc. would be great. I know I'd pay $10-$15 for that to save the hassle. However, it looks like I'm gonna be cutting fabric myself. :sleep:

I call it simple, just because of the part count, it is only 8 peices. And they are clearly marked, what they are. There still is lots of sewing required.
i know, the thing that was taking the longest when I started the first one by hand was cutting out the pieces. sewing's easy by comparison.
luketabor said:
i know, the thing that was taking the longest when I started the first one by hand was cutting out the pieces. sewing's easy by comparison.

Usually the cutting/traceing part takes a long time. It's the low point in sewing, the setup.
a little refinement on the old stitching and then some "effects" should do it just nicely.

remember the tentacles the beak and the razor teeth for decoration.
I didn't make much progress on my headcrab while in New York :(
I guess I'll just start over with the simple headcrab thingy. :cheers:
Yes! A new project. Headcrabs are SO CUTE. Everytime I see one ingame, I never want to kill it. Awww, now I can have my own pet head-humper! Meeep!
I'm Back :)

Note To Everyone : Don't visit any theme parks around new years eve.
Goethe said:

A minimal half-hour wait for anything isn't fun. People are just crowded into little areas. If you want to have fun at disney, go in Feb...