Headcrab Plush Toy Kit

Flib>Noone said:
Is anyone gonna make the crowbar? I wanna see what it looks like finished. :D

I was going to do that tonight, but my dads printer stopped working all the sudden. I wish i brought mine home now.
WormsME said:
this site cannot open i mean.

Some people have issues with getting to the site. You may need to talk to your ISP about their filtering rules.
itsmygame said:
If only I could make one...

Anyone can make one if you try. I had no sewing skills when i made the first one. I just had lots of diet coke and heavy rock/J-Pop playing for 20+hours.

Just goto walmart, get about two yards of streatchy fabric. Trace out the peices, mark their seams. Cut & Sew.
itsmygame said:
I have no idea how to read the instructions.

Heh same here :p I keep meaning to try figure it out but I keep getting distracted...
you could present that thing on deviantart. if you have an account.
You should label which is which in all 3 sets of headcrab instructions. Like leg, arm, etc. I know you did in one but im not sure which.

Also, I'd like to see a picture of the simple 8 peice headcrab done, to know if I should do that one (i love doing these kinds of things but they always turn out terrible)
MrWhite said:
You should label which is which in all 3 sets of headcrab instructions. Like leg, arm, etc. I know you did in one but im not sure which.

Also, I'd like to see a picture of the simple 8 peice headcrab done, to know if I should do that one (i love doing these kinds of things but they always turn out terrible)

I need to make the simple one. To compare it to the origonal one. The simple one was fully marked. Classic is a number matching pattern. I need to edit it later today/tommorow and add in more text.
I added text markers in the classic pattern. Now peices like arm, head, bottom, back and leg are marked.
I'm 1/2 done with getting a real webspace. I just registered 3D2Toy.com. Later this year, when i get paid i'll move my website over to godaddy.com hosting. But http://www.3D2Toy.com should work sometime in the next 24 hours.

The houndeye should be done soon. But the auburn game is going to stop my progress.
I have attempted to make the crowbar. And i'm stopping after 1/4 completion. It doesn't look right.
slashandburn said:
I have attempted to make the crowbar. And i'm stopping after 1/4 completion. It doesn't look right.

If the pattern is enlarged by 4x then it may look right. It is just so small.

Tommorow after my dentist appointment i will finish up the houndeye pattern. It is looking good, only 12 peices. Most concave areas have been removed, except for a few spots and some angles were changed. Did you know it only had three legs, I have played half-life so many times and never noticed.
slashandburn said:
If the pattern is enlarged by 4x then it may look right. It is just so small.

Tommorow after my dentist appointment i will finish up the houndeye pattern. It is looking good, only 12 peices. Most concave areas have been removed, except for a few spots and some angles were changed. Did you know it only had three legs, I have played half-life so many times and never noticed.

just wondering... are all 155 of ur posts in this thread? :E
also...by the time ur done with ur stuffed toy collection, u will need to build a toy chest for em :LOL:
jeez, i better get crackin on my headcrab. i only have a week of vacation left.
The headcrabs cool. If I would know how to sow, id done it by now :p
slashandburn said:
The Houndeye might be out tommorow.
lol... I miss that creature... though I hate its annoying shockwave, :smoking:
Well, I'll be gone for while making one of these things. I'll have a plush-headcrab I can cuddle - take that, teddy bears everywhere. Respect, my good man, ultimate respect for alerting me to such things' existance.
ForZeN said:
Well, I'll be gone for while making one of these things. I'll have a plush-headcrab I can cuddle - take that, teddy bears everywhere. Respect, my good man, ultimate respect for alerting me to such things' existance.

When you finish it send a picture to SlashAndBurn (At) 3DToy.com and it will eventually show up on the 3D2Toy gallery page.
I still haven't started mine yet, though I plan to. I don't expect to start until the weekend, or the next break. Man I wish I had time. And skill. And a cookie. D:
slashandburn said:
When you finish it send a picture to SlashAndBurn (At) 3DToy.com and it will eventually show up on the 3D2Toy gallery page.
You mean SlashAndBurn (At) 3D2Toy.com ? :wink:

I like the Get Firefox thing on your site :D.
I didn't see any google ads though.
*points to adblock extension* :D
Flib>Noone said:
You mean SlashAndBurn (At) 3D2Toy.com ? :wink:...

Good Find. My Bad. :eek:

I'm trying to get some more images to place around, but blender keeps on crashing. For some reason some of the normals were flipped and blender has a bug that causes it to crash when re-calculating normals.
I've just split the ant lion in half, so a pattern should be ready in a while. I converted the Nihilanth to blender for future editing. The chumtoad is 75% done, I just stopped before the back leg. Poison headcrab has been imported to blender, but i haven't done anything with it.

i am interested to see Nihilanth in its full, stuffed glory :D
please do post pics of it when its ready :)