HL2 MP Details - A few days

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Sure<JTR said:
hehe,I love half-life 2 very much .
That's a fantastic 1st post, you know. Related to the topic and all. (not trying to be a dickhead or anything :b)

ElFuhrer said:
Cause if it's CS:S I will break something.
Go ahead.
Haven't seen any other mag talk about the actual HL2 MP yet, so it wouldn't surprise me if it was an articel on CS:S

Let's hope it isn't :)
clarky003 said:
Im happy, its so definately the HL2 MP, it wouldnt make sense not to be,, ooo so cool. even though people say they dont think the physics will be as dynamic as the SP, i wouldnt bet on that.. as tantelising as it was I couldnt help networking the leak, lol,, just before I got rid of it.. and its just as dynamic as SP, manipulators and all.. its SOOO Exiting , :) yeh
hmm, dont say that?
Btw, the leak came from a very old build, so it could've completely changed by now
what kind of joy does that give you is an incredibly funny phrase..... Hopefully this gagging order crap is out of the way and we aren't going to get some ridiculous multi issue spread thing. Cynicism....
I am gona bet my.... erm..... maths books on the fact that it is going to be CS: Source. Well thats what I think anyway....

Hope it isnt eh!
<Raises hand> Erm... Isn't it perhaps possible that he was being ironical?
What with all the silly rumours going around, isn't there the slightest chance that perhaps he was just messing about?
Isn't there the slightest chance that some of you would just calm the f*ck down?
And finally - if you spell "you're" as "your" then yes, you ought to be ashamed.
If you use 1337 speak then yes, you should be shot.

And yeah it probably is CS: Source.

And Dead-Inside: Perhaps because you can get bots? Or play over a LAN? Or it might just be interesting?
el Chi said:
<Raises hand> Erm... Isn't it perhaps possible that he was being ironical?
What with all the silly rumours going around, isn't there the slightest chance that perhaps he was just messing about?
Isn't there the slightest chance that some of you would just calm the f*ck down?
And finally - if you spell "you're" as "your" then yes, you ought to be ashamed.
If you use 1337 speak then yes, you should be shot.

And yeah it probably is CS: Source.

And Dead-Inside: Perhaps because you can get bots? Or play over a LAN? Or it might just be interesting?

Y0ur r1gh7!!11

Heh, I think that he was just messing around a bit.

Grimresfa said:
Any idiot knows how to use proper punctuation I don't feel the need to be formal on a gaming forum, look at the picture in the first post before you reply to it you dumb shmuck.

(was that grammatically pretty enough for you?)

No, no it wasn't. :cheers:
whats with you people thinking CS:S is the HL2 multiplayer.. your dillusional, its 'HL2 multiplayer' not CS:S , and like Kaite quoted ' if you liked CS:S your gonna love this'

hmm, dont say that?
Btw, the leak came from a very old build, so it could've completely changed by now

why? its perfectly relevant, its obvious valve where playing around with the same stuff that is implemented in SP,, if I was an ambitious Dev thats what id do.. for impressions sake I cant see why they would dumb down on it alot. If your trying to make an impressive multiplayer this is the kind of thing you do.... its more likely they have changed it for the better by improving on the problems, yes it was an old build , but if it was like that at that stage... surely you could imagine what it might be like now :D
MindCrafter said:
Y0ur r1gh7!!11

Heh, I think that he was just messing around a bit.
Thank Christ someone gets irony...
5 years in development and NO MP.........wat a shame
In that picture, underneath all that hl2 stuff it says "extra-life" is this hl2 related aswell? (sorry if its been mentioned)
Also to the right of all that there is a box and at the top of the list it says best new games, notice half life 2 is the top of the list :cool:
I think I can sort-of see the cs logo to the left of the text...not the barnacle but a small logo right next to the text
Chris_D said:
This month's PC Zone had a small article about CS-Source. That's all we're gonna see in PC Gamer.

This really should have ended with Chris_D's statement. You'll get a little info ON CS:S, hurahh....hurahh i say.
lol, it'll be pretty funny if it has nothing to do with CS:S.
It wont be funny, it'll be wonderful to see something new about TF2. Although this is just all to doubtful, it's CS:S even though id love to think it's TF2.
Zetahl2world said:
The new look sucks.
You can tell that from a rubbish shot of the cover? I think you should actually wait until you see it ... :)
Y'know, if someone from PCG came by here, they'd be laughing their heads off by now! I can just imagine Kieron Gillen now ...
well, it's quite vital for this discussion :p
ferd said:
So when will it come out? The mag?

June 11th for the UK....i think weeks more for the U.S. Doesn't matter though, before the weekend is over we will know exactly what was mentioned and even scans surely.
June 11th. The text (from someone with the actual page) is "Valve reveals Counter-Strike Source. If you like Counter-Strike you'll love this!".
Varsity said:
June 11th. The text (from someone with the actual page) is "Valve reveals Counter-Strike Source. If you like Counter-Strike you'll love this!".

Oh jesus christ now I'm pissed... :frog:
iamaelephant said:
Oh jesus christ now I'm pissed... :frog:

I can actually inform you all what the text says (and not some damn opinion!). It says:

[picture of Gordon being strangled by a tentacle] "Valve reveal online battleplans. If you like Counter-Strike you'll love this."

Proof is here.
damn, we need a better and clearer screenshot, any idea when they'll post one?
oh and btw; what do you think the "Play God" sign on top of the hl2 mp ariticle could possibly mean, the first thing i can think up on the top my head is that may be the mp will be like rts/fps, where you have most of the players playing it like an team based fps, and one commander playing it like an rts, oh and i could totally be wrong with this statement but: the hybrid rts/fps thing, isn't that what ns is about, i never really found out
Sai said:
oh and btw; what do you think the "Play God" sign on top of the hl2 mp ariticle could possibly mean, the first thing i can think up on the top my head is that may be the mp will be like rts/fps, where you have most of the players playing it like an team based fps, and one commander playing it like an rts, oh and i could totally be wrong with this statement but: the hybrid rts/fps thing, isn't that what ns is about, i never really found out
That would be very cool! But unfortunately, the headline below it says "Renovate Your Classic Half-Life Mods" so they're probably just talking about tools to port mods to Source. :)
Also, under the "Shoot 'round corners in CS" it says "Second ??? (strap?) smaller and not locked to grid". The headings under that say "How it works", "Getting it right", and "Special Requirements".

Let the speculation begin :E
ferd said:
Haven't seen any other mag talk about the actual HL2 MP yet, so it wouldn't surprise me if it was an articel on CS:S

Let's hope it isn't :)

Yeah, I'm glad Valve is saving at least one secret until the very end. HL2 better have some killer original multiplayer we've never seen before. :thumbs:
tokin said:
So...PC GAMER will be the first magazine to talk about CS:S, TFC:S, DOD:S....etc. Unless someone can prove me wrong and show that there has been a magazine in the past few weeks after E3 letting us know about the HL2 multiplayer, if so this could easily be TF2 or the HL2 DM that we have all hoped for.

er yeah sorry but the latest PC zone had a quarter page on it and a screen shot. you'll have to take my word for it as I can't be bothered to prove it
RoguePsi said:
I can actually inform you all what the text says (and not some damn opinion!). It says:

[picture of Gordon being strangled by a tentacle] "Valve reveal online battleplans. If you like Counter-Strike you'll love this."

Proof is here.

so what? are PC zone fanboys getting mad at the possibility PC gamer have the first actual HL2 multiplayer info..? sure sounds like it is the HL2 MP seeing the 'actual' (not improvised :rolleyes: ) text on the front cover. why do you guys who have read PC zone automatically say that PC gamer wont have any new info on the MP???

something to do with dishing out another £4.99 for a games magazine?? :rolleyes:
What is that PC program that can read blurry text? I used to have it and would read the text off of images like these lol. I can't remmeber the name.....
huh ? why do you need it you can read it perfectly here

Proof is HERE

lol Varsity? where did you get this from :hmph:

Valve reveals Counter-Strike Source. If you like Counter strike you'll love this

the phraise 'Valve reveals Online Battleplans' looks completely different,
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