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whoa i geuss no info is coming into this thread anymore is there any info anyone has found out since yesterday

Someone posted (a few posts up) a link to search program he made for hl2.php that works through mozilla firefox browser.

Heil ok vel,
The_Monkey said:
It this tread still on? What's happening?

the answer is 42.

the question...well i'll leave it up to you to figure out the question.
ytinupmi said:
the answer is 42.

the question...well i'll leave it up to you to figure out the question.

The question is "How many times does a man have to walk down a street?" or "What do you get if you multiply 6 with 8?" :P
As we all know, 42 is the answer to,. you know,. life,. the unverse,. and everything.

More specifically its the sum of (Life)(Universe)+(Everything), when the words are taken at a numerical value based on their number of letters.*

*good hitchhiker trivia
Obviously, F|uke, you are part of the hitch hiker guide Fanclub, eh?

Personally, I didn't know about that bit of trivia, but oh well.

And what does this search engine do exactly?
why are there 960+ replies to this thread?????? :O :O :O :bounce: :bounce: :rolling:
So what if there are a few rather pointless posts here and there. This is nothing compared to some much worse spam hives.
And what does this search engine do exactly?

It appears to have a simple code that allows one to type in the part after ?move= so they don't have to type in the whole URL everytime.

Heil ok vel,
Does anyone know what this means?

Anyone who got lucky and got a free T-Shirt from Valve has also got a thank you letter. It says that on the letter. Maybe it's nothing...

But since in the game when you walk forward, you don't see the strider and it steps on you, it may have to do with it.
I find it hilarious that a thread about a tiny game with 3 options and no way to win, somehow got to be 65 pages long.
It was a dynamic text-based game where you had contact with the game-holder and it held cryptic text that could be clues to what's happening right now at VALVe and how the game will be played.
Rather annoying how you know that they might have already started the next round, people just need to figure out how to find the gametable. Gotta love the reference that they were leaving for milk, though.
Don't close this thread...

Yes, it's getting off topic,

Yes, we're wasting space,

Yes this is not adding anything to the fabric of the universe,

But Yes, we're just a bunch of HL2 fans shootin' Sh*t until whoever was playing the game with us gets back to the PHP...

This is where you put the thread closed message. :hmph:

Forgive me if this has been posted before...but check that out.... Look closely and you will see an all too familiar symbol.....that damned bird. Quite possibly the third test here. Or am I just stupid and was that bird there at the start? I don't remember. I know it was in the source code, but I don't remember if it was on the page itself.

Anyways, again I'm sorry if this has already been posted. Much of the last couple pages is useless crap that I don't feel I need my brain to try to comprehend.
Bait said:

Forgive me if this has been posted before...but check that out.... Look closely and you will see an all too familiar symbol.....that damned bird. Quite possibly the third test here. Or am I just stupid and was that bird there at the start? I don't remember. I know it was in the source code, but I don't remember if it was on the page itself.

Anyways, again I'm sorry if this has already been posted. Much of the last couple pages is useless crap that I don't feel I need my brain to try to comprehend.

It was always there.
Has it been declared we haven't missed any"move=??" guesses?
just curious
I've tried about 2,000 words, now. Looking at my dictionary, I have about 23,000 to go...
kurly said:
I've tried about 2,000 words, now. Looking at my dictionary, I have about 23,000 to go...
That's what Perl is for :laugh:.
Is it just me, or does the BIRD show now on move=s ????

Or was this like thi before???
Hey Guys

Her are some codes for you.

They'll work:


See what you can do with it.

Later :afro:
GENERAL BERGFRÜHLING! hey wie gehts? du bist doch aus der bf42 community nä? kennst noch feldwebel sauerkraut? ;)
achso...weil bei bf42 gabs auch nen general bergfrühling :D

btw: Welcome to the Forums!

edit: ooooh that was my 600th post ^^
hero said:
wow longest thread ever

It's the longest because of all the little twerps who can't be bothered doing a search for information THAT HAS ALREADY BEEN POSTED DAYS AGO :flame: :flame: :flame:
This post was fun to read so far
gman+Milk = conspircies Nice typo :-P
Reminder: there is an IRC channel open with all the commands, #thirdtest on quakenet
The move=truth is reason for much of the speculation going on in this thread.

To me it seems simple:
The path is literally a path, a (file)path on the webserver.

When you clear the path, you'll end up on http://www.half-life2.com/ and that's where you'll find the announcement we're all waiting for... when it is time.

Dissapointing, but I think it's that simple...
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