HL2 Source Code

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I wonder if anyone will make something like Tenebrae for HL.
Interesting... Dhubi Eng (or however the hell you spell it) recently being fired from Valve, and now the source code mysteriously appears on the net.

Hmmm....... (yes, I know he's an art dude, but humor me)
*Tried to delete this post but i could not* :dork:
yes i agree. anyone who has seen it, knows it's real.
http://www.hl2.nl/ says it's fake, just hl1 with a few things reworked to make it look like hl2.

God i hope so, if it is indeed real this could kill mp, or even delay the game back monthsssss for valve to have to re-work some things.
Originally posted by TheWall421
I'm guessing u haven't seen the source first hand have you?

I've seen bits and pieces, but I read that linux would not be supported, and hl2 doesn't use worldcraft, it uses a modified version of it.
I dont understand if its fake whats the point ? it not it still only a part of it so its no use to anyone is it?
VALVe Software LLC. - The Spearhead of the OpenSource Movement
actually he wasn't fired from Valve, there was an e-mail saying he wasn't. And it isn't a hoax, if you see it first hand you will see it's real.
Originally posted by JavaGuy
Interesting... Dhubi Eng (or however the hell you spell it) recently being fired from Valve, and now the source code mysteriously appears on the net.

Hmmm....... (yes, I know he's an art dude, but humor me)

He was not fired, he said himself that it was office humor and they thought nobody would notice it on the site.
Originally posted by VoidWraith
I've seen bits and pieces, but I read that linux would not be supported, and hl2 doesn't use worldcraft, it uses a modified version of it.

Why hasn't it occurred to *anyone* that just *maybe* HL1 (and it's associates mods) will be packaged with HL2 as bonus material?
It's useful to an army of cheaters and hackers unfortunately.

Whoever did this needs to thave their genitals pureed.
If they can do stuff like this with the Quake engine... what is the HL engine capable of?
Originally posted by qckbeam
actually he wasn't fired from Valve, there was an e-mail saying he wasn't. And it isn't a hoax, if you see it first hand you will see it's real.

I said to humor me, dammit. :flame:
Don't thin that Dhubi Eng was actually fired (his details went back up on Valve's website). Guess it must have been an office joke.
Originally posted by JavaGuy
Why hasn't it occurred to *anyone* that just *maybe* HL1 (and it's associates mods) will be packaged with HL2 as bonus material?
Once you have HL2, I dont think getting HL1 for free will really matter to anyone anyway
I've heard from multiple accounts that the AI for the grunt is identical in both versions, that there's folders that shouldn't exist if it was the real one they had, and I'm thinking that it is just the Half-Life code editted by people with a lot of time on their hands.
Originally posted by Stingey
//========= Copyright © 1996-2004, Valve LLC, All rights reserved. ============

now thats weird.
found it in cl_dll hl2_dll jeep

what's so weird about it. HL2 is coming out in 2004, didn't you know?
A lot of people seem to think it's just modified HL1 code. If so, answer me this: where did they get the full HL1 sourcecode?

Originally posted by TheWall421
Once you have HL2, I dont think getting HL1 for free will really matter to anyone anyway

Maybe not, but it's more of a nastalgia-type thing. Personally, I was half expecting HL1 to be packaged with HL2 long before this whole thing broke loose.
Originally posted by VoidWraith
I've heard from multiple accounts that the AI for the grunt is identical in both versions, that there's folders that shouldn't exist if it was the real one they had, and I'm thinking that it is just the Half-Life code editted by people with a lot of time on their hands.

I hope so. It IS possible and there are nutjobs out there who would take the time to do that.
Actually, I've seen things copyrighted for dates after they were printed. I had a history book in '99 that was copyrighted for 2000
I doubt that this would be "The" code... I think its just some guy that wants the attention buy telling other people what a good h4xx0r he is...
Originally posted by Nathaniel
A lot of people seem to think it's just modified HL1 code. If so, answer me this: where did they get the full HL1 sourcecode?


From the Half-Life sourcecode, that's public?
Hummm lets look at the facts a bit:

1) Around a week before the release date Valve say they wont be releasing HL 2 on the 30th of Sept and dont give a set date which is very odd as I would think with all the pushing to get to 30/9 they must be very close to the end and maybe needed 2-4 weeks extra.

2) A few days ago we spot a fired next to an artist which opens up a discussion on why valve would publically do that

3) Yesterday/today the artist name the totally dissapears from the employee list even tho valve state he still working there

4) 2/10 Leak is out on net

Well someone asked what would make valve to do this to an employee publically on their website this could just be it... I mean Valve may have found out about the leak of the source and pulled back the launch date to rework on the code to stop it being manipulated by cheats etc...

EDIT: okie his name back up so he might not be the source but i have a feeling valve knew about this in advance
There is some stuff in the code to suggest it's actually E3 code, it's in one of the comments I found.
Originally posted by Killerlagger
Hummm lets look at the facts a bit:

1) Around a week before the release date Valve say they wont be releasing HL 2 on the 30th of Sept and dont give a set date which is very odd as I would think with all the pushing to get to 30/9 they must be very close to the end and maybe needed 2-4 weeks extra.

2) A few days ago we spot a fired next to an artist which opens up a discussion on why valve would publically do that

3) Yesterday/today the artist name the totally dissapears from the employee list even tho valve state he still working there

4) 2/10 Leak is out on net

Well someone asked what would make valve to do this to an employee publically on their website this could just be it... I mean Valve may have found out about the leak of the source and pulled back the launch date to rework on the code to stop it being manipulated by cheats etc...
don't forget that rumour last week with steam, were some people saw mentions of half life 2 for a short time.
ok since that has the entire sdk, then y is this release only 30 megs rar'd? and how 'bout someone download it and compare it thouroughly (sp) and see if they are the same.
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