I am visiting Valve today!!!

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IM BACK AND VALVE IS AWESOME!!!! I only took about 10 pictures or so (lol) but I was too busy playing Counter Strike source and touring the facilities... where can i host pics?

If you need hosting, send me a PM. I can put them on my a site of mine..
Rabid HL2 fans are going to attack you for only taking 10 pics. :/
answer our questions or you will beg for mercy.
Guys be nice, he was nice enough to go out of his way for all of this and do the best he could, just wait and see what he has to say/show.
what was i supposed to take pics of? i mean youve all seen the offices and stuff and its not like im going to walk around taking pictures left and right

If you were invited to Valve, would you have the presence of mind to take lots of pics or would you too be in awe, especially when invited to play Counterstrike: Source?

Nah - 10 pics is fine...besides, would you want to be spoiled if he took pics of something REALLY important?
You should of made one of those 3D picture thingies.. You know, the things that are still images, but you can look all directions :P
merc said:
what was i supposed to take pics of? i mean youve all seen the offices and stuff and its not like im going to walk around taking pictures left and right


i hope u asked about the Collectors Edition.. :dork:
3d quicktime panoramas are a pain in the ass to make, I should know because I had to make some before and it sucks.

Anyways tell us ALL THE INFO YOU CAN WRITE DOWN BEFORE YOUR HEAD EXPLODES. This may or may not be caused by a death ray I may or may not have fired towards the general direction of Washington. VICTORY IS MINE!
3D quicktime panoramas are easy to make when you have the correct software, i've made some awesome ones in my time.

Where are these pics? we got a link yet?
pics will be on in about an hour... im going for a swim cause its so hot out, lol sorry guys be back in a bit

They are a breeze to make if you have the right pictures, the software itself is easy to use but taking the pictures needed for it is an incredible hassle unless you have special equipment.
merc said:
pics will be on in about an hour... im going for a swim cause its so hot out, lol sorry guys be back in a bit


the fook???

Oh man, we're all sitting here like lemons waiting for some info and he goes for a swim.

Have fun Merc :)
So basically, this guy said he was going to Valve, had no proof and you guys believed him right off the bat? Or did I miss some of the finer nuances since I skipped almost all of the topic?

Too trusting/gullible I say.
He's being a little strange not wanting to excite the community...but maybe cause there isnt anything that new....pics will be up in 1hr.
Sidenote: Stop guiding people to certain pages of certain threads! Not everyone share the same settings for displaying posts... Somebody directed someone to page 10 in here... I for one only have 6! It's annoying & makes it hard to find your way :)
What? I read 224 posts to not see any pictures?

Come on Merc!!
He is REALLY going for a swim?
Why not just get nakey and put his feet in cold water while he posts/reports.
Its what the responsible fan would do! :)
50 bucks says he didnt answer all of our questions on that small list ;x
Is it me or am I beginning to think this is all a steaming pile of

Well he might've asked them but that doesn't mean he got any good responses now does it? :) All of them have been asked before too.
He PMed me 10 minutes ago saying he was going for a swim, and then he would e mail me pictures to host, so calm down guys. It's coming.
ask him why he won't just surprise us with a release date, he wants to release the game SO badly, just tell him to do it already.
john121 said:
ask him why he won't just surprise us with a release date, he wants to release the game SO badly, just tell him to do it already.

Dude the guy already came back from his visit. Too late.
I doubt he got "alot" of new info since they are so tight lipped about anything people want to know.
Good things come to those who wait. Have patience people, we will be rewarded very soon.
Some of you people are just plain dumb. He went to valve, they refused to talk about TF2, 10 pics were taken, he spent most of his time playing cs:s and touring the facilities, and he got some new info.
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