LOST: Destiny Found

I popped into this thread and then remembered why I stopped reading the Lost thread on Halflife2.net. Just a bunch of people reading spoilers and than going "WELL I HAVE THIS THEORY YOU SEE"
What else could we do? Isn't that what tv show threads are about? "Episode was fantastic, I think this is going to happen next..."

Might as well leave all tv show threads.

Also, people haven't been discussing spoilers for next episodes here as far as I know.
how come abc.com doesn't have the latest episode up?? do i have to buy a DVD recorder?? sheesh!
What else could we do? Isn't that what tv show threads are about? "Episode was fantastic, I think this is going to happen next..."

Might as well leave all tv show threads.

Also, people haven't been discussing spoilers for next episodes here as far as I know.

Theres a difference, between theorizing about what will happen next, and posting EXACTLY what will happen next under the guise of "Well you see I think this is going to happen

I saw alot of it during season 4 when Hool used to post in this thread. Bro would post things from DarkUFO verbatim just disguise it with "WELL GUYS I THINK THIS IS GONNA HAPPEN"


Also, people haven't been discussing spoilers for next episodes here as far as I know.

I unfortunately happened to be in Ventrilo while a few friends were talking about Lost spoilers and theres a few posts in the last couple of pages that are actually major spoilers for the next episode so there you go!

its either watching that or fapping and i choose....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................fapping! i'll have to watch it tomorrow

edit: thanks for the link though, I also forgot i use surfthechannel.com
So you're complaining about people accurately predicting things?

I've seen it on another forum a lot of the time and it's really obvious. It's one thing to guess something like "I think Jack is going to be the new Jacob" because we've seen a lot of things during this season that would lead us to believe that may very well be the case.

Then theres a few things in the thread I've spotted, that really without reading a spoiler you'd have no reason to make an assumption like that unless you read the spoilers and you just wanna be able to say that you called it and you knew it all along.
**** you MIB. I'm giving you the finger now.


You're not on the list! *BANG*
You know, Adrik, you aren't the only one who preferred it when you weren't in this thread. Do us all a favour and go away.
I've seen it on another forum a lot of the time and it's really obvious. It's one thing to guess something like "I think Jack is going to be the new Jacob" because we've seen a lot of things during this season that would lead us to believe that may very well be the case.

Then theres a few things in the thread I've spotted, that really without reading a spoiler you'd have no reason to make an assumption like that unless you read the spoilers and you just wanna be able to say that you called it and you knew it all along.

I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. You're saying people watch the episode and then go back and post theories pretending that they haven't? That really shouldn't be a problem unless you look at spoilers between the time the episode aired and the time you posted it.
I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. You're saying people watch the episode and then go back and post theories pretending that they haven't? That really shouldn't be a problem unless you look at spoilers between the time the episode aired and the time you posted it.

Sounds like he thinks people go off to websites with real spoilers from insiders, and then come here to post them in order to get some kind of ego boost for predicting things correctly? I dunno. I don't even care enough to get pissed off about "spoilers" so whatevs.
You've gotta love how Jin and Sun chose to die together rather than having one of them live to raise their daughter. :|
You've gotta love how Jin and Sun chose to die together rather than having one of them live to raise their daughter. :|

WOW, with everything going on, I didn't even realise that... :|
My thoughts, as posted on another forum:

Amazing episode, 9/10


The Jin and Sun deaths were very tragic. I didn't cry, but I got pretty damn close. I've never been so emotionally upset before to any Lost scene (or a scene in any TV show for that matter). I half expected Jin to get out of there so that he could raise their daughter, but I guess it was just as well that they died together (plus Jin no doubt would've killed Sawyer for setting off the bomb).

Sayid also died, which left me less sad than I thought I would. He used to be my favourite character, but he really started to get boring after season 4. It's quite possible that he will appear as a ghost for Hurley, as it seems likely that he's unable to "move on".

I think why this shook me up for than usual deaths was that I didn't see it coming at all. I had no idea someone was doing to die this episode. I guess not reading spoilers this season helps out.


My thoughts on the continued Sawyer plot line: Sawyer will wake up and be beyond himself with guilt over Jin and Sun's deaths. He will begin to hate himself enourmously. Jack will try to convince him to turn the anger towards the person who is mainly responsible, MiB, and will probably succeed in doing so.


It's was quite funny that no one gave a shit that Frank died, neither the characters nor the fans. He was by far the worst character to appear on the show, even worse than Nikki & Paulo. Terrible actor, too.

Also, I wonder where the hell Ben, Richard and Miles are. I've almost forgotten about them.
Wait, Frank died?

Who the hell is going to fly the plane then?
I think getting off the island is a thing of the past at this point.
Lapidus is suspected dead, but who knows if not seeing him escape was just a red herring.

I, too, would like to know where Ben, Miles, and Richard are since their plan to destroy the plane obviously failed miserably.

Lindelof gave an explanation to Sayid's death that I quite liked. I'm still not thrilled with how this entire season went for him, but they could have ended him far worse.

My thoughts on the continued Sawyer plot line: Sawyer will wake up and be beyond himself with guilt over Jin and Sun's deaths. He will begin to hate himself enourmously. Jack will try to convince him to turn the anger towards the person who is mainly responsible, MiB, and will probably succeed in doing so.

I absolutely agree. Jin was one of the few people that Sawyer was really close to, along with Miles and Hurley. I think this death, coupled with him still not having gotten over Juliet's, is going to cripple him. I actually expect to see him sacrifice himself before the show's end. That poor bastard has been through too much to go back to a normal life.
Lapidus is dead, I'm assuming. I think I've stopped believing physical means of travel are actually important to the story. Once the Candidates are dead I think MIB can leave, regardless of plane or sub. I'm also interested in Alpert's crew, seeing as they could be up to ****ing anything.

I think pretty much every candidate left had a pretty huge stake of guilt in Jin, Sun, and Sayid, and I'm interested to see how that plays out. "A lot of people are gonna die. And it's going to be your fault." Especially Sawyer, who has lost so much and never given any care to thought of destiny or faith in the island, and now it's killed his friends. How will Jack shape him?
I cared Monkey, I cared. You know when Sun and Jin were dying? I was mourning his apparent death. There is still hope he survived, he can still pop up floating in the water like Jin did last season.
I doubt Lapidus is dead, and I don't think hes a bad character or actor.

Sun and Jin didn't surprise me really. I had a feeling people were going to start kicking the bucket in the next few episodes. Sayid's death doesn't bother me, it was inevitable once he joined smokey. Nothing more cliche than a bad guy redeeming himself, so I saw it coming a mile away, and thus im unsympathetic. Sun and Jin might have made me care if they weren't stupid about it. Their last act together was deciding to be crappy parents. Good job.

I didn't like this episode at all really. And now whats smokey going to do? Finish what he started? He can't do shit now that they know he can't kill them. My expectations and hopes for a decent ending to this show just dropped immensely, and I'm willing to bet the ending is going to be a contrived crock of shit.
if lapidus is dead then who will pop up at the worst moments with terrible one liners? lapidus is such a comically bad character, but i'm going to be a bit upset if that was his death.

gg on turning sayid into a suicide bomber, writers. i'm saying that in joke, but i'm not going to be surprised if that brings up some sort of uproar from idiots soon.

i ****ing loved how long it took flocke to get out the water, though. seriously, come on. part of me wants to hate this episode for how stupid it was, another part me quite enjoyed elements to it - jack on the island finally figuring shit out, jack and locke in the sideways, bernard popping up with the biggest ****ing grin in the world, sawyer ****ing things up because he's, surprise surprise, a ****ing idiot and the clincher, the thing that has me torn between YES! and **** OFF, was kate so nearly dying. but she didn't, so **** OFF.

spoilered for people who still haven't watched the show.
pretty much sums up my feeling towards the episode. Sun and Jin's death was a bit too formulaic , it felt like it was really forced , especially with the way sawyer was knocked out to place them in that situation. Also jack doesn't end up using the respirator which could have bought Jin some extra time. Furthermore if MIB just wanted to kill them why didn't he let them fly in the plane that was rigged to explode ? or was he lying about that ?.

feels like the writers were overwhelmed by the number of people that had to die in this episode.
Haven't read anything/seen anything in a few years. Have the mysteries been solved yet?
spoilered for people who still haven't watched the show.
pretty much sums up my feeling towards the episode. Sun and Jin's death was a bit too formulaic , it felt like it was really forced , especially with the way sawyer was knocked out to place them in that situation. Also jack doesn't end up using the respirator which could have bought Jin some extra time. Furthermore if MIB just wanted to kill them why didn't he let them fly in the plane that was rigged to explode ? or was he lying about that ?.

feels like the writers were overwhelmed by the number of people that had to die in this episode.

jack used the oxygen tank on sawyer i think. you see a lot of bubbles coming from him anyway and a brief glimpse here and there. i might be wrong on that.

also, jack wouldn't of got on the plane. he only got on the sub because kate was shot
if lapidus is dead then who will pop up at the worst moments with terrible one liners? lapidus is such a comically bad character, but i'm going to be a bit upset if that was his death.

gg on turning sayid into a suicide bomber, writers. i'm saying that in joke, but i'm not going to be surprised if that brings up some sort of uproar from idiots soon.

i ****ing loved how long it took flocke to get out the water, though. seriously, come on. part of me wants to hate this episode for how stupid it was, another part me quite enjoyed elements to it - jack on the island finally figuring shit out, jack and locke in the sideways, bernard popping up with the biggest ****ing grin in the world, sawyer ****ing things up because he's, surprise surprise, a ****ing idiot and the clincher, the thing that has me torn between YES! and **** OFF, was kate so nearly dying. but she didn't, so **** OFF.

Locke had no reason to rush to get out of the water. It's not like he wanted to get in the sub.

edit: yeah, that's true and all but really it's just a case of common pacing formula used in a lot of shows to allow other things to happen without the character/event or whatever from realistically carrying on and ruining the moment. i just think maybe there may of been other avenues to keep him from putting on his act than simply being pushed into the drink for a bit. for the people who at first think that locke is going for the sub, it screams out ''get the **** out of the water already''

but then these tidbits that **** the pacing up always get me to.

if anything, the funniest part to it was smoke on the water.
I'm downloading the latest episode on iTunes, for $3 I'd rather see it in HD and I'll just have to wait for bluray recorders to hit the $200 before I get one
so MIB carefully orchestrated kate getting shot ? , she could just as easily have gotten shot at the plane.
What? Why would MiB want her shot? She was going in the sub anyways.

And why didn't MiB want Claire to get on?
EDIT: i'm not sure what i think anymore. i just remembered that

flocke gives jack the bomb bag before kate is shot.

i don't think he thought kate was going to be shot, but in giving him the bag he knows he was going to get on the sub. i don't think - or i don't want to think - it was flocke just being careless in switching the bags...

now i need to rethink my thoughts.
wow, this latest episode was a bummer! very sad, i nearly cried. can't wait to see what happens next. also i tried watching the HD version and it was choppy so i ended up watching the SD version and it was much better. for some reason my PC can't handle HD videos yet it used to do them fine