It was beautiful when bernard and rose got reunited :*(.
And the lock flashbacks made me cry (innerly anyway). I love the story telling, and the others: what exactly do they do to people????

<3 Lost.

Edit. Btw when does 9 air, so I no when to download it.
Holy shit!

What an episode! Glad we finally get a bit of closure on one mystery (what Kate and Sawyer share), and the ending with the computer was immensely mysterious! I have a feeling Walt's part of the island now, or something.
Real good episode, I must say. I always liked the strange chemistry between Sawyer and Kate. And Mr. Eko seems like a great match to Locke. Two mysterious, understated figures that seem to have a better idea than anybody else, despite their differences.

I've warmed up slightly to Ana-Lucia, due in no small part to her backstory. Still, I'm just not sure. We'll see how it pans out.
Whats happened to series 2, episode 10? has it not aired in the US? when is it going to be shown?
Episode 10 was pretty good. I didn't link Echo with the drugs at all, so that was a pretty cool surprise.
I think it's "Eko", but I'm only going off of IMDB.

It was a very good episode. The way he tied into the drugs and the plane crash was done well. Mr. Eko: the evil badass turned holy badass. :)

This was what Lost needed. A fresh face and a new character history.
when eko stood up to the black spirt thing, that was wierd. now did it leave him alone because he wasnt afraid of or something else...
How come he burns the plane in the middle of the jungle ?, i was like WTF !?
and yeah it was a surprise about him and the drugs
about the black spirt thing, maybe cuz he standstill =\

overall it was a good episode
I may be hallucinating, but I thought I saw people flashing through the smoke when the camera was panning around the "monster".

Kamikazie said:
when eko stood up to the black spirt thing, that was wierd. now did it leave him alone because he wasnt afraid of or something else...
Could it be based on a miracle?

When Locke first encountered the monster, he believed the island was responsible for him being able to walk again. When Eko first encountered the monster, he believed he was going to find his brother again.

Great episode! :thumbs:

Things I thought were interesting:

- When Locke was teaching Michael how to fire a weapon, it mirrored Locke teaching Walt how to throw a knife.
- Just before Jack walked in on Michael, the message on the computer was telling Michael to go somewhere.
- Jin and Sun are back together. Kate and Sawyer are getting close. Hurley and Libby may start bonding. However Claire and Charlie have parted ways (they were the strongest couple for most of the series).
- Has anyone drawn a comparison between the "monster" (made of black smoke) and the warning signal from the "others" in the season one finale (black smoke rising from the distance)? Could the two be connected in some way?
- Just before Jack walked in on Michael, the message on the computer was telling Michael to go somewhere.

yea i wanna know where :(...
A True Canadian said:
- Has anyone drawn a comparison between the "monster" (made of black smoke) and the warning signal from the "others" in the season one finale (black smoke rising from the distance)? Could the two be connected in some way?
But didn't that smoke just end up being made by Rousseau?

And yeah there were faces in the smoke monster

I think in all it was a pretty unimpressive episode
is there a summary of the show anywhere?

I don't really care about each character, i just want to have a synopsis of the show. I know they're on an island, and there's some crazy stuff happening (like what) and my mom said something about them finding a door (?).
They found a hatch early in the first season, and getting it open was pretty much the focus for the rest of the season. At the end they finally got it open and inside they found a man who had been living there for years, typing in hurley's numbers whenever a clock counted down.
I'm sure you can find a synopsis on the internet
Here's one of those flashes:
I think the black smoke (I remember reading somewhere it was nanoparticles) is basically a mirror for the person, and if they can take looking at themselves in the mirror, they can understand what they need to do - Take the fact that the only people who have stood up to it are Locke and Eko, though I think we'll see Jack face it in a future episode

I love the fact that Eko is a major badass
I think the black thing actually helps them. Remember Locke looked into it early on - "I've looked into the eye of this island. And what I saw was beautiful."

It's like it shows them what they have to do/become. The crucifiction for Eko becoming a priest.

EDIT: Same time as Icarus...
The episode was great, and i love the black smoke and the flashes... i didnt notice them at first, but i just looked back and i can see them all. superb!! :D
DigiQ8 said:
yea i wanna know where :(...
Well I think somewhere on the island becuase in the preview of the next episode it shows Locke on the ground and I think Sawyer saying "Michael's gone commando". Damn its going to be good.
xombine said:
Well I think somewhere on the island becuase in the preview of the next episode it shows Locke on the ground and I think Sawyer saying "Michael's gone commando". Damn its going to be good.
omg !
me wants to see this !


i could swear i can see jesus in the smoke
I had a question about earlier on in the series.... if ya'll remember when Jack was flashing back to the part where he was in the O.R. fixing up the girl soon to be his wife who had gotten into an accident with an Old dude..... was that old dude Shannon's dad. Cause i remember when it talked about her dad dying the doctor who told them " Jack's dad " was starting to talk to them about it and then you see Jack walk by and when i went back to the previous ep with his wife he looked very similar.... does anyone know?? it's been bugging me hahaha.....
also does the girl who Jack's dad pretty much killed have any significance??
Personally I'm a bit tired of the indepth character explainations and background stories, enough with the flashbacks! it's time to move the plot forward: what's the magnetic field underground, what's up with the black fog of death, is Charlie really a hobbit undercover, so many questions that need to be answered...
iLLiCiT said:
also does the girl who Jack's dad pretty much killed have any significance??
I took that as being shannon's REAL mother, not sure why but it makes sense if you think about it.
Gunner said:
is Charlie really a hobbit undercover
you must've missed that episode - they clearly demonstrated that they no longer like to be called hobbits, but instead "vertically challenged folk of the Shire" - and yes, he is an undercover hobbit, he was on the plane spying on the CIA or some such thing
I loved the flashback to echos past.

Hes a really cool guy, my secound favurate next to lock.
Showdown with the hicks in the woods, and they had to surrender. Much loss of face ensued.
Holy Shit! Last night's episode rocked, I loved that closing line.

That showdown in the woods rocked, especially how Jack tried to be the badass the whole time. The others seem to know a helluva lot about what's going on with the survivors. I love how Jack asked about training an army in the end. Something tells me a storm is brewing. It was also kind of nice to see the resolution of his story concerning his wife. And her line about him always needing something to fix was perfect. I also like how Jack is distancing himself from Kate so much, I mean, damn was he cold to her in there. I'd really like to find out what happens to Michael now, since I doubt the Others have him.
That was a very good, interesting episode. I think we're gearing up for some good action, woop.