Well it made sense to delay it this week because they didn't want to compete with the World Series.

Now, last year, there was a hiatus for LOST during the month of December and I think the first week of January. Therefore if ABC wishes to hold out for another 2 weeks, that means there's only 4-5 new episodes left for 2005.

I hope I'm wrong.
I personally don't mind a hiatus during those months. I'll be in Europe for a lot of that time and I'll be pretty much be spending every night or every other night out in a bar, club, or buddy's house, and they'll only be playing older episodes any way.
Can't say I honstly missed it all that much last week.
A new one
I hope it's better than the others. Sweeps is starting now, right? So hopefully we'll see some good ones
Man, I really didn't miss Lost as much as I thought I would. I guess life just got in the way. Anyway, I sure hope the show improves as we continue on.
Right, Ana-Lucia will now hopefully get lynched for being a trigger happy bitch.
Actually I don't think tha Ana Lucia killed Shannon, they were still far away and Shannon was not that far, and the shot scene was done in a way that you really never see Shannon-Sahid and ana Lucia and Comp. on the same frame or in the same shot. I think Sahid was indeed seeing with rage the person who killed Shannon but you really never get see who that person was, I think it was the french woman. and Ana Lucia could have probably shoot the woman that was missing from her group. Keep in mind this is only my theory and I am not saying is the truth, I guess I will have to wait and see..
Not a bad episode, but not a brilliant one at the same time. Shannon360 was a nice enough charachter, but it's difficult to think that she and IslandShannon are one and the same (multiple personalities maybe?).

Nice seeing Boone again, even though he's probably at the bottom of my favourite charachters list.

Looking forward to the potential Rose and Bernard reunion next week and I can't wait till TheHobbit gets busted with his stash.
What do you mean Shannon360?

The killer could've been whatshisface from the bunker. He kinda just disappeared.

Claire looked hot in this ep.
StardogChampion said:
What do you mean Shannon360?

The killer could've been whatshisface from the bunker. He kinda just disappeared.

Claire looked hot in this ep.

It's my silly attempt at humor. What I was refering to was the fact that Shannon in the flashbacks was nothing like Shannon from the Island... much in the same way XBOX is nothing like XBOX360 (or so M$ wants you to believe).
I kinda figured you meant that, but I wasn't sure. Soooo not funny joke.

I guess she's the same in that she's a ditsy useless Paris Hilton type. Better dead than alive really.
This is assuming Shannon is truly dead. You never know with these kinds of shows. The writers may just turn around and say "LOL GUYS, WHEN WE SAID SOMEBODY WOULD DIE WE MEANT THAT WOMAN WHO DISAPPEARED IN THE JUNGLE". I never particularly cared for her, but I would have thought the death of a major character would have been handled a bit more gracefully as opposed to "run into jungle, get shot, end of story". There just didn't seem to much of a conclusion to her.

I'm of the firm belief that Ana-Lucia is the one who pulled the trigger. Not Rousseau (why would she?) and not the crazy bunker man (where would he get the gun from?). The Others are a possibility, but I don't find it likely in this case. They have been silent, methodical, and cautious whenever they've killed/taken somebody in the jungle.

Oh yeah, and I can't wait until Charlie gets busted again. I can't stress this enough: Locke is a dude.

StardogChampion said:
Claire looked hot in this ep.

Didn't the crazy bunker man take a bunch of weapons with him? He had a bunch of rifles anyway. I've only seen Rousseau with a rifle too, but not a handgun.

I can't think of anyone that would shoot her. Considering that it was with a handgun, it could've been anyone who knew of the handgun box that Jack has hidden, or Ana-Lucia.

It's just too obvious to be Ana-Lucia.

Oh, and Claire looked hot in this ep.
Decent episode Wenesday. I like the way it brought us right up to date with the Ana-Lucia group.. although annoying how it ended at the same spot as the previous episode (ala Series 2 premiere).
I thought it was real good. Found out a LOT about the others finally.
Uhh, was it just me, or did Ana-Lucias gun seem to look like it was "empty" instead of that one bullet it had in it. I vote she shot her.
I'm 99% sure she did. Theres doesn't seem to be any reason to think otherwise. Especially since they apparently all assume thats the case next episode (in the preview).
So it's pretty much confirmed that Ana-Lucia shot Shannon.

Good episode with some nice development. Kudo points for Goodwin getting stuck like a pig. That bit ruled.
I dunno what next week is gonna be, but I can't wait to see it! That and Prison Break...OH I havn't seen the newest smallville! *slaps head*
The_Monkey said:
Sure, here
American: http://rapidshare.de/files/7746961/02x08-Collision_promo_video.WMV.html
Canadian: http://rapidshare.de/files/7747214/02x08-Collision_promo_video-cdn.WMV.html

I thought this episode rocked, but then again, I think every episode rocks.

To tell you the truth, I prefer the Canadian promos as opposed to the American ones. The American ones reveal too damn much.

That's one of the reasons why the 6th episode of this season wasn't as good as it should have been. The shock of someone getting killed was ruined by the silly ABC promo, which basically revealed the cliffhanger. :P

I'm not just saying this because I'm biased, I truely think the Canadian ads have better structure to them and they're better at teasing you than the American alternative. :)
Go on admit it. You all sobbed like babies when Rose and Bernard were reunited ;(
I didn't. I made many jokes about all the slow mo hugging.

Need more others answers damnit.
craig said:
Go on admit it. You all sobbed like babies when Rose and Bernard were reunited ;(

What made me cry was the slow paced story telling...
What made me cry was the fact that Sayid didn't pop a cap in Ana-Lucia's ass. Damn she's an annoying charachter.. a total Latino stereotype if you will. Infact I'm still baffled as to whether there is any difference between Ana-Lucia and the chick that she plays in S.H.I.T... ahem, I mean S.W.A.T.