Lost season III *spoilers*

But he did do his task, he shut of the light, contacted Penelope, so he didn't have to die. I mean, he and Des thought they where home free until Patchy came swiming.
What if the Jack and Kate we saw are in a different time line?

Think about all the "down to the wire" decisions that were made...what if the opposite decision had a different result for the timeline of the island.
But he did do his task, he shut of the light, contacted Penelope, so he didn't have to die. I mean, he and Des thought they where home free until Patchy came swiming.

Yea, that was pretty retarded, he could've easily closed the door on the otherside. Like ive said before..it's all for pointless cinematic effect. Also, i thought it was pretty ridiculous that they didn't check patchy's vitals....the second they didn't do that it was pretty clear he wasn't dead.
Yea, that was pretty retarded, he could've easily closed the door on the otherside. Like ive said before..it's all for pointless cinematic effect. Also, i thought it was pretty ridiculous that they didn't check patchy's vitals....the second they didn't do that it was pretty clear he wasn't dead.

Yeah...and was that knocking on the hull patches the entire time? That was a long time of him not being drowned. Unless he had the air mask on. Plus, they apparently WANTED charlie to die, otherwise he could have just locked it on the other side.
Yea, that was pretty retarded, he could've easily closed the door on the otherside. Like ive said before..it's all for pointless cinematic effect. Also, i thought it was pretty ridiculous that they didn't check patchy's vitals....the second they didn't do that it was pretty clear he wasn't dead.

It isn't stupid. Desmond told Charlie he saw Claire being rescued in the chopper and if you don't follow the 'flash' as it plays out then events won't go the way they are supposed to. He felt he needed to die.

Pretty simple to understand.

lol pitz, no, that was the music ramping up the tension. :p
Pretty simple...outside of the fact that it makes no sense, once the beacon is shut down they're going to get rescued whether charlie lives or dies. What happens to him has no baring after that point.

Also, at point does the show mention that the flashbacks have to be followed through 100percent? Desmond actually experiences these flashbacks and offered to go into the looking glass in charlies place.

Yea, i know they wanted charlie to die( hell, i wanted charlie to die). But, they couldve found a better way to go through with it.

Also, i read that LOST is shot on 35mm, but the show has a lot of scenes that require special effects

Does anyone know if these particular scenes are shot on Digital? Forgive my ignorance...i know dickall about cameras.
Oh yes, you know that. However, I'm positive that wasn't the way Charlie was feeling. He did not want to deviate from the flahses, just in case Claire and Aaron were not rescued. To Charlie, he had to die, as he was going to die eventually anyway, and so he chose to do it then, when he'd been told that this death would lead to Claire and Aaron being rescued.
I read an interesting theory last night on some lost forums, one guy said that the entire flash forward is another vision of Desmond.
Let's start narrowing down who we think is the dead guy. We know it isn't kate, jack, jin or sun. I'm guessing it's either Ben, because of how cold kate's reaction to this death was, or Locke.
Suberb episode, I figuered it was a flashforward right from the start.

I think the dead guy is Ben.
wtf you signed up? lolz.

I aint watched it yet, will do tonight. I'll reply then with what I thought.
Good finale...they have set it up nicely for the next season. Be interesting to see how they play it. I guess Charlie figured it was important for one of them to get the message back, that's why he shut the door. Admittedly I can't see why he couldn't of done it from the other side..but he got the message through...so it was a meaningful death.
Why would it be Ben? Why would Ben leave the island, it's not like it's a forced evacuation. Well we don't know. But I really doubt Ben would leave the island, I think he'd rather die than to leave. It can't be Locke cause his ex-girlfriend (Married with Children actress) would at least show up for his funeral or somebody at least. It's all speculation at this point I know.

Judging Kate's reaction, I'd say it's someone who personally wronged her. If it's Sawyer then who is she returning home to when she says I have to go he's going to wonder where I am. If it's not Sawyer, who could it be?

Desmond? maybe he tried to get Charlie's message to Jack, maybe he tried to prevent the evacuation. Then again Penelope would have a fancy funeral for him, and she'd be there.

I suspect even the writers aren't sure at this stage. They will work their way there eventually. :)
I think it's locke, look at the picture psypher posted.
wow awesome finale... I was so shocked when Kate walked out from the shadows then i realised it was a flash forward.
I think it's locke, look at the picture psypher posted.

'tis defo a guy, not sure it would be locke though, cant find anything relating to the last name (part of it anyhoo).

The newspaper is also visable at the start of ep 22, in the plane. Thought I tried to zoom in but its blurred, anyone got an uber hd copy to crop? :p
(not sure if the clipping is from that paper, but it would make sense. Too blurred to confirm :( )
Oh i thought it said Jonathon ( lockes first name) but i missread. I think there is a strong possibility that it's a character we havn't met yet...maybe it's even jacob.
Oh i thought it said Jonathon ( lockes first name) but i missread. I think there is a strong possibility that it's a character we havn't met yet...maybe it's even jacob.

Oooh hadn't considered jacob, interesting. Could quite well be. I'm having fun looking into the little things about the episode though :D
Great episodes, thought it was wierd (but inevitable) that Walt came back briefly. Not sure how he knew where Locke was down that hole, or how he knew that Locke needed to go stop the phone call being made...makes me think he wasn't really there, like a spirit guide or something. Wierdness...roll on Feb

EDIT: That newspaper clipping says the persons name begins with 'j' and ends with 'antham' as far as i can see, which doesn't fit any of the characters we've met so far
It occurred to me why Charlie sacrificed himself. The Looking glass was effectively a diving bell in that the air pressure within kept the water out. The entire facility would of flooded in seconds if Charlie hadn't closed the door because the mood pool would of surged up as the air was forced out through the broken porthole in a matter of seconds. In the chaos and rush of water it's doubtful either of them would of made it out alive TBH. Noble sacrifice by charlie that :(
It occurred to me why Charlie sacrificed himself. The Looking glass was effectively a diving bell in that the air pressure within kept the water out. The entire facility would of flooded in seconds if Charlie hadn't closed the door because the mood pool would of surged up as the air was forced out through the broken porthole in a matter of seconds. In the chaos and rush of water it's doubtful either of them would of made it out alive TBH. Noble sacrifice by charlie that :(

remember we didnt see him die.

As said somewhere, the water will only fill to the topof the portol in the room charlie was in, leaving a big enough gap for plenty of oxygen/breathing room. Could eaisly get out thrugh the window too, or desmond could pass scuba gear through.
Also 'tis possible to re-presurize the whole station to the same level of water and easily open the door with no consiquences, providing there are other segments to the building to stay in.

Anyhoo, its all speculation, afaik hes been written out (read an interview).
Despite the fact that Ben was most likely telling the truth about Naomi and the people she works for, I think he got exactly what he deserved this episode for killing those women, sanctioning Charlies murder and for everything else he's done throughout the Season. I thought it was pretty satisfying when he got the shit beaten out of him and they tied him to a ****ing tree.
What other elements except that Kate and Jack know each other suggest it was a flash foward? Hell, the way the writers have been going they might have just decided to write in that they knew each other before the crash, and it was still a flashback. Noone mentioned anything about surviving a crash, or acted towards Jack in any way that suggested he'd been back from the island.
IMO i think it was a flashback, made to look like a flash forward.
I did think that too but it does seem a lot more likely that it was a flash forward - Jack having problems with drink and pills relating to his experience, wanting to kill himself, mentioning a 'Golden pass' to flights that they had both been given (as a result of their plane crash experience probably) and the fact that the way Jack and Kate have been portrayed as 'meeting' each other on the island across the series seems real and not like they knew each other beforehand.
He said he was tired of lying...I'm guessing the group who found them told them to stfu about the island and what really happened.
tis defo flash forward.

lost is based in 2004, the razr phone is from oct 2006.
The NY times paper is also from post 2004. :p
And all his ramblings about how they weren't supposed to leave are definite references to the island.
Not to mention the big "we have to go back" at the end of the episode...it was a flashforward..
When Jack pulls up to that funeral home, the name of it is "Hoffs/Drawler." This is an anagram for "Flash Foward".

Kinda nailed that one in now. Next question? :D
Wow. What an episode. Loved it. Now I want to know what happens next and I aren't going to be getting any of my Lost fixes for a long while :(

Shame Charlie died. Almost shed a tear for him, he did a really brave thing there. That's if he's dead, but I bet he is.

Also appears Ben was telling the truth about those on the boat. But why does Penny have a direct link to the Looking Glass station? And why does it call her when the signal blocker gets turned off? Obviously she already knows about the island, maybe before Desmond even ended up there. Maybe her fathers boat race was designed to get Desmond away from his daughter, maybe he knew he'd get stranded on the island and stuck there?

I really thought Tom and the others at the beach killed Sayid, Jin and Burnard. I was so glad they weren't dead. Seems Tom actually wanted to shoot them, rather than pretend to. So it seems like the others are really splitting up too. Obviously they all think Ben is going mad, but do they all want to kill the survivors? Do they all share the same ideas as Tom? (even though he's dead now, or so it seems)

I wonder who was in the news paper article, like some have said it's gotta be someone who Kate didn't like too much. But looking at the name in the article we haven't met this guy yet. Also, psypher suggested that the coffin looks a bit too short to be for a fully grown adult.

Wonder who Kate is with now (in the future)? Doubt it's Sawyer after what he's said to her and such (in the present). Seems like Sawyer's going back to his old ways too. He's killed 2 people over the past few days (I know he wasn't really a killer before the plane crash). He's gone all wierd towards Kate though.

Also wondering what Naomi's people actually want with the island. And why doesn't Ben want them to come? Sureley the others could defend the island against them, can't be that many on the boat can there?

Felt sorry for Hurley again, but hey, he came back owning in his van! Love Hurley :D

Loved this season, this finale was probably the best. I want season 4 :( Sorry for the big post :p
I now understand why Walt left the island.
Seemed like a waste of an interesting character, but obviously they couldn't have him age like that.

And they could have a hell of a lot of people on a ship, ren, especially as it's gotta be at least destroyer sized, actually bigger since it has multiple helicopters.
I have a strong feeling that its not actually Walt anyway. I'm betting its the Island and/or Jacob.
And they could have a hell of a lot of people on a ship, ren, especially as it's gotta be at least destroyer sized, actually bigger since it has multiple helicopters.

True. Wonder who they are and what they want though? Maybe its the Dharma Initiative trying to get the island back? And why did Naomi have a picture of Desmond?
Also appears Ben was telling the truth about those on the boat. But why does Penny have a direct link to the Looking Glass station? And why does it call her when the signal blocker gets turned off? Obviously she already knows about the island, maybe before Desmond even ended up there. Maybe her fathers boat race was designed to get Desmond away from his daughter, maybe he knew he'd get stranded on the island and stuck there?

Well she's obviously been trying to get through since they detected the anomaly.
It seems Locke failed in the "work" he had to do, even after killing Naomi (which nobody seemed to care about, lol) Jack still was able to contact the ship.

I realised it was a flash-forward when Jack went to the coffin and said it wasn't a friend or family. His comment, "You have no idea what I've been through" make sense now. Jacks father being alive is very interesting, but his coffin was empty so who knows...

Naomi being one of the "bad guys" means that she was probably lying about the no survivors of flight 815.

How far into the future was the flash-forward and is it set in stone?
Some annoying decisions in that episode.

When Ben was ordering the captives to be killed within 60 seconds he didn't actually have all the cards. Jack could've said "if I hear gunshots then Ben dies", that would've easily stopped that guy from doing anything.

Charlie could easily swim out that window. Desmond might save him. He only saw him drowning, not actually dead.

Mikhail's getting on my nerves. Harpoon him in the ****ing head ffs. It's getting obvious now that if you don't see a proper shot through the heart/head then the person will live: Locke, Mikhail and that's why I think Charlie will live too.
I had a sense it was a flash-forward from the very start, and when the clues started dropping in I just got more and more certain.

The producers said that we would find out who The Other are in season 3, but we've just gotten some small clues and more questions.