Lost season III *spoilers*

I think it's kinda obvious that Desmond will dive in to save him and to push the button down there. I'm starting to think Charlie won't die, which disappoints me mucho.

If des dies and charlie doesn't then this series has really gone to hell.

I bet 100 bucks we'll see the bird the next episode...maybe it's Jacob? Infact i think thats whats gonna save locke...
If des dies and charlie doesn't then this series has really gone to hell.

I bet 100 bucks we'll see the bird the next episode...maybe it's Jacob? Infact i think thats whats gonna save locke...

what bird? the dove or the seagull
Apart from the tree blasting and the paddle punch, this was again a pretty good episode. The new badass Jack is super! Thats 2 weeks in a row that a Lost ep has outclassed a Heroes ep.

And yes what bird?
If des dies and charlie doesn't then this series has really gone to hell.

I bet 100 bucks we'll see the bird the next episode...maybe it's Jacob? Infact i think thats whats gonna save locke...

That big green eagle thing from season 2?
Is anyone else noticing the parallels/similarities between Jack and Ben right now?

Jack brings Juliet back with him to the beach, while Ben brings Locke to the Others' camp. Both leaders have since been scrutinized for their decisions to bring their respective "outsider" along with them. Jack has responded to this backlash by sticking with his decision and using Juliet and her knowledge for their survival. Ben on the other hand saw Locke as a threat and has all but eliminated him from the picture.

Both men are now asserting their control over their respective camps by force, each refusing to budge from their position.

Another example of the brilliant plotting on the show. :D
Uuuummmmm NO!

The bird that's in both season finales. watch them again, youll see. Hurley thought it said his name in season 2
I figured the tree thing was a test to make sure the dynamite was still good and that an electric trigger would actually work at a distance.

As for Charlie and Claire meeting...the situation has kinda changed between the airport and the island. I don't have the episode for season 1 on hand to compare, but if its just because they're still awkward and trade names again I don't see it as a big deal.

As for the paddle scene, it seemed pretty clear to me that Desmond had been planning on going in Charlie's stead for a while up to that point. It looked like Charlie also realized this, and that Desmond was never going to let anyone but himself go.

I'm not trying to be an apologist for the show, but theres more than one way of seeing everything, and Charlie has been one of my favorite characters for a long time now.
I like Charlie. I prefer his past flashbacks to some peoples by a long shot.
I also like Charlie. He's been through a lot and deserves a break really :p

Forgot about that bird too! We probably will see it since its been in the previous finale's. Also with the camp going through the jungle again, Hurley along with them, we have a pretty good chance of seeing it again seeing as we've always seen it in the jungle.
I liked the exploding tree scene, if only because we haven't seen all the major characters (-Locke) in one place for a while.
I figured the tree thing was a test to make sure the dynamite was still good and that an electric trigger would actually work at a distance.

As for Charlie and Claire meeting...the situation has kinda changed between the airport and the island. I don't have the episode for season 1 on hand to compare, but if its just because they're still awkward and trade names again I don't see it as a big deal.

As for the paddle scene, it seemed pretty clear to me that Desmond had been planning on going in Charlie's stead for a while up to that point. It looked like Charlie also realized this, and that Desmond was never going to let anyone but himself go.

I'm not trying to be an apologist for the show, but theres more than one way of seeing everything, and Charlie has been one of my favorite characters for a long time now.

Well, you can spin anything to make it seem more appropriate, but that doesn't make them any less ridiculous.

The dynamite was working fine just 25 days ago(and has been there for years), i highly doubt that it's functioning was in question. I think the real reason was that the producers thought this ep needed something to explode...so they forced it in anyway they could.

Yea, it's not a huge deal( their meeting), i just think it's pretty retarded to contradict yourself so needlessly. On it's own its no big deal but compounded on the rest of the shit from this season it really makes you scratch your head as why they are mmking such retarded decisions.(also the greatest hits thing was lame by itself..just write a goodbye note, it's all for pointless cinematic effect.)

Des and Charlies convo was pretty soft, it looks like either one couldve gone, Charlie didn't put up a fight what so ever, just knocked him out. In all honesty it seems like if he really pressed des wouldve let him go no problem which makes the paddle scene that much more ridiculous. Perhaps if the convo was more heated the knock out wouldve have been more justified but from my point of view they did it jsut to keep people on the edge of their seats( even though it made no sense).

It seems like you have to be very forgiving to enjoy this season, you guys are a lot better at it then i am. You can't tell me that the dialogue is isn't immensely worse then it has been the previous two seasons, the characters just don't do certain things even tough at times it's the most obvious and helpful reaction one would have. I feel like a lot of the time stuff is just happening to advance the plot..not because it particularily makes sense.

EDIT/ they couldve done it without the tree exploding.
I think the greatest hits note was pretty effective as a leaving episode goes. That's why I think Charlie should die now. There's no point in him doing all that then not dying, it'd piss me off. That also means they won't have to play that piece of shit soft-rock song that Charlie's band sings ever again.

I hope Desmond doesn't die.
How could you guys like Charlie? haven't you heard the song "You all everybody"? he should die just for that.
I think he's had a far more interesting course through the series than someone like Claire. The scenarios of him dying, when he dragged Sun into the jungle when the entire camp seemed to turn on him, his obsession with Claire in the episode where he thinks the baby is going to die... etc.

Can't remember all that much at the moment, but to me he's up there with Sayid, Locke and Desmond for intresting episodes. Those are the characters I enjoy episodes about most anyway.
I thought that was one of the best eps yet, albeit poorly done in a few places.
Well, you can spin anything to make it seem more appropriate, but that doesn't make them any less ridiculous.

The dynamite was working fine just 25 days ago(and has been there for years), i highly doubt that it's functioning was in question. I think the real reason was that the producers thought this ep needed something to explode...so they forced it in anyway they could.

Yea, it's not a huge deal( their meeting), i just think it's pretty retarded to contradict yourself so needlessly. On it's own its no big deal but compounded on the rest of the shit from this season it really makes you scratch your head as why they are mmking such retarded decisions.(also the greatest hits thing was lame by itself..just write a goodbye note, it's all for pointless cinematic effect.)

Des and Charlies convo was pretty soft, it looks like either one couldve gone, Charlie didn't put up a fight what so ever, just knocked him out. In all honesty it seems like if he really pressed des wouldve let him go no problem which makes the paddle scene that much more ridiculous. Perhaps if the convo was more heated the knock out wouldve have been more justified but from my point of view they did it jsut to keep people on the edge of their seats( even though it made no sense).

It seems like you have to be very forgiving to enjoy this season, you guys are a lot better at it then i am. You can't tell me that the dialogue is isn't immensely worse then it has been the previous two seasons, the characters just don't do certain things even tough at times it's the most obvious and helpful reaction one would have. I feel like a lot of the time stuff is just happening to advance the plot..not because it particularily makes sense.

EDIT/ they couldve done it without the tree exploding.

Dude... just stop watching Lost.
I will, you gotta understand though I am a huge fan of the first two seasons, so i decided to watch till the end of this season to see if it would pickup....so far it hasn't(save one episode). I likely won't watch more then a couple from the next season.
I liked the early one where Locke goes on an acid trip and saves Ecko( even though it was totally pointless as they killed him off the next ep) and Julia;s last flashback.
Apparantly there's going to be at least 4 deaths in the finale. I think it was that anyway. But however many, I'm pretty sure Bernard is going to get it. He's been crowbarred back into the season after not being shown at all as a shooter for the dynamite trap. Just asking for it really.

Although the preview shows Sayid (and I presume the other shooters) on their knees as The Others are talking. And speaking of prisoners, there's a screen cap floating around from one of the previews where Ben is with Jack and the travelling convoy of people with his hands tied (or he looks like it) and walking along with the convoy.

Also i couldn't help but laugh when Charlie knocked out Desmond with the paddle( in true lost style) Rather then just demanding that he go instead

Desomnd" Im gonna go brother! Maybe..Maybe its my time"

Charlie "Thanks, umm how nice of you..now im going to hit you with this blunt object rather then just expressing how I really feel"

WACK!!, pretty funny scene

The question is, did Desmond know that Charlie was going to hit him with the paddle? :O
Also remember that Charlie said he couldn't swim in 1x05, when that girl Joanna drowned. Howcome he can swim now?

On a side note, there's a threory that Joanna and the girl in the underwater hatch is the same person.

Also remember that Charlie said he couldn't swim in 1x05, when that girl Joanna drowned. Howcome he can swim now?

He can't swin well, i guess. Jack probably couldnt remember what he had said back then.
There's abit of difference between swimming out in the current and having a weight strapped to you as you swim down...though, I'm no expert. I read about the swimming thing elsewhere though...something about him not wanting to risk it being on drugs? :p
I just saw the trailer... And it looks like Desmund goes in after Charlie with a Harpoon!
Also remember that Charlie said he couldn't swim in 1x05, when that girl Joanna drowned. Howcome he can swim now?

On a side note, there's a threory that Joanna and the girl in the underwater hatch is the same person.


According to wiki, her name is Bonnie. It's not sourced or anything though.

And the writers could just be contradicting themselves with the whole swimming/charlie thing. I wouldn't put it past them.
When does Lost air in American? Is it tonight or tomorrow? I forgot when I watched the last episode, I'm hoping I'll be able to watch it on Tv-Links tomorrow evening though.
It airs on wednesday, just download it:)

EDIT: I think they have found every DHARMA station that is on the island, according to the orientation video, the swan is number 2 of 6. So far they have found 7 but I think they left out the pearl because they didn't want anybody asking questions as to it's purpose( which is surveillance).
My internet connection is weak as, so I just stream. Get pretty similar quality sometimes. It may come online on Tv-Links tonight, but I've got an exam tomorrow so I think I better save it.
Dammit really looking forward to this! Don't want it to end though :(

Commercials on, Jack just beat the *%$# out of Ben and gave the other guy a death threat:D

Also, just wanted to point out Jack's last name is Shepard (don't know how it's spelt though). Ha.

yeah so um, can Mikali NOT DIE!!! who else thinks that john should simply shut up and be like, "Okay you go, I'd like to stay though thx k bye!"

And is Penny with DHARMA or what?
i wasn't very impressed with that episode...just too many Why the **** did they do that's??

The flash forward is a neat concept though.

The next season isn't until febuary......
i wasn't very impressed with that episode...just too many Why the **** did they do that's??

The flash forward is a neat concept though.

The next season isn't until febuary......

Are you ****ing kidding me? Next february? god damn...

And what's going on with Naomi and her boat people? What happens? That flash forward is obviously telling us they've been rescued but something horrible happened but what? WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!!

Edit: okay I've been thinking and there are a couple of things that I don't understand.

- isn't Jack's father dead? I mean he was the reason Jack got on that plane in Australia that crashed. Future-Jack mentions his father twice, once to the pharmacist and another time to the chief of surgery in the hospital.
- whose funeral was that?
- why the **** doesn't the Russian guy die?

Oh and I know I said I wanted Charlie to die, but I felt sorry for the ****er. Made me sad. Poor hobbit is really gone :/
'Cause he's awesome? =P

Betcha he's still alive, floating out in the ocean going "kekeke".

Don't get me wrong I really like his character but that harpoon was a fatal shot. And that grenade? He was still holding it when it went off. It's not just a coicidence that he keeps surviving all these fatal injuries, he has to be immortal. Immortal just like that guy who helped Ben switch sides.
Why didn't Charlie go outside before he shut the door? So stupid...

Jack lied to the pharmacist and was drunk off his ass when he spoke to the chief of surgery.
Why didn't Charlie go outside before he shut the door? So stupid...

It isn't stupid. Desmond told Charlie he saw Claire being rescued in the chopper and if you don't follow the 'flash' as it plays out then events won't go the way they are supposed to. He felt he needed to die.
Excellent episode, probably the best of the Series. Not sure about the flash forward...Febuary is a long way away.