Lost season III *spoilers*

I expect there to be something there at the end that will make you go, "Wait...what?!?" Just because they are assholes like that.

LOL, I still think they're going to pull the old: "it was all a drem" trick:p

Oh, and I can't wait to see what the heck is up with that plane that they found on the bottom of the ocean. Is it real? Or is that chick from the chopper lying .
LOL, I still think they're going to pull the old: "it was all a drem" trick:p

Oh, and I can't wait to see what the heck is up with that plane that they found on the bottom of the ocean. Is it real? Or is that chick from the chopper lying .

Well, Lockes dad said that same thing, and he never saw the chopper girl.

I'm wondering about that. There has to be some truth to it, but not sure what. That would explain how patchy eye lived...if it was indeed hell, he can't die and stay away.

I'm going to be so pissed if Hurley is just having a lucid dream. ><
LOL! prly right!

Cyberpitz wasn't it you who called the whole "Locek's dad is prly the real Sawyer" thing?

I think anyone who can put 2 and 2 together got that one.

I'm wondering about that. There has to be some truth to it, but not sure what. That would explain how patchy eye lived...if it was indeed hell, he can't die and stay away.

Yea but a whole bunch of people have died on the island and none have returned, im willing to bet that the death ray wall thing doesn't kill or that patches has a twin or something.

Also Locke' Dad probably passed out and then was transported to the island....I can't believe they would go with the Hell storyline after they denied it.
Lost will end in three years, not two, Bulletbrain.
In a highly unusual move, the network announces plans today to end the show after three more shortened seasons of 16 episodes each. The episodes will air consecutively, repeat-free, from February to May.
So it's three seasons with 16 episodes each, instead of two seasons with 24 episodes each. Seems pretty stupid, but I guess it's a compromise between ABC (who wanted seven or more seasons) and the writers (who wanted five).

Anyway, I love the last episode (The Brigg). Suberb acting from both Josh and Terry.
I think anyone who can put 2 and 2 together got that one.

How the hell can you say anyone who can put 2 and 2 together. I was being pretty far out there. Hell, I don't even know what made me think that at first. I think you're jealous ;)
I dunno, the fact that Sawyer's father was killed by a con man and Locke's father just happens to be a con man is more then enough on a show like lost lol.
I dunno, the fact that Sawyer's father was killed by a con man and Locke's father just happens to be a con man is more then enough on a show like lost lol.

Pfft, Mr. tell the future :p Just let me have my victory for once haha
Well, Lockes dad said that same thing, and he never saw the chopper girl.

I'm wondering about that. There has to be some truth to it, but not sure what. That would explain how patchy eye lived...if it was indeed hell, he can't die and stay away.

I'm going to be so pissed if Hurley is just having a lucid dream. ><

I was just thinking "If Hurley's friend wasn't lying and this all is just a dream of Hurley's I'm going to hurl my TV in the general direction of ABC headquarters."
I doubt it'd be one of Hurley's dreams.
If it turns out it was I would seriously just cry.
I'd put it past them. Seriously, that'd be a massive cop out, they'd never go with it.
as far as the planet Earth the "island" isn't on the exact opposite side from the Bermuda Triangle is it? seems a little too far east...Sydney to LA and all

and if not that I thought what if it's an undergound island? but then how do planes, supply drops and helicopters get there? and how would sonar help anyone get there when surely there's only one way there and back. And if the sonar was the only way to find the island how did Naomi find it? By accident iirc.
I'd put it past them. Seriously, that'd be a massive cop out, they'd never go with it.

i agree. first thing i got taught in script writing is to never turn to the 'it was all a dream' ending because its the most overused, cliched and biggest wind up of a cop out there is

theres no way they'd do it
And if the sonar was the only way to find the island how did Naomi find it? By accident iirc.

I don't even believe that Naomi is from land, I reckon she's something either the Others have sent in or something else. She asked for Desmond but so what? The Others have tonnes of info and files on people, they'd easily know of the complications Desmond had with his wife, maybe they even know his wife is looking for him? I can't wait to see what all that's about, too.
good point, and the eye patch guy magically comes and saves the day...i recken ur right antipop.

Semi Spoiler!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ben's Flashback is next episode, i bet well find out then.
good point, and the eye patch guy magically comes and saves the day...i recken ur right antipop.

Truth, but that also coincides with my thoughts that this Naomi girl is from somewhere else, be it land or the Others' island, and that eye patch man was either sent to scout her out or was equally surprised as they were. Keeping in mind he did try to get the sat. phone, too...
I doubt that Naomi girl is with the others. It about time we had someone else from the outside world come into contact with the island after the plane crash.

Eye patch guy must have been near when Hurley let the distress flare loose and came to investigate, simple as.

Naomi said she was part of a special search and rescue unit sent out to find Desmond. They were given co-ordinates in the middle of the ocean and she was flying about trying to find any sign of him, she said she stumbles upon the island then her instruments went crazy and down she went. Obviously if she does turn out to be one of the others she'd be lying. But I'd like her to actually be from the outside world and part of the team Penny sent out to find Desmond.
Oh aye, it'd be a nice breath of fresh air if she wasn't to do with the Others, but you've got to think of all the other people so far that have been undercover for the Others. The guy Ana-Lucia knew, that guy who wasn't on the manifesto... sorry I've forgotten the names, but until the point where we knew their real identity, until then, we just thought they were regular Joe's. She's got a back story, but the Others are clever people. They want something done? It's done, be it on the island or even back in the real world. The plane crash she mentioned is another thing, though, god knows how that's going to play out but it's either a lie or perhaps the Others/what's left of the company (?) have replicated everything...

Can't wait for this season to end. I love it, but I can't wait for the finale.
I belive Patchy was smokie when we met him the second time. It's the only explanation.
Smokie? As in... the black smoke?

Sorreh if I'm overlooking someone else here.
No it isn't. He could be, you know, just not dead. :p

The fact that he lied to them is pretty much proof it isn't Smokey.
I doubt it'd be smokie. We've seen no evidence that smokie and change it's colour or its shape into anything complicated. Plus during the scene we didn't hear any of smokies noises.

I'm guessing the "Death Ray" barrier doesn't kill, it just immobolises whatever tries to pass through it. Did look pretty painful though, what with the frothing at the mouth and blood comming out of places it shouldn't :p
No it isn't. He could be, you know, just not dead. :p

The fact that he lied to them is pretty much proof it isn't Smokey.

And he has absolutely no incentive to turn into a mindless pile of smoke..unless it happens inadvertantly.
Holy hell that was a terrific episode! Lots of answers, and more questions of course.

Locke you dope! Lets see you get out of this one.
I guess this episode put to rest the "Patches is Smokie" talk. And the Naomi being Others is obviously wrong.

It's good to see that Jack and Julia have had good intentions this entire time. I was starting to get worried.
I doubt it'd be smokie. We've seen no evidence that smokie and change it's colour or its shape into anything complicated. Plus during the scene we didn't hear any of smokies noises.

Aren't you forgetting the episode in which Eko died. He kept seeing the ghost of his brother throughout the episode and then near the end when he confronted the apparition, the ghost said:"You keep acting as if I were your brother" and Eko replied in shock "Who are you?!". I'm 100% sure that was indeed smokey in human form.
This could also explain that episode where Jack kept seeing his father on the island.
Yeah I forgot about that. Interesting theory.
Might kinda explain why the death barrier didn't kill patchy. Maybe it was actually designed to keep smokie out, and it just makes humans froth at the mouth and bleed all over the place :p

But then again that episode doesn't prove that the Lemi Eko saw was smokie. Nice theory though :)
Yeah I forgot about that. Interesting theory.
Might kinda explain why the death barrier didn't kill patchy. Maybe it was actually designed to keep smokie out, and it just makes humans froth at the mouth and bleed all over the place :p

But then again that episode doesn't prove that the Lemi Eko saw was smokie. Nice theory though :)

Well Mikahli says why he didn't die when being pushed into the sonic fence so watch the episode, and as far as Losties seeing dead family members, it could be the Monster but I highly doubt it. I always thought it was hullucination but Sayid and Shannon both saw the "Walt". IMHO Losties seeing dead relatives is caused by Jacob.
Totally awesome Episode...I wanted just that little bit more on the Dharma Initiative and the Purge, because I find them very interesting, but wowa...cracking ep
Anybody find it weird that Richard does not seem to age? He looks the same now as he did when Ben was a kid. Ben's got to be around 40 years old now so... how come?
Whoa just finished whatching the latest episode. Probably the best episode yet.

Anybody find it weird that Richard does not seem to age? He looks the same now as he did when Ben was a kid. Ben's got to be around 40 years old now so... how come?

Yeah WTF? Unless... Richard was one of the original inhabitants of the island (whoever they are) and maybe... They are immortals!:eek:

Also that part with Ben taking John to see Jacob was just freaky, and Jacob (whoever or whatever he is) is invisible WTF?

I just wish there were more episodes of this quality:D
maybe the island inhabits the ability to allow everlasting life therefore this is why richard doesn't age
Anybody find it weird that Richard does not seem to age? He looks the same now as he did when Ben was a kid. Ben's got to be around 40 years old now so... how come?

Yeah, that is the FIRST thing I thought. When kid Ben saw him, I was like "OMG HE DOESN'T AGE!"

It was creepy...and Jacob...oh man. That was creepy, too bad John isn't going to die. Jacob will heal him *whoever he is.*
I'm thinking some kind of Dharma life extension. Either that or something to do with 'time', which he babbled on about in a Juliet episode I think.
lol Ben was Gordon Freeman as a kid

episode was awesome btw... the Jacob part was a bit crazy.
i honestly thought that the monster was Jacob when they were approaching
The short glimpse of the old guy - presumed Jacob? - was anyone else reminded me Locke, except with hair/a beard? The forehead, nose and chin rang a bell with me as similar to Locke.

God knows, I've only seen a picture of this mind you. I need to watch the episode properly - was doing coursework at the time.