Lost season III *spoilers*

Site with more episodes other than the current? Do tell.
oh my mistake, there were trailers i think.
WOW @ eye patch dude having lots of lives!
And the plane crashed with no survivors? wtf?
Man its gettint even more interesting. Enough little questions being answered at the moment to keep me happy to, im lovin it.
WOW @ eye patch dude having lots of lives!
And the plane crashed with no survivors? wtf?
Man its gettint even more interesting. Enough little questions being answered at the moment to keep me happy to, im lovin it.

Hmm, maybe the fence doesn't kill? Maybe it just knocks you down for a while?
I reckon the others planted a dummy plane elsewhere so they can do what they want to those survivors on the island. Sounds a bit impossible, but it seems like the others can do what they want pretty much.

Loved this episode, glad the baby is Jins. Don't want Sun to die though, hopefully she doesn't.

Only 6 episodes left this season :(
Episodes like this current one are awesome. It ties lose ends together, provides some drama, and makes certain episodes before it better in retrospect. We now fully know the reasoning for the kidnappings, why the children are important, and why Kate and Sawyer were brought along with Jack (to aid their procreation research). In fact bringing Kate and Sawyer to the "other" island shows how smart Ben is. Not only did the Others use Kate and Sawyer to manipulate Jack, but the abuse that they were subject to pushed Kate and Sawyer closer together towards a relationship.

The whole pregnancy thing with Sun that was set up last season was done specifically so that we could get to the dramatic events seen here. Once again, it is further proof that the writers have a grand plan and aren't simply tossing out mysteries for no reason. This is why LOST takes it's time when building up information, so that when things are put into context and resolutions start appearing, the payoff is better for it.

In my mind, this is definately shaping up to be the best season of LOST to date.
Anyone here knows what the pilot woman said? I mean what Patchy translated as "thank you", which is clearly a lie...

Like Ren.182 said the fence may just knock people out... but it does do some serious damage( Blood spurting from ears, mouth frothing etc). If not for the healing powers of the island he would have been well and truly dead.
The eye-patched Russian dude (who I have lovingly dubbed "Crazy Ivan") kicks ass. I was disappointed when his character "died" at the fence, as I wanted more of him. Now I have my fix. Now I'm just left wondering... how? How is he back? No idea, but it's all for the better.

The final statement by the crashed woman was disconcerting though. I find it unlikely that some kind of fake dummy plane was ever used to throw people off. I just hope this doesn't head into some metaphysical bullshit territory of "lol ur all rly dead and this is a dream". I know writers have dismissed that, but you never know... There was a period where they were clearly flying blind.
I'm not alone? oooh. sounds interesting. Wonder why she kept talking in different languages?
The final statement by the crashed woman was disconcerting though. I find it unlikely that some kind of fake dummy plane was ever used to throw people off. I just hope this doesn't head into some metaphysical bullshit territory of "lol ur all rly dead and this is a dream". I know writers have dismissed that, but you never know... There was a period where they were clearly flying blind.

Yeah what is up with that. The writers have dismissed a whole lot of theories ranging from the one you mentioned with purgatory to time travel, aliens and other crazy shit.
OK so if the truth has nothing to do with neither one of those theories then what the **** is it? Also I found the theory that the smoke monster was a nanite cloud fairly plausible, hover the writers have dismissed that one too...
I wouldn't put too much faith in their words. Don't get me wrong, we're back to a period of quality in spite of the time the show spent wallowing in mediocrity. They're clearly heading in some direction now. But they're certainly capable of reneging and making quick-fix solutions to the show. The wholesale slaughter of the entire cast that came from the tail section of the plane made that pretty clear.

Hell, Benjamin Linus was only supposed to be in the show for around three episodes. His inclusion as an integral and persistent character in the show shows that despite whatever grand plan they may or may not have with the overall plot, much of the material is still open to change.

But then, what show isn't like that?
Yea and Jack was sup post to die in the pilot episode, but instead they made him the central character of the show.

and why Kate and Sawyer were brought along with Jack (to aid their procreation research).
I don't remember that being established. What scene?

I'm not a big fan of the eye patch guy, i find him to be too one sided and stereotypical, but im glad that the wave wall thing didn't kill him. Him being alive actually justifies the otherwise retarded reason for him being so eager to "die" in the first place.

Good episode, I really wish they would improve the dialogue, though. There are just too many forced one liners put in for first time watchers.

Charlies " Don't you know there are people on this island that are trying to kill us"
Desmond " no, cause ive had my head under a ****ing rock for the past 30 days, do go on"

This started at the beginning of this season.
A True Canadian said:
and why Kate and Sawyer were brought along with Jack (to aid their procreation research).
I don't remember that being established. What scene?

This theory is simply pieced together given what we saw in the first six episodes of the season:

- The Others place Sawyer and Kate in cages opposite one another. Kate is given a dress that serves no real purpose other than to highlight her femininity. Sawyer's been ogling her ever since. Danny Pickett's threats to kill Sawyer has an effect on Kate too, drawing her closer to Sawyer in the process.

- Juliet mentioned that the island makes men super-verile (and probably women super-fertile), so sex that one partakes on the island without protection would result in pregnancy.

- Remember when Jack was mysteriously let out of his cage? He saw Kate and Sawyer together and made a deal with Ben to do the surgery. Now that Sawyer had sex with Kate, he was no longer needed, which is probably why Ben stopped preventing Pickett from killing Sawyer.

- When Juliet was speaking into the tape recorder she said that she would be going after "Austen's" baby next.
The Brigg: best episode of the season, hands down. Simply fantastic.
Another Locke episode already? I swear season 1 and 2 never had them this close, but I'd say season 3 is focusing more on these select characters now. Don't get me wrong, though, I've been wanting to see what Locke's doing for a while now.
What is it that Jack doesn't want Kate to know?

Good episode. Not the best imo...but good.
I'm pretty sure he and Juliet are trying to 'trick' Ben. Jack knows Juliet is a mole and they are obviously planning something.
I'm pretty sure he and Juliet are trying to 'trick' Ben. Jack knows Juliet is a mole and they are obviously planning something.

Yes - and when Sawyer comes back, it'll force everything into the open, splitting the camp into the two factions... I wonder how they'll deal with the invasion
I'm pretty sure he and Juliet are trying to 'trick' Ben. Jack knows Juliet is a mole and they are obviously planning something.

If Juliet is tricking Ben then why couldn't she lie about the pregnancy of Sun and thereby avoiding the risk of another kidnapping? I still think she is an evil backstabbing b****...

Is Kate soo stupid as to let out the big secret about Naomi right in front of Juliet (right after explaining that she couldn't tell it because nobody trusts Juliet)?
Is Kate soo stupid as to let out the big secret about Naomi right in front of Juliet (right after explaining that she couldn't tell it because nobody trusts Juliet)?

Well the others will already know about her, since patchy knows about her he would have gone back and told the others.
Not that Kate would know this, but it wouldnt have made a difference :p
yeah, Kates a stupid bitch. She went and blabbed this to everybody. She was just trying to get HER feelings out in the open about Jack, and in order to do that, she sacrificed Naomi.

And when Saywer gets back...I wonder who is going to be in Team 1 *Juliette/Jack* and Team 2 *every non-essential plot character*
yeah, Kates a stupid bitch. She went and blabbed this to everybody. She was just trying to get HER feelings out in the open about Jack, and in order to do that, she sacrificed Naomi.

And when Saywer gets back...I wonder who is going to be in Team 1 *Juliette/Jack* and Team 2 *every non-essential plot character*

Hmmmm. That bodes poorly for Team 2, from an expendable crewman point of view.
That was Decent enough episode..pretty predictable though.
They actually haven't really kept that a secret, and the writers have mentioned it in interviews. But it would be nice for confirmation that ABC is going to play along.
Well at least it will have an ending, and hopefully everything will be explained by then.
Well at least it will have an ending, and hopefully everything will be explained by then.

I expect there to be something there at the end that will make you go, "Wait...what?!?" Just because they are assholes like that.
I expect there to be something there at the end that will make you go, "Wait...what?!?" Just because they are assholes like that.

LOL! prly right!

Cyberpitz wasn't it you who called the whole "Locek's dad is prly the real Sawyer" thing?