Lost season III *spoilers*

Very good episode. I didn't like the flashback, really, but then I've never cared for Kates. Simply a repackage of everything that's come before. Yawn. The island stuff was great though. As usual the monster was on top form; great scene when he tries to go through the sonic barrier.

As for Locke...I think he wants to know more. I mean, they've just showed him his dad, apparently alive and well on the island.
Didn't like that ep. I with someone would just kill that blonde bitch. She's lying through her teeth.
Didn't like that ep. I with someone would just kill that blonde bitch. She's lying through her teeth.

I wish someone would ask her what the hell is going on. This is the second time they've held an other captive and havn't even entertained the possibility of asking them questions.

First time

Kate: You call stealing children a fair thing to do?

Skinny Kid: We are giving them a better life.

Kate: A better life from what?

Skinny Kid: (turns head Hiratio style) From you!!

Kate and Sawyer: ohh what could that mean, the natural response would be "please elaborate" but ive got an even better idea, lets let him go and continue being confused.

If i was Jack, I would be like " you want to come back with us? tell us everything you know"

Anyway that was probably the best ep this year, thats not saying much though. Like ive said previoulsy they need to completely cut out the flashbacks, they're usesless at this point. Only use them for new characters or Main characters where a flashback is somehow relevant and not just reinforcing what we already know.
I get so annoyed at the fact that NO ONE asks questions sometimes. The script pisses me off so much.
I get so annoyed at the fact that NO ONE asks questions sometimes. The script pisses me off so much.

Yea and for the most part this is something that would be easy to get around.

Jack: what's going on
Ben: **** you, im in control

At least it shows that he tried.
Kate: What was that black smoke thing?
Blonde Woman: My response would be useful information, therefore the writers won't put it in the script.
Oh dear god, I almost read some of this thread...Must...Watch...LOST...
Good ep.
I really want to know what the Black Smoke thing is. I doubt it's natural, you can hear mechanical parts when it's around. I wonder who, if anyone, controls it. I wonder where it takes people, remember when it was gonna drag Locke down the hole at the end of series 1?
I wonder where the others and Locke went too? I don't think they are in search of the "Magical Box". Firstly because Ben already shown Locke what was in there for him. And I think Ben was using a metaphor to make it easier to explain.
I wish they'd ask what the hell they do/is going on too sometimes :p
It'd get pretty shit them constantly asking questions when we KNOW we can't the answers to them just yet.
I do wish they would explain some things here and there, but I feel if they went ahead and explained some things then the show would be undesirable to watch.
We've seen where the Others live, but not where they regularly work. Is there a place? Is that were they're going?
It'd get pretty shit them constantly asking questions when we KNOW we can't the answers to them just yet.

They wouldn't have to constantly ask them, the writers would only have to show 1 scene where they ask "uhh, what's you're motive" with the others responding with "im not telling you". Otherwise they just seem content with not knowing what the hell is going on.

There is really no excuse for lack of questions regarding Alex's boyfriend, they asked a fair question and he answered with the same ambiguous answer we been getting all series, except this time they were in control and they did was look at eachother and shrug it off. The writer's easily couldve gotten around this by the blonde chick demanding that the kid stay on the snmall island.

And now especially,. there is no reason for them to not demand answers now that they have a high ranking Other on their side.

We've seen where the Others live, but not where they regularly work. Is there a place? Is that were they're going?
Na, i think they are just heading back the beach.

/EDIT: oh i misread, we dont know where they are going.
OMFG Juliette noooooooo!

Judging by next week's preview, the next episode is going to be really good. This one put a lot of things into place.
I so trusted that woman. Great episode, really enjoyed it.

Me to. Was arguing with my roomate..

Her: I don't like her.
Me: Oh come on, she's a good guy now...they left her behind! She's just really nice.
Her: I don't know...she still seems like a bad person, I wouldn't be surprised if they were cooking something up....
Me: No way....*watches end of episode* DAMNIT!
Never really watched any of the Lost episodes except a few this season as they were on after 24, would you recommend i buy the previous seasons?
Never really watched any of the Lost episodes except a few this season as they were on after 24, would you recommend i buy the previous seasons?

I definitely say, "Go buy it."
If only because you're never going to know what the heck is going on. :D
Me to. Was arguing with my roomate..

Her: I don't like her.
Me: Oh come on, she's a good guy now...they left her behind! She's just really nice.
Her: I don't know...she still seems like a bad person, I wouldn't be surprised if they were cooking something up....
Me: No way....*watches end of episode* DAMNIT!

But it's not 100% that she will do what Ben asked her to do, she might turn on the others since she seems to have a thing for Jack. I think she's gonna turn at the last minute and warn them or something of the sort.
Never really watched any of the Lost episodes except a few this season as they were on after 24, would you recommend i buy the previous seasons?

Season 1 is excellent. I suggest you buy that, but in my honest opinion I'd just stream/download Season 2. But that's me - I thought Season 2, save a few episodes (namely first 2/3 and last 2/3) were pretty crap.
I thought Season 2 hit a dull note in the middle, but I wouldn't say it was 'crap' Bit extreme. I think the first few episodes are great, and then it sort of dips into meh for the middle before totally piping up and slapping you in the face with awesome.
Pretty crap. :p I still always watched them, I just didn't they were anything special.
Too late, just brought them second hand off amazon ;)
Too late, just brought them second hand off amazon ;)

You wont regret it. You'll probably end up watching multiple episodes in one go because you want to know what happens next, when all you get are more questions that you want answered. :D So you keep watching some more hoping they get answered, some do, most dont :D (yet)
But it's not 100% that she will do what Ben asked her to do, she might turn on the others since she seems to have a thing for Jack. I think she's gonna turn at the last minute and warn them or something of the sort.

My theory is she will get everybodies trust, do something small to force them to not trust her again, but she will do something AGAINST Ben and end up staying there with nobody trusting her anymore.
You wont regret it. You'll probably end up watching multiple episodes in one go because you want to know what happens next, when all you get are more questions that you want answered. :D So you keep watching some more hoping they get answered, some do, most dont :D (yet)

Most likely, when i brought the firs four seasons of 24 of being persuaded to watch them, i must have watched them none stop over the course of one week because it was that gripping, i feel the same will occur with Lost:afro:
Pretty good episode this week. It showed once and for all that the writers actually do know what they're doing. The thing with Claire being implanted showed that.

First decent cliff-hanger in a while.
Awesome episode this week.

Kinda explained why they didnt ask questions so much. And if and when they do how the others get out of answering.

Glad we're starting to see what they actually do on the island. But I wonder for what cause? If the women can't get pregnant on the island, but can if they weren't on the island, then why bother trying to cure it? Also interesting how supposedly you can't get caner on the island.

Was awesome to see what they could do at the communications centre.

I wonder what they want Juliet to do? And I wonder if she'll do whatever that is.

Roll on next week!
You got to give thw writers some credit now - after two seasons, they've still managed to go back and fill in the gaps on the Clair kidnapping.

Good episode. I've got a feeling Juliet isn't going to go through with... well, whatever's planned. But if she does, and it's bad, then I can tell you that if she is killed later on in the series I am going to well satisfied.
After watching the first 7 minutes i had to turn it off, i can't deal anymore

Sayid: I want to know everything, tell me.
Jack : NO!!! shell answer later... maybe during the finale yea that sounds good...until then she doesn't have to say shit.

That combined with the blatant let's talk in a very artificial manner about what we just did so everyone who missed last episode is up to speed convo was just too much for me. Ill watch the episode when i have more time...but it doesn't look promising.
I've got a feeling Juliet isn't going to go through with... well, whatever's planned. But if she does, and it's bad, then I can tell you that if she is killed later on in the series I am going to well satisfied.

If I was Jack I would've shot both Juliette and Ben the first chance I got.

After watching the first 7 minutes i had to turn it off, i can't deal anymore

Sayid: I want to know everything, tell me.
Jack : NO!!! shell answer later... maybe during the finale yea that sounds good...until then she doesn't have to say shit.

Yeah shit like that really pisses me off.

Also I wish they would get rid of both Claire and Charlie their just annoying
Yeah shit like that really pisses me off.
Yea, and im not angry that the mysteries are being revealed at a sluggish rate, thats what made the show so good. I'm pissed because the writers keep putting them in these situations where they could easily recover information but decide not to.....for some reason.
After watching the first 7 minutes i had to turn it off, i can't deal anymore

Sayid: I want to know everything, tell me.
Jack : NO!!! shell answer later... maybe during the finale yea that sounds good...until then she doesn't have to say shit.

That combined with the blatant let's talk in a very artificial manner about what we just did so everyone who missed last episode is up to speed convo was just too much for me. Ill watch the episode when i have more time...but it doesn't look promising.

You're joking right? You turned it off right when the answers started pouring in. This episode was one of the more important episodes of the entire series, and explained a hell of a lot. The answers were shown through Juliet's flashback instead of simply being told, and I thought that worked a lot better.
I think the finale will be Charlie's death... And I think the camp will be split again, like they were with the beach/cave people. But this time Jack/Juliette sympathisers against Sayid and Sawyer.
You're joking right? You turned it off right when the answers started pouring in. This episode was one of the more important episodes of the entire series, and explained a hell of a lot. The answers were shown through Juliet's flashback instead of simply being told, and I thought that worked a lot better.

Im still going to watch it, I just had better things to do at that moment( like watch the office). My big problem is that the characters arn't at all trying to get answers and they wouldn't have to try hard....verbalizing wtf is going on would be enough. Instead they are perfectly fine with being completely oblivious to whats going on. It's great that the writers are answering questions, I just wish the people who are actually affected by these answers would take some ****ing initiative.
You actually have to remember that the characters aren't watching a show where want of what's going on plotwise is important. They are survivors on an island and want to get rescued. I think some of them might take bliss in ignorance. It sounds silly, but I'm sure it's a factor for some. I really couldn't give a shit whether they ask questions or not...due to the storyline they ain't gonna get em', and I don't wanna keep hearing "so what's going on." "not tellin." The Others aren't going to explain their complex and elaborate situation on the island at all. The beginning of this new episode showed that the Mittelos company are hugely secretive...they aren't going to explain anything to a bunch of people in a plane crash...or, it seems, some of their own people.

If you want to miss out on awesome episodes (and what is arguably the best show on t.v) due to such a silly reason then honestly...you might as well not watch it.