Lost season III *spoilers*

You actually have to remember that the characters aren't watching a show where want of what's going on plotwise is important.

No, they're living it. They're dying, getting kidnapped, gased, beated etc etc etc you would think they would express some interest in their current situation.

They are survivors on an island and want to get rescued
They've been trapped on a mysterious island for over 85 days. Nobody on the island has mentioned the possibility of getting rescued for almost 2 seasons now, i think they know they are in it for the long hall.

I think some of them might take bliss in ignorance. It sounds silly, but I'm sure it's a factor for some.
No...it's just silly, considering all they have been through.

Honestly, it's next to impossible to justify why someone would travel across an island twice to save somebody and not wonder why.

I really couldn't give a shit whether they ask questions or not...due to the storyline they ain't gonna get em',

I don't give a shit..when the characters illogically ignoring perfect opportunities to clear up what the **** is going on( i can think of four instances from this season so far) it's called a PLOT HOLE. This one are big enough to drive a truck through.

It's the eqivalent of me wanting an extremely rare book and constantly wonderin how im going to get it. until one day, somebody appears out of nowhere and offers the exact book ive been longing for to me. And i turn him down only to walk away and wonder how im going to get that damn book.

All the writers would have to do is not put the survivors in a position of power when an other is around...problem solved. Otherwise there is no reason for them not to apply pressure and get answers. And It's not in the script is not a good enough answer, If the writers dont want to answer these questions they shouldnt be giving their characters prime opportunities to do so...it makes no sense...

and I don't wanna keep hearing "so what's going on." "not tellin."
Ive answered this several times

Also, their complete neglect of their current situation is one of many reason i decided to PROSPONE watching that episode.
You seem to have missed out the following because it debunks a bunch of your replies to the other points I raised.

The Others aren't going to explain their complex and elaborate situation on the island at all. The beginning of this new episode showed that the Mittelos company are hugely secretive...they aren't going to explain anything to a bunch of people in a plane crash...or, it seems, some of their own people.
Dont challenge Samon's ideas, you will lose rofl
Great stuff this season. I hope there's gonna be two camps (Jack/Juliet vs. Sayid/Sawyer). We need more internal conflicts.

Maybe it will look something like this:
Camp 1:

Camp 2:

The extras will probably mostly join camp 2, as they still suspect Juliet.
I'd like to know what's going on with Locke sometime soon, too.
You seem to have missed out the following because it debunks a bunch of your replies to the other points I raised.

Read my post again, just because i didn't quote it doesn't mean i didn't answer it....plus ive answered that question at least two other times in the last 3 pages.

"All the writers would have to do is not put the survivors in a position of power when an other is around...problem solved. Otherwise there is no reason for them not to apply pressure and get answers."

You don't think if Sawyer pressured Alex's BF he wouldve of talked, jesus the kid couldn't keep it together for 3 hours without breaking down.


With that said...Killer Episode. I felt like i was watching one from the first two seasons...there may be hope for this series yet.

I still think its retarded that they are just letting her stay with them after they kidnapped and killed several of their own, but im willing to overlook it because everything involving the others came together really well in that episode.

Your arguing for a huge logical fallacy. The reasonable answer to any of these questions so faf has been its not in the script...
Three quarters into Season 1 and its ****ing cracking, just saw the bit where they are getting dynamite from the Black Rock and the teacher handling it blows when trying to explain about how unstable the sticks are.

I lol'd hard.
Three quarters into Season 1 and its ****ing cracking, just saw the bit where they are getting dynamite from the Black Rock and the teacher handling it blows when trying to explain about how unstable the sticks are.

I lol'd hard.

Ohhhh yeah, he was hilarious. Seeing the gibs land on people was awesome.

Real life gibs > *
According to AICN

"A highly-placed insider has just set my hinder straight on the batting order for the final episodes of ?Lost? this season.

The bad news? As reported by TV Guide?s Michael Ausiello, the season will indeed not end with a Benjamin Linus flashback two-parter.

The good news? We?ll be getting Ben?s flashbacks even sooner! He?ll be the focus of 3.20, the episode previously believed to be DeGroot-centric. (If you?re thinking Dharma masterminds Karen and Gerald DeGroot will still turn up in that episode, I?d guess you?re thinking right.)

The shocking news? After years of privately and publicly nagging the producers of ?Lost? to cut back on the flashbacks, I can report that 3.19 is slated to be the first-ever flashback-free episode in the series? history.

The absent flashbacks for that episode, says my source, ?won't even be missed.?

?The episode,? he or she adds, ?focuses on one of season one's ?mysteries? - if that's the right word.?

What I am assured is the true flashback order:
3.17 Desmond Hume
3.18 Jin & Sun Kwon
3.19 no flashbacks!
3.20 Benjamin Linus
3.21 Charlie Pace
3.22-23 Jack Shephard".

Pumped? Hyped? Cuz shit, I am.
I'm a little weirded out by their apparent dislike for flashbacks though. They're usually what gives the show its depth.
Well, the flashbacks this season, save a couple, have been completely useless.
I've seen descriptions for each of the upcoming episodes. Pretty fricken awesome stuff heading this way.
I'm a little weirded out by their apparent dislike for flashbacks though. They're usually what gives the show its depth.

Oh, don't get me wrong, the flashbacks are good and all (sometimes) but what I really want is a full 45 minutes of just solid island/footage. Personally, I'd prefer the 2 part finale to have no flashbacks, but either is good.
It depends really, I mean do we really need to know much more about these people?? For the most part, no. All the secondary characters flashbacks have been pretty irrelevant. As well as Jack's and Kate's to boot.

Season 2's finale was great, due in part to Desmond's flashback.
I've seen descriptions for each of the upcoming episodes. Pretty fricken awesome stuff heading this way.

You should just wait for the episode to play, aren't you spoiling the suprise?
Glad to hear you're enjoying Lost, Shift :)

An episode without flashbacks... that'll be different. But seeing as they're going to be focusing one something else I probably wont even notice there wasn't any flashback.
They lied.

Last week, after the episode the preview showed bits that weren't in this week's episode. It was supposed to be action packed. Instead we got Desmond's backstory.

And wtf... chopper pilot bails while flying over the ocean and lands in the middle of the island?
They did not lie. The preview was for all the episodes. It was rather obvious.
I'm going to guess that even if the chopper pilot wasn't Penny then she was sent by her. Or since its unlikely Penny can fly a helicopter then she was also onboard.
They lied.

Last week, after the episode the preview showed bits that weren't in this week's episode. It was supposed to be action packed. Instead we got Desmond's backstory.
They do that almost every week.

And wtf... chopper pilot bails while flying over the ocean and lands in the middle of the island?
Could've been flying over the island...
I think he's referring to the fact that we see her red emergency flasher over the ocean when she bails. Which makes sense considering she was using a parachute, so she steered it to the island.
Good ep. Love Desmond too!
It's obvious that girl from the chopper had some connection with Penny, she said Des just before she passed out.
Penny gets ever so closer to finding Des.

There must be a boat or some land near the island which the chopper came from. surely they can't fly that far? or can they? So maybe we'll see a few more visitors soon?
Poor Desmond jumped to conclusions.. his visions did not tell him that Penny was actually going to land on the island...just that something to do with Penny is going to happen.

My question is does any aircraft that fly near the island crash? Flight 815 crashed because desmond didn't keep the magnatic build up in check, but why did the Helicopter crash? Residual effects maybe?

I assume that the Dharma food drops are made by and aircraft.(we saw one back in season 2) So all planes don't crash...

All in all great episode.
Seen Season 2 now and it was cracking :D

Where do you lot go to download Lost epsiodes, i have missed like the first 13 or 14 episodes of season 3 and need to watch them before this sunday.
tv-links.co.uk or alluc.org. Stream the shows. Obviously the quality is no DVD rip, but it's what I use all the time. Will be using it for new 24 and Lost tonight. :)
do i have download something to watch them? I click the link to the episode, the video window loads but then nothing happens
ABC.com streams some of them too (but probably only recent ones).

And we still don't know where the Island is, so we can't judge if a helicopter could make it unaided. Some helicopters can be equipped to have an impressive range, but it still won't equal an airplane.
And we still don't know where the Island is, so we can't judge if a helicopter could make it unaided. Some helicopters can be equipped to have an impressive range, but it still won't equal an airplane.

True, the Pacific is a pretty big ocean. I'm still interested how they "hide" the island from things such as sattelites and any planes/boats they may come near their borders.

Obviously it's not impossible to find, seeing as their submarine, the original plane, last nights helicopter and such have actually ended up at the island. And it now appears Penny's people have some idea where the island actually is.
Cool episode. Gotta say, Charlie's ''death'' had me gripping my chair everytime it flashed on the screen. Hate things to do with necks. /shudder
Cool episode. Gotta say, Charlie's ''death'' had me gripping my chair everytime it flashed on the screen. Hate things to do with necks. /shudder

I don't know, I seem to have knew all along Desmond would save him at the very end, and the first part, I knew it was Desmonds dream.

I don't know, I gotta stop trying to predict everything. But the ending when it had him first meeting Penny, then the ending when he still thinks the pilot was here...I almost went to tears. ;(
Oh, It wasn't whether Charlie died or not, just things to do with necks and sharp objects make me cringe like hell. :p People getting their throats slit, shot in the neck, what happened in Lost... etc.
lol I'm a bit queezy about shit like that too. Kinda shocked me when I first saw that happen to Charlie. Would be a nasty way to go!

I thought it was cute how Desmond and Penny were kinda flirting when he was loading the wine into her car. Awww :)
I've this feeling that later on, whilst going to save Charlie, the tables are going to turn and Desmond is going to get killed/seriously wounded. I'm not sure how, what with his ability to 'see the future', but it'd be a typical Lost thing to happen. That, or he's going to lose his ability and then either him or Charlie will die.

It'll be sad, but I really do think it's one of those things that would happen.
Before the recent episode I thought that there was a trick the writers were trying with Desmond attempting to save Charlie. I thought Claire was really the one going to die and Desmond mistook her for Charlie.

The two were in the same tent when the lightning struck, and it was Claire that was drowning in the Ocean when Desmond dove in. This episode sort of put that to rest though.
Well after an entire week, i watched all of series 1, series 2, and up to episode 15 of season 3 (did via streamed videos). On the site i went on, i think they have the videos for the rest of the season, so its tempting to watch the rest :D

The last one was cracking though, i could tell that Charlie dying right at the start of an episode wouldn't happen normally then it turned out to be Desmond's dream, but i was really tense when it was actually happening and Desmond was having second thoughts about it. I could guess that the person caught in the tree wouldn't be Penny though, it was just a feeling, but yeah was pretty sad showing how they first met as he is cutting her down, not as upsetting as the end of season 1 of 24 though.