Lost season III *spoilers*

It was obvious he was going to say, "Paralyzed" before getting interrupted...
Actually, that's probably it. Completely overlooked the paralysis.
Im almost certain he said 'para...' before getting cut off.
Unless there's a surprise twist and John Locke was a paralegal or a paraphilic individual before the crash, everything points to Mikhail trying to say that Locke was paralyzed.
Well, the "source" I had watched the episode from had some crummy audio quality in some places, so it was difficult to make out.
Well well well...Lockes past FINALLY revealed with his paralysis. Good episode I thought. So much for Jack fleeing, but then again, I knew something would stop him. Too important of a character to leave. And the ending of the episode made me lol, because I so called it.
I saw the ending a mile off. Fantastic episode I thought. I was actually sort of looking forward to Ben losing control over the others but nah, he was manipulating the whole thing from the beginning.
I saw the ending a mile off. Fantastic episode I thought. I was actually sort of looking forward to Ben losing control over the others but nah, he was manipulating the whole thing from the beginning.

Oh yeah. And now that the big R has seen her daughter...something HAS to happen. And Alex is starting to get ideas of what really happened to her as a child...muwhahaha.
I'm 90% sure that Cooper is really the monster. And I'm 100% sure that Cooper=the real Sawyer. If he is Cooper, than I can't wait for Locke(or Sawyer) to get their revenge.
Fantastic episode. Loved it.
Didn't realise Lockes dad was such a mad man. Now he's gonna get what he deserves :D

Lost has become great again! Slow start to the season but it's definately picked up now!
Ben said that the only way to leave the Island is by the submarine only. So would that mean that he lied to Micheal when he gave the boat and the coordinates? God, I hope so!!! I hate that murdering b*****!Too bad about his kid though......
That was a fantastic episode. When the guy pushed Locke.... crikey.
I don't think Cooper is the smoke monster. The cops said he vanished and that they couldn't pick up his trail; I took this to mean (after seeing him in the end) that he'd somehow conned his way into the M science thing.

And yes, he's 100% the REAL Sawyer. Look forward to him getting what he deserves.
The next episode is Nikki/Paulo centric with flashbacks from their perspective from the last two seasons. Boone and Shannon will return in those.

Catch promo here.
Who the **** are Nikki and Paulo?

Are they the boy/girl duo that the writers just shoehorned into the series this season?
Yeah, it's the "who the f*ck are you" guys. Out of the 40-something survivors, many of whom we haven't been introduced to yet.
Locke's paralysis was so anticlimactic... His dad just tries to murder him and push him out a window? That's the big secret for the past 3 years?

Its so one dimensional... We already didn't like the dad and felt sorry for Locke and they have this big mystery paralysis be something so tame. I mean there's no emotional impact to finding out how it happened.. your just like, "Oh, so thats how it happens, okay."

It should have been something tragic, something worse than when his dad conned him out of his kidney. Here I'll write something better then what they came up with in five seconds...
Um.. Locke jumps in front of bullet the kid tries to kill dad with, dad leaves Locke to die thankless, Locke is paralyzed. Locke cries pathetically into camera. The end.
A hundred times better than dad pushing out window, and I'm not even paid for this shit.
I`m betting the reason they threw Nikki and Paulo in (well, Paulo anyway) has something to do with the Brazilians at the end of the second season
I'd forgotten about that. I wonder how that's gonna work in.

And the statue.

And the smoke monster.
It should have been something tragic, something worse than when his dad conned him out of his kidney. Here I'll write something better then what they came up with in five seconds...
Um.. Locke jumps in front of bullet the kid tries to kill dad with, dad leaves Locke to die thankless, Locke is paralyzed. Locke cries pathetically into camera. The end.
A hundred times better than dad pushing out window, and I'm not even paid for this shit.

I actually like what they did better than your idea.

In fact, your idea would have been utter cheese. Locke as portrayed in his flashbacks was not the kind of selfless man who would jump in front of a bullet. At least not for somebody he hardly knew. He was an angry, depressed, isolated, pathetic individual.
When Locke was in hospital, crying, I had so much hate for Cooper it wasn't even funny. Locke's a awesome character - I can't wait to see what happens with his 'dad' next.
I actually like what they did better than your idea.

In fact, your idea would have been utter cheese. Locke as portrayed in his flashbacks was not the kind of selfless man who would jump in front of a bullet. At least not for somebody he hardly knew. He was an angry, depressed, isolated, pathetic individual.

And yet we saw Locke go to great lengths to get his father to love him, he gave him his kidney, and afterwards he followed him and kept going back to see him trying to win his love to the point he destroyed his one good relationship with a woman.

But your saying Locke just being pushed out of a window would be better than him going out of his way one last time to win his father over, to sacrifice himself, but be rejected again anyway after suffering the horrible consequences? Whatever man.

Cheese is having some built up hype of a mystery come up to be nothing more than an everyday "main character wronged by bad guy in the past, comes back at the end stronger than ever to beat him" cliche. Thats cheesy.
Last I checked, we've yet to see Locke "beat" his father.

Establishing his father as a nemesis of sorts is better. I'm sorry, but I don't need three flashbacks of Locke trying to win over his father. I got the point already. The more interesting development is exposing the true, blunt reality of their relationship: Locke's very own biological father sees him as little more than a nuisance. He has no sympathy, no regret, and no care for his very offspring.
The sudden act of pushing Locke out of a building was a far more succinct, engaging, and effective way of demonstrating this. It doesn't require another teary-eyed scene of dialogue between the two.
The next episode may well be where through Locke we realise that what you see on the island isnt neccesarily reality. It is waay too convenient and I think he'll see through it.

What I have gathered so far is that there is definitely something happening on the island that manisfests your fears or important issues etc. I am hoping that in the next episode or two we may find out whether this is so, and whether the characters (i.e Locke) can overcome the 'illusion' or whatever it is that brings these fears to their 'front door.'
I agree with Absinthe.


The next episode may well be where through Locke we realise that what you see on the island isnt neccesarily reality. It is waay too convenient and I think he'll see through it.

What I have gathered so far is that there is definitely something happening on the island that manisfests your fears or important issues etc. I am hoping that in the next episode or two we may find out whether this is so, and whether the characters (i.e Locke) can overcome the 'illusion' or whatever it is that brings these fears to their 'front door.'

That's a very good point. Never thought of it like that. Would make sense seeing as other characters have seen things that reminded them of their past. Jack saw his dad. Kate Saw that black horse. Hurley saw that guy he imagined. Sayid and Shannon saw Walt... though i reckon that one may be a little different in some way seeing as the others had Walt at the time.

Love Lost <3
What I have gathered so far is that there is definitely something happening on the island that manisfests your fears or important issues etc. I am hoping that in the next episode or two we may find out whether this is so, and whether the characters (i.e Locke) can overcome the 'illusion' or whatever it is that brings these fears to their 'front door.'

Hmmm. Excellent thoughts.
The next episode may well be where through Locke we realise that what you see on the island isnt neccesarily reality. It is waay too convenient and I think he'll see through it.

What I have gathered so far is that there is definitely something happening on the island that manisfests your fears or important issues etc. I am hoping that in the next episode or two we may find out whether this is so, and whether the characters (i.e Locke) can overcome the 'illusion' or whatever it is that brings these fears to their 'front door.'

no chance, latest episode blew chunks...here's to next week
no chance, latest episode blew chunks...here's to next week

I liked this week's episode. LOST is just as much a character study as it is a sci-fi show. I'm surprised that so many people hate this one with a passion.

We got to see some old faces return, we re-lived the dramatic crash scene from a different perspective, we got a little more backstory about Ben's capture, one of the loose ends with Sun was tied up, we got an interesting "who done it" mystery, and to top it off we got one of the most eerie endings of the series.

This episode was supposed to be a look back, not a furthering of the storyline or mythology. Much like the Tricia Tanaka Is Dead episode, this one was just a step aside to further explore some characters who have for the most part been ignored for more than half this season thus far.

Hell, the episode even had a moral about what can happen to those who are greedy. It even had Billy Dee Williams for crying out loud. :O

Yeah, I had fun watching this episode.
lol if you're watching Lost for answers you'll be in for a long wait. Has it ever ocurred to you that that is what the show is all about?
i really enjoyed this weeks actually. i was intruiged from start to finish and the ending i was like OMG
Felt sorry for Paulo & his hawt gf, but I'm kinda getting tired of these secondary characters background stories. I want the plot to move forward.
Season 3 > Season 1.

I thought this weeks episode was fun; the filler was pretty entertaining. Honestly, I'm pretty sure I can go a week without a big reveal.
I liked this weeks ep too. All based around the jungle/beach with no Others to get in the way.