Lost season III *spoilers*

What did he do wrong in the Army? I forget if it was actually revealed. I was kind of hoping it would be shown in this episode. Hopefully a flashback scenario for later on.

I missed the first part of the episode >< Dag nabbit.
Amazing episode, when Desmond told Charlie that he was saving him i was like wtf !

Great Episode !
Amazing episode, when Desmond told Charlie that he was saving him i was like wtf !

Great Episode !

I believe Desmond will die. I'm not sure, it just seems anti-climatic to say, "You're going to die" then him die. Cliche if you ask me. I Think right before Charlie dies, Desmond somehow dies instead, and finds that way to stop the "universe" or whatever.
I'm not sure Desmond will die while Penny is still in the picture. I'm pretty sure that arc will stretch through until season 5.
I'm not sure Desmond will die while Penny is still in the picture. I'm pretty sure that arc will stretch through until season 5.

I don't know. Oh shit, I COMPLETELY forgot about that whole thing when the hatch exploded. Damn. Well, now I'm back at square one, and I'm still LOST!

*bad pun, I know.*
Lost episode (ep. 8) rocked, best one all season! I'll be so happy if Charlie dies, I've hated that hobbit form the start.

Please join me at Lost Forum, I'm getting pretty lonely there :( (I'm still called The_Monkey there)
I've never watched Lost. Like... ever. Is there a place I can watch the first couple of episodes without having to bother downloading or buying?
Lost episode (ep. 8) rocked, best one all season! I'll be so happy if Charlie dies, I've hated that hobbit form the start.

Please join me at Lost Forum, I'm getting pretty lonely there :( (I'm still called The_Monkey there)

I ain't seen that name in forever!
I liked the_monkey, taxman somehow feels more... cold and unnattached ;(
Final Destination anyone? Even the ex husband the episode before was reminiscent.
Final Destination anyone? Even the ex husband the episode before was reminiscent.

oh HELL yes.

I started watching Lost from the very first airing on the pilot episode, then I stopped watching around the time of the introduction of the "countdown" sequence or w/e

Then I happened to catch the latest episode on Wedensday...the whole time I was thinking Final Destination.
I've never watched Lost. Like... ever. Is there a place I can watch the first couple of episodes without having to bother downloading or buying?

Tv-links, alluc, dailymotion. Google them, and enjoy.
Hmm, new episode... dunno what to make of it really. Nothing much really happened.
It explained Jack's tattoo, and that was it basically.
I liked it - I'm really enjoying this season. Stuff is happening.

I wonder what's going to happen at the new 'home', and how Juliet's going to cope now that everyone knows :eek:
I had to watch the episode a couple of times to try and figure out the reasoning behind some of the stuff that happened during the flashback. In fact I'm still a little confused as to why Jack forced Achara to "mark" him. Was it to get back at her because he thought she was a prostitute/liar? Was it for self-confidence (i.e. to get back at his father and/or his ex-wife Sarah)? I'm not really sure.

Usually the LOST writers are really good at establishing character motivations and decisions clearly. I don't think they managed to do it this time.
I haven't been following Lost, but every time I tune in they're in a ****ing bunker.
Usually the LOST writers are really good at establishing character motivations and decisions clearly. I don't think they managed to do it this time.

Do we know why he's in phuket in the first place? Could be the whole thing was left open deliberately.
The problem I have with the whole "others" is that I don't know if they're all lying/acting. Especially that blonde chick that Jack fancies. I can never tell if she's just acting the whole time, or if she's being genuine.

I'm sure the writers wanted it to be that way, but for me it's just more annoying than interesting.

I wish the bad guys were more obvisouly bad, like that Ethan guy. It makes them more scary.
I think the 'bad guys' are yet to come. I too get a little annoyed when I'm not sure who's being genuine, and who's being a manipulative dolt.
Yeah, it is a bit frustrating when we don't know who is actually lying and who is actually telling the thruth. I reckon that Tom guy is starting to like Jack. Realising he isn't all that bad.
Was wierd how they made the people they 'stole' from the tail section watch Jack in the cage.
Also, I think it's dumb how the whole thing's turned out.

All the "others" had to do was take a group of 4/5 to the beach where they crashed, stick out their hands and say "Hi, we come in peace". Then I'm sure Jack would've happily fixed that guys back and they could've all been friends.

Jack's being in Phuket and the tattoo seem to be part of a quest he set out on to find himself after his relationship troubles. He felt compelled to find some meaning in his life after everything just kind of fell apart on him. I don't doubt we'll see some more of this later.

As for the Others nothing definite has "turned out" yet. We know that some are not as bad as we once thought, but theres clearly something more going on here. We still don't really even know what their purpose to being there is. There is some reason for their ruthlessness, even if they think they're in the right.
Cool episode.

Spoilers ahoy.


I reckon it's all a trick on Jack at the moment... because, y'know, the writers are like that when it comes to Lost episodes. They so kray-zee, but it's entertaining, so I don't care. Roll on next week!
I didn't like the last episode very much. I wonder when Jack will get the rest of his tattoos...



Next episodes:

Wednesday, 28 February: 10:00
Episode 3.10: "Tricia Tanaka is Dead" Hurley's discovery of an old wrecked car on the island leads him on a mission of hope not only for himself, but for a fellow survivor in need of some faith. Meanwhile, Kate and Sawyer reunite with their fellow castaways, but Kate is still torn about leaving Jack behind with "The Others." --Hurley-Centric-- Guest starring: Mira Furlan as Danielle Rousseau, Lillian Hurst as Carmen Reyes, Billy Ray Gallion as Randy, Cheech Marin as David Reyes, Caden Waidyatilleka as young Hurley, Suzanne Krull as Lynn Karnoff and Sung Hi Lee as Tricia Tanaka. Written by Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz. Directed by Eric Laneuville.

Wednesday, 7 March: 10:00
Episode 3.11: "Enter 77" Locke, Sayid and Kate investigate a strange structure and its mysterious inhabitant. Meanwhile, Sawyer competes in a ping-pong competition to get back his belongings. --Sayid-Centric-- Guest starring: Mira Furlan as Danielle Rousseau, April Grace as Ms. Klugh, Andrew Divoff as Mikhail Bakunin, Francois Chau as Dr. Marvin Candle, Shaun Toub as Sami, Anne Bedian as Amira, Taiarii Marshall as waiter and Eyad Elbitar as Arabic man. Written by Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse. Directed by Stephen Williams.

Wednesday, 14 March: 10:00
Episode 3.12: "Par Avion" Charlie exhibits peculiar behavior when Claire has an idea that could get everyone rescued; tensions mount between Sayid and Locke as they continue their journey to rescue Jack. --Claire-Centric-- Directed by Jack Bender.
I find Alex mysteriously compelling. I think it's because she's hot :p

Was wierd how they made the people they 'stole' from the tail section watch Jack in the cage.

Yeah, I thought that was a dream at first. All of them are ok, though... I wonder if they're free.
New episode was way better. Loved the extra bit of story for Hurley, really like his character. Nice to see Sawyer and Jin getting along, gave me a few laughs :D
Meteor hitting hurleys chicken shack place was crazy.
New episode was way better. Loved the extra bit of story for Hurley, really like his character. Nice to see Sawyer and Jin getting along, gave me a few laughs :D
Meteor hitting hurleys chicken shack place was crazy.

Lol, yeah. The whole bit with the fortune teller was quite hilarious as well. "Now take off your clothes."
"I'll give you 1 grand if you confess that my father put you up to this."
"10 grand"
"Your father put me up to it."

That episode was just... odd. Not so much in story line, but some of the dialogue just felt so ****ing awful it wasn't even funny. It was like, when Hurley came running through the forest to tell everyone about the car everyone flocked to him, gasping, like it was ripped straight out of Scooby Doo or something. Then in the background, from out of nowhere, you hear that wannabe-inner cirlce character just say ''WAS IT THE OTHERS?!'' which just seemed so off to me.

Also, when the hell was there another Asian/Japanese/Chinese couple on the island? When Sawyer and Kate returned all the neglected from the storyline characters flocked to them and I didn't recognise any of them. I swear, it pisses me off how theres so many background characters that are just ****ed off and left alone due to concentration on another 15 or so. I know, it couldn't possibly focus on EVERYONE, but in this environment and setting where, all together, there are at least 30 or so survirors it's just damn stupid to actually still have people that aimlessy wander around in the background like a normal city-person would in... well, any film set in a city or something.
That episode was just... odd. Not so much in story line, but some of the dialogue just felt so ****ing awful it wasn't even funny. It was like, when Hurley came running through the forest to tell everyone about the car everyone flocked to him, gasping, like it was ripped straight out of Scooby Doo or something. Then in the background, from out of nowhere, you hear that wannabe-inner cirlce character just say ''WAS IT THE OTHERS?!'' which just seemed so off to me.

Eko died 2-3 days ago after being attacked by the smoke monster. Jack, Sawyer, Kate, and Michael were still missing at that point. About a week-and-a-half ago the sky turned a giant purple colour and the whole island vibrated, the hatch blew up, and just yesterday Claire nearly drowned. How is it unreasonable for people to expect the worst from Hurley running into the campsite screaming for everyone's attention?
I didn't say there was a problem with it. Not at all. Just the way it was shot really didn't feel right to me.

That's all. :|