Lost season III *spoilers*

Never got into Lost, that said, didn't exactly give it a chance - only watched the first episode.
Give it more chance. It gets better as it goes on, trust me.

The first episode didn't pull me in, but I saw about the 5th episode in while my step-dad was watching it, and it was awesome
Just finished it; pretty cool stuff, nice to see the polar bears have returned. Das cool, I guess. I caught the preview for the next episode which I'm guessing is going to be Sawyer based, but looks like alot on Kate in it too. Cool. :D
At the end of the last episode it hit me, I know where the story's going. Desmond is Jesus.
At the end of the last episode it hit me, I know where the story's going. Desmond is Jesus.

Hah, I thought this. The whole beard, long hair, walking in (on) water.

Episodes 1 & 2 of this series were cool, but the third left me thinking FFS.

The only good Locke episode I recall is his first one (the wheelchair one) and those two random charachters that just start speaking... *sigh* were the writers hoping we wouldn't pick up on that?
The two who approached locke when he returned to the camp with Mr Eko



and those two random charachters that just start speaking... *sigh* were the writers hoping we wouldn't pick up on that?

No....I think they were hoping we would pick up on that. Call me old fashion, but I've always felt that the best way to introduce a new character is to give him a speaking role.;)

new ep tonight yay!
Not to spoil everything, but for Firefly nerds: Nathan Fillion is in an episode coming up. :D
I saw the new episode(Canada get's it one hour earlier), can someone explain the end to me. Was there two islands?
Yeah, they're keeping Sawyer and the rest on another island apparently. So theres no point in trying to escape sans boat.
Good episode, Only two more episodes then there will be a 13 week hiatus....damn you ABC


i bet the person that jack is going to have to operate on is the "him" the others are always refering to( if it's not already henry gale)
The thing is... it might be a lie that everyone's on that other island. They lied about the pacemaker, so they could be lying about this just to stop him running.
You can see him look backward and see that the island they're currently on is very small compared to the other one.
Cool episode, yeah yeah blah blah but what's really got me buzzing now is the preview at the end for the next episode(s) That... 'thing' at the end, on the camera monitor, actually made me jump. Looked like that General Sidious bloke from Star Wars.

Can't wait, man. CAN'T WAIT.
Telling Sawyer about the false pacemaker is very counter productive IMO, he'll start trying to escape now that his life won't end immediately as a result.

new episode tonight yay!
Well we know the island has a new boat now, what with the taking of the yacht in replacement for that little boat they had which Micheal has now. So yeah, a possible escape in that could happen, have to find it first... but theres nothing to say the islands aren't connected somehow. After all, Jack is in some sort of underground sea-lab as it is.

Seriously can't wait for the next episode. Gotta wait til Friday and thats TOO FAR AWAY. :(
Seriously can't wait for the next episode. Gotta wait til Friday and thats TOO FAR AWAY. :(
There are other ways of getting it... hint hint

I can't wait either though, only 5 more hours for me. :D
The preview of the next episode looks great. The person/thing on the monitor was really spooky! D:

Seemed like it was shown on the monitor that used to show lockes hatch. But that imploded so I doubt it.

Looking forward to episode 5 though!
The Pearl might have monitors for other stations, so who knows.
There are other ways of getting it... hint hint

Oh, I have it already, sitting in my Documents waiting, but I.. uh, much prefer watching things on weekend nights. I don't know why, it just feels better to watch something really cool and then know that you haven't got school tomorrow or something. Eh, I dunno.
Killing Eko really upsets me. Not only was he a totally badass character, but one of the best actors imo.
Indeed. I'm pretty pissed off in general that practically all the members from the tail section of the plane have come and gone swiftly. I don't know what the hell the writers are thinking.

I really think Eko had a lot more mileage to him.
So basically the only person left from the tail section is now Bernard?
Hmm yes good point, he's the only one left, and we haven't seen anything of him this season at all. :/

What do you think about Jack and the operation? I started to question his ability as a doctor to willingly hurt a person that he is operating on. Also the Hippocratic oath, will he really be able to allow him to die/injure Ben?
Wow, a lot of stuff in this episode.

I still don't think the operation thing will be as black and white as it seems. I still think there are lies going on. Probably coming from the cute blonde.
And there I was thinking I had a rational explanation for the black cloud (or sorta- iron particles etc. having something to do with the magnetic anomalies on the island) Went out the window when I saw the thing reach out a hand and grab Eko lol :(
I had heard somewhere that there is no supernatural explanations for the stuff in the show, im struggling to see how this can be after the latest ep.
I still don't think the operation thing will be as black and white as it seems. I still think there are lies going on. Probably coming from the cute blonde.

My thoughts as well. If you ask me, Benjamin Linus is actually going to be the "good guy", so to speak. The blonde will turn out to be a manipulative, begrudged backstabber.

Remember when she held the gun to Kate? Sawyer was dead sure she would have pulled the trigger in a heartbeat.
Just saw the last episode. The expected cliffhanger is much more 24 than Lost.
I liked tonights episode next season seems to be more ehhhrugh
Finally just as the season has a great episode they have to go on some stupid 13 week break! :O
Yeah, but then they come back for 16 weeks. Seems like a good enough deal to me.
That was a great episode (the last one).

I'm also starting to think that somebody there is Jesus or something lol.

The thing is, are the others actually evil?
Perphaps they are good but have to act evil for some reason, ben looks very very clever and scheming.

I can't wait till febuary.
Just saw the episode, was pretty cool.
Wonder if ben will live or not. I think he will, don't think Jack could let someone die because of his actions.

God damn 13 week break. I need more Lost D:

I don't think they should have killed off Eko either. He was one of my favourite characters, and I reckon he could have had a lot more to do with the story. RIP Mr. Eko.
Jack's the man. I was getting a bit bored with him recently, but he's just gone and owned everyone in this last ep.

If I was Jack I wouldn't kill that guy. He seems to be a man of his word and he probably would let them go. Like when he let Michael go.