New Video

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Originally posted by [Hunter]Ridic think boose an drugs get you ****ed up??? Try staying up for like 70+ hours. When i was going for like 70+ hours i actually chased down my dog with a tenis racket because i thought he was a dragon....
lol thats amazing. But why were you staying up for like 70 hours anyway?
trollthedise, you're going to get banned and I'm not joking.
If you stay awake for 2 days straight.... Your mental state is deamable "Clinically Insane". Ive actually heard voices...
Originally posted by Anthraxxx
omg, rollthedise, stop doing that

Uhhh, no you're thinking of the Citadel, which is the tall, black obelisk-like thing. I'm referring to the white-colored buildings that have windows in them.

EDIT: Oops wrong quote.
Originally posted by spitcodfry
Hey, shall we all stop the incessant spamming now and actually talk about what this thread is supposed to be about, the video?

I, for one, couldn't have been more impressed by it. I'm sure glad I'm an owner of a 9800 Pro so I can actually see those awesome Direct X 9 effects with a good frame rate on my video card.

My favorite part of the video would definately have to be the Ant Lion Guard. The reflective bump mapping looked absolutely amazing! Best graphics I've ever seen in a game, bar none. And yes, I've played the Doom III alpha. As far as I'm concerned, id can suck Valve's dick.

I was surprised by the two skyscrapers in the background...I thought that City 17 only had the old European style to it, not a more urban, industrialized feel. The more, the better, I say. It would be boss if that was a level in the game; ascend the skyscrapers to root out a nest of Ant Lions, or something.

So, what are your thoughts on the vid?

It makes me proud to be the owner of a Geforce4 MX440 64MB video card.
SPAM WARZ! the new reality TV show where a message board gets 3000 posts in 24 hours in 1 thread, can we get on it? BTW, we will all be combine or higher by the time this thread gets closed
this reminds me of the time when the sun tried to eat the moon and the moon got pissed so he pissed on the sun and the sun went out and we were in darkness for 9 hours. Someone mentioned something about day and night, but i dont think thats true, what really happens is the sun trys to eat the moon and the moon gets pissed and pisses on the sun.
just saw the vid- awesome graphics just wish it was a movie from hl2 the game :( still great
Originally posted by @bel
schweppes: what did those voices say, then? :D

Honestly, they sort of described what I was seeing. Kind of like a 3rd person omnicient narrarator in a novel.
Originally posted by schweppes
If you stay awake for 2 days straight.... Your mental state is deamable "Clinically Insane". Ive actually heard voices...
I once slept 6 hours in the course of 4 days. And about 90% of the time I was absolutely hammered.

Rock festivals rule :)
I wouldn't be surprised if this thread gets deleted so people aren't rewarded higher post counts for spamming.
Originally posted by schweppes
Are YOU talking to ME? I think you quoted the wrong guy douche glove!

No offense but I'm not going to take the time to argue with someone that refers to me as a 'douche glove.' Apologize and I might actually consider having a logical discussion with you.
9800 all the way, I can't wait..even more..

Originally posted by spitcodfry
No offense but I'm not going to take the time to argue with someone that refers to me as a 'douche glove.' Apologize and I might actually consider having a logical discussion with you.

This is a spam thread.... I can be as rude as I please :P
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