Nice work Sgt

seinfeldrules said:
They may have grown temporarily larger, but we are also rallying more and more people to our cause. Terrorism is an evil that must, and will be defeated.

Three years of the worlds only remaining super power fighting these terrorists has only resulted in making them grow "temporarily" larger. Just how exactly are you reaching the conclusion that we are winning? I mean I understand being in denial, but at some point you have to face the facts.

Temporarily....ya, you keep telling yourself that.

Now don't get me wrong, I think eventually the idea of terrorism can be beaten, so to speak. But not the way we are going about it. Currently all we're accomplishing is stirring them up and causing more suffering and death then ever.

Care to point out the Soviet Union on a map somewhere.

You have a point? That war was nothing like the fight against terrorism. It's a pointless comparison.

Edit: Though it does have one interesting parallel. Fighting the Soviet Union head on would not have worked just like fighting terrorism head on is not working.
seinfeldrules said:
And this will lull over time as Iraq becomes a peacefull state and allows freedom to take hold. Once this occurs, public opinion will not be able to ignore the rhetoric spewed out by extremists.

I have trouble believing that. People don't just get over the death of their loved ones. You think this will lull? You think the men, woman and children killed at the hands of Americans will be forgotten? I'm sorry, but if you look at the Middle East and it's people, you will see that this is not a culture that forgets. It's a culture that seeks vengeance.

seinfeldrules said:
After 9/11, should we have sat back and waited for 9/11 part 2? Or done something to prevent it. Sorry, but appeasement wont work.

Of course we should have taken some form of action. Invading Iraq was the wrong one. Tell me how this has helped prevent future attacks? The Iraq/911 connections have been all but severed. There were no WMD's, there was no reason to invade at all, etc.

seinfeldrules said:
Well since America is this big bad boy that hates Islam, why have we donated more to a predominately Muslim nation? Such information will eventually hit the common Muslim in the Middle East and have a positive effect.

I certainly hope that happens. This is an opportunity the US government should capitalize on. We should call out the wealthy Middle Eastern empires on their stinginess. Any opportunity at all to ease things in that region should be jumped on.
Three years of the worlds only remaining super power fighting these terrorists has only resulted in making them grow "temporarily" larger. Just how exactly are you reaching the conclusion that we are winning?
Iraq hasnt had time to simmer down yet. Once freedom takes hold it will spread.

You think the men, woman and children killed at the hands of Americans
And how about the men, woman and children in Iraq killed by the terrorists. Do you think the Iraqis will forget the US troops passing out candy and helping to rebuild their country? Do you think they will forget we removed Saddam from power?

Of course we should have taken some form of action. Invading Iraq was the wrong one. Tell me how this has helped prevent future attacks?
It is a place where we have an opportunity to spread freedom to a nation horribly oppressed for a countless number of years.

EDIT: 12:19= bed time. Later.
seinfeldrules said:
It is a place where we have an opportunity to spread freedom to a nation horribly oppressed for a countless number of years.

But so far our attempt at "spreading freedom" (which I find to be a total crock of shit, sorry) has just made people really, really angry with our country. The kind of angry that doesn't go away with time. We're creating new terrorists every day in Iraq. Like I said, for every father we kill two sons are left behind. These things won't be forgotten, and they won't go away. They have a tendency to be passed down and linger for a very, very long time.

seinfeldrules said:
And how about the men, woman and children in Iraq killed by the terrorists. Do you think the Iraqis will forget the US troops passing out candy and helping to rebuild their country? Do you think they will forget we removed Saddam from power?

It doesn't really matter though does it? Many of them didn't really want Saddam kicked as far as I can tell. They have gone from stability under a tyrant to chaos in a democracy. As bad as Saddam was, you could live in Iraq without having to wonder if a morning stroll to the market might be the last walk you ever take, or this meal at a restaurant might be the last one you ever eat.

Personally, I think the Iraqi child that lost his family to a stray US bomb might remember that more than US soldiers giving out candy. And it will not lull, it will stay with him until he's old enough to do something about it.
seinfeldrules said:
Iraq hasnt had time to simmer down yet. Once freedom takes hold it will spread.

I think that is a very naive expectation. It would be nice, but I doubt it.

seinfeldrules said:
And how about the men, woman and children in Iraq killed by the terrorists. Do you think the Iraqis will forget the US troops passing out candy and helping to rebuild their country? Do you think they will forget we removed Saddam from power?

An opinion poll held in Iraq last spring showed that most Iraqis wanted the colition to leave and that 50% of them thought they were better off having Sadam back.

Do you think they will forget the thousands of civilians we've killed? Do you think they will forget the turmoil and strife we've plunged their country into? Do you think they will forget their sons and daughters that have died as a result of our occupation?

seinfeldrules said:
It is a place where we have an opportunity to spread freedom to a nation horribly oppressed for a countless number of years.

Though let's not forget that wasn't the reason we went there. It's mostly an afterthought by our government when they realized they screwed up. I do hope that perhaps one day Iraq will have freedom, but as I said above, I doubt it will happen anytime soon.

Seriously, you seem to be ignoring all the facts of the situation and just repeating what the administration has been telling the public over and over. That everything is going fine and all is just dandy. They've been feeding us that bullshit for years now in the face of all the evidence of what is really happening.

During the fist presidential debate Bush told us that 75% of Al Queda leaders had been killed or captured. He just failed to mention that number was from pre 9/11 intelligence and didn't reflect at all the current number of Al Queda operatives. They tell us that we're winning the war on terrror while concealing the fact that the terrorists organizations are growing, not shrinking. They tell us everything is going well in Iraq at the same time we see in the news that things are far from well.

Most of what you write here sounds like a white house press release to be honest.
But so far our attempt at "spreading freedom" (which I find to be a total crock of shit, sorry) has just made people really, really angry with our country. The kind of angry that doesn't go away with time. We're creating new terrorists every day in Iraq. Like I said, for every father we kill two sons are left behind. These things won't be forgotten, and they won't go away. They have a tendency to be passed down and linger for a very, very long time.
Like I said, for every father they kill two sons are left behind. These things won't be forgotten, and they won't go away. They have a tendency to be passed down and linger for a very, very long time.

It doesn't really matter though does it? Many of them didn't really want Saddam kicked as far as I can tell. They have gone from stability under a tyrant to chaos in a democracy. As bad as Saddam was, you could live in Iraq without having to wonder if a morning stroll to the market might be the last walk you ever take, or this meal at a restaurant might be the last one you ever eat.
Those 'many' people probably werent related to the 200,000 or so Iraqis who just vanished. They probably werent related to the Kurdish villagers who were gassed merely to test chemical weapons.

Personally, I think the Iraqi child that lost his family to a stray US bomb might remember that more than US soldiers giving out candy. And it will not lull, it will stay with him until he's old enough to do something about it.
Did the American citizen who lost his father in Germany during WWII grow up hating Germans? If so, it didnt show as this same generation helped them during the Cold War.

An opinion poll held in Iraq last spring showed that most Iraqis wanted the colition to leave and that 50% of them thought they were better off having Sadam back.

Again, I highly doubt any poll which says that the Iraqi people wanted Saddam back. I would like to see this poll to see what kind of organization took it, also what areas of Iraq were polled. Sounds kind of like the outlandish 100k figure.

Though let's not forget that wasn't the reason we went there. It's mostly an afterthought by our government when they realized they screwed up. I do hope that perhaps one day Iraq will have freedom, but as I said above, I doubt it will happen anytime soon.
Just because it is a side effect doesnt mean it should be ignored.

Seriously, you seem to be ignoring all the facts of the situation and just repeating what the administration has been telling the public over and over. That everything is going fine and all is just dandy. They've been feeding us that bullshit for years now in the face of all the evidence of what is really happening.
Just as you seemingly ignore every other fact that goes against your claim. Nobody is claiming that Iraq will become what we expect overnight, it will clearly take years of hard work.

During the fist presidential debate Bush told us that 75% of Al Queda leaders had been killed or captured. He just failed to mention that number was from pre 9/11 intelligence and didn't reflect at all the current number of Al Queda operatives. They tell us that we're winning the war on terrror while concealing the fact that the terrorists organizations are growing, not shrinking. They tell us everything is going well in Iraq at the same time we see in the news that things are far from well.
And Kerry made many claims himself which were later proven incorrect. The Presidential debates were merely a facade from both ends.
Sgt_Shellback said:
You restored my hope in Brits... Look at the post. It was an amazing shot. If he hadn't made it a lot of innocent people would have died.

Check your attitudes for what you think was the best....

Come back at me and say neither should have died and pull your head out of your (you know)... What I posted was real. Not your communistic fantasy of... "The world should all love one another."

Thank goodness for people like him that risk their lives to preserve freedom around the globe.

Well you are what the rich old white men tell you to be, just like these "terrorists" are what the rich old islamic extremists tell them to be.

And you know what, call me a pussy, call me whatever you want. But don't try to change my mind and tell me that the world can't be a better place. Its that kind of thinking thats keeping us in the cave man kill each other spirit.

Your not human. Tool.
And to the "thank goodness for people like him that perserve freedom around the globe"
Answer this one question for me, how many IED/roadside bomb attacks where there in baghdad pre invasion? Thats exactly what I thought.
Innervision961 said:
Well you are what the rich old white men tell you to be, just like these "terrorists" are what the rich old islamic extremists tell them to be.

And you know what, call me a pussy, call me whatever you want. But don't try to change my mind and tell me that the world can't be a better place. Its that kind of thinking thats keeping us in the cave man kill each other spirit.

Your not human. Tool.
And to the "thank goodness for people like him that perserve freedom around the globe"
Answer this one question for me, how many IED/roadside bomb attacks where there in baghdad pre invasion? Thats exactly what I thought.

you have no idea what the UK is like, your stereotyping us tbh.
theres like 10% of UK is from london and 15% of people have posh accents, like theres 10 or more different accents in the UK.

yeah but tell me how many have been killed by saddam after the baghdad freedom operation.
KoreBolteR said:
you have no idea what the UK is like, your stereotyping us tbh.
theres like 10% of UK is from london and 15% of people have posh accents, like theres 10 or more different accents in the UK.

yeah but tell me how many have been killed by saddam after the baghdad freedom operation.

Uh, when the hell did i say anything about the UK? Did you read the wrong post, because I wasn't even talking to you.

And i'll tell you how many have died due to saddam since the invasion as soon as you tell me how many have died because of the invasion and because of political and economic sanctions...
And i'll tell you how many have died due to saddam since the invasion as soon as you tell me how many have died because of the invasion and because of political and economic sanctions...
We captured Saddam a few months after the invasion, so it is a pretty odd statement to make.
Sorry inner, i must have caught the wrong end of the stick.
i thought when you said "rich old white men" i thought thats what you thought all people were liek in the UK.. ahh nevermind, mybad
No problem korebolter, and the rich old white men i was referring to were people in government, namely here in the US.

And Seinfeld, exactly :)
bliink said:
No, you see, a "terrorist" is someone who fights with "terror" to prove a political point.
He's going on the assumption that the political point seems to be one of mass opression and the hatred of all that is good in the world. And that the end goal of terrorists is to kill innocents.. which is a clearly illogical objective for anyone.

oh so terrorist do not kill innocents?

or are you saying that when they do kill innocents it's by accident since in killing them it would be illogical?

whatever you're trying to say, or the point that you're trying to make is typical of the loonie left. It just doesn't make since. So please go ahead and try to apply reason and rational thought processes to terrorists.

Ya know if we had just gathered around the campfire that was the WTC on 9/11 and sung Kumbaya things would be so much better. :rolleyes:
willyd said:
Osama bin laden= terrorist
Yassir Arafat = freedom fighter

Agree or disagree?

How can you say Yasser Arafat was a freedom fighter?

He oppressed his own people, so if he was a freedom fighter was he fighting for more freedom to oppress his people more, because if it was to free his people he could have offed himself long ago and done them a world of justice?

You clearly have no clue about the M.E. or the PLO.
bliink said:
*sigh* :rolleyes:

and Willyd, thats the eternal paradox thingy; one mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter... its a testament to the fact it all comes to perspective.
NO ONE is right or wrong. Its just what people believe.

do you actually believe this drivel you speak?

So if I believe that 2+2 = 5 then that isn't wrong?

There is wrong and right, and the refusal to acknowledge wrong and right are what has led to some of the societal meltdowns and wishy washy horsecrap that plagues this country.

1 man's terrorist is another mans freedom fighter.......... what liberal loon thought that classic CNNesque soundbite up:rolleyes:

gee does that make you feel all philospohical inside when you say it? :rolleyes:
Scoobnfl said:
do you actually believe this drivel you speak?

So if I believe that 2+2 = 5 then that isn't wrong?

There is wrong and right, and the refusal to acknowledge wrong and right are what has led to some of the societal meltdowns and wishy washy horsecrap that plagues this country.

1 man's terrorist is another mans freedom fighter.......... what liberal loon thought that classic CNNesque soundbite up:rolleyes:

gee does that make you feel all philospohical inside when you say it? :rolleyes:

You dont seem to understand what it actually means...

A terrorist does what he does because he believes it will free his people or make changes politically. A freedom fighter is exactly the same.
qckbeam said:
They are still people. What is so difficult to grasp about it? They've probably been raised their whole lives to believe in a certain religion, form of government, etc. and they probably believe that we are the enemy and they are on the side of good. They have family; they can feel pain, happiness, the whole spectrum of emotion, just like anyone else. What I'm trying to say is, these people, the foot soldiers basically, are not all evil. They are just misguided. They have a different perspective on things because they've lived a different life under the influence of different people with different ideas. I can't regard them as scum, or less than human. I have pity for them, and see their deaths as a tragic loss of human life.

koooooooommmmmmmmmmbayaaaaaaaaa........ koooooommmmmmmmmmbayyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :rolleyes:

pitty? sorrow?

Pitty and sorrow, yeah I feel it too. I feel pitty and sorrow for the victims of 9/11. I'm pittifully sorry that for the 8 years that Clinton was in office he dod nothing to go after AQ. I'm pittifully sorry that no US presiedential administration had the courage to stand up to the purveyors of hate and the facillitators of terrorists and international terrorism until now.

I hope that all these jihadi scumbags die painfully, slowly and spend all of eternity in excruciating and agonizing pain.
marksmanHL2 :) said:
You dont seem to understand what it actually means...

A terrorist does what he does because he believes it will free his people or make changes politically. A freedom fighter is exactly the same.

no, it is you that doesn't understand.

terroists do what they do because through terror they seek to control their people and intimidate the rest of the world through fearing them and their perceived ability to attack us whenever and wherever they choose.

freedom fighters, in the true sense of the word are fighters for freedom, and they fight to seek freedom.

comparing Zarqawis AQ in Iraq to freedom fighters denegrates the concept of freedom completely.

To believe that the sunni holdouts from Saddam's govt., the ones that currently reside in Syria and are funding the resistance and killing hundreds of Iraqis are doing so for freedom is idiotic.

Do you have Disney on the brain?

They seek to block elections because they know that their hold on power is over, and that they will have to share rule, and no longer will they be able to fill mass graves with tens of thousands of Shia and Kurds striking fear into those people and allowing them to remain in control.

They might be fear fighters, fighting the fear of freedom and the undoubtable justice that freedom for all Iraqis will bring to them.

After thinking about it further they may be freedom fighters, fighting against it rather than for it.
Scoobnfl said:

koooooooommmmmmmmmmbayaaaaaaaaa........ koooooommmmmmmmmmbayyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :rolleyes:

pitty? sorrow?

Pitty and sorrow, yeah I feel it too. I feel pitty and sorrow for the victims of 9/11. I'm pittifully sorry that for the 8 years that Clinton was in office he dod nothing to go after AQ. I'm pittifully sorry that no US presiedential administration had the courage to stand up to the purveyors of hate and the facillitators of terrorists and international terrorism until now.

I hope that all these jihadi scumbags die painfully, slowly and spend all of eternity in excruciating and agonizing pain.

so tell is 9/11 conected to iraq?
Wow scoobnfl, not only can you not edit your posts, you have no clue what is really going on in the world do you?

Example: Iraq and 9/11 are completely seperate entities/beasts, neither one has anything to do with the other, except for 9/11 being exploited as rationale for war with iraq, and the victims families voices being circumvented in order to obtain the administrations agenda in the middle east.

Clinton DID missle al qaeda in an attempt to kill bin laden. The republican party at the time raised hell over his actions, saying he was needlessy putting our soldiers in harms way (for politcal gain of course), causing clinton to stop.

And funny you'd bring up kooooombayaaaaaaaaa, considering who you are supporting I'd think your being hypocritical.
bliink said:
You speak of terrorists like they're a conventional force.. but they arent, a terrorist can exist wherever someone is willing to use violence to prove a political point..

When govts. support/train/fund terroists......... therein lies the problem.

Individuals will always be perform acts of terrorism. Timothy McVeigh, radical abortion opponents, scum like the KKK......... th

bliink said:
The only way to prevent that would be with totalitarian rule, and i'd rather become a "terrorist" than submit to that kind of life.

Yet you'd rather relegate the Iraqis to live under total tyrrany and the terror of Saddam. You do not deserve the freedoms that you enjoy. You might rather become a terrorist than live under such rule, but you wouldn't as evidenced by your laissez fare denial of freedom to the Iraqis, you would do whatever it took to survive under such rule.
Scoobnfl said:
When govts. support/train/fund terroists......... therein lies the problem.


the US has a long standing tradition of aiding terrorists ..when it suited them Orlando Bosch or read up on operation condor, while you're at it google Operation paperclip

Scoobnfl said:
Individuals will always be perform acts of terrorism. Timothy McVeigh, radical abortion opponents, scum like the KKK.........

I agree

Scoobnfl said:
Yet you'd rather relegate the Iraqis to live under total tyrrany and the terror of Saddam. You do not deserve the freedoms that you enjoy.

so if he's a tyrant and a murderer why was he a US ally when he was at his worst?

Scoobnfl said:
You might rather become a terrorist than live under such rule, but you wouldn't as evidenced by your laissez fare denial of freedom to the Iraqis, you would do whatever it took to survive under such rule.

please, you didnt give a shit when he was killing his own people
CptStern said:
so tell is 9/11 conected to iraq?

I hate having to explain this to the loonie left all of the time, but since I'm new here I'll do it just for you guys.

9/11 was carried out by terrorists who enjoyed the support of a host govt. This is considered a sponsor of international terrorism. (Note that we are fighting the war on terror, not the war on AQ, there is a difference and you have to be aware of that)

Iraq sponsored terror organizations, Hamas, Hezbollah, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, etc...... funded them and paid the families of terrorists that carried out terrorist attacks.

This support for terrorism in addition to the geographic location of Iraq, and the irrefutable fact that Saddam just had to go led to Iraq being the next step in the war on terror, and put us directly in the middle of all of the problem countries in the ME, being Iran, Syria and Sauid Arabia.

The only fault I have with the war on terror is that it hasn't been expanded to Iran and Syria. Those 2 countries more than any other need to experience a lil shock and lots of awe.
Scoobnfl said:
I hate having to explain this to the loonie left all of the time, but since I'm new here I'll do it just for you guys.

9/11 was carried out by terrorists who enjoyed the support of a host govt. This is considered a sponsor of international terrorism. (Note that we are fighting the war on terror, not the war on AQ, there is a difference and you have to be aware of that)

how is 9/11 connected to iraq

Scoobnfl said:
Iraq sponsored terror organizations, Hamas, Hezbollah, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, etc...... funded them and paid the families of terrorists that carried out terrorist attacks.

no ..they offered rewards for terrorists who were successful ..there's a difference ...btw how is that different than what the US did with Orlando Bosch ..he killed 73 civilians in a commercial airplane ..yet bush sr pardoned him ...even though he's still wanted by cuba and venezuela

Scoobnfl said:
This support for terrorism in addition to the geographic location of Iraq, and the irrefutable fact that Saddam just had to go led to Iraq being the next step in the war on terror, and put us directly in the middle of all of the problem countries in the ME, being Iran, Syria and Sauid Arabia.

name one incident where saddam killed even one american

Scoobnfl said:
The only fault I have with the war on terror is that it hasn't been expanded to Iran and Syria. Those 2 countries more than any other need to experience a lil shock and lots of awe.

you're irreproachable, there's no use discussing this accuse countries of terrorism yet turn a blind eye to your own country's wrong doings ...that spells "fool" in my book

btw why havent you invaded Saudi arabia? it's one giant terrorist training camp and the home of Osama ...if any country should be invaded it's them
how is 9/11 connected to iraq

Scoobnfl never said it was, that is an assumption on your part.

How is offereing rewards for terrorists acts not supporting terror. There are many other links besides that anyways, Abu Nidal rings a bell, Saman Pak, Al-Qaeda on Fedayeen payroll, just to name a few.

Condemning America's actions doesn't twart terrorism or save lives does it? I can complain about my countries actions all I want but that doesn't get our troops out of Iraq does it?
CptStern said:

the US has a long standing tradition of aiding terrorists ..when it suited them Orlando Bosch or read up on operation condor, while you're at it google Operation paperclip

Orlando Bosch............. I know that he was trained by the US, and was sent to prison for blowing up a Cuban airliner. That's it. Who was on the airliner? Who was the target? What was the real reason behind the bombing, who knows. Living in FL, I have had the opportunity to meet and work with several Cuban exiles. Many have family members that have been tortured and murdered at the hands of Fidel and his henchmen. You are aware that he really is a bad guy right? I mean despite what hollyweird wants you to believe, he's horrible and terribly oppressive to his people. He'll be dead soon and the real truth will get out. But anyhow....... I understand the exiles desire to fight Fidel and his govt. I do not condone terrorism or the murder of innocent people. I do understand that our govt. operates under the mentalit of sacrificing the needs of the few for the benefit of the many, and I'm glad that they do.

Operation paperclip......... where we brought German scientists over here after WWII to help with the VII etc..... what's wrong with that? I mean we could have left them in germany for the russians to get, torture, benefit from then maybe we wold have lost the cold war. Excusing some of the ones that may have been war criminals in exchange for them helping us wage the cold war definitely benefitted the entire world.

Operation Condor:

Again an ugly little necessity of the Cold war. We were fighting the USSR in Europe, Asia, Africa, South America and here at home with their hero John Kerry. Was it terrible the Anti communist/anti socialist troops of Pinochet did to Allende supporters undoubtedly. The soviets did the same thing and to have not countered their moves in a mirrored exchange would have resulted in us losing the cold war.

CptStern said:
so if he's a tyrant and a murderer why was he a US ally when he was at his worst?

I guess that you're referring to Saddam. If so it was the old addage the enemy of my enemy is my friend. He was fighting Iran who we still are very much opposed to. Maybe if Carter had some balls and took care of the islamo-fascists when they sacked our embassy.................... who knows. BTW I really got a kick of the DNC when that tard was talking about a stronger America :rolleyes:

CptStern said:

sorry but you're wrong there. I think we as free people should not rest, and should fight until everyone across the world is free to enjoy the same freedoms that we enjoy here in the USA.
CptStern said:
name one incident where saddam killed even one american

Perhaps he never killed an American, but he was a tyrant of the worst kind.

CptStern said:
btw why havent you invaded Saudi arabia? it's one giant terrorist training camp and the home of Osama ...if any country should be invaded it's them

Or Pakistan. Oh, I just remember. They are "our" allies. Never mind that it's a dictatorship that is killing thousands of people every month.

Scoobnfl said:
sorry but you're wrong there. I think we as free people should not rest, and should fight until everyone across the world is free to enjoy the same freedoms that we enjoy here in the USA.

How free are the 120.000 civilains that has been killed in Iraq by american forces?
CptStern said:
how is 9/11 connected to iraq

ok 1 more time, this will be the simplified tard version for you.

we're fighting the war on terror, Iraq under Saddam supported/trained/funded/rewarded terrorists. That is how 9/11 is connected to Iraq. The whole evil that we are fighting against is govt. sponsored terror, THAT IS THE CONNECTION BETWEEN IRAQ AND 9/11 they supported trained and funded terrorists and as such facilitators they were deposed.

CptStern said:
no ..they offered rewards for terrorists who were successful ..there's a difference ...btw how is that different than what the US did with Orlando Bosch ..he killed 73 civilians in a commercial airplane ..yet bush sr pardoned him ...even though he's still wanted by cuba and venezuela

rewards? There were terrorist training camps in Iraq. AQ was operating inside Iraq. No matter how bad you want there not to be a direct relation between Iraq, terrorists and AQ in particular, the correlation does exist. THERE JUST HASN'T BEEN ANY EVIDENCE THAT SHOWS THAT IRAQ AIDED IN THE PLANNING AND ATTACK OF 9/11

Keep sticking your head in the sand, you're part of the problem, not the solution.

CptStern said:
name one incident where saddam killed even one american

he planned the assassination of a former president. that alone is all the reason we needed for taking his ass out. not to mention all of the times that Iraq fired on our planes in the NO FLY ZONE why wasn't anything done by the UN security council about that, it only went on for 12 years? Oh yah it's that stunning success called Oil for food, and the assured votes against any action against Iraq that it purchased.

as for Orlando Bosch, I do not know the particulars on this but the fact the John Kerry had something to do with the investigation, virtually eliminates any shread of credibility it may have had. Why was it bombed? Was the CIA behind it? What were the reasons? my gut tells me that Bosch deserved death for this act, certainly not a pardon. But there are details surrounding it that we do not know, and not knowing them precludes our being able to judge the merrits of the situation properly.

CptStern said:
you're irreproachable, there's no use discussing this accuse countries of terrorism yet turn a blind eye to your own country's wrong doings ...that spells "fool" in my book

you're weak. and being weak you will at any cost seek to avoid enduring hardship and sacrifice. it's ok you can do that here in the USA because there are millions of men and women that serve in our armed forces and give you that right to shirk the hardships, avoid the fight, and clammor for a peaceful way to reason with an enemy that does not desire peace and uses no reason.

CptStern said:
btw why havent you invaded Saudi arabia? it's one giant terrorist training camp and the home of Osama ...if any country should be invaded it's them

gee braniac do you think that Osama might want that? C'mon man use your head. 16 of the 19 hijackers were saudi because he couldn't get 19 for whatever reason. The main reason for that was to have us believe that it was a Saudi attack on us. :rolleyes: sooooooo let's run out and do exactly what they want us to.
The_Monkey said:
How free are the 120.000 civilains that has been killed in Iraq by american forces?

120,000? over inflated hype I wold say. They're just as dead as the hundreds of thousands that the wrold let Saddam murder during his reign.

but to go ahead and entertain you

just because [/B]FREE[/B]dom has the word free in it does not imply that it comes free, freedom is attained by fighting to get it and fighting to preserve it.
Scoobnfl said:
gee braniac do you think that Osama might want that? C'mon man use your head. 16 of the 19 hijackers were saudi because he couldn't get 19 for whatever reason. The main reason for that was to have us believe that it was a Saudi attack on us. :rolleyes: sooooooo let's run out and do exactly what they want us to.

You're a nutter.
So Osama couldn't get 19 Saudi hijackers "for whatever reason", so he settled for 16 instead. And the point of this was have the US believe that Saudi Arabia was in charge.

Is this actually substantiated in any way? Or is this crazy conspiracy talk?

I'd also like to see sources back up the rest of what you've said.
CptStern said:
no your not fact your just making it worse, thanks :|

what made it worse was 8 years of chasing the fat assed intern around the oral office.
Sgt_Shellback said:

Sgt. Herbert B. Hancock, chief scout sniper, sniper platoon, 1st Battalion, 23rd Marine Regiment, 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit, is credited with the longest confirmed kill in Iraq, hitting enemy terrorists from 1,050 yards in Fallujah Nov. 11, 2004.

IBAWPpussy... LOL

Well that's something to be proud of. Good for him. One person's terrorist is another's freedom fighter.
Those terrorists can never be called freedom fighters in any sens of the word.

Freedom fighters fight under a flag, wear uniforms and have organizations. These scumbags don't.

Freedom fighters don't decapitate innocent civilllians.

Freedom fighters don't targert their own population that doesn't agree with them.

Look back at the revolutionary war. No british troops were decapitated and their body parts sent home. No citizen loyal to the thone was murdered because of it.

Freedom fighters my ass.
popcorn said:
Well that's something to be proud of. Good for him. One person's terrorist is another's freedom fighter.

did ya come up with that one all on yer own there sockraplease? :rolleyes:
Bodacious said:
Those terrorists can never be called freedom fighters in any sens of the word.

Freedom fighters fight under a flag, wear uniforms and have organizations. These scumbags don't.

Freedom fighters don't decapitate innocent civilllians.

Freedom fighters don't targert their own population that doesn't agree with them.

Look back at the revolutionary war. No british troops were decapitated and their body parts sent home. No citizen loyal to the thone was murdered because of it.

Freedom fighters my ass.

People in Iraq most probably see them as freedom fighters. How would you react if your country was invaded?
Scoobnfl said:
what made it worse was 8 years of chasing the fat assed intern around the oral office.

That's cute. Man blows his load in a fat chick's mouth. He is considered a bad president.

Man starts a war on completely F-ed up intel and faulty planning and wastes the lives of US troops. He is considered a hero.
Absinthe said:
That's cute. Man blows his load in a fat chick's mouth. He is considered a bad president.

Man starts a war on completely F-ed up intel and faulty planning and wastes the lives of US troops. He is considered a hero.

It's not just teh oral, it was the whole blatatn littany of incompetence. Why just lob few cruise missiles at Osama? Wht not go after him? Oh cuz the republicans in the senate would've talked bad about him, right, right.... WHO give a fawk.

Bush doesn't give a fawk what the whinin vaginas have to say, he's going to do what he believes is right for our country and security. It takes a strong leader to do that, Clinton never was a strong leader, and 8 years weak leadership and allowing the terrorist threat to build caught up with us on 9/11.