Official "I have Doom 3" thread.

lol, its back up to $3000.

wait, its down to $100 again. Weee, it looks like the stock market.
up to $4000...
thanks to me ;)
this is fun!
although, this thing will porlly not sell thanks to assholes like me :)

EDIT: Back to $100 :(
Kyo said:
I was just shopping with my father when we noticed EB had moved their Doom 3 boxes to the front of the store, and they had some competition to win a copy of Doom 3. This EB being the same I preorded from I asked about it forked out the remaining $50 and Tada I have Doom 3.

My schoolworks done so I'm gonna install it now.
must be reply yet
torso boy said:
must be reply yet

According to Kyo's profile, he listed his current location as 'south australia' which if true, means he cannot possibly have doom3. Unless he jumped on a plane, flew to the US and stole a copy from a retailer and then flew back...

According to Kyo's profile, he listed his current location as 'south australia' which if true, means he cannot possibly have doom3. Unless he jumped on a plane, flew to the US and stole a copy from a retailer and then flew back...
if he's in south australia, and in adelade, he's probably talking about doom 2 being released.

...(pretty sure only australians will get this)
Sedako said:
I have Doom 3!! My mom just got back from shopping and she picked it up for me earlier!!!

Installing! OMG I can't Wait!

How could she have got it if the stores aren't aloud to sell it to "normal" people? And by normal people I'm refering to people who don't know someone working at like best buy or EB that can sneak them a copy.

And where did she buy it from anyways?
Kiva128 said:
How could she have got it if the stores aren't aloud to sell it to "normal" people? And by normal people I'm refering to people who don't know someone working at like best buy or EB that can sneak them a copy.

And where did she buy it from anyways?

My friend works at gamestop, and I gave him the money earlier today so he could hold it for me, and he gave it to my mom.
Sedako said:
My friend works at gamestop, and I gave him the money earlier today so he could hold it for me, and he gave it to my mom.

Just like I suspected. Us normal people who don't have insider help have to wait a bit longer I suppose...



... Gimme iso!



EDIT: anyways enjoy the game! :)
I have a Q for you fellas who own it.

When you die in the game, do the zombies eat your head like they did in in the presentation? or like do something to you when you die? cause that'd rule man.
Doom 3 will not run in my PC so why I enter here

aniway I will like that the people who hav it will post cool screenshots here for the people who cant hav it

the good part is that I can wait for the xbox version and rent one :)
... Gimme iso!
i second that
i didnt preorder so if i can't find it, I'm gonna download it.
I will still buy the game when i can get it, but no way im gonna wait like a week or so for it to come back in stock :)
lol, it is already on IRC bots.

A Best Buy near Minneapolis is doing that special 12am opening on the third. I'm holding a Doom3 LAN that night in celebration where we're all going to rush BB for our copies together. Man, just went full-blown geek ;)
Wasnt this thread supposed to be for people who owns the game? :p
Please, in the name of Satan, remember to use the spoiler tags if you post about the plot. Because I can't resist checking this thread anyway :D
Spoilers not properly labelled will incur a ban if i remember correctly.
daveodeth said:
Spoilers not properly labelled will incur a ban if i remember correctly.

You have an excelent memory...Although it will perhaps not be quite so black and white. If we feel a reason not to, then there will be no straight off ban.

I need to build my pc this month or I wait for AMD939 motherboards with PCIE are coming this fall. I think its worth waiting till the fall ????
lol ban someone for posting a non-tagged spoiler.

After 20 minutes of playing Doom 3 i must say this game is fantastic..Every little detail is polished to perfection. The graphics are simply amazing even on medium fps is around 20-25 with my GeForce FX 5600 and sometimes when im in a big room with many NPC´s the game turns in to a slide show for a few seconds..but i can live with that :D Well im going back to playing i havent even met a monster yet.. :)

edit> okey things just started to happen..and it scared the hell out of me...shit i had to take the headphones off...this is insanely scary!
h00dlum said:
After 20 minutes of playing Doom 3 i must say this game is fantastic..Every little detail is polished to perfection. The graphics are simply amazing even on medium fps is around 20-25 with my GeForce FX 5600 and sometimes when im in a big room with many NPC´s the game turns in to a slide show for a few seconds..but i can live with that :D Well im going back to playing i havent even met a monster yet.. :)

edit> okey things just started to happen..and it scared the hell out of me...shit i had to take the headphones off...this is insanely scary!

thats some of the worst acting ive ever seen. :dozey:
hmm, 20-25 fps with a GeForceFX 5600. How does that bode to my Radeon 9600Pro?
Anyone called up their local store recently and checked when they'll have it on the shelves? Its shipping August 3rd, but often the stores wouldnt see it for a day or two.
Well, I have 1.8ghz processor and 512mt DDR.

From the hardware guide I read that there's not as much difference betwen 512mt and 1gt RAM as there is between the minimum 384 and 512mt
Loke said:
h00dlum: What kind of comp do you have?

i have a P4 2.8 Ghz 1 GB Ram GeForce FX 5600..

here are some pictures of a creepy room i found..looks awesome in game..

man iD dont give the player one always have to be onguard. I dont want to give anything away but sometimes i fly out of the chair.

Monsters i have encounterd so far is (dont read if u dont want any info about the monsters:

Regular zombie: Slow, pretty harmless. Can be dangerous if the sneak up behind you..they are pretty quiet.
Former Marine Zombie: Well they act like the the Marines in HL.
Fat Zombie: THey are like the regular zombie but u mostly find them throwing barrels at you or hit you with something.
Imp: Anoying. Fast and comes climbing on walls and throw balls of fire and rush up right in your face if they are close.
That thing on the cover of the box? The pinky demon?: Fast as hell, rush up in your face and throw you around..


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I talked to my local EB today and they told it would arrive in their store monday morning and that I could pick it up the same day after 6:30. Ill keep my fingers crossed.. ;)
h00dlum said:
i have a P4 2.8 Ghz 1 GB Ram GeForce FX 5600..


Dude the quality is super shit :(

get a new graphics card.
Gorgon said:
Dude the quality is super shit :(

get a new graphics card.

i know..but i cant afford a new one.. :( and the picture quality sucks becuse the game saves the screenshots as .tga files and i had to convert them with flash and quicktime..
hey guys, can you do me a little favor and tell me how much space doom3 will take on my computer?
Sai said:
hey guys, can you do me a little favor and tell me how much space doom3 will take on my computer?

"1.7GB of uncompressed free hard disk space (plus 400MB for Windows swap file)"

According to the minimum requirements. Not that much space actually...maybe it's only the minimum installation. Don't know how much the full install would be (or if there even is one).
Gorgon said:
Dude the quality is super shit :(

get a new graphics card.

If you mean the screenshots that h00dlum posted, I don't think they look that bad, at least not "super shit". And the screenshots are mainly just black, so it's kinda hard to say how the quality is.
Mr-Fusion said:
lol ban someone for posting a non-tagged spoiler.



"Omg dude I didn't want to know that there was a zombie in that room! *tehbanstick*"
Seppo said:
If you mean the screenshots that h00dlum posted, I don't think they look that bad, at least not "super shit". And the screenshots are mainly just black, so it's kinda hard to say how the quality is.

Welcome to the internet. Either something is perfect or it's rubbish. There's no in between.