Pimp My ride (Physics gun with welder)

i cant get canister stuff to work either. welding is a mod, there are several of them
Make sure you've got the .4 version of the mod, google HL-2 World and you'll find it.
Has anyone successfully mounted any weapons on it yet? i.e. turrets, anything...
pffft, thats nothing special. You should try my nitros oxide/batman vehicle. Its sick :D I plan on making a video tutorial about it on Friday, its going to rock :D
Yeah, well none of your guys' mods can compare to my brand new pimpin paint job :farmer:

Paint job

And check this out. It's rad!

Bed jet

I haven't really used it yet, but I SWEAR, it does work. You can fly all over the place! I've never used it though because what happend was, I jumped in, fired up one of the jets, and the thing went berzerk before I could start the other one to stabalize it. I'm guessing that you have to pile bricks in fron of it first and then move them after you started it up (Kinda like this jet car I made)

Oh, and if you are trying out different placements for the mattress plane (since its kinda hard to get them right on the edges) don't put a jet on the bottom of it. I tried, and it crashed the game.

What I've found works really well are these, which you can place in your autoexec.cfg or just enter them in console:
bind <cannister-creation-hotkey> "ent_create_cannister <powerlevel> <time>"
bind <cannister-firing-hotkey> "ent_fire physics_cannister activate"
Press the first to make a cannister, and the second to fire all non-used cannisters. I made a rocket airboat! >:D
Suggestion: don't use anything too high for power, or you'll find yourself wandering around the skybox.
I've also noticed that, if you don't set a time limit to a can that you have set to have a specific power, the cannister wont start up.
I think the new .4 version has thrusters that you can spawn in it, as for blowing all the barrels at once phys_timescale 0, shoot them all, then phys_timescale 1
I wan a versin were I can spawn some cheees. I,, hungry.. :cheese:
This mod's pretty good (pity the idea was stolen from VAVLe, but...). Just downloaded .5 of the mod, and have been having some fun.

Am I towing your car?


Connected using a tyre to allow for movement and flexibility:


To get going up hills, you need a boost:


All 4 are 10000Newtons (presuming the force is measured in N) and have a limit of 100 seconds (as the deactivate command works). There would only be 3, but the bottom was added to add downforce for stability. I've set up some pretty cool binds (if I can say so myself) which allow me to activate 4 individally... yes, I have lots of spare time.

If anybody actually pays attention to me and wants a demo, I'd be happy to host it for a while (although my host might not be too happy...).
oD1Nz said:
I've set up some pretty cool binds (if I can say so myself) which allow me to activate 4 individally... yes, I have lots of spare time.

Uhh, all you have to do is ent_setname ### and then an activate command... takes less than 20 seconds to make 4 of them and bind them. I'm curious how you did it.
Top Secret said:
Uhh, all you have to do is ent_setname ### and then an activate command... takes less than 20 seconds to make 4 of them and bind them. I'm curious how you did it.

"ent_setname <name>" you can set multiple cannister to the same name and then use the command "ent_fire <name> activate" to set all the cannister with <name> off at the same time.

this is also useful for activating different sets of cannisters at different times.
oD1Nz said:
If anybody actually pays attention to me and wants a demo, I'd be happy to host it for a while (although my host might not be too happy...).

actually, could you upload the .sav file? (save game file) that would be awesome.
this thread is cool don't let it die!!! (yup, a bump)
someone post some cool stuff with the lastest jbmod .5!
I got the plane in Buildingblocks to fly around. I just welded two green cannisters to the bottom ends of the wings. I found that was the only way to get it to fly stable. I then built a ramp and lined it up. ;) It was kinda boring just watching it fly straight so I welded a weaker cannister to the right side. It just flew around in circles!
Oh, man. Think of the multiplayer capabilities! Spawning the mannable pulse turrets and welding platforms to the buggy...

Two teams could create a buggy each and battle it out! And imagine a mod where you could spawn individual peices of the buggy.


Quelaar said:
I agree...I think it's because they are trying to become mods.

You may notice, however, that mods are polite and subtle. They don't bash down the door of the thread screaming "noob!".


A combine soldier did that to me in HL2SP once :|... except it wasn't a thread it was a house.

Also, if I get teh physgun. Does it replace the manipulator? I would hate it if that happened...
NapalmAndFriends said:
Oh, man. Think of the multiplayer capabilities! Spawning the mannable pulse turrets and welding platforms to the buggy...

Two teams could create a buggy each and battle it out! And imagine a mod where you could spawn individual peices of the buggy.


yeah! like tribes 2 construction mod sep for hl2 and it has phasycs and motors and stuff to make robots, car, tanks, and flying mychines with!!!
Omgosh, taht would be so freakin kew. It would be like monster grauage.
kenyo said:
yeah! like tribes 2 construction mod sep for hl2 and it has phasycs and motors and stuff to make robots, car, tanks, and flying mychines with!!!

With that avatar and that sig my guess is you've got something against epilepsy, and want people to have seizures.
Baal said:
With that avatar and that sig my guess is you've got something against epilepsy, and want people to have seizures.
OMG i allmost just luaghed my self to death!
i really couldent stop tell now!
i don't want people to get seizures, i just think it is trippy!
lol i keep luaghing every time i think of my ava/sig and what you said!
NapalmAndFriends said:
Oh, man. Think of the multiplayer capabilities! Spawning the mannable pulse turrets and welding platforms to the buggy...

Two teams could create a buggy each and battle it out! And imagine a mod where you could spawn individual peices of the buggy.



Sort of doing that with a DM Fun map I am making, can attach metal to the buggy by using magnets: http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showthread.php?t=62511
im downloadin JBmod 0.5, does it crash less is all i want to know?
thegreyman said:
im downloadin JBmod 0.5, does it crash less is all i want to know?
yes, they fixed lots of crashs in 0.5, so i heard