Pimp My ride (Physics gun with welder)

I was playing a map you can download form hl2world (barrel something). There is a switch there that spawn barrels on top of your buggy. I spawned about 50 of them and they really act as if they were making it's own gravity field.

Not sure about this, but my guess is that you can only spawn barrels and stuff while playing in custom-made maps which allow this particuliar function.

As for the map, its called Buildingblocks Beta2. Awesome map for just this sort of thing.
http://www.hl 2 world.com/bbs/dload.php?action=file&file_id=391
Remove the spaces and you gots teh link


Thats the link for the map download which Alix uses. Now if my theory is correct you should be able to spawn barrels and stuff there (still working on the commands).

You have to be a HL2 World member thou I think. At least I haven't been able to get access without...

- Demon_Fall
Hehe, worked on that for quite a while too. There doesn't seem to be a link for new users anywhere on that page exept the in the index (simply hl 2 world.com without the spaces).

Very frustrating ! ! !

Anyway, go to the index-page and you'll find it just above the sign in window.

- Demon_Fall
This certainly is a cool little gun to play with.

Has anyone else tried to weld one of the junk cars on top of the buggy? My game always crashes before I can successfully weld it.
Pic - 2 cars for the price of 1

Nailing a combine to a post

And playing with the physgun even without welding is fun

Too bad it crashes the game so often. Since it takes my computer about 4 minutes to actually get into the game, restarting is annoying.
Welding a car on top of the buggy can make it sink into the ground. Adding anything else to it would crash the game.

Edit: Whats the best settings to record in with fraps? My movies end up being 700 mbs.
Has anyone tried weilding 2 buggies together? That would be awesome to have another person playing and have a 2 man vehicle.
I'd like to see 5 cars or the likes, with a barrel between each one. Now that's fun.
poopy said:
Has anyone tried weilding 2 buggies together? That would be awesome to have another person playing and have a 2 man vehicle.
did it with the hovercraft :D
I finally managed to weld the junk car onto the buggy without the game crashing.

Good weld

Inside view - pic

The extra weight made it more unstable but didn't sink it into the ground. It was so wobbly however that I flipped after driving for just 10 seconds or so. Flipped . And with the added weight I couldn't upright it with the standard manipulator or the physgun, still fun to try though.
I just love the sound of the buggy! It's so real! That is the best sounding vehicle i've ever heard in a game. :D
Flyingdebris said:
Which brings me to an interesting point. Halflife 2 can factor in aerodynamics (hydrodynamics in this case). On the crap boat, one of the side pieces that got glued on was a piece of sheet metal that slanted forward and was halfway in the water when this thing was on water. Whenever i moved forward this offending piece would cause the airboat to lurch horrendously forward as the force of the water pushed down against that piece of metal

close, but not quite. havok is not capable of aerodynamics and hydrodynamics, so neither are present in HL2, and also because of the ridiculus cpu cycles required to do the calculations. just take a look at LO:MAC (thats lock on: modern air combat for those not in the know). That game does full aerodynamic calculations, and it chugs like a bitch.

the closest you could do would be to drop gravity a bit, lower the timescale and play with some other phys settings. Failing that, just make another version of the buggy using wood materials applied to it.

hmmm....one missing thing from HL2 was cloth dynamics. That would have looked cool.
:D! Thanks guys.
I appreciate all the feedback, really makes the movies worth it.
I'll make a seperate thread for now on with my movies so they dont spam up this thread :)

Expect more movies soon.

ahahha i like the other clip alix where its like 12mins later and your up in air on a table then fall xD, im dl this 1 right now
btw did you make the first movie about the buggy apc? or was it someone else
Whats the command to create boxes and barrels and such? I couldn't find it..and how do you spawn npcs with weapons in hand already?
Yep, i'm the same dude who made the BuggyApc vid.

Kinson: You cant spawn items. You'll be needing the map named BuildingBlocks_B2, it has spawners in it.

To spawn a npc with a weapon in hand, check out this bind as an example.

Bind m "npc_create_equipment weapon_smg1; wait; npc_create npc_citizen"

That right there says that first, the engine needs to create an NPC SMG1, then the engine will wait a second, then create a citizen, which will then pickup the smg.

Hmm :| I have the building blocks map .bsp file..what do i do with it? cant seem to figure it out :p
You take it to your steam/steamapps/yourusername/half-life2/hl2/maps folder. Once its there start up HL2, open console and type map buildingblocks_b2

Ahh, thats what i thought but the folder looked empty, just two other folders inside, graphs and soundcache. Stuck it there. running to test it! thanks again :D
yeah i just did further testing and yeah you're right i ended up getting my hopes up. there's no hydrodynamics stuff.

it turns out i just had too much stuff on the front of the airboat. me sad
I'd love to check out your video ButtHole, but it seems I dont have the correct Codec needed to view it :(

My 56k says to say screw you all and your fancy shmants videos.
We lubblez you!
We make teh saix with you?
..wait no..


You guys seem to be ignoring the physics cannister item, you can spwan a canister that will propell itself with a give force for X number of seconds
ent_create_cannister 1000 10
this will create a cannister with defualt thrust that will last for 10 seconds, to launch them, first look at it and type this in:
ent_setname cannister
do this for as many cannisters you want, then when you want them to luanch, type in
ent_fire cannister activare
I've found it works well if you bind those two commands to a key, like:
bind [ "ent_setname cannister"
bind ] "ent_fire cannister activate"
some one make a movie of a rocket cannister car!