Religion:The stupidest thing invented by mankind?

bbson, do you really think you're making a strong argument?

You sound insane.

There is no conspiracy against you. (Oh, how I wish I didn't need to say that all the time.)
He does not believe in a God. He has no reason to lie.

Quick question, how do we know God speaks and can understand english?

But he believe in atheism.

And man hates losing in front of the crowd.

And he has so many therapists girlfriend.

And the last one is a joke.

bbson, do you really think you're making a strong argument?

Are you saying most of the professors in the world are insane? I have quoted a lot of well known professors' words.
Okay, I am insane. My arguments aren't, the professors aren't.

Quick question, how do you know your God speaks and can understand english?

God knows
You sound insane.
Well thats what happens.....when you know...

And man hates losing in front of the crowd.
Exactly, you do not want to loose in front of a crowd.

But he believe in atheist.
I said that in a much more clear and correct way, He does not believe in a God.
bbson asks CptStern to ask his wife a question.
bbson then admits that it won't matter because CptStern would probably hide the truth.
This brings up the question of why bbson bothered in the first place other than to be a douche bag.

Also, there's no such thing as "believing" in atheism.
Exactly, you do not want to loose in front of a crowd.

Finally someone gets my point. Everyone afraid of losing, so the discussion won't actually end.

Edit: can someone make a Hitler argument?
I said that in a much more clear and correct way, He does not believe in a God.

I don't believe in God either.

bbson asks CptStern to ask his wife a question.
bbson then admits that it won't matter because CptStern would probably hide the truth.
I am saying the truth if he believe in atheist.

This brings up the question of why bbson bothered in the first place other than to be a douche bag.
Also, there's no such thing as "believing" in atheism.
A man who doesn't believe in God or Gods is not necessarily to be an atheist. So a person can believe in atheism.

p.s. I am both insane and inane. But I tell the truth.


A man who doesn't believe in God or Gods is not necessarily to be an atheist. So a person can believe in atheism.

Atheism is an absence of belief. Not a belief in an absence of belief. Please make yourself familiar with what atheism is. I know it might be futile, but I'd appreciate the effort.

p.s. I am both insane and inane. But I tell the truth.

You're a cheap hack at philosophy.
This the truth if he believe in atheist.
That makes no sense. I mean that 2 ways:
1)The actual sentence
2)What you are responding to.

A man who doesn't believe in God or Gods is not necessarily to be a atheist. So a person can believe in atheism.
If you do not believe there is a god(s) you can be classified as an atheist. Nothing else really comes into play.

Finally someone gets my point.
K well then just stop arguging.
Atheism is an absence of belief. Not a belief in an absence of belief.

But I can see you guys believe in atheism, since you guy are so stubborn and refuse to accept religious therapy, also refuse to respect theists. So you guy have all personalities needed to be religious. So I call you "believe in atheism".

I am leaving for a while. Tell me the good news (like I lost) while I come back.
But I can see you guys believe in atheism,

Thank you for completely disregarding the very first full sentence of my post.
Thank you. Thank you so much. I feel my opinion of you as an idiot is now validated.

No no, the honor is all mine.
Lies. Atheists are perfect in every way possible. And because of our non-conformist rebel attitudes, we get all the poon.
I'm already dead too.

kirovman can fill you in on the details.
I'm afraid to read any bb's future posts. I'm just about ready to take a hammer and break my monitor so I have no temptation to turn it on and see what stupidity he has posted. Explain to me how you BELIEVE IN ATHEISM. You can BE an Atheist. You can FOLLOW Atheism. You don't BELIEVE in Atheism. Atheism isn't the worship of a God named Athe. It is the lack of belief in a deity. Seriously, are you just getting your information from uncyclopedia or something?
atheists can have that hardline righteous no-bullshit shut up wishy washy christian approach, i love it
Your wife is, but you are not. I told you to ask her. You should really shut up and call your wife to talk to me.

yes I asked her and the answer was "what? are you kidding me?"

p.s. ABA therapist = American Bar Association therapist. :p

Applied Behavioral Analysis ..oh wait you're from China ..autism is barely recognised in your neck of the woods (in fact you have a dreadful history of ignoring most mental disorders ..something about a totalitarism regime refusing to help their citizens rings true ..oh there's a shock) so it's understandable you dont know ...perhaps praying to the lord would help instead of therapy?

p.p.s. Is your wife beautiful?

yes ....did you expect me to say no?
probably, it's communist (or psuedocommunist anyway)
Religion: The stupidest thing invented by mankind?
Second only to racism...
yeah, but what do you imagine the poor citizens appeal to?
Religion: The stupidest thing invented by mankind?
Second only to racism...

Racism is a political religion.
As is communism, and as was Nazism.

Not all religions need churches.

All you need to do is get a large amount of people to believe in an elaborate fantasy world, and then try to force the fantasy to override (as much as possible) a logical, secular lifestyle.

The results are rarely good.
Doesn't China encourage Atheism?

Yes, I am an atheist.

Thank you for completely disregarding the very first full sentence of my post.
Thank you. Thank you so much. I feel my opinion of you as an idiot is now validated.
Thank you for completely disregarding the very first full sentence of my post, I must put this sentence back to you.

You strongly believe that there must be an absence of God and there is no space for give in or respect others' point of view. You must keep on arguing, defaming until all oppositions shut up. It is what I call "believe in atheism". You are no different with the stubborn, radical Christian. That's what "believe in" means.

yes I asked her and the answer was "what? are you kidding me?"
What did you asked? :D

Applied Behavioral Analysis ..oh wait you're from China ..autism is barely recognised in your neck of the woods (in fact you have a dreadful history of ignoring most mental disorders ..something about a totalitarism regime refusing to help their citizens rings true ..oh there's a shock) so it's understandable you dont know ...perhaps praying to the lord would help instead of therapy?
First, I am joking on ABA. That's obvious.
Second, Hail Communism! Hail our greatest leader! Hail Chairman Mao!

yes ....did you expect me to say no?
There is a say that female therapists are beautiful. :p
Yes, I am an atheist.


You strongly believe that there must be an absence of God and there is no space for give in or respect others' point of view. You must keep on arguing, defaming until all oppositions shut up. It is what I call "believe in atheism". You are no different with the stubborn, radical Christian. That's what "believe in" means.

I have no space for retardedness, which is essentially what religion - past or present - is.

You have still incorrectly defined atheism.

You have still persisted with the retarded notion of "believing" in atheism.

You have failed to explain the similarity between myself and Christians. At least any compared similarity warranted for the purpose of this topic.

You have failed to present a case that gives religion any worth.

You have failed through and through, to the fullest extent possible.

I have no space for retardedness, which is essentially what religion - past or present - is.

You have still incorrectly defined atheism.

You have still persisted with the retarded notion of "believing" in atheism.

You have failed to explain the difference between myself and Christians.

You have failed to present a case that gives religion any worth.

You have failed through and through, to the fullest extent possible.
There is only one thing you have failed.
You have failed to represent the above ideas. :O
Guys, religion is stupid, but it gives war.
You strongly believe that there must be an absence of God and there is no space for give in or respect others' point of view. You must keep on arguing, defaming until all oppositions shut up. It is what I call "believe in atheism". You are no different with the stubborn, radical Christian. That's what "believe in" means.


You say an atheist believes there is no god. But really, it's that an atheist does not believe in a god. Big difference.

You say an atheist believes there is no god. But really, it's that an atheist does not believe in a god. Big difference.

That is why I call them believe in atheism, not atheist, fool!

p.s. in case you don't know, the word fool is directed to you, Ryan.
That is why I call them believe in atheism, not atheist, fool!

p.s. in case you don't know, the word fool is directed to you, Ryan.

Ohh! Petty insults!

You can't believe in atheism, you're an atheist or you're not, but you can't believe in it. Atheism has nothing to do with believing, but more so with lack thereof. Believing in atheism is believing it exists, and you can be sure that atheism does indeed exist. By that definition, I believe in Christianity because I'm pretty sure Christianity exists.
Ohh! Petty insults!

You can't believe in atheism, you're an atheist or you're not, but you can't believe in it. Atheism has nothing to do with believing, but more so with lack thereof. Believing in atheism is believing it exists, and you can be sure that atheism does indeed exist. By that definition, I believe in Christianity because I'm pretty sure Christianity exists.

You kind of guy take words literally. The definition is here but you can make fun of it. Do you really know how to play with words? Gay.