Religion:The stupidest thing invented by mankind?

"They're not imigined reasons if they're very real to me."

Uh, yes they are.

"Jesus dude, what is your drive for all this anyways?"

Every year, countless millions of taxpayer dollars are being spent on religions.
I want to know what my money is buying me.

I want you to justify your existence, because nobody else is.

Logic and religion don't need to be mutually exclusive, so why is there no logical religion on Earth?

Why do you need god to make you feel good in this world, when I can feel equally good without him?
And, specifically, why is it costing me and all others like me so much money for your privilege?

Where does that money go?

Not to mention the countless lives. Every war I know of has roots primarily in religion. People who imagine things that feel real to them happen to be very adept at killing people like me.
If you're not condemning it, then you are probably part of the problem.
I want a warning label on your faith, unless you can prove that you won't follow god's murder commands if his voice ever enters your head.

"It's not like it's going to change my mind on anything."

Why not? What is the point of following the religion if you can't have doubt?
Why are you refusing to think critically of something that affects the lives of everyone around you?
Because it feels real?
Isn't that terribly selfish / superficial of you?

"I'm not a member of any church. I keep my faith between me and god."

What are the specifics of your faith?
What do you oppose, and what do you support?
Does your relationship with god cause you to vote against abortion or gays, or anything else?

"I don't have a need to prove the validity of it."

If it isn't valid, why do you believe it?

Obviously you are following the biblical god.
Why aren't you following the laws laid out in the bible?

"It's not an RPG where you only have so many life experience points to spend."

Every action you take costs someone something.

Why are you holding yourself to lower standards than the average plumber holds himself in his plumbing duties?

You're getting paid, after all.

As a christian, you represent all christians. Maybe I want to be a christian too? Convince me. :)

"What is the definition of religion?"

A religion is an organized system of belief, typically with a large number of adherents, that deliberately ignores logical rules.
There are many definitions of religion, and most have struggled to avoid an overly sharp definition on the one hand, and meaningless generalities on the other. Some have tried to use formalistic, doctrinal definitions and others have tried to use experiential, emotive, intuitive, valuational and ethical factors.

Sociologists and anthropologists see religion as an abstract set of ideas, values, or experiences developed as part of a cultural matrix. Primitive religion was indistinguishable from the sociocultural acts where custom and ritual defined an emotional reality.

Other religious scholars have put forward a definition of religion that avoids the reductionism of the various sociological and psychological disciplines that relegate religion to its component factors. Religion may be defined as the presence of a belief in the sacred or the holy. For example Rudolf Otto's "The Idea of the Holy," formulated in 1917, defines the essence of religious awareness as awe, a unique blend of fear and fascination before the divine. Friedrich Schleiermacher in the late 18th century defined religion as a "feeling of absolute dependence."

The Encyclopedia of Religion describes religion in the following way:

"In summary, it may be said that almost every known culture involves the religious in the above sense of a depth dimension in cultural experiences at all levels — a push, whether ill-defined or conscious, toward some sort of ultimacy and transcendence that will provide norms and power for the rest of life When more or less distinct patterns of behaviour are built around this depth dimension in a culture, this structure constitutes religion in its historically recognizable form. Religion is the organization of life around the depth dimensions of experience — varied in form, completeness, and clarity in accordance with the environing culture."

(Winston King, Encyclopedia of Religion, p 7693)
God I love wikipedia. I don't know where you got "deliberately ignores logical rules" from mecha.
Mechagodzilla, you make too many assumptions, like all christian vote against abortion or gays. NOT all people are brainwashed, dude.

A religion is an organized system of belief, typically with a large number of adherents, that deliberately ignores logical rules.
Mine: a strong belief in a supernatural power or powers that control human destiny
Yours: an institution to express belief in a divine power

So that is my fault. After all, we have the different definitions on religion. I understand now. If I put your definition into your argument, almost all of them are correct.

p.s. you live in Canada, I wonder whether you are that famous scholar. Hmmm...
"Mechagodzilla, you make too many assumptions, like all christian vote against abortion or gays. NOT all people are brainwashed, dude."

Once again, you have confused a question with a conclusion.
You assume I think all christians vote stupidly.
The reality is that I only assume that most vote stupidly.

Also, I thought that
Not to mention the countless lives. Every war I know of has roots primarily in religion. People who imagine things that feel real to them happen to be very adept at killing people like me.

I'm not going to wade into the whole, Why you should or shouldn't have faith, thing you guys are getting into, but I'd just like to make a point about religion.

People harp on alot about "Religion is bad, religion causes conflict."
Now I hate to be a cynic, but I honestly believe that even if we had NO religion people would still find a reason to kill each other.

It's just a really convenient excuse. I don't blame religion for conflict and wars, I blame corrupt religious leaders that use it as a tool for their own selfish ends.

Religion isn't the cause, human nature is.
Religion isn't the cause, human nature is.

That's your religion?

Once again, you have confused a question with a conclusion.
You assume I think all christians vote stupidly.
The reality is that I only assume that most vote stupidly.

Your have taken a sarcastic way to present your point of view. This suggestively shows you assume all of the Christians vote the way their "religion" told them to..

Also, I thought that

People didn't study primary school don't. LUCKY THEM! :/

Anyway, are you a famous celebrity?
I'm not going to wade into the whole, Why you should or shouldn't have faith, thing you guys are getting into, but I'd just like to make a point about religion.

People harp on alot about "Religion is bad, religion causes conflict."
Now I hate to be a cynic, but I honestly believe that even if we had NO religion people would still find a reason to kill each other.

It's just a really convenient excuse. I don't blame religion for conflict and wars, I blame corrupt religious leaders that use it as a tool for their own selfish ends.

Religion isn't the cause, human nature is.
"God I love wikipedia. I don't know where you got "deliberately ignores logical rules" from mecha."

That's my personal definition, based on experience.
By asking your for logical answers, and being denied, you are only further supporting that conclusion.

If you are not deliberately ignoring logical rules, then please explain your faith in logic.
Failing that, show me any faith that uses logic.

Any presumption of the divine defies logic.

Religions typically make claims about magic tricks.
Jesus would be a (failed) moral philosopher is he wasn't always making magic bread and walking on water.

The only signifigant difference between a religion and a philosophy is an open disdain for the logical world.

"Now I hate to be a cynic, but I honestly believe that even if we had NO religion people would still find a reason to kill each other."

Obviously. It is a logical fact that people sometimes need to be killed.

However, that does not change the fact that nearly all wars stem from a lack of logic.
Communism is effectively a political religion. It relies on faith.
Nazism is based on the religion of anti-semitism.
The latest ones are revenge against people who follow Islam properly (as I have said, there is no such thing as a religious extremist when the religion in question advocates genocide).

If people die in a religion-free world, the liklihood of it being a for a bad reason is vastly reduced.
Taoism? Bahá'í? There is a few religions that ARE logical, but they're the minority.

Faith is a strong word. Do I have faith in that "thing" whatever you want to call it? Depends on different people. I don't have faith that "it" will save me from dieing or what have you, but I have faith it's there and that's probally as far as it goes. Does that defy logic? No, because people consider the big bang to be god and have faith in it. A few of my stoner friends kinda believe in that lolol. Also we as humans are not that logical in the first place. If we was, then why do we create some of the most beautiful things, yet to only destroy it later? Why do we keep doing the same things pretty much over and over? It's not logical, but we still do it. We have yet to reach that plane of knowledge to be 100% or even 90% logical.

Also IMO, the whole jesus magic trick things are fake, but what he tried to teach "love" was real. I bet most of the stories are exaggerated.

In my mind religion is just rules and politics on top of spirtuality. As I said before we are the point we don't need that anymore. The whole "new age thinking" movement is proof of that.
And he still didn't answer the irreducible complexity problem which evolultion is facing, the bombardier beetle.
"Taoism? Bahá'í? There is a few religions that ARE logical, but they're the minority."

Bahai is not based on logic.

There are two types of Taoism.
Religious Taoism isn't logical.
Philisophical Taoism isn't a religion.

Buddism is close, but still believes in re-encarnation and similar things.

"I have faith it's there and that's probally as far as it goes. Does that defy logic? No, because people consider the big bang to be god and have faith in it."

That's silly. You can ascribe faith onto anything at any time.
To be logical, you need to justify that faith.

The best religions are the ones which have a material value: that can improve your life without requiring claims about the supernatural.

There are some things which are profoundly personal experiences, but the supernatural is never needed to explain or explore them.

I strongly recommend that everyone read the book "The End of Faith" by Sam Harris.
It details a similar argument with more expertise and grace than I have the time to here.

"Also we as humans are not that logical in the first place."
But the incredibly sad thing is we can be, with very little effort. The only thing standing in the way is religion.
I pride myself on being a very logical person.
Logical doesn't mean Mr. Spock bullshit. It simply means not doing things that are stupid.

Jesus might teach love - but his primary teachings, as I have proven in this thread, are the destruction of the infidels.
He just says to put on a smiley face while you do it.

"It's just mindless, violent crime."

Mindless = illogical.

There are basically no "logical" crimes.
Logically, we should uphold the three principles of protecting life, liberty and happiness with an absolutely secular justice system and follow jesus' golden rule in our personal lives (without any of that biblical genocide and other claptrap, of course).

If the legal system is logical, then basically all crimes would be illogical ones. There would be exceptions, but they would only prove the rule.
In the US, most crimes are drug crimes.
Drug crimes are caused by organizations exploiting the ban on all recreational drugs other than alcohol.
Same thing gangsters did during prohibition.
Logically, drugs should be legalized: killing less people, freeing up prison space, putting cops to work on more important cases like fighting terroists.
Sadly, the bible has hang-ups with drugs. They are considered the occult, or false idols and thus frowned upon and banned irrationally.

Anywho, that is enough for me tonight.
Mindless = illogical.

There are basically no "logical" crimes.
Logically, we should uphold the three principles of protecting life, liberty and happiness with an absolutely secular justice system and follow jesus' golden rule in our personal lives (without any of that biblical genocide and other claptrap, of course).
No, mindless = brutish, careless, rash and doesn't necessarily imply that a person doesn't have a logical reason to kill someone else.

I am not sure why you put so much emphasis on logic. Especially since even logical arguments can be flawed. You arrive at a logical conclusion based only on what you know to be true.

And since no human being can claim to know the truth about everything, we have to accept that all our logic could be flawed. All we can do is reach the most likely conclusion on what little information we have and as more knowledge becomes available re-assess our conclusions. People can follow logic and still produce opposing conclusions. Why do you think we have such common phrases like "By your logic."

So I think that for anyone to say, religion is wrong, that people shouldn't have faith, because they can't logically prove the existence of God, that's a flawed argument. Can you prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that God doesn't exist?

Blaaargh! I didn't want to get drawn into a discussion about the nature of religion. But I just don't like people harping on at others about how their beliefs have no merit, that they're thoughtless fools for believing in something.

Especially when no-one can prove that their beliefs are groundless. Is there no afterlife, or re-incarnation, how do you know, have you died before?

Do the spirits or our dead ancestors not watch over us in life? Just cause you can't certify their existence doesn't mean they aren't there.

There was even once this craaazy guy called Copernicus that claimed the Earth wasn't the centre of the universe, when even every child knows that it is. What a total nutcase. :rolling:

Just for the record, I have no religion and don't believe in God.
Well you seem like a good debater, for a noob that is. :p It's alright to be drawn into it, I was hoping for the same.
Pfft, I'll s'noob you!! :p

Well the reason I didn't want to get into it is because, I've done the whole religious discussion a hundred times before, and they always end up descending into heated and pointless arguments.

I think it's pretty silly for atheists to accuse religious folk of intolerance and then turn around and dump all over their beliefs. What happened to tolerance?

Please note I am not accusing Mecha of doing this, I'm just saying that's what I always end up seeing in religious debates.

And it's understandable, it's a touchy subject, faith is a very personal thing.
How does a beetle become a Bombardier beetle?
I do not know weather or not this is relavent to the discussion anymore, but when I read this I opend up a new tab, went to google and filled this in.
A 30 sec search was enough to find an explneation, and BTW that question by itself is not enough since you need to explain what the illogic is you are trying to disporve by that post.
In any case:
Thanks for it. I am just curious to know, while I cannot access google for some reason.
I've been watching the news lately and there's been nothing but talk about Israel and Lebanon and the Middle East in general. Afghanistan, Iraq same shit, different pile. Anyways my point is that everyone of these conflicts are caused by different religious beliefs.

That just pisses me off. 'Iraq same shit, different pile'. Have you BEEN to Iraq? Youre suggesting they have nothing better to do than kill innocent people? Personally i lived in the Middle East for 4 years. Muslims are THE nicest peope i have EVER met, and ive been all over the world.

If the Bible said youd go to heaven no matter what, would you think it was so bad to kill people? Youre just looking at it from another religious belief. The Bible doesnt say anything along those lines, but the Muslims have been taught different. You cant judge people on their beliefs and teachings. Youd get the same reaction about Christians if they were taught there was no such thing as 'Hell'.

Anyway, i dont want to start a flame war. I dont believe in Religion at all, but i DO believe people need something to believe IN. Its what keeps us sane.
Everything Mechagodzilla says is true.

You arrive at a logical conclusion based only on what you know to be true.

People can follow logic and still produce opposing conclusions.
Given the same premises, if two people use pure logic to reach two different conclusions, one or both of them is wrong or employed something besides pure logic. Fact.

because they can't logically prove the existence of God, that's a flawed argument. Can you prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that God doesn't exist?

about how their beliefs have no merit

Especially when no-one can prove that their beliefs are groundless.

Just cause you can't certify their existence doesn't mean they aren't there.
Can you prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that God doesn't exist?

Fair enough, but can you prove beyond a shadow of a doubt God DOES exist?

Therefore the argument negates itself and youre back to square one.
Everything Mechagodzilla says is true.

Given the same premises, if two people use pure logic to reach two different conclusions, one or both of them is wrong or employed something besides pure logic. Fact.
From the wiki:

Another common example is that, "A supernatural force must exist because there is no proof that it does not exist". However, the converse is also true, according to the argument from ignorance: One also cannot say that, "I have not seen proof that something supernatural exists, therefore a supernatural force cannot exist". Also, similar to the aliens in the above example, since no proof is available that this does not exist, it might exist, but this alone does not prove it to exist.
Suriana isn't saying, just because there IS NO proof, then that means there is a god. If you read his post before, he doesn't believe in a god(s).

He's actually stating "Just cause you can't certify their existence doesn't mean they aren't there", which is an "argument from ignorance". Which is stated in the wiki article you linked.
Fair enough, but can you prove beyond a shadow of a doubt God DOES exist?

Therefore the argument negates itself and youre back to square one.
That's what we have been trying to say in the first place....
And he still didn't answer the irreducible complexity problem which evolultion is facing, the bombardier beetle.

IR has already long been disproven since it's based on a flawed understanding of evolution.
That's what we have been trying to say in the first place....
So here's what you say.

"God's existence cannot be proven.

"God's nonexistence, because of the elusive nature of God, also cannot be proven, though it can be strongly suggested by science, and though nonexistence is the default state which need not be proven in the first place.

"It is therefore just as reasonable to say God exists as it is to say God does not exist."

Bonus points if you can tell me what's wrong with that conclusion.
I think Mecha's having too much fun with this. :O

2) Why do you follow that religion if your life is basically the same without it and, inherently, you have no proof of its validity?

This is the philosophy that I've had since before I was a teenager. I have a good life, I treat people well, I follow the rules laid out by society and respect other's rights to live freely as well. There just isn't a need to add religion to my life. I'm perfectly content with my lifestyle and don't feel I need spiritual guidence or a faith in god.

The older I get and the more I learn about the way our world works, the further I find myself getting away from religion. I think I'm just incapable of believing that there's something out there judging my actions and then rewarding/punishing me for them when I die. I DON'T find comfort in the thought that there's a supernatural being looking down on me. In fact I find that kind of scary if it were proven to be true. :(

I don't think religion is going to make my life better, but I don't think it will neccessarily make my life worse. My take on religion seems to be changing (evolving if you will ;)), but in the end I still don't see why my being a part of a religion will change anything. Sure I'll likely be spending more time with religious followers, and taking part in religious gatherings, but I don't feel my personality or judgement will change at all.

So what is the point of joining a religion if I don't think there's anything to gain for myself? Would the fact that I refuse to join any religion because it doesn't benefit ME make me an arrogant person? Does that automatically make me a bad person because I'm not devout? Should I be killed because I'm not strictly following things like the Ten Commandments? A catalyst to this argument would be: Does it automatically make you a good person if you are devout and follow god's demands?

I've come to the conclusion that you don't need to be in a religion to believe in a god. Just like you don't need to be an athiest to believe in science. At least, that's how it should be...
Let me ask you all something.
If somebody came up to you saying he was the reincarnation of Jesus would you believe him? It was just some random guy on the street that looked like a mugger.
I refuse to believe something without proof. He would have to prove to me that he is the reincarnation of Jesus. Just as you would have to prove to me that God exists.
If somebody comes up to you and hands you a gun and tells you God commands you to go on a killing spree....would you do it or would you want some sort of proof?
"Suriana isn't saying, just because there IS NO proof, then that means there is a god. If you read his post before, he doesn't believe in a god(s)."


The argument from ignorance fallacy says that god may logically exist, but all logical action simultaneously requires a Burden of Proof as justification.

Therefore, if a god exists, his existence has no discernable impact on our lives, prayer does nothing and all religions and supernatural beliefs have only a one-out-of-infinity chance of being right about him.

There are, after all, an infinite number of wrong answers to any question.
Logic is used to find the right answer(s), but logic cannot be applied to supernatural beings; they defy logical analysis by definition, save for that infinitely small chance.

When your chances are infinity-to-one against, logically speaking, it is impossible to be any more wrong.

Therefore, even if god exists, he may as well not exist - because no-one one can ever be correct in their belief until and if scientific evidence exists to support it.

This same argument applies to any supernatural event.

It is a variation on the classic philisophical question "if a tree falls in a forest and nothing hears it, does it make a sound?" except with the bonus assumption that the tree is invisible and intangible in addition to being silent.

The only valid answer to that question is "who cares?".
Even if the tree exists, it doesn't exist in any relevant way.
Meanwhile, the logical assumption is that there never was a tree in the first place.

Relevance is the vitally important thing that all supernatural beliefs lack.

"No, mindless = brutish, careless, rash and doesn't necessarily imply that a person doesn't have a logical reason to kill someone else."

You definition of mindless is bizarre. Brutishness is often logically required. Carelessness likewise. Both are relative terms that could be applied to any situation. My eating a salad could be brutish to the lettuce, for example.
You're going to have to define them as applied to a specific scale of morality, with costs and benefits analyzed for any given situation.
Contrary to popular belief, morality is fully quantifiable in terms of cost/benefit relationships.

It is possible to be deliberately brutish and deliberately careless, as an outcome to a logical descision.

Irrationality (AKA rashness) however, is synonymous with illogical thought.
I'm not really tuning anything out. I already know my religion cannot be proven. I've known for a very long time. And so what? Am I not supposed to believe in a god simply because I cannot prove the existence? Why... when my faith goes on the factor that it cannot be proven, just trusted to be so?

What harm is the religion bringing to my life, other than the criticisms and possible persecutions of other people? All I see is benefit. The benefit of spiritual happiness that is granted by the practice of my religion that other people apparently don't have, or don't want to have.

Anyways... I hate to sound kind of preachy, since I'm really not.

You shouldn't believe in it not only because it can't be proven, but also because it's a deplorable mess of contradictions.

That's insanity.
You shouldn't believe in it not only because it can't be proven, but also because it's a deplorable mess of contradictions.

That's insanity.

Well then, glad you think so. People trying to pursuade me to throw down my religion gets as annoying as when you all have religious people trying to pursuade you to adopt theirs.
Okay Razaiar, let's play by your terms since you refuse to follow ours.

So let's assume that god exists exactly as you believe he does.

-What characteristic(s) does this god have?
-What law(s) do you follow?

Once you have answered those questions;

-Are these law(s) and/or characteristic(s) good or bad?


(Remember: all morality can be quantified through logical cost/benefit analysis.)
Well then, glad you think so. People trying to pursuade me to throw down my religion gets as annoying as when you all have religious people trying to pursuade you to adopt theirs.

Why? Please explain to me why you are so willing to abandon your intellect just so you can wrap yourself in the warm, comforting blanket of faith. Because it just feels good? Because you don't mind being told lies and nonsense, so long as they're in a sugar-coated tongue?
Antagonizing razaair will only make him even less willing to pursue any meaningful self-analysis.

This is why I will agree to assume, for the sake of argument, that he was able to pick the correct god off of an infinite list.

I've already assumed christianity was correct, and then subsequently proved that christians as a whole break nearly all the laws of god - using their own terms.

It is impossible to have a meaningful discussion without agreeing to set, mutual terms and standards.

So your god does exist, Razaair.

What does he do?
What does he say?
What does he want?
Why? Please explain to me why you are so willing to abandon your intellect just so you can wrap yourself in the warm, comforting blanket of faith. Because it just feels good? Because you don't mind being told lies and nonsense, so long as they're in a sugar-coated tongue?

Abandon my intellect? My intellect is still very much intact, thank you. You may think i'm foolish for my religion... and that doesn't bother me, but it has nothing to do with the other things I do in life.

And who's telling me lies? Nobody is telling me lies. They're internal if they're anything.

So your god does exist.

What does he do?
What does he say?
What does he want?

What does he do? I dunno, can't see em.

What does he say? I dunno, can't hear em.

What does he want? For me to enjoy life and be happy, and be kind to others. Has he(and I only say he as a means of labelling. I imigine god doesn't have a gender) has not told me this, but I do it anyways.

What's the problem? And my name is spelled Raziaar, Mechazilla.
Where can i get that Jedi Knight religion? Wasnt that somewhere in Australia that its now an official religion for some thousands signed up for it.
Thats a blast man. I'm hoping one day they'll officially found the "Sith" religion. lol

*Whats your name sir?
-Darth Vincent
*Yes and I'm Gabba the Butt. Allright take this guy out the back.
Abandon my intellect? My intellect is still very much intact, thank you.

Is it? You hold a lot of credence in the idea of an invisible, intangible, ill-defined, supernatural deity running things from his space castle, and you assume a lot of what it wants seeing as how you've admitted you have pretty much NO way of communicating with it. Anybody with an iota of critical thought would surely dismiss this trash.

I don't wish to imply that you're dumb, since even the most intelligent and logical people can and do fall prey to irrationalism. But your religious beliefs are.

And who's telling me lies? Nobody is telling me lies. They're internal if they're anything.

You're telling yourself lies. You're fooling yourself into believing in some magical space king against all reasonable thought, on no evidence, and who is so poorly defined that I'm not sure if you actually know what you're positing faith in, if anything.

What does he do? I dunno, can't see em.

What does he say? I dunno, can't hear em.

What does he want? For me to enjoy life and be happy, and be kind to others. Has he(and I only say he as a means of labelling. I imigine god doesn't have a gender) has not told me this, but I do it anyways.

What's the problem? And my name is spelled Raziaar, Mechazilla.

Your god is really meaningless.
"What does he want? For me to enjoy life and be happy, and be kind to others. Has he(and I only say he as a means of labelling. I imigine god doesn't have a gender) has not told me this, but I do it anyways."

Thank you for answering. That helps narrow things down.

-How did you learn his wants, given that there is no communication between you?

-What are the standards god applies to your happiness (if any exist)? i.e. would god approve if murder made you happier?