Semi Truck / Big Rig

well, this was quite a read.

Phantom was too stubborn to admit that making a 'good' Human model (animations, emotion, proportion) is actually harder than making a 'good' car model (animations and proportion, but those are found in blueprints).

Where could you go and find a good blueprint for a human lol. I suppose you could use motion capture for animation, but it still takes a good modeller to prevent funky collisions and the like.

car animations might be a little tough, but its all physics anyway.

He only praised replies that supported him. People that do that and make posts, and then proceed to get mad at critique piss me off. Of course the thread went to hell when everyone was teaming on him till he left, but the simple fact is, both types of models (ones like cars and ones like humans) are needed for a great game, and the better quality the model, the better the game. Its sad to see him go, because he could have made some kick ass vehicles for the characters that someone else could have made :(
All I wanted to do was talk about the truck model. What the hell is wrong with that? So you find nothing to critique on the model and your superiority complex is threatened. So you undercut the credibility of the object or the creator. Why not ask questions and TRY to learn something or simply enjoy the project?

And, no, I’m not going to respond to questions, assumption, or allegations. Lastly, I would think moderators (note: 2 of them) should be held to a higher standard, and not participate in such activities as insulting and badgering forum members.
I have no idea what you people are attacking phantom, I see no reason for this. He posts his work, and it's good, its not as complex as a high poly character, but where did he say "Please compare this to a character" or "Does this mean im good at character models?" You people attacked him for no damn reason. And you're acting as if modeling with nurbs is easy as cake, and it sure as hell isnt. and his models are fantasic, really great texture work too.
eyesore said:
I have no idea what you people are attacking phantom, I see no reason for this. He posts his work, and it's good, its not as complex as a high poly character, but where did he say "Please compare this to a character" or "Does this mean im good at character models?" You people attacked him for no damn reason. And you're acting as if modeling with nurbs is easy as cake, and it sure as hell isnt. and his models are fantasic, really great texture work too.
Well you see, there's this thing called an "argument," right? Okay well we were having one, and phantomdesign contributed. While doing this he acted like an ass (we did too, but that's besides the point). That's why we are attacking phantomdesign.
Yes, I know what an argument is. I also know what a douchebag is, and you sir are one.
Why was the argument started? just so you could be one.
phantom 4 words I love your modles

for those of u that dont seem to understand:




lol it's MODELS not MODLES

no offence, last week i couldn't spell SAID properly...
thats right, im not critiquing the model, but if you want me to, then id say its coming along nicely and will be a good challenge for you since u seem to mostly model concept racers. I have no problems with it.

I would agree that your models are top notch, and as i said before, both humans/characters and inanimate objects are needed in a truly immersive game.

And no, we didnt attack at all:

But i would like to see a human/alien/ichi from you, takes alot more skill to make a human than a car, and companies know that (If you wanna apply for a job).

this person stated his opinion and phantom didnt like it. The thread got off topic from that point on because people starting inserting their opinions. This happens in many threads and you shouldnt give much of a damn really. When the thread is off topic, give up. It happens all the time.

I replied to give my opinion. It still stands too. Sure, your cars are sweet, but it doesnt change my opinion.
moderators (note: 2 of them) should be held to a higher standard, and not participate in such activities as insulting and badgering forum members.

That's a pity, because we're so damn good at it
i just want to say this:

Cars do have personalities, quirks that identify them and separate them from the rest.. if you fail to capture these your models will be dull and uninspiring.

Thats what separates good modelers from incredible modelers, the ability too see and feel the personality of the subject and convey that sense into 3d.
