Spitcodfry: Gabe Email For You!!!!!!

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That would be pretty awesome if he actually got some pics of new footage or actually got to play the game.

By the way how long is he gonna be there? If the tour started at noon PST then he has been there for 37 minutes.
Originally posted by hunter-killer25
i bet gabe kills him with his crowbar

hide body in the vent...no one will ask. i mean this is GABE
Originally posted by CommieX
That would be pretty awesome if he actually got some pics of new footage or actually got to play the game.

ok i will be WOWed if he got to see some FOOTAGE (that is 20% he will see footage...) BUT PLAY THE GAME FOR A TEST.......


and i will be like GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR YAY grrrrrrrrrrr YAY
Imagine if he went there and got a shitload of pics........then on the way home Dropped the camera...:(
Get to the nearest bridge and jump BONZZiiiiiiiiiiiiii.......
then he has to jump onto crates that hang from the ceiling, which is above a BIG BLACK HOLE. (no saves)

how the hell would gabe manage that? I mean hes not the leanest meanest knife in the drawer

jks again :dozey:
Originally posted by GOoch
Imagine if he went there and got a shitload of pics........then on the way home Dropped the camera...:(
Get to the nearest bridge and jump BONZZiiiiiiiiiiiiii.......



man that would be so funny. cause if he said that to us. he would be flamed to hell! LOL and we would never believe! LOL
spitfry never shows up at the forums again.
hoax or murdered? That would be an interesting dilemma to try and figure out
Originally posted by GPRT
how the hell would gabe manage that? I mean hes not the leanest meanest knife in the drawer

jks again :dozey:

well gabe designed that part in HL1.

so i think in real life, he will press a secret button, and from the black hole a bridge will come up. with bones on it.
Originally posted by Orange
spitfry never shows up at the forums again.
hoax or murdered? That would be an interesting dilemma to try and figure out

Naw, marooned on Zen.:cheers:

Edit: Er... I mean Xen!:eek:
hahaah in ZEN! man he better watch out for the flying small head things! LOL
if he isn't back in a few hours we can assume he is either in a dumpster behind valve or he is being processed by vancouver police :)

what a great thread, all work as we know it will stop on 9/30 there will be no human contact anymore and people will lose all ability and skill. but if aliens invade...... its on :afro:
Originally posted by GOoch
Keep it real Guys ...Lets just see what he Come up with :)



PICS would be SWEET AS (he best have something so he can put on net straight away.


STORY to tell about it all


if he saw footage or even play it :GASP:


got anything from them
what a great thread, all work as we know it will stop on 9/30 there will be no human contact anymore and people will lose all ability and skill. but if aliens invade...... its on


Man You just scared the shit out of me .! What was all that about .?
Maybe otomo wants to use hl2 as a training tool for alien invasion geurilla tactics?

It could happen!
I hope Gabe tells him a little information about the release day :D and ofcourse I want to see Gabe's sexeh!!! body!!!
Originally posted by sharp
I hope Gabe tells him a little information about the release day :D and ofcourse I want to see Gabe's sexeh!!! body!!!

that was both scary and funny post! LOL

i hope we hear somethin from the release.
pics, vid, story
yea i was saying everyone is so hyped about HL2 that everything is just gonna stop when it comes out and if a portal from zen opens up and a head crab jumps out everyone will know what to do :)

grab a crowbar , sorry for the confusion haha

This is the thread that never ends!
Yes it goes on and on my friends!
At 9:00 I started reading it not knowing what it was,
And now I keep on posting/reading just because

(repeat, ad nauseum)

yeah, pictures would be cool especially if they are from completly different parts of the game, which we hav not seen yet

like the intro :bounce:
Man, I'm gonna have to wait till tomorrow to read what happened... I've got the entire evening already planned out!!

i want to see pics of the offices and the computer setups they use, i bet its like one big little party in there, with a big mess and a bunch of comp nerdsd hunched over computers with heaps of pizza and soda boxes lying about
Originally posted by Dr. Freeman
sheeeeeesh :p

this must be the fastest growing thread in internet history!
good god, 21 pages already?! :eek:

Nah, this forum managed to rack up a 190-ish (I think) page thread overnight a few days ago. Quite astonishing.
Originally posted by Vash
Man, I'm gonna have to wait till tomorrow to read what happened... I've got the entire evening already planned out!!


change your schedule to eat, forum, bathroom, forum, sleep, forum
Originally posted by crumbles
Folks who are able and who have the tools should set this up asap. Get the man some server space set up in advance. ICQ spit, make sure it is for real, for real (sorry spit, but you COULD be pulling a beautiful prank on us) before you expend time effort and bandwidth, then clear out a patch so he can get it up and to us asap.


SPITCODFRY: I can offer you free image/video hosting with unlimited bandwidth, just send me an email with the subject "Spitcodfry" to [email protected] and I'll set you up.
Originally posted by poseyjmac
change your schedule to eat, forum, bathroom, forum, sleep, forum

Scrap eating, shiting and sleeping.... forum 24/7 now.
Originally posted by Vash
Man, I'm gonna have to wait till tomorrow to read what happened... I've got the entire evening already planned out!!


Its 22:00 here, and i'll only know anything at about 14:00 tomorrow, because of school ;(
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