Spitcodfry's trip to valve

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Originally posted by Joeyslucky22
It suprised me..

Gabe Newell I think looks like... robin williams..... HE DOES! just a little bigger.
He looks a lot like my friend... heh. My friend has longer hair tho, and is a younger + not big guy that can tear some one a new asshole.
Damn, GJ man. You're the man.

Erik J kind of looks like John Ritter in a way.
Wow, really cool man, thanks!

And the HDR thread was MUCH faster. literally over 40 replys a minute, 110 pages in a few hours. it grey 60 pages in the time it took me to eat dinner....

but this thread isn't a spamfest...
not to take anything away from this forum or your adventure spitcodfry, but i have started a 'mirror thread' if you will, about this at the GameSpot forums

great job spit! one question, when you wrote: "He did say though that they will be making a gold announcement, and that they won't just send it to retailers on the 30th without prior notice to the public."

did gabe actually mention the 30th in his statement, or did you assume that was the date he meant? if Gabe actually said the 30th, then i think Valve has every intention of releasing the 30th. if he didnt say the 30th, but said something like "they won't just send it to retailers on the *release date* without prior notice to the public." that would be different. but the fact that he still refers to the 30th as the date in every comment about the release date makes me think it will indeed be out the 30th
gambone, if you said "we'll see" to someone asking you a question, what would you mean?
It's easy.

Now spit, even though you might not have gotten alot of new info, it must've been great for you to meet gabe and the rest..
Further, it was a very good read, and the pictures were good.
So, you're probably one of the very few outsiders who's been in there :D
amazing. absolutely amazing. i wish i lived in washington...

you had gabe newell's arm around you... hahaha, what if he went 'yeah, if you want, you can just have that old crowbar statue.'

man.. those new pics of the concept art are excellent. wonderful job, praises to you my friend.

Valve is by far one of the best companies I have ever seen, and this just makes them all the better.

Congratulations Spitcodfry. Good to know you had a great time.
Thank you for the pictures and for making my day.

Take it easy.

(I didn't do my homework either :o)
Originally posted by Gambone
not to take anything away from this forum or your adventure spitcodfry, but i have started a 'mirror thread' if you will, about this at the GameSpot forums

great job spit! one question, when you wrote: "He did say though that they will be making a gold announcement, and that they won't just send it to retailers on the 30th without prior notice to the public."

did gabe actually mention the 30th in his statement, or did you assume that was the date he meant? if Gabe actually said the 30th, then i think Valve has every intention of releasing the 30th. if he didnt say the 30th, but said something like "they won't just send it to retailers on the *release date* without prior notice to the public." that would be different. but the fact that he still refers to the 30th as the date in every comment about the release date makes me think it will indeed be out the 30th

It's my opinion that it will still make it by the 30th...Gabe did not insinuate in any way as to the release date
Wow. Spit, great, great job. You are one lucky guy.

Great photos, great reportage, great job all around.


Valve is not jerking us around.

They will post a gone gold announcement, not spring it on everybody as a surprise.

They are very nearly final finished. If its late, it will be late by a few days, maybe a week or so.

Respect to valve, Gabe and the gang. Respect to you, Spit, for having the iron stones and monkey curiousity to go on a mad dash.

You and Erik could be brothers!


rhymes with humbles.
Originally posted by crumbles
Wow. Spit, great, great job. You are one lucky guy.

Great photos, great reportage, great job all around.


Valve is not jerking us around.

They will post a gone gold announcement, not spring it on everybody as a surprise.

They are very nearly final finished. If its late, it will be late by a few days, maybe a week or so.

Respect to valve, Gabe and the gang. Respect to you, Spit, for having the iron stones and monkey curiousity to go on a mad dash.

You and Erik could be brothers!


rhymes with humbles.

Thanks crumbles...I appreciate it
Originally posted by spitcodfry
Bout 30-45 minutes...one thing I gotta mention, one of the employees I met asked Gabe if this was the 'really cool tour' or the boring tour. Gabe laughed and replied something along the lines of "Well you're on it, aren't you?"

LOL! Gabe is so funny.
May I be the one out of a thousand to congratulate you on your trip. You certainly made the day of many people.

AND you made PHL, so those guys there must be green with envy.

Proof that HL2.net is the best!

And you are one of the luckiest son of a cow i know!
Anybody ever think of this....

It may have gone gold... And Valve will tell us a day before the game comes out that it went gold 2 weeks ago?

Not likely but it'd be funny.
Originally posted by GLMinorThreat
Anybody ever think of this....

It may have gone gold... And Valve will tell us a day before the game comes out that it went gold 2 weeks ago?

Not likely but it'd be funny.

heh, that'd be interesting. But, I highly doubt it will hit the 9/30 release date. Thats just my opinion.
Originally posted by spitcodfry
LOL that's hilarious shapeshifter...whoever did that is a genious

yea my top 3 web comics I view in this order are, penny arcade, ctrl alt delete and warbucket.
i love you, i just found out why i haven't killed myself yet
Hey the info isn't bad either, we will hear from them when it goes gold. But since they are apparently still working on the game it seems doubtful that they will make a Sept 30th date. :|

*eats Mr_Bond's hat*
Uhh someone said a little about this before but anyway that monster shown above the hydra concept art is called the kingpin. It was originally going to be in Half-Life but got cut. Either due to time like flying the apache or because it stoped making sense with the story line I'm not sure which. You can still find the model in the pak file.
Originally posted by Kuros
Hey the info isn't bad either, we will hear from them when it goes gold. But since they are apparently still working on the game it seems doubtful that they will make a Sept 30th date. :|

*eats Mr_Bond's hat*

Yeah maybe but I don't think any delay would be that long because they seem to just be finishing up. I mean, if they were going to delay the game till November they'd probably have more people working on it, instead of 2.

A month delay would mean that they had a lot more to do instead of one working out a bug with the water and one playing with a Combine Soldier.

If you visited Valve in the days prior to Half-Life 1 going gold, you'd have seen two programmers working on Half-Life 1 (Mike Harrington and Yahn). And they were trying to solve a bug with the multiplayer servers (something I would've thought would have been fixed long before the week before Gold).

I just think that Valve are slightly late in going gold.
for those who dont know how or dont feel like it, here are some shots of the model from the pak file.


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Yeuch! The Kingpin is going to look very slimy and disturbing if it appears in HL2, that's for sure! :) Especially with DirectX 9 effects.

Sounds like you had a good time...I was there earlier last month on a visit..I am an artists from the Sven Co-Op team. Ended up going there 3 different times...The second time me, my friend, Yahn, and Erik went to a Japaneese restaraunt about a block down the street...Good stuff...Then the 3rd time, Gabe and Doug took us to the Steakhouse on the top floor of the building.....Very tasty food!

Valve rocks! The guys there Rock! Not much else to say...It was fun, we got to see some new stuff being developed, of which I can't say at the moment...Or they said they would kill me ;)

I hope to go back there someday in the near future!

Sven Co-Op Artist
Originally posted by JPowers
Sounds like you had a good time...I was there earlier last month on a visit..I am an artists from the Sven Co-Op team. Ended up going there 3 different times...The second time me, my friend, Yahn, and Erik went to a Japaneese restaraunt about a block down the street...Good stuff...Then the 3rd time, Gabe and Doug took us to the Steakhouse on the top floor of the building.....Very tasty food!

Valve rocks! The guys there Rock! Not much else to say...It was fun, we got to see some new stuff being developed, of which I can't say at the moment...Or they said they would kill me ;)

I hope to go back there someday in the near future!

Sven Co-Op Artist

Yeah they really couldn't have been kinder...truly gaming gods
WoW! you are so lucky Spitcodfry, you got to meet Gabe :D
and GW with the picks.
VAVLe are the best people in the world haha :D
Damn man!!! YOu got to meat the "Ultimate Gaming Crew" as i call valves Crew =) that is just so cool... i would almost do anything to be standning next to gabe like you did! Your heart must have gone to heaven...
Great job, I knew you could do it! Valve is a cool company to take time out this close to HL2 release to give you a tour.

Not to mention we found out they will announce the gold date.
Spitcod, u are one lucky !@#$%^&* ;)

i also think that Spit should get a custom title.. and i have a good one for him.. how about "Halflife2 Celebrity" ? hehe

or "middle name is Lucky 7" for being the luckiest HL fan to get a tour and all.. :p

Spit, awesome job dude with the tour. pics and narration of how this all happened.. its really eye popping to see and read about how a fan gets treated well by Valve :)

Originally posted by spitcodfry Now that I think about it though, I believe Gabe told me that today was the first day that they got 10,000 people on Steam working.

okay, i did read carefully about u asking Gabe about the delay and making the 9/30 date, but this above quote from u shows that Steam is clearly not ready for a HL2 release.. i mentioned this a few days ago in 2 other threads and ur quote only tells me that its more of a Steam that HL2 may get delayed then anything else at this point.

at September 17th, if they are just hitting the 10,000 user mark, how fast do u guys think they can handle 20,000? 30,000? 50,000 users?

because thats only a bad guess to number of pple that will be trying to access Steam and MP the day HL2 is released..

anyway, i don't want this thread turning to a delay thread, this is Spitcod's and Valve's moment :thumbs: :thumbs:
Beautiful post, thank you for having the gumption to do this, and thanks to Gabe himself for making it possible!
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