Striders - can be killed

Cknock off his legs, shot with a rocket, and shoot away with gravity gun if we have it :) Or shoot him with the flame gun(or how it names)
I still reckon you get to use those mines that were in the video that sucked the power from Gordons buggy (rollermines?) to take out some striders, they would be kinda like snarks from HL1 (a fire and forget weapon).
:dozey: Just got off the phone with a Valve developer. He told me in order to kill a Strider is to hump it's legs until you hump its legs so much that they break.
You combine the rubber chicken with the pully, then you can get on the other side of the mean kill the strider..

I play to much Monkey Island.
They look all technical underneath, a lot like the Gunship.

My opinions.

1. Crap loada rockets
2. Toppling it with a large object with the manipulator. (Nearly got them with a chest of drawers in "Striders.bnk"
3. Some kind of EMP or electrical surge.
You have to create a whole society underground and let the striders die from a common cold.
I reckon a nicely placed rocket at the knee joint should do the jobbie.....the thing topples over - then you can shoot the shit out of it whilst it lies flapping around like a bug with its legs in the air!!

I reckon you could also just run into its legs at full pelt with whatever vehicle is handy at the time.

I'd love to kill a strider by wrapping a cable around it's legs and tipping it over, just like the AT-AT walkers in The Empire Strikes Back.
RoguePsi said:
Mines? Or is that too much of a reasonable guess?

Rollermines? The ones that slow down and make you lose control of the vehicle? I thought about that. But i dont see any rollermines in any of the Strider vids.
Would be really cool if you could stand in front of it & kill the pilot by shooting him through the pipe of the cannon it has up front :)
SimonomiS said:
Rollermines? The ones that slow down and make you lose control of the vehicle? I thought about that. But i dont see any rollermines in any of the Strider vids.

No. Just normal mines. Perhaps something a little more potent. I don't see the rollermines being used in urban environments.
Well, they wouldn't show how to beat it in the video's, since they want you to figure it out when playing.

:) So just do everything you didn't see them do in the vid's.
ie run away screaming for your life instead of watching it discombolulate you.
climb up the legs, open the hatch (if there is one) throw down a grenade, jump down, kaboom...
You bombard the strider with large amount of spam. Spam consisting of stupidity and very bad jokes like what happened to this topic.
obiwanquinobi said:
Will Gordon have enough room in his inventory for a cattle grid?? ;)

gordon wouldnt carry them, they would be in the roads
Dedatorv said:
You bombard the strider with large amount of spam. Spam consisting of stupidity and very bad jokes like what happened to this topic.

Lets add 'over sensitive killjoy' spam to that list whilst were on eh?
guchi said:
climb up the legs, open the hatch (if there is one) throw down a grenade, jump down, kaboom...

Would that "kaboom" also be the sound of your knee and many other joints exploding as u hit the ground? Those things are tall!

I'd like to just beat the strider up with rockets and bullets and anything else i have on me. I've only found out today that you could defeat the behemoth monster (the one that has the firey hands and hot foot) by using your weapons.

imo, it's highly probable they'll be multiple ways of taking out a strider.

Physics - blowing up destructable scenerey. Occasionally with the help of the manipulater.
Ballistics - gun 'em down, explosives, bullets, mines, whatever.
Electrics - electric shock, and as someone said before, emp (if this thing really is a machine).

About hitting its legs with a rpg, i have got to ask you people "are you mad!" What about other strider fighters in the area? What if your rocket misses those thin strider legs and ends up blasting away half of your homies?! Did you ever think about that!!!
Esquire said:
Would that "kaboom" also be the sound of your knee and many other joints exploding as u hit the ground? Those things are tall!

I'd like to just beat the strider up with rockets and bullets and anything else i have on me. I've only found out today that you could defeat the behemoth monster (the one that has the firey hands and hot foot) by using your weapons.

imo, it's highly probable they'll be multiple ways of taking out a strider.

Physics - blowing up destructable scenerey. Occasionally with the help of the manipulater.
Ballistics - gun 'em down, explosives, bullets, mines, whatever.
Electrics - electric shock, and as someone said before, emp (if this thing really is a machine).

About hitting its legs with a rpg, i have got to ask you people "are you mad!" What about other strider fighters in the area? What if your rocket misses those thin strider legs and ends up blasting away half of your homies?! Did you ever think about that!!!
You mean the gargantuan? If you can that is awsome, I thought the whole thing was scripted so he dies.
nooo, use lots and lots of explosives and he'll buckle, he is a shit though and tends to resist HL when you meet the one that you airstrike the first time i hid in a doorway and just shot him and nuked him until all my ammo was gone, he died...then i learned there was another way...
i have a question for someone who has played the leak. can you play the strider sequence from last years e3? im just wondering because it didnt seem like anyone who played it came in this thread and told us exactly what you have to do, which would suck because thats a big spoiler.
kaf11 said:
i have a question for someone who has played the leak. can you play the strider sequence from last years e3? im just wondering because it didnt seem like anyone who played it came in this thread and told us exactly what you have to do, which would suck because thats a big spoiler.
You could play around in city 17 except you were all on your own. There were a few parts with combine enemies but that was it. There was last years and this years strider parts in there but no striders were present. Last years E3 strider part did have a strider but it didnt move or shoot...
Simple: Blast away his legs and then finish him off with your crowbar... :sniper:
This is probably the 20th thread theres been on how to kill a strider...but in almost every single one people come up with new ways to kill one. Its interesting. :smoking:
Feed the strider viagra (somehow!) and when its legs stiffen up, you just push it over and it's helpless!!
Brian Damage said:
A Giant Can Of Morteen...
Don't you mean MIAK? You buy a carton of this stuff, run at it screaming "Bet you didn't think I could find any this time of year, did 'ya? NOW EAT MIAK AND DIE!!!!!" and throw it.

Anyone remember Ernest Saves Christmas? :O
The Mistress said:
You combine the rubber chicken with the pully, then you can get on the other side of the mean kill the strider..

I play to much Monkey Island.

Or maybe you have to go on a boat to the strider's hideout and pass that rubber chicken to Gordon from the future?
Well really, I think that they will be one of the bosses, ones you need to run from untill a certain point in the game where you find a way to beat them, like HL1s big blue bug things.
LOL ... offcourse striders can be killed! how stupid would valve be, to put in undistructable enemy's to totally unbalance the game.

stupidity is still at large.. "OMG striders didn't die in demo video.. omg they are indistructable!! OMG!! -_- This community is great!