Striders - can be killed

Esquire said:

Someone email Valve about that. I would if i could.
Heh, my connection dropped while I was posting, seems like it's ok now.
ok, i watched those damn videos again looking for something, erm, openable on strider's head...there's something there that looks like a "weak" spot, manhole or whatever there actually (no wonder everyone in the videos shooting strider's head and not legs or, omg, it's muscles...i wonder if they have a stomach disorder sometimes or something)...maybe even no jumping on it's head required, you just have to be above to shoot it right there but still i hope for some sick action of can-opening it's head (yeah right, with a crowbar...actually, "use" key or something will do) and...well, you know the procedure
tron said:
after you collect 66 souls, you become an all-powerful demon temporarily, and during this time you can kill striders.

bahahahahahahaaha omg still laughing roflmao... HAHAHA!

single greatest thing i have read this entire month.
well after 50 or more rocket loucher shots, everything must die...

maybe striders will survive...
I'm sure this re-hashes a re-hash of a re-hash, but I also would prefer that the Striders be biomechanical monsters, and not "vehicles" of some sort. I presume they are creatures supplied by the "benefactor aliens" to fight the rebels. The Dr. supplies the troops, the aliens supply the "tanks"....

Have we ever seen Striders fight in combination with Combine soldiers at all? I don't think so AFAIK. I wonder if that's because they will fire on any humanoid they see... that'd be an interesting aspect if true.

I am not sure if jumping on top of a Strider and shooting/crowbarring something is the answer. Seems too hard to do given how much they move around, and besides that, if another Strider were around wouldn't it try to shoot you off the top of the other one with its secondary weapon? If over a dozen rockets don't take it down I doubt the rapid-fire Strider weapon would hurt the other Strider - kind of like a tank machine gunning another tank that has guys making trouble on top of it....
Just turn off your monitor, if you cant see it than it cant see you.

And that's when you sneak up on the bastard and caboom!
I know, how about we get trick them into shooting each other? I reckon it could work, if you were fast enough...

Oh, and in the newer E3 trailer we can see a Strider on patrol walking right past what looks like a Combine checkpoint, complete with APC and Metrocops...
Brian Damage said:
I know, how about we get trick them into shooting each other? I reckon it could work, if you were fast enough...

Oh, and in the newer E3 trailer we can see a Strider on patrol walking right past what looks like a Combine checkpoint, complete with APC and Metrocops...
Ah yes, forgot about that - so I guess they're not as mindless as I had hoped. ;)
Actually i did noticed a weakness.

In the Striders bink video you see gorden use the manupulator to shoot a large drawer or box or something, and fired at the strider, you can see it almost lost balance and fell down, so what i think is that we need something bigger and heavier like a large stone block or piece of heavy metal/wood.
There's a weight limit on what the manipulator can pick up though.
I think driving a vehicle full speed straight into one of it's legs might have an effect.

btw, welcome to the forums.
This has probably been said earlier, but perhaps when the strider is using its main weapon (vapouriser) perhaps the weapon becomes its weak spot, and when fired at explodes and kills the Strider.