Striders - can be killed

They could be a tool purely for moving the player on through areas that could cause stagnation in the flow of the be honest i doubt it.

Kill them all.
I bet there will be traps made by the resistance wich allow you to kill 'em.
Cheese graters - put lots on the floor around the strider and run around in circles, it'll walk on them until it's legs have become so ground down that it's just the top part, then you whip out the manipulator, chuck it in a oven, 4 hours at 240 degrees C, and voila, Strider a la Gordon.

What a disappointment. I thought they were serving as secondary lamp posts the entire time.
Well, taking an idea from Ernest saves Halloween (or something): The answer is milk...milk or love....I forget...

Of course, maybe Gordon is related more to Sonic than to Mario, so maybe you have to hit him 8 times...that way Dr. Robotnik detaches from the strider legs and flies meet the G-Man!'s flawless!
Brian Damage said:
Never heard of "MIAK". Morteen's a bug spray.
Hahaha, sorry that was just me going off the deep end again. :p Never heard of Morteen in Canada...

Like UltimaGecko said above, it's just some vague reference to an Ernest movie. He's supposed to get MILK and throw it at the monster, but since the word was missing the "L" he thought it was this weird European food or something called "Miak" instead! :dork:

How about this idea: A giant deadfall trap 200 ft deep with tungsten carbide spikes in it? :E
Esquire said:
Would that "kaboom" also be the sound of your knee and many other joints exploding as u hit the ground? Those things are tall!
Well if could be possible to throw in a grenade & the njump down & grab one of the legs & swing your arms & legs around it :E And then jump off when it starts falling (preferrably when the legs are close to the ground). Could work!
Jump on top, machine gun a small hole in its head, drop in grenade, jump off, BOOM,
In a Starship Troopers stylee.

Best line: "They sucked out his brains..."
All in the delivery.
el Chi said:
Jump on top, machine gun a small hole in its head, drop in grenade, jump off, BOOM,
In a Starship Troopers stylee.

Best line: "They sucked out his brains..."
All in the delivery.
As said before, the height might be a problem.
knock over a semi-trailer loaded with logs, and trip it..... ala ROJ style.
I'm kind of doubting it can be tripped, the ends of the legs have to be piercing into the ground.
I'm kind of doubting it can be tripped, the ends of the legs have to be piercing into the ground.

that would be even cooler if its legs pierce the ground, it'd be awesome to see cement crack realistically everytime its legs came down.
the way to kill a strider is......whit another strider
Impulse147 said:
rico had no problem dealing with the bomber bugs height.
Don't remember if their heights are similar but Rico was a Space Marine (something Gordon do not have the training for afaik. Rico seemed much more developed physically as well) plus the fact that ST is a Hollywood-flick.
Alec_85 said:
Don't remember if their heights are similar but Rico was a Space Marine (something Gordon do not have the training for afaik. Rico seemed much more developed physically as well) plus the fact that ST is a Hollywood-flick.
Woo-woo! Here comes the clue train! 'twas a joke. I very much doubt that's what you'd have to do.
And besides, when Rico jumped onto that HUGE bug, he did it from a vantage point.
el Chi said:
Woo-woo! Here comes the clue train! 'twas a joke. I very much doubt that's what you'd have to do.
And besides, when Rico jumped onto that HUGE bug, he did it from a vantage point.
:p No I doubt it too but it would be cool even though it would require legs & arms which clearly Gordon do not have (well no legs anyway). About the ST thingie, I thought he meant, when he jumped off it not onto. Anyway, we'll just have to wait and see! Good answer eh? ;)
Well, The best way to kill a strider will probably be slowly eroding it's self-esteem with painful insults and a bandoleer full of hateful epithets. Eventually, after years of this emotional abuse the strider will start to drown his sorrows in alchohol and hard drugs. Finally, maybe 5-10 years after that, he will OD on some INSANE heroin/crack/guano mix and finally die...

Or... just :sniper: the f*ker :E
Well, The best way to kill a strider will probably be slowly eroding it's self-esteem with painful insults and a bandoleer full of hateful epithets. Eventually, after years of this emotional abuse the strider will start to drown his sorrows in alchohol and hard drugs. Finally, maybe 5-10 years after that, he will OD on some INSANE heroin/crack/guano mix and finally die...

imagine if this was true.
In order to kill it you must first setup a trip wire, get it to follow you once it falls down you hack the hell out of it with the old crowbar.
UrbanLeonard said:
Ok give him a condom and a paperclip
...I think he will still poke somthing out but it won't be his eye.... :eek:
Yea! My first ever quotes in a forum! Pity I hadn't said anything funny, deep, or informative. Going to bed now - 5:50 here in Bath (UK)
Maybe the weather will kill the Striders...
It is Eastern Europe, if Hitlers tanks could not beat the snow, then what chance do walking tripods have?
erm, how about using some logic? we all know strider has a pilot so if you cannot kill the machine - kill the damn pilot and machine will follow, easy and been prooved like 100 years ago for the 1st time hehe
Foxtrot said:
...I think he will still poke somthing out but it won't be his eye.... :eek:

well then give macgyver a cardboard box and a half of a spoon and he could make a neuclear reactor! thus blowing it up to kill the strider
maybe he means killed in set pieces.

Think about it, how do you up the tempo of the game? A near invincible alien that has a devestatingly destructive weapon and can just step over stuff to go/come from where the player can't. This keeps the player from hanging around certain areas, makes him move and seek cover and adds a "franticness" to battle scenes. If Striders could be killed then the player might get into the pattern of "kill everything in the area, move on to the next, kill everything, move on", which is repetative and boring and tends to spoil the atmosphere, worse, the humans could decisively win the skirmish by chance one time, and the player would be left with a private army.

I think they can be killed therefore, but not by "normal" means (gargantuan), or only at certain times (gonarch).

which area of Bath are you from UrbanLeonard?
Well I'll try my own tactics.
I will turn my back on it, and if I ignore it long enough, it'll just leave.

I think they can be killed by normal ways and special ways (garg, tentacle) but it can take a looooot of punishment. (maybe say, 10 rockets and if hl1 is an indication, you will never have that many rockets.) What andy said makes sense as to the purpose of the striders
Off topic sorry but combe down til wednesday then oldfield park.

Sorry should have pm'd that, gtg now though Andy
mannequin said:
erm, how about using some logic? we all know strider has a pilot so if you cannot kill the machine - kill the damn pilot and machine will follow, easy and been prooved like 100 years ago for the 1st time hehe
We know a Strider has a pilot? Do you think scanners and manhacks have a pilot too? If they do good luck finding them.
I really don't think it has a pilot. I think it's a highly intelligent bot.
dura said:
Who said they can't have remote pilots?
Exactly what I was thinking, but good luck finding him/her/it. If you do it is probably in some high security combine base.
Foxtrot said:
We know a Strider has a pilot? Do you think scanners and manhacks have a pilot too? If they do good luck finding them.

of course they don't 'cause they are small automatic robots programmed for doing that or this particular task but striders are completely different story and it's been confirmed that they have pilot "inside" them. the only place to have pilot in is the "head" of a strider so the only way to kill that guy is to get on strider's head somehow (roofs, elevators, whatever) and shoot/throw granade inside. i don't think you can bring them down just by shooting at them unless you can damage the pilot from outside somehow. plain logic here.