Striders - can be killed

mannequin said:
of course they don't 'cause they are small automatic robots programmed for doing that or this particular task but striders are completely different story and it's been confirmed that they have pilot "inside" them. the only place to have pilot in is the "head" of a strider so the only way to kill that guy is to get on strider's head somehow (roofs, elevators, whatever) and shoot/throw granade inside. i don't think you can bring them down just by shooting at them unless you can damage the pilot from outside somehow. plain logic here.
Where has it been confirmed that they have a pilot in them? If this has been confirmed in the leaked build don't even bother telling me.
Foxtrot said:
Where has it been confirmed that they have a pilot in them? If this has been confirmed in the leaked build don't even bother telling me.

i've never played the leaked build, i base all my conclusions on information from official sources and i clearly remember reading somewhere (will try to find it now) that they have a pilot inside them and again, switching on logic, striders are driveable (not in the game but source engine lets you do that, we all know that, developers implemented this feature for their own amusement) so that can only mean that you literally get inside it and drive it like a tank or a car which leads us again to my earlier conclusion that every strider is piloted by someone inside it and i'm quite sure that's the way to kill it.
I'm looking forward to seeing if it can get up again after falling down.
mannequin said:
i've never played the leaked build, i base all my conclusions on information from official sources and i clearly remember reading somewhere (will try to find it now) that they have a pilot inside them and again, switching on logic, striders are driveable (not in the game but source engine lets you do that, we all know that, developers implemented this feature for their own amusement) so that can only mean that you literally get inside it and drive it like a tank or a car which leads us again to my earlier conclusion that every strider is piloted by someone inside it and i'm quite sure that's the way to kill it.

Well, if I remember correctly, Gabe said the THINK to put a pilot in there (and by this make it maybe even controllable)...
jonbob said:
I'm looking forward to seeing if it can get up again after falling down.

i highly doubt it but i just realized two more things: in one of the videos Gordon carries similar weapon that strider uses (laser canon?)--prolly you can dismout that shit or something after striders falls down. 2nd thing--if they are piloted by someone i think at some point they can be on your side and fight for opposing force.
AJ Rimmer said:
Well I'll try my own tactics.
I will turn my back on it, and if I ignore it long enough, it'll just leave.

I think they can be killed by normal ways and special ways (garg, tentacle) but it can take a looooot of punishment. (maybe say, 10 rockets and if hl1 is an indication, you will never have that many rockets.) What andy said makes sense as to the purpose of the striders

I think a more reasonable way is to get it's legs stuck somehow. I mean, maybe if I stand on a car or something, and it will try to pin me down, I can move quick enough, so that it will pin the car...
Maybe this way it'll be stuck and vulnerable.

BTW, what about that laser thing it has, is there any way to use that against it's own strider?
I feel extremely doubtful that they have a pilot. The only source that I've heard they have a pilot from is the generic (And most likely incorrect) PC Gamer reviews, and they think that the Striders are driveable/have pilots because they misinterpreted an eMail from VALVe posted on this site. The eMail stated that VALVe fiddled around with a driveable Strider for fun and to test how legged vehicles would work in Source...

Note that this does not mean that they have a pilot, either. Valve probably just had the player's view switch to a point 50 feet above the ground.
ok, another theory. strider is combine--genetically or whatever modified lifeform (human?) that now carries qualities of 2 species (alien and human?) and it's biomechanical as we know it so maybe strider is "built" around human so it does have a "pilot" inside but he/she is the part of the whole mechanism and someone from outside cannot just "ride" it yes but still, you have to kill that "pilot-brain" to bring it down nevertheless
Hmm, it would be good to just hop onto the striders head and kill it from up there.

Remember in the Striders bink? Gordon started from a rooftop. If he didnt get on the lift and instead went to the opposite side he might have been able to jump onto the head of the strider that appeared later on.

About Striders having pilots.. I'll say no, i disagree. Look animalistic to me.
mannequin: Now there's a theory... I'm pretty sure Striders are biomechs... So maybe they're actually a form of biomechanical suit operating on a similar principle to the alien suits in Independence Day? Could be... Although I'd say it'd have to be permanent...
couldnt you just drive an APC or something into its legs? striders have only got 3 legs right? all you have to do is make one of em useless and its down.

whether they can get up is another thing. you might have to do some zelda style stuff... knock it over then give it a good beating with your crowbar while its down till it gets up when you do the same.
i don't reckon it has a pilot in the slightest! They are way too organic looking for that, there was just loads of confusion over the fact Valve made one contreollable to be fiendish with.
I personally still think they're biomechanical beasties, but you must admit, the "Strider is a biomechanical extension of/grafted to the human body" idea sounds interesting...
could be interesting if you think of it as somehting like a in the normal troops are modified and then som eare really taken to bits. But the flying things seem too biomechanical while being a single being.
whatever happened to the idea of hitting its so called g-spot and killing it?
just watched e2 2004 video again, striders of them when badly hurt runs away? to move faster he lowers it's head and bends it's legs looking more like a crab then a walking squid which makes it easier to jump on his head from somewhere. anyway, i'm still pretty sure you cannot damage his outer body (cripple it's legs, crowbar it's toes, etc) and it's biomechanical 'aight, i never doubt that but i still insist on human factor or whatever left of it inside strider's head here
Rupertvdb said:
could be interesting if you think of it as somehting like a in the normal troops are modified and then som eare really taken to bits. But the flying things seem too biomechanical while being a single being.

it is COMBINE (it's a confirmed fact), the only question is: will you be able to see something like human a figure inside his head or it's gonna be some bio mess
maybe you use and some of ur allies get about 10 manipulators and bring it down using that, i mean its some kind of metal right?
sorry i forgot, it wasn't a magnet. but if one of those thing can pull a 120 pound space heater off the wall, then i'm sure 10 could take a down a strider.
take a picture of it, show it to him, and he will think you stole his soul. He wont put up much more fight after that :naughty:
Andes said:
No beta discussion please.

Mate: You really really shouldnt be talking about things you have seen in the beta. Its not something we tend to do here. We are very concerned with keeping as much of the game secret as is physicaly possible. :)
I'd expect simply throwing a car, or something, at one of it's legs, with all your power, could knock it off one leg long enough for you to do the same to another leg.

Man, I want to fight a strider.
sk1llfatal said:
ok seriously now, you have to jump on its head!
Sounds reasonable, but once there, exactly how do you kill it? Maybe try and throw it out of balance somehow.
do you guys read what i write? hehe judging from all videos you cannot damage strider's outer body, especially throw it out of balance since it has a very stable construction and way to jump on it's head and kill whatever inside--human figure or brainlike bio mess--seems like the most reasonable solution here. i think it either has a weak spot which you can shoot through on it's head or, if HL2 is a really fokkin amazing bestgameever, there should be some sort of a manhole, like a tank has, that you should open and kill whatever inside.
mannequin said:
do you guys read what i write? hehe judging from all videos you cannot damage strider's outer body, especially throw it out of balance since it has a very stable construction and way to jump on it's head and kill whatever inside--human figure or brainlike bio mess--seems like the most reasonable solution here. i think it either has a weak spot which you can shoot through on it's head or, if HL2 is a really fokkin amazing bestgameever, there should be some sort of a manhole, like a tank has, that you should open and kill whatever inside.

If it's a biomech, maybe you can shoot away it's leg muscles?
you jump on it and deactivate the shields/eject something as far as i could see.
kangy id you see the movies? muscles?? hellooo?
The close up shots we have of it make it look like it's got little white bands of muscle in its leg joints.

I could see 2 possible places you could shoot at places that look soft and tender. If you look just above the ends of the legs, you can see black bubble material. If you shot there, it might be soft and tender, and could knock out that leg. Also, as Brian says, the white strands.
You cannot knock the Strider out of balance!!!

The physics for npcs in the game arent turned on until they die, that has been confirmed already. So you cant throw a strider off balance by driving into it or whatever.

THOUGH, if the strider was near death, and the collision of your vehicle hitting the strider's legs was enough to kill it, then i imagine it would be quite an awesome death animation as the energy provided by the collision would send the strider spinning in the air for a split second. Should be pretty funny to see one die with its twiggy legs and all.

The striders are defeatable. We see one flinch at 10mins40secs into the E32004 video. It looks like it's about to collapse when its legs wobble, but it stands up straight again.

The Strider's legs aren't that weak anyway. We see a Strider kick a vehicle away about 10mins36secs into the E32004 video.
I wonder if that confirmation was meant to include Striders/Gunships and other vehicular type enemies. No way of knowing really.
Brian Damage said:
The close up shots we have of it make it look like it's got little white bands of muscle in its leg joints.

Those are look more like ligaments to me. Ligaments connect bone after all Doesn't look like there is any muscle on the strider.

Strider appears to have a ball and socket joint for each leg at the head of the strider joining the femur and the head. Then a hinge joint connecting the femur and the tibia of each leg.

Eejit said:


Someone email Valve about that. I would if i could.
I think there may be a difference between switching on ragdolls for objects, and having physics affect them...
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