Strife Lately 1+2

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If we wanted to let you have snow we would have nuked Iraq and let the nuclear winter drift south to you!

EDIT: south and east I suppose.
Holy hell i got 2 baskets of candies for christmas. Just looking at them gives me headache.
How tragic to think that I would suffer such a fate as to play the role of the girl who has not been given enough wine! I lie on my back and raise my hands above my head to study the silhouette, thinking nothing but how much I'd like to have another glass of wine and how much I'd like to be able to speak Latin. I cannot think of old forgotten tongues slurred and drowned in alcohol without feeling a bit warmer, as if in response to the touch of a young man who left some time ago. I think with the kind of earnesty that I've been pouring into every statement and sentiment, civilizations can be reduced to ruins. The oceans will give way to raw, consummate power; continents will bend and buckle under the unspeakable burden. There is nothing capable of stopping us now. Give me more wine.
Remember that old saying?

Carpe vino!
I feel that it is especially fitting.

Cum means with in latin.
I wish I spoke latin :(
I do, I've got time to spare anywOH GOD MY POEM ISN'T DONE AND I HAVE 40 MINUTES TO FINISH IT
If I wait too long, that will be true.

I've got 10 minutes to write 5 lines. Hate writer's block. HATE.


Now for the very last step: make a pair of lobsterclaw-shaped mittens for a teddy bear, out of glue and red wrapping paper. SHUT UP
If I wait too long, that will be true.

I've got 10 minutes to write 5 lines. Hate writer's block. HATE.


Now for the very last step: make a pair of lobsterclaw-shaped mittens for a teddy bear, out of glue and red wrapping paper. SHUT UP

Women aren't worth it.
I have no experience.

Therefore I am unbiased.

Therefore my opinion is greater than all of yours.
Women aren't worthy of their own genitals.

That is why my work will never be complete.
I'm moving to another country in a few hours. If nobody sees me post again, then I probably died. I'm far to tired to make more of a post than this.

I love you (You know who you are)
I had to work on December 23rd at 9 PM doing a floorset at American Eagle, and it was scheduled till whenever we got it done.

The kicker was that I had a flight to catch, and me plane was leaving at 8 AM. I went into work mildly stoned but that quickly wore off as the first hour progressed. I ended up finally leaving there at about 5:20 AM because it was just the craziest floorset ever. Last year's was completely organized and took us till about 4 in the morning.

The funny thing is, when I left, they still had a bunch of work to do. I left just because it takes an hour to get to me airport, and we all know how long it takes to check in, sometimes 10 minutes and sometimes 40 minutes. Anyways, when I left, they still had to put all the shit we took off the walls and tables from the front room and put them away.

It should have taken us till about 5 AM, but when I find out what the actual time they left will be, which I'm thinking is around 7 or so, I'm going to laugh in all of their faces.

To continue my story, I left home and went on a ride to the airport and passed out in the car, then on the first plane, I slept for an hour, and then I did the same on the second where I slept for 2 hours.

In total, I got 4 uncomfortable hours of sleep and finally passed out at 11 PM on Christmas Eve.

**** floorsets + traveling so early in the morning.
So! You're moving to a big new town!

First thing to do is kill someone, preferably a mob boss. That way no one will try to **** with you.

Then steal his computer and we'll all be happy again.
It's all "blow me or I'll shoot you" and "give me your money" nowadays. No originality.
Meeting some old school mates tonight at the pubbo.

Also, more shit for MCRCWA 2moz morning so no, go hard go home time tonight :|
Got to hang out with my dad and my scuzz and his fiance whom I haven't seen since I was a ****ing baby. I mean his fiance used to wipe my ass ffs and he used to be my bro and babysit me back when my parents were still together and shit and they'd watch The Land Before Time to put me to bed and shit, then to see them again years later? Tonight was ****ing awesome. I love family.
Posting from my new laptop! Just bought the Acer Aspire, finally have my own computer! Yes!

Takes some getting used to typing on this keyboard though, it's alot different from a regular PC keyboard. Same with the mouse touchpad thing..
Some Australian sent me $5, but PayPal's still not letting me to use $37 (have $50 on my account) because of some shit called PayPal balance.
That actually works out to around five hours for VALVe. Have fun.
Me aunty called me this morning. some of my old play mates had been living near the gas explosion on friday.
Thanks to Koola, Tavipro, and NeptownUK for playing Blood Harvest and Death Toll with me. Was a blast.

Also, Koola's voice wins.

"I have visual on the tank, he's circling the building."
I stayed up til ****ing am playing wit chu!

And you kept killing us!

Epic lulz tho :D
I was at a friends house the day before yesterday.
He was watching this dog, a dog that I had met before.
First time the dog got ready to bite me so I ended up punshing the dog and yelling at it.
This time the mutt was growling at me from behind a soffa, long memory. I tried to make up with her by giving her liver candy and talking in a nice voice. It might take a couple of more tries but we are getting there... Soon we will be the best of friends.
Thanks to Koola, Tavipro, and NeptownUK for playing Blood Harvest and Death Toll with me. Was a blast.

Also, Koola's voice wins.

"I have visual on the tank, he's circling the building."

awww shucks man, enjoyed it too :p cheers
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