Strife Lately 1+2

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That reminds me of the story I read where this mother was a monster and her daughters had to steal live animals to feed her because if it's dead it's not fresh enough, so they stole this guy's dog to feed to her and he was really sad about it but at the end of the story he gets eaten too and he gets reunited with his dog and it's really really happy it made me smile
what the hell? what book is this?
I'm thinking (once again) about taking up Latin American dancing. I've been watching Strictly Come Dancing recently and it's made me really want to take up the Jive, the Salsa (even though I tried Salsa once and I could not keep up with the beat), the Samba, the Rumba, the Argentine Tango and the Paso Doble (yes, I did just list all the Latin dances!). Have any of the other females on here tried latin American dance?
I'm thinking (once again) about taking up Latin American dancing. I've been watching Strictly Come Dancing recently and it's made me really want to take up the Jive, the Salsa (even though I tried Salsa once and I could not keep up with the beat), the Samba, the Rumba, the Argentine Tango and the Paso Doble (yes, I did just list all the Latin dances!). Have any of the other females on here tried latin American dance?

I went to a couple of salsa dance lessons once, but I was so good I never bothered going back. (Couldnt be arsed)

Also : Im not gay!
Yeah for reals mang, Freud was one crazy mother****er

Also I am so ridiculously angry about warm weather in December. I'm so ridiculously angry at the people who are enjoying it. **** you, **** you. You have the spring and summer and even part of autumn to enjoy your warm weather. Leave the winter to those of us who like it when it's cold. I want it to be below freezing at all times and snow at regular intervals. I am so angry.


Perth kicks all your asses with beautiful sea breezes and warm summer days on the beach. Eat it Ohio. Eat it all up i say :p
I ate my first pomelo today. Peeling it wasn't what I expected, and I like the 'richness' of grapefruits more, but it was a pleasant surprise nonetheless.

Also, but a replacement UPS, exact same manufacturer and model (APC ES 350) as my current one. But wait! There are no mounting holes on the back? There's no software nor port/cable to connect it to the PC like my original? You have to freakin' register on the APC website to download their little monitoring service? Speaking of which, why is this file 21MB? They should have given it a different name, like 'diet ES 350' or something. I just transferred the battery, and will keep this in mind for future purchases.
Hey Qonf, have I told you how big it is?

It's like, really, really big.

Do you want to guess? I know you want to guess. Come on, do it.
No, Sloth at you for thinking I'm serious.

I hate you die.
We are having warm spring-like breezes though and that's what is pissing me off

I want the harsh winter wind assaulting the skin on my face with its frigid fury


p.s. i miss snow.

Guys, super important:

the package is NOT fucking around when it tells you super glue bonds to skin instantly.

Also uh...don't test out super glue on the package and then later grab the package to discard, having forgotten where you dabbed that glue.

Not that I'm speaking from personal experience or anything.
Guys, super important:

the package is NOT fucking around when it tells you super glue bonds to skin instantly.

Also uh...don't test out super glue on the package and then later grab the package to discard, having forgotten where you dabbed that glue.

Not that I'm speaking from personal experience or anything.

Darkside Also, completely unrelated, but very important
Darkside The package is NOT ****ing around when it says, "Super glue bonds to skin instantly"
Darkside also
Darkside do not test the super glue on the package
Darkside forget about it
Darkside and pick up the package
Darkside it will not have hardened


Strife Lately, I went to my bach at Piha for a couple or three days, and it was great, and I smell like salt so I'm going to shower.
Nvm about L4D my connection is totally ****ed on that computer for some reason, so I'll have to wait until we finish moving the other one.
I've just made some very simple chocolate liqueur truffles that anyone can make. Here's the recipe:

1. Bring 250ml of double cream to the boil.
2. Take the pan off the heat and stir in 275g of plain dark chocolate until smooth. Add 40g of unsalted butter and again stir until smooth. Stir in 45ml of liqueur (I use cherry brandy but you can use any liqueur. Just pick your favourite!) and mix until even.
3. Using a colander strain the mixture into a bowl and cover with cling film. Place in the fridge for 4hrs.
4. After 4hrs remove the bowl from the fridge and scrape up the mixture using a teaspoon. Just scrape it into as many portions as you can get.
5. Seive 60g (or 50g) of cocoa powder onto a plate and roll each portion intothe powder to coat it (this will also turn it into a traditional truffle shape). You can then put the truffles in paper sweet cases if you want, or just pile them on a plate.

This recipe may sound fairly complicated but believe me it isn't. You should give them a go. And they are damn tasty and moreish!
Well, it takes that long for the mixture to set so if you want to make truffles you have to be patient and wait for that length of time.
Only because you're already 400lbs, and that one more truffle will cause you explode.
*random photoshopped image of a picture of toaster/boomer*
I have made myself playlist i call Left 4 Dead.

Guess when im gonna play it?

Right now.

Playing L4D.
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