Strife Lately 1+2

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Only Revolutions by Mark Z. Danielewski
The Varieties of Scientific Experience by Carl Sagan
I got pissed and ****ed my dads girlfriend..


This is just incredible.
I hate(love) to be crass, but did you ask... you know... who was bigger?

On a more serious note. What've you done since making the post? Does the girlfriend's daughter know? If I were you I'd probably want to just get as far away from all of them as possible D:
Atm I don't know whether to go to bed or not. I'm cold but not tired. I had plannedto stay up and read fanfiction on LiveJournal but the site's down (I don't know what those mods are on. they seem to think that the 22nd December was a Saturday when it was actually a Monday. Plus they say that the maintenece will last from Saturday(?)22nd December 10pm-11pm. I was on LiveJournal last night and there was nothing wrong then! This doesn't give me much confidence in LJ's management skills!). What d'you reckon I should do?
Might be in trouble for a hit and run I performed on someone's truck the other night on my way back from a girl.

If I don't come back for several days, I just want you all to know that I hate each and every one of you shitnecks.
Batman ****ing a female Lycan with every anime character known to man gangbanging Godzilla in the backseat of Bumblebee with Charles Barkley and King Jason of Iolcus and his friend Hercules.
Willie put it in words for me. No, I'm just kidding. I meant that fan-fiction has a lot of mind scarring content in it. Even more than books.
Crude drawings of the events that have been horribly written down by someone with no grasp of the English language would only add to the effect I think.

I see no downside.
In the last 3 shows I've watched they've shown an iPhone/iPod touch.
I want neptuneuk to tell the rest of his story damn it!

Sounds like things are going to get intense!
I don't want to talk about it lol.

(apparently I have a big penis)
Ah you son of a bitch!

You can't just tell bits of a story and then not tell the rest! Gaah...
I like my gf's friends. I really do. Except when me and her are in bed and they're in the ****ing room.
My dog had puppehs today. 4 of them. 3 requests get's pics. (I'm feeling lazy)
I would like to see get's pics.

Also way to bogart Highlander.






Here's Momma Dog.
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